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it was a beautiful day in konoha but...
Tsuneo set out heading to to the small south forest .it was about time he uses his clan specialty.FuuinJutsu.sealing techniques were the Uzumaki's specialty they developed many sealing techniques  that helped maintain peace in ancient times they have created sealing techniques  that are capable of sealing powerful  tailed beasts that caused destruction wherever they set foot.history recorded many story's about legendary Uzumaki's that helped maintaining the peace and balance of this world . it didn't matter to Tsuneo . to him it was the present that mattered to him .not the past or the future because neither will help . the past is already gone the future is whats going to happen in the present and when its done and gone it becomes the past .in fact it all didn't matter the future is the present the present is the past.
but enough of complicated philosophy's  . Tsuneo is logical and philosophical at times ,at times where he has no one to speak too . he'd start thinking of stuff that revolves around him . and he in the end ends up in complicated topics .as Tsuneo reached the small south forest it  was about time to start training.
as a start he needed to think up something the works with his clan's Jutsu the mighty chakra chains of the
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Last edited by Uzumaki Tsuneō on Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:47 am; edited 1 time in total



As Tsuneo cleared is mind from any thoughts both negative and positive .he started thinking of the chakra chains and how he could put sealing jutsu to use  with the chains clones were one thing for attacking his foes but since they are linked to his chakra using them would not work much as they cant use any of his chakra. the Uzumaki chakra chains were a powerful jutsu used for binding opponents and stopping them from chakra use he had to use these chains in his favor and use his main specialty which was sealing . Tsuneo had to think carefully about this one he had to make up a jutsu that bonds with the power of the chakra chains of the Uzumaki clan and a FuuinJutsu on top of that too .it seemed like a hassle really but Tsuneo knew it would make him stronger and so he set out to  create his own technique .Tsuneo planned to create a technique . creating a jutsu can Tsuneo get crazier then this  .that's what anyone would normally think Tsuneo was a genin still he wanted to create his jutsu .while siting with his legs crossed a thought struck his mind "HAHA . that's it . i finally got it" he said it with an excited tone
whatever it was it was most likely the idea for his own FuuinJutsu.he then continued and said "i am hungry" a rumbling sound would come out of his stomach .really it confuses people the idiocy of this twisted mind locked up in his head. one minute he's serious he changes the subject suddenly and with not a single care.

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after eating a bowl of ramen at ichiraku ramen AFTER heading back to the village he went back to the place he loved the most for his training .the small south forest the best place for training in Tsuneo's opinion.after thinking hard he remembered a jutsu that the fourth hokage used to use .he would place tags on kunai and throw them and teleport to where they are whenever he if sealing and unsealing himself in various places . when Tsuneo thought deeply about what the fourth hokage was used to do  . Tsuneo opened his eyes widely it seems an idea struck his twisted brain .Tsuneo stood up and started molding chakra doing hand random signs  as if it was second nature  until he reached the correct combination which was : Horse,Tiger,Boar,Hare,Rat,Dog,hare,Rat,Bird,Tiger,Horse,Tiger,Boar,Hare,Rat,Dog,hare,Rat,Bird,Tiger
Tsuneo then placed the seal on the ground and sealed a lightning ninjutsu that was D-ranked jutsu named Lightning release :shock bullets  .a jutsu where the user generates lightning from his finger tips  in the shape of bullets and shoots them towards the intended target .Tsuneo sealed the jutsu in the seal  he placed on the ground . and slammed both of his palms together as 15 rounds of bullets came shooting straight in the air from the seal.and it seems not only did he create a fuuinjutsu . but he also made the perfect fuuinjutsu that would work with his chains which was great indeed.after having finally made his jutsu he left for his home for a good night's sleep for he was training for ours on the right combination of hand signs along side the right amount of chakra,and so the day ended with Tsuneo feeling fulfilled with his new jutsu.

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