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1Standing on the rooftops [Mission] Empty Standing on the rooftops [Mission] Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:04 pm



It was strange, perhaps, that every time that he went out looking for a job he always seemed to end up getting stiffed with something boring and dull, like clearing a library and finding a goldfish and other things like that. However, when he was out on the town just trying to have a nice night, then things started exploding. It was that very reason that he was currently on the rooftops, chasing after some little kid who was running in front of him, holding a spraycan and giggling like an idiot. How did it come to this, he wondered.

Around half an hour earlier, he had stepped out of his house to go find something interesting to do. It shouldn't be that hard, this was an entire village full of people and all he had to do was go to a few restaurants, maybe go to one of the bars where they didn't check ID quite as thoroughly, he could have a pretty nice evening if he got lucky. Well, if he was lucky, not if he got lucky, he corrected himself with a blush. Now, to get on and do what he was doing. He had only walked past maybe five alleyways before he heard the sound of trapped gas being released... no, not like that, stupid reader, get your mind out of the gutter. He turned his head and looked into the alleyway with confusion, wondering exactly what it was that he was missing here. It wasn't too hard to see, even in the dim limelight of the streets, he could see a young boy spraying black paint onto the walls Grafitti? He didn't seem to be part of that group that he had gotten in trouble earlier the same week, could it be the case that there were multiple groups of offenders within the same city? People needed to start being good parents.

Walking into the alleyway behind him, he cleared his throat before waiting to get an answer back, any decent explanation about why the kid was willing to do this. However, instead he almost got a can to the forehead as the boy tossed it and began to run. Oh he was not getting away that easily, Yuu thought with irritation at this boy's cowardice, especially not throwing a can at my head. Tearing down the alleyway after him, they continued their chase until he ran up a wall, using his chakra to maintain his ability to stick to the wall, before getting to the top of the building. He seemed not to expect Yuu to manage the same feat, but as they both reached the top of the building the boy bolted again.

So, here we are, back at where this story started, their feet beating a rapid rhythm across the rooftops of the city as they jumped between buildings, the boy in front determined not to be caught and punished, and the young adult behind determined to win this little competition. He was not normally so competitive, but he could not deny his burning desire to win this. So, blinded by this desire, he leaped forwards, his arms grappling around the boy's waist and catching him... only to be caught, in turn, by the force of gravity. They began to fall, their trajectory destined for the hard floor and to be little more than splats. Red hot liquid oozed out between his lips as he vomited up lava, although his blood seemed to come out unwillingly with it, pooling into the street below. They shared a gaze for a second, the boy wondering why the man would get them both killed in lava rather than just falling onto the stone and.... bounced as he hit the floor, the hot liquid now little more than lava.

They bounced, rolling over and over on the stone street until they came to a stop, Yuu's hands pressing down on the boy's shoulders, his knees pinning down his legs. A single look into the boy's eyes, filled with shock, confusion, a little bit of pain and, finally, the horrific knowledge that he was going to be punished for his crimes. Good, he was no longer filled with the willingness to do anything about it.

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