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Mission Info:

Water.  It felt so good to be drenched in the cool water coming from Juyo’s small shower.  He was thankful that he had one in his apartment and didn’t have to go use the village baths as that could lead to a possible encounter with his clan.  As his thoughts wandered to his clan, Juyo’s hands danced around the deep scar down the middle of his chest.  The water from the shower head trailed along the edges of the protruding scar.  Flashbacks of the night his parents died came to Juyo, making him fall back against the shower wall.  Pain seemed to come from the scar as he remembered the clan head tearing open his chest with his bare hands.  Waking from the painful flashback, Juyo shut the water off with a rough swat at the handle.  He brushed his teeth and dried himself off with a towel, quickly getting dressed as the wind rolled through the window of his apartment, chilling his moist skin.  Stepping out of his little bathroom and into his bedroom which also functioned as his kitchen and living room, Juyo picked up a note that was slipped under his apartment door.  Reading it revealed that he was ordered to assist one Ms. Vernia at the Ninja Academy in teaching her students.

[219/1000 Mission WC]



Sitting down to better grip on what the mission order was, Juyo read the note again, hoping he had read it wrong. Again, it said to assist a Ms. Vernia teach her class for the day at the Ninja Academy. He hung his head down and slumped forward, letting his forehead hit the table with a thud. The Dākuchairudō clan was still on the look out for him, and going to the Ninja Academy was the center of town. Plenty of his clan members could possibly be looking for him in the village square. Again, his fingers found their way to the scar on his chest, trailing it from his right collarbone down to the top row of his abdomen. Running into one of his clan was not something he wanted to do at all. Ever. Rereading the mission note for a third time, he saw the ryo payment and looked back at his open pantry. The pantry shelves were empty save for a few boxes of food that he knew were empty as well. He already had eaten the crumbs for breakfast today and needed to get some more food, but food required money and he didn’t have enough to keep him fed for the week. This mission order, however, had enough for the week. Grumbling, he marched for the apartment door.

[444/1000 WC]



He’d have to take the mission and thus risk his life by sticking his neck out in the open for any clan member to cleave willingly.  There was a chance that he’d be able to get away free because it’d be in the public.  The law stated that the clan had to settle it’s disputes internally on their residential plot of land or outside the village.  It was also not allowed for them to murder other Kumo-nin, but Juyo was a part of their clan so that allowed him to be killed.   Thinking this over as he walked down the street towards the village square and the Ninja Academy, Juyo understood that first they’d try to haul him off to their turf and then he’d be killed.  This meant that if he did get caught, he’d still have a little bit of time to try to escape before his death.  However, escaping his clan members would probably be too late.  He needed to come up with a plan where he didn’t get caught by his clan while he walked to the Ninja Academy.  He’d only gotten two blocks away from his apartment when he realized the obvious answer to his problem.  Transformation Technique.  Juyo ducked into a clothing store and went to the changing rooms in the back where he took on the disguise of Ikki Ryuzoji.  It’d been a while since he’d seen his friend, but he was the only person that Juyo could think of at the time.  Using the new transformation, Juyo headed back to the streets, appearing to everyone else as Ikki Ryuzoji.

[723/1000 WC]

Chakra 245/250:



For the most part, Juyo kept to himself as he entered the village center, turning onto the main street and soon got into the Ninja Academy. Once he was sure that he was safe, Juyo dispersed the Transformation Technique and continued walking down the hall. The jutsu seemed to have worked, as he had noticed a few clan members in the streets but none of them caught on to his scent that was blatantly a sign that he was part of their clan. His shower had probably dulled the smell down though, so he quietly thanked his good luck for deciding to shower that morning. Stepping into the class, Ms. Vernia was relieved to see he had arrived. After a bit of an introduction, Juyo began a little speech about being a shinobi of the village and that it meant risking lives every day. He showed the scar on his chest, which made some roll back in sympathetic pain or disgust while others ‘oohed’ over his scar. Juyo lied about it, saying he got it from defending the village, but it wasn’t like any of the kids would know who he was. That is, until one raised their hand and said, “Hey, aren’t you from my clan, the Dākuchairudō? My mommy said you killed my daddy and that you should be a wanted criminal!” Panic struck Juyo instantly and felt a throbbing pain in his chest where the scar was. He could only stutter, “N-n-n-no, you’re mistaken.” But it was too late, Ms. Vernia was asking what the boy meant. Juyo wouldn’t have any of it, and he quickly rushed out into the street, not stopping until he got back to his apartment safe and sound. He knew taking this job had been a bad idea.


Chakra 240/250:

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