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1Terrible Parenting [Mission] Empty Terrible Parenting [Mission] Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:31 am



Despite Yuu's lust for adventure that would get him recognized and remembered by the other villagers of Iwagakure, he seemed not to be getting anywhere. So far this week, he had told off unruly kids, he'd helped to organize a library and, shock horror, he had worked as a goldfish savior. He had never thought he'd say the last words, but apparently that was going to go on his permanent record, he was the one who was sent out to save a goldfish from the monstrous beasts of the pond. So, in his newest adventure, what was he going to do? What he was going to do, it seemed, was be a nanny. Yes, that's right, the boy was getting to indulge his femininity by playing the caretaker card. He hoped, as he stood outside the house, that they wouldn't end up being the kids that he had fought against earlier this week. He doubted their parents cared about them enough for them to get a nanny when they were out for the evening, but regardless there was always that lingering chance that it could be someone awkward.

It, thankfully, was not. And that was how, within twenty minutes of coming to their doorstep, he had managed to get them out of the house, and the kids in their pyjamas and in their beds. They, apparently, were all sharing the same room. He was an only child, so he had never had something like that, but still... he smiled at them as they looked up at him, expectantly. He was about to get up and turn the light off, when he heard one of them ask him for a bedtime story. Now, that he remembered with fondness. Although, if he was honest, his stories always seemed to leave a sickly sweet taste in his mouth... talking of which, his hand moved to his jacket pocket and pulled out a little silver ball before tossing it in his mouth. The taste of sweetness and mint just washed over his tongue like a delicious, delectable tide. Picking up the book next to their beds, he looked at it, reading the cover silently "Where is mummy?" that was hardly a strange name for a children's book, when he was a child he was read one called "where's my banana" although that was probably not meant as as much of an innuendo as it sounded.

Sitting down in front of them, he smiled and read "You don't remember how you appeared in this world. At some point of time you felt that you are, you live, and you live near Mommy. Mommy was there all time you knew. You did not see her, but she was here, you cuddled into her and fell asleep. You woke up and felt her sweet smell and her velvety warmth. You want to tell Mommy that you love her, more than anything, but when you tried you only made funny chirping sounds. You were really mad at your mouthie! It did not let you tell Mommy that you love her! But Mommy always knew this! Of course! She knew everything! If you were tired, you'd find yourself on her soft, warm, tummy where you can sleep as long as you want. Mommy knew everything! When your tummy starts aching and asking for "miwkies", her soft and gentle "weggies" would make some magic and you you would find yourself on her "miwkie pwace" where you can drink miwkies . Miwkies! It was more delicious than the last time, every time! It is always the best of the best, the most delicious, most sweet. How does she know everything? It was simple and clear for you. She is the Mommy! So she knows everything and can do everything, just because She is The Mommy. She knew when you got dirty and even when your tummy wanted to make you dirty..."

Twenty minutes later, he was still reading, although slightly concerned for the mental well-being of these kids. "You're lying in the pit, alone. You do not have strength to get out. Your brother, your sister and your Mommy(!) got terrible owwies. All because of you. Because you could not explain to hoomies that you are good, that Mommy is good! And now they're all get meaniest owwies. But you know, even though you're a bad baby, Mommy loves you and will come to you soon and pull you out of the this pit, and will give you "huggies" and sweet miwkies. You lay in the pit for a long, long time. The Great Dark Time came. You're cold, your toesies hurt and your tummy started to rumble. Where is Mommy?" Okay... he was glad that they were asleep because he was pretty sure he'd read a story about child abuse to a bunch of kids. Note to self, have a talk to their parents.


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