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All of them gave somewhat unoriginal speeches about them not wanting to destroy their home, thus Hao decided not to really listen to anything any of them had to say, except for the Hokage’s. After their heroic phrases, Sousetsu was the first to step up to Hao, with his blade stabbed into the dirt and a confidence aura around him.  The second to step up was Takeshi, the fifteenth Hokage. There was something different about the Hokage; but Hao couldn’t tell what it exactly was. The attack was only shortly launched after he finished speaking. The Hokage’s speed was immense; something that could barely be seen with the naked eye; just blurs. Hao’s eyes widened, focusing his vision on one point so that he wouldn’t be distracted by anything else; this was his way of enhancing his focus without the Sharingan, but even then, was forced to activate it. His pitch black eyes converted to the crimson color, but the three tomoe did not appear; instead, those were formed into a new shape, his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan granting him the ability to see two things; the first is noticing what exactly was different about Takeshi before he dashed; it was the chakra around his body that disturbed him. The second is the movements of the Hokage, going at him with immense speed.

With his eyes still widened and focusing upon Takeshi’s movements,  he finally realized the speed was too great to avoid entirely; thus he put the trust in himself and his body. He put his right arm up to the right side of his head and used his left hand behind it to give it more force to block Takeshi’s attack. He trembled for a moment; not because of fear, but because of the momentum used to perform that attack. Now, it was time for Hao’s counterattack. Using his Eternal Mangekyou to determine each and every movements that Takeshi might make, he discovered the hand Takeshi had on stand-by; it was to be used for something, so Hao decided to avoid that hand at all cost. Takeshi was now within Hao’s range, but he wasn’t planning on holding back. The range was close and a perfect opportunity for him. As a follow up on his recovery from Takeshi’s attack, he set a step back two times to get out of reach for the hand that he held ready and began to perform the handseals necessary for the technique he’s about to utilize. Quickly, the handseals were all completely formed and arched his back to build up chakra. “Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku!” he yelled, launching his entire upper body forwards to release a devastating fire-based attack; twenty metres wide, a metre thick and 10 metres high, travelling at 20 MPH. However, the close ranged was the thing that was Hao’s opportunity. Attempting to burn him, he unleashed the flames into Takeshi’s path. This technique was chosen for use due to the range it can reach, together with its size. In addition to that, the wind aura around Takeshi causes for increased damage if hit. This technique causes Hao to be completely out of sight for any of the opponents there, his back facing the Konohagakure borders.





Ukiyo was sitting on a branch, staring at the florescent moon outshine hundreds of stars. No, thousands. Millions...trillions? What comes after a million.... hmmm... Ukiyo swayed her legs in the air, enjoying the crisp breeze. Held in the cradle of nature, she smiled warmly. Cheerful bugs surrounded her, chirping up songs of utter madness. Ukiyo's smile widened, pushing her eyes partially shut with her cheeks. I love this song. Ukiyo giggled as she closed her eyes completely, her feet now swaying faster and faster as she rocked back and forth. Soon, she threw her torso back and wrapped her legs around the branch and hanging upside-down. Her body sways back and forth, slower than her legs did before. The blood began rushing to Ukiyo's head, and in a few seconds she began to draw in breath. Ukiyo then straightened her legs and dropped to the forest floor as she slowly flipped in the air, continuing to breath in. Ukiyo squatted as she landed on the ground and placed her hands out in front of her, helping to catch her weight. She breathed out slowly.

The forest was quiet that night. The bugs' song was rather gentle, and the local wildlife was near non existent. Every now and then a rabbit or deer on its way home past curfew could be heard. Though, even that was stifled by the animals' instincts to remain quiet. As Ukiyo stood up, opening her eyes, she saw rays of moonlight filter in through the canopy overhead. It was lovely, really giving the darkness of the woods a beautiful comparison. Though Ukiyo, like most shinobi, has learned to see in areas of low light like the woods, it is still something she appreciates. We'd be blind. She sticks her hand through the beam, watching it catch her hand and illuminate it. Ukiyo giggles again, amused by the game. She catches the light, releases it, pulls her hand out, and repeats. You're not even trying. One time, she stops, and stairs at her hand. It was covered in dirt, as it usually is, all the way up her arm. Ukiyo tried wiping the dirt off with her other hand, only to realize it had just as much dirt on it already. Ukiyo brought both her hands in front of her face, stared at them for a moment, then began laughing. She was laughing purely out of joy, so happy to be in her home at such an opportune time. The night was beautiful, the temperature fair, and the insects lively. Ukiyo's laughter overwhelmed her, growing in strength.

Eventually, she found herself on the floor, laying on her back and staring up at the canopy when she opened her eyes. Things seemed very still, and even quieter then before. Blades of grass rested besides her head, not moving a millimeter. Suddenly, a far off noise broke the silence of the peaceful woodlands. The sound was feint, but clear: rustling of brush and hurried footsteps. Ukiyo stood up immediately. That was far too fast for any animal. Shinobi. Ukiyo took a deep breath in and sighed. Duty calls. She took off at top speed in the direction of the noise, not wanting to waste any time. She made short work of the distance, flying through branches until she came to what looked like a thinning of the woods. She could see figures on the other side, but couldn't quite make out who they were. As Ukiyo approached the area, she could make out two of the figures. Hokage-sama. And... oh, Sousetsu. Ukiyo thought of Sousetsu the same way as she did any other loyal Senju member: untrustworthy, arrogant, and just a reminder of her parents. Who's that? ...Anbu? The distinctive mask was hard to miss, though it looked obscure from far away. As the she closed the gab, she could make them out clearly. Just as she was arriving, Takeshi took off towards a figure a little further ahead. She couldn't quite see him before, but now saw that it was, Hao... Hao... is here? Why? What's he... Interesting. Ukiyo quickly slipped off her ankle weights and shoes as she walked up to Sousetsu. She was about to ask what was happening, when suddenly a gigantic wave of fire emerged from Hao. It was not only dangerously close to Takeshi, but heading towards the three of them as well. Ukiyo looked up at the wave approaching them wide-eyed. Hao... She was frozen solid by the sight of the flames. Fire resembled death to her, but not just her own. It was the merchant of death for all life, particularly those Ukiyo swore to protect. It was the only thing in this world that struck fear in her like this. She stood still, gripped by her fear strangling her with every breath.




Mitsuo had a feeling his threat had fallen on deaf ears with Hao, the missing-nin zeroing in on Takeshi. He had watched as Sousetsu stepped forward and drew his weapon, drawing a line in the ground as a challenge to the Uchiha, which also seemed to go unwatched. When Takeshi had put his hand on Mitsuo’s shoulder it made him remember exactly why he was protecting this man, his kindness having been something that Mitsuo had been able to cling to since meeting him. He would be willing to lay down his life for this man, though he hoped that wouldn’t be the case. Even with Hao’s reputation proceeding him, he was facing off against three of the most powerful shinobi in the Village Hidden in the Leaves; Takeshi Uzumaki, the Hokage and leader of the Uzumaki clan, Sousetsu Senju, the Sannin Sennin and leader of the Senju Clan, and though he wouldn’t reveal it, Mitsuo Sarutobi, the Captain of Konoha’s ANBU and head of the Sarutobi Clan. Between the three of them Hao’s chances were not the greatest, although none of them would ever be foolish enough to count the SS ranked missing-nin out, knowing full well what he was capable of. As he watched on he noticed it would be Takeshi who made the first move, appropriately as it was Mitsuo who had given the threat and Sousetsu who had drawn the line. He watched the reactions of the Uchiha, waiting to see if his Sharingan would come into play this early in the battle.

Mitsuo watched the movements of the two amazing combatants, his ever watchful eyes peeled to try to see reaction times and attacks. He was normally faster than Takeshi, and he knew this, but something had changed with Takeshi, and Mitsuo wasn’t quite sure what it was. He had now reached a speed that only two others in the village were able to reach, them being himself and Senju, Ukiyo. The assault was a blur, and that’s exactly what Mitsuo’s reaction would be. He saw Hao take his steps back and knew something bad was coming, knowing that he was about to witness one of the jutsus that made the man in front of them such a nightmare. He began to run further to the left (Hao’s right) than before, arcing wide so that whatever was coming wouldn’t be able to hit him and forming a bird sign as he ran. He would form three small pockets of wind in his mouth and fire off the three bullets in rapid succession once he was within thirty meters of Hao, aiming firstly for Hao’s right side ribs three inches below his armpit, the second aiming towards his head but the back of his head so that, were he to move backwards at all it would hit him full on in the side of the head right at the level of his ear, and the same in the same area at the bridge of his nose for the same effect. Directly after this, no matter which way Hao had moved, Mitsuo would stop in his tracks and switch to a Tiger hand sign, firing off a fireball directly at Hao, hoping to, if anything, distract him and deter his attack on the Hokage, the man Mitsuo was sworn to protect above all. He would then draw Seijin no Ken, his trusty katana, in his left hand, blade pointing back past his elbow, flat edge resting across his forearm and blade pointing outwards, and take a defensive stance, his right arm perpendicular to his left, hand with his index and middle finger up in front of his nose, his left arm running across his body, right shoulder back, left foot forward, feet shoulder width apart, and knees bent, prepared to spring at a moment's notice.

Jutsus Used:




OOC: Currently Hao is exhaling a wall of fiery death, that everyone seems to be ignoring...should this MASSIVE wall be ignored, your characters will be hit by it's full force, thus instantly being turned to ash. Please be sure to address this fact in your edits or death will PROBABLY occur.

On a side note: I think I will be looking at nerfing the shit out of this jutsu, after the thread.

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The Hokage's words brushed off of Sousetsu's ears. Sousetsu had given this man before him a choice and was willing to fulfill them. His fit were firm almost digging into the dirt as his blade stood by his side awaiting to be lifted and used for its calling. Shortly after the words that escaped the Takeshi's mouth the Sannin could feel the wind breeze causing his hair flail wildly for a short moment. With his eyes transfixed upon the Uchiha, he could now see Takeshi next to him and charging with the first assault. For a split moment, Sousetsu came to a sense of relaxation as the Uchiha was occupied. It was his time to think of a soloution to their temporary problem. The night was dawning upon them. The stars had revealed themselves to show why the night was beautiful to most people. The alignments and patterns in the sky could almost tell a story with the right imagination and to the Senju, it told him that blood would be spilled on this day. Hao had blocked the Hokage's attempt to attack despite his great speed and the crimson eyes could be shown to greet them. It was not the usual tomoes within the eyes but a rather unique design, one that Sousetsu had barely seen before. 'So this is the great Uchiha Hao's power...' he thought to himself.

As he analyzed the missing ninja's movements he noticed that his hands were beginning to form seals. The Hokage was at a very close proximity and could prove to be a dangerous spot for him. Without much hesitation, the Sannin had to do something. "Takeshi! Move!" Sousetsu ordered. The Uchiha's hand seals were complete and the roar could now be heard in order to continue his counter attack. “Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku!” Hao had yelled. Sousetsu's eyes widened. Fire at that range to Takeshi could prove to turn this battle into his favour. With Sousetsu's warning he could do nothing but hope that he would heed his words and flee before any harm had come onto him. Suddenly, another presence was upon them. Sousetsu turned in an instant to find Ukiyo, another member of the Senju Clan, who was now frozen in place. Fear spread across her like a plague and so he had to come to a conclusion. The fire itself presented itself as twenty metres wide and ten metres tall. A great wall of fire that was fast approaching. It seemed as if time itself had frozen as he noticed the terrified expression of Ukiyo. He had noticed the ANBU operative was already on his way to the Uchiha's right side and unleashing a counter attack which would surely buy them enough time.

Sousetsu, with haste, retrieved his sword from the dirt with his right hand and placed his left hand upon Ukiyo's left side, pulling her so that she was directly behind him as she could not seem to move on her own. Sousetsu leaped a mere five feet from the ground and lifted his high frequency blade above his head. Sousetsu returned Hao's roar with his own. "Suiton: Ōuzu Matoi no Jutsu!" He swung his blade down as a giant water vortex was formed around his blade, standing at ten metres in height and 3 metres thick. It was almost like he was holding a whirlpool to those at a distance. He cut through the top of the wall and made it all the way down so that it was a clear path for Sousetsu and Ukiyo, who stood close by behind him. The vortex was sent crashing down Hao's direction with an incredible force which seem empowered by the Senju's roar. As it was crashing down, the Sannin had landed on his feet once more with his blade slicing into the earth before him. His head was down but suddenly looked up to see if Ukiyo was still frozen before looking to see if his counter attack had hit is opponent or not.

Chakra: 340/370




Takeshi could feel the hard impact he made on Hao. From the hit came a slight pain in his left elbow, though it was nothing that could stop him from fighting anymore. Raising up from his bent stance, Takeshi looked to see if he made a direct hit on Hao. From the looks of it, he managed to block it, which made Takeshi wonder how he managed to see that move. Looking over, Takeshi caught a glimpse of crimson eyes that seemed to glow in the night air. Takeshi wasn't sure as to what form they were in, though he was sure Hao activated his Sharingan. After a momentary pause, Hao took a few leaps back. After which he immediately started to weave hand seals. From this close distance, Takeshi knew that any technique Hao was going to use would be a problem for him. He could hear a familiar voice telling him to move, so he did. Takeshi used what little time he had to switch himself out with a nearby log. This switch would happen almost instantaneous. Nobody would be able to see this until the jutsu that Hao used was done. In one moment, the only thing that showed the brightest was the starts in the sky, however in the next Hao created a flame that burned possibly brighter than the sun. The log that took Takeshi's place was burned in an instant, absolutely no resistance what so ever. It would have probably looked Takeshi died, though the real one was in the tree line, hidden.

He was hidden behind a tree, though Takeshi knew that he couldn't stay here for long. Thanks to the history of times past, Takeshi knew that the sharingan would be able to pinpoint him out soon enough. He would have to take this chance to think of something he could do. It would be dangerous to try and attack him again like that face to face, even though his speed was his greatest asset right now. He would have to create some kind of opening himself, since he couldn't talk to his small team right now. Then he came up with an idea that could work. Takeshi quickly formed a string of five hand seals and release his chakra six different ways. With this, he created six different clones of himself. They wouldn't possess the same speed or chakra Takeshi had as of right now, but they would still prove to be useful. He knew that six clones of himself would be enough to deal with Hao, he knew that Hao was more than capable of taking one or two clones, but six would be another story. After he did this, he came out of hiding to see Hao still using his jutsu. He was covered by his flames from the look of it, but it would seem that Sousetsu made a whirlpool that drilled its way right in the middle of the flames, stopping it completely. When that happened, Takeshi made his move with all six of his clones.

The clones jumped out of the tree line and ran straight for Hao. From the position Takeshi was at, he was to the right of Hao. The first clone reached Hao and did a running punch aimed straight for the right side of Hao's head. The second clone went to the left side of the first clone and did almost the same thing, just aimed for Hao's right rib cage. The third clone would make it to Hao right after the first, as he made an attempt to wrap his arms around Hao's waist to hold him. The fourth clone went past Hao's back and came up to his left side. Stopping in his tracks, the fourth clone turned around and aimed a punch with his right fist for the left side of Hao's neck. The fifth clone followed the same path as the fourth, but instead of a neck blow, he aimed for the left side of Hao's rib cage. The sixth clone would reach Hao first, as he was right behind the first clone. The sixth clone however came up to Hao from the front and aimed a right straight punch for Hao's face. He would have his left arm in front of his torso as he did this, with his right leg in front of his left.

Jutsu Used:





The water-based technique that Sousetsu launched into the direction of Hao finally connected with the wall of fire Hao utilized just previously. The vortex impaled the fire with ease, steam erupting because the water evaporates. With the reaction speed Hao has, he jumps backwards to avoid being hit by the little bit of water that shot through the flames and observed from side to side. He wasn’t fighting just one person; he had to keep that fact in mind. The one that just launched the water technique is still in front of him; of that much he’s sure. The other two are beside that individual; but where’s Takeshi? There might’ve been the possibility that he was burned to ashes in that attack, but he wouldn’t be called by the title of ‘Hokage’ if he were to die that easily. Hao’s eyes remained widened to focus on his surroundings, his crimson eyes shifting from side to side, from scenery to scenery. With one last look to his right, he noticed that Takeshi had already reached his side and was about to launch a punch right to his head; but something was different. His Sharingan allowed him to see the elemental affinity someone uses at the moment, but this one just had the fire chakra within its veins. Without much effort, he sidestepped the punch and moved into a different direction, at the same time on which the second clone attempted a punch at the ribcage, followed by yet another quick step into the same direction to avoid that too; but just by an inch. The third clone, however, grabbed his waist; but Hao didn’t seem to shocked about it. The footsteps of the fourth clone could be heard on his left side, quickly thinking of an escape plan. Quickly gathering the necessary amount of chakra in his lungs and inhaling a concentrating stream of wind, he grabbed the waist of the clone that grabbed his waist and hopped slightly into the air for an extra boost and exhaled all that he had gathered, blowing out into the dirt on the ground, launching himself into the air, taking the clone with him.

As they were blown into the air, the stream of air he exhaled caused a thick cloud of dust to engulf the clones, covering their field of vision. Now, he had to get the clone off him while he was still in mid-air. He moved his head forward; suddenly launching is backwards into the direction of the clone’s head, attempting to loosen the grip and grab the clone’s arm, making a full-body turn before throwing the clone with full force back into the cloud of dust, right in the middle of all the clones. If the impact on the ground was big enough, which didn’t seem to be the problem in Hao’s eyes, the clone would explode into a full body sized fireball, causing the other clones to combust as well. During the turn that he made; he noticed a chakra signal in the distance, which must’ve been Takeshi in hiding. Turning another full round  while performing handseals, inhaling and building up chakra in his chest, at the point of his limit and exhales a large amount of fire, multiple times, into the direction of Takeshi’s location. Each ball of the technique he used was shot in a different direction, though on the same line, attempting to hit Takeshi.





Ukiyo stared at the incoming wave of fire, completely in awe. Her legs wouldn't move; Nothing would move. Her hand trembled as she tried making a seal with it, but it was no use. Soon, she felt a hand gripping her shoulder tightly and pulling her aside. What the- As Sousetsu dragged Ukiyo behind him, he prepared a jutsu that appeared to form a torrent of water around his blade. He leaped into the air and sliced clear through the oncoming wave, steam violently spurting out of it as he fell. As the wave passed around them, Ukiyo suddenly snapped to. It wasn't the heat of the fire that had just missed her by mere feet, nor was it the sudden jolt of being pulled aside. It wasn't her will to live, her dreams, her razor sharp instincts, none of that. Ukiyo watched as the head of the Senju clan saved her life, and she couldn't help but feel incredibly embarrassed. She stood there, utterly helpless to the point where she needed rescuing from one of the very people she swore vengeance against. Ukiyo's face lit up immediately with a rosy pink as she blushed, performing two hand signs and mumbling,

You didn't need to help me, I was fine. The moment she finished her hand signs, Ukiyo's wrapped one arm around Sousetsu in the blink of an eye. She went through the slight gap between his arms and his torso, then proceeded to tap his chest as she placed her other hand on his back. Ukiyo then slipped away with the same speed and took off in the direction of the Anbu off to the side. She slid in towards him with her right foot forward, facing his back. She then tapped him in the same places rapidly, spinning around while pushing the Anbu agent ever so slightly to facilitate her movement. Leaping up so as to not stutter her momentum, Ukiyo hit the ground running towards Hao. She watched as Hao fought the clones with grace, wondering if the real Takeshi was among them. Ukiyo wasn't even halfway there when she saw Hao looking out towards the treeline. Takeshi? He began making hand seals while locking his sight on the trees. Whether the real Takeshi's there or he's just attacking those trees to be a dick, he won't get away with it. Ukiyo threw her weight over her right foot as it came down, appearing to have tripped. Instead, she placed her right hand down and sprang off it, pushing herself forward into a stream of back hand springs. As she did this, Ukiyo began gathering water on her body, which sprinkled out as she moved. Once she had enough water, which didn't take long, Ukiyo bounced off her feet. The momentum from her approach wasn't lost; Ukiyo curled up in the air as she flipped rapidly. The water was now far more than a sprinkle; huge balls of water flung through the air, colliding with incoming fire. Each ball of flame sizzled as they came within range, evaporating on contact.

As Ukiyo landed, she spun herself around on the ground for one last wave. She kicked both feet around in the air, spinning on her hands like a top. With this, 5 balls of water would fly towards Hao in the air, however not with much accurately. Along with them, Ukiyo launched several seeds; one directly towards Hao, three below (one right below and the other two to either side), one to his left, and one to his right. Once she landed on her feet again, Ukiyo took off towards the trees where Hao had been staring. Sure enough, she found Takeshi crouching on a branch overhead. Ukiyo got to him as quickly as she could and hugged him, placing one palm between them on his chest and one palm on his back. When she pulled off, Ukiyo turned back towards Hao silently. She was waiting for either orders, opening, or an attack, whichever came first.



Last edited by Ukiyo on Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total



Out of Character:

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

With the flames of the fiery wall technique extinguished leaving nothing but steam in its place, only to be drifted away by the impact of the force of wind, Sousetsu returned his attention to Ukiyo who seemed to be very flushed at the Sannin. Her rose coloured cheeks began to shine brighter as she formed hand seals and mumbled that she did not need saving. The male Senju grinned slightly as he turned his attention back to the Uchiha. It was a great feeling to Sousetsu deep down that he had saved someone from an attack and a dangerous one at that. This was what he lived for, ensuring the safety of others. Ukiyo then seemed to brush past Sousetsu and felt a slight touch on his chest but only thought little of it. He skillfully swung the sword to cover his body in a defensive stance as the female Senju ran off to the ANBU operative in the distance. He seemed be holding his own, prepared for an attack from the missing ninja. She then glided over to the trees on the opposite side. He had to admit, her speed was that of a high level. What was with the trees however?

The Sannin then took note of what had happened before the counter attack. The Hokage was within the line of fire and there seemed to be no trace of Takeshi on the battlefield. He must have heeded his words and took shelter somewhere in that short time. That somewhere must have been where the female Senju was headed. Looking at Hao before him, he now noticed the clones of Takeshi in an offensive matter surrounding the missing ninja. To his surprise, Hao had simply dodged all of the the clones attacks apart from one that wrapped around his waistline. Then, he noticed another technique used by the Uchiha. It was a technique that his students had used during their training. Launching himself into the air with the clone, Sousetsu readied himself for the worst. Was another powerful technique headed down their way or was this used defensively against the clones? Only time could tell. Of course, he as correct as to making the assumption of an offensive style jutsu but it was not aimed at him but rather the trees where the Hokage, and now Ukiyo, resided in.

The male Senju's eyes widened as the fire balls made their way towards the trees but had noticed that this was also giving Hao his breathing space which he could not chance. He had to be on his toes at all time and so, the Sannin added another attack to the great assault. Sousetsu sheathed his sword with a rather graceful swing and began to form hand seals and muster up the amount of necessary chakra for his next technique. After the technique was prepared, the Sannin let out a mumble as he tried not to grab attention to himself. "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu!" Almost instantly, a dragon in the form of water emerged from the ground and began to charge at the Uchiha. Its size would surely grab his attention and if not, its roar would have.


Chakra: 320/370



The third clone wrapped his arms around Hao in hope that it would give his fellow clones a chance to get an attack in. The clone must have slightly underestimated Hao, he didn't expect him to be able to avoid all the attacks. He didn't know whether it was his sharingan or just battle experience that gave him that ability. It was probably a combination of both things, it was still quite a surprise. He wasn't however able to avoid the grab that the clone made, though it didn't seem to make a difference. The clone could feel Hao getting ready to do something, though he didn't want to let go, he felt like he could hold him long enough for his fellow clones to make another string of attacks. They didn't have enough time to make a comeback, after a moment, Hao fired off a jutsu that make a huge cloud of dirt that covered a wide area. The clone that was still wrapped around Hao could no longer see his allies, even if they were close by. In that same moment, Hao took off into the sky with a jump, which took the clone by surprise. The quick leap caused the clone to become slightly dizzy. That didn't last long, though it lasted long enough for Hao to throw the clone off of him. From the way the clone's body was, he would hit the ground first, though he had plenty of time to do something before that point. He began to weave some hand seal while filling his lungs with chakra. While he was doing this, he could see Hao forming hand seals. Within a few moments, he was ready to fire off his jutsu which would have happened right before Hao fired off his, though he interrupted by a fellow clone that snatched him out of the sky. This cancelled out the potential jutsu, as they landed thirty meters away from Takeshi. The third clone found himself among the other five clones. They must've found their way out the dirt cloud, though it was to be expected. It was obvious to the third clone that they had something planned. At that moment, Hao fired off his jutsu which was aimed straight for the tree that Takeshi was in.

In that tree, Takeshi watched from a safe distance. He was analyzing Hao's fighting, waiting for an opening. It occurred to him quickly that he would need to do something more than just crow him with clones. Takeshi was fully aware of the sharingan's power, so he was trying to pick out the important battle details. From what he could tell, anything that was within his 180 degree view, he could avoid. He watched as he simply sidestepped most of the attacks and take off into the sky. He threw the clone that managed to wrap itself around Hao, though he was saved by another clone. It was good that he had all of his clones still, though after that attack, he no longer had too much control over their actions unless he told them himself.  He didn't worry about that small detail too much, since they were all him, so they could think of something with no problem. After Hao threw the clone off of him, he fired a jutsu in the general direction of Takeshi. There multiple firballs heading for him, though Takeshi would have no problem dodging most if not all of them. He quickly found that he didn't need to do all that, because just as he was ready to take off, the fireballs were cancelled out by several water balls which came from Takeshi's right side. From that same string of attacks came five more balls of water headed straight for Hao. Along with that came something else, though Takeshi couldn't really see it in detail.  At first he thought that maybe Sousetsu did that, though he was proved wrong. It was Ukiyo, after a quick hug, Takeshi could feel that Ukiyo placed something on him. He knew what it was, so he didn't need to worry. Turning back towards Hao, he could see a dragon made of water heading straight for Hao. Turning back to Ukiyo he opened his mouth and spoke in low, commanding tone.

Listen, we can't expect to hit him with a head on attack. We're going to have to attack from all sides. We're also going to have to deal with that sharingan of his. He's fast as well, so that combined with his sharingan makes him a serious threat. We can't afford to do anything foolish. Our objective now is to keep him on his toes and take him down. Watch for an opening so we can make our move. After he said all of this to Ukiyo, he made a sign with his hand in order to get his clones attention. They saw him and made their way over to him. Takeshi moved from his branch and went to ground level with his clones in order to talk to them. He whispered a few things and they went their separate ways around the tree line. Each of them were only forty meters away from Takeshi, which would give them enough room move around how they saw fit. Takeshi himself didn't change his original position, he knew that there was no point in moving around because Hao would find out where he was anyway. He was curious to see how Hao would react to the attacks that was sent his way. It would be hard to maneuver in mid air unless he had a little help. Takeshi readied himself for anything that could happen, since anything could happen.





Hao has 24 hours to post. If he does not, the outcome of the thread will be decided by the remaining participants.

This has gone on long enough.




Hao has not posted within the given time-frame. Therefore it will be up to the participants in this thread to decide the outcome.

As Takeshi is the highest ranking attacker, and the Hokage, the decision (for time's sake) will fall to him or whoever he leaves the responsibility with. Takeshi, or someone else with Takeshi's permission should post in this thread (Either OOC or IC, up to them) and detail what happens to end this thread. If a post hasn't been made here within 48 Hours then I will decide what happens.



OOC: After my post, only Mitsuo is allowed to post. His post will close this thread completely.

Watching the jutsu that was sent in his direction, Hao couldn’t do anything to stop it. He took the full force of the attacks that both Sousetsu and Ukiyo made. These jutsu crashed into Hao causing a sudden burst of water in all directions, which was the moment that Takeshi took actin. Along with his other clones, Takeshi jumped from the tree at full speed, his black coat rippling behind him. He managed to make it to Hao while he was still in mid-air, using the opportunity to knock him to the ground with his right hand aimed directly towards his head. Using the momentum gathered from the jump, Hao was sent flying towards the ground, but not before Takeshi’s clone caught up to him. His clones zooming straight past the original who was falling towards the ground. The clones caught up to Hao who was falling towards the ground at an exponential rate. Two of the clones punched Hao on either side of his face while another clone came in with a swift kick to the torso, following through until contact was made to the ground. Once Hao made it to the ground, he along with the clone who kicked him in the torso crashed through multiple trees, eventually dragging through the dirt which made a path. When this path is followed, one would be able to see Hao amongst trees that had fallen near him. By this time, the clone that kicked him was dispersed due to the sheer force of multiple impacts by trees and the ground. Unfortunately, there was no time for Hao to rest or recover because Takeshi was making his way through the devastated area. Pushing trees aside he had his eyes fixated on Hao, tunneled visioned, no other thought in mind. Making his way to where Hao was, Takeshi picked him up with his left hand by the collar of his shirt. As soon as he picked him up, he noticed that Hao’s eyes were bleeding. He quickly examined Hao’s body and could see that both of his hands were bloody, his fingers being the darkest shade. From that he was able to tell that Hao must’ve destroyed his eyes himself. He could still see that Hao was breathing, he was indeed a strong warrior. Like I said when this first started, you would have made a great addition to Konohagakure. I’m disappointed that it ended up like this. With that said, Takeshi raised his right hand and gave Hao a blow to the head, impact of which could be felt within the immediate area. This blow was enough to knock Hao out cold, no doubt about that.

Still holding Hao in one hand, Takeshi began to ponder about what he should do next. He thought about this, though he already knew what he had to do. He couldn’t have another attack like this from Hao, he was too much of a risk at this point. He already stated what his plans was a long time ago, and just by coming back here, he was showing that he meant what he said. He felt that it was his duty to take care of this threat himself, so he did what had to be done. Raising his right hand back up he landed a few more hits to head, each hard enough to kill a normal man. His amber eyes gazing down on Hao’s lifeless body as he placed him back on the ground. He could tell that Hao was no longer here, though he wasn’t heartbroken. He cut off the supply of chakra he had running throughout his body, being able to feel the real weight of the world around him. Reaching down into his pockets, he pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. Putting the cigarette in his mouth, he lit it up and took a deep breath. After doing this he felt at ease. Turning around he watched as the ANBU agent landed on the ground and immediately went into a kneeling position in front of Takeshi. Looking down upon him, he released smoke from his lungs and spoke a stern tone. Chita rise. Takeshi said in an authoritative tone. Take care of Hao’s body, make sure he’s dead and destroy it completely. After a momentary pause, Takeshi began to speak again. Good job out there, you did well. Placing his hands into his pockets, Takeshi walked off towards the village. He wasn’t tired, and he had to make sure everything was okay with the village. He vanished with enough speed for even the most trained ninja to be unable to tell which direction he took off to.

-Exit Thread-



Mitsuo almost couldn’t believe the sight unfolding in front of his eyes. He watched as the torrent of attacks made their way to Uchiha, Hao and was almost shocked to see each of them land. Ukiyo and Sousetsu had worked together perfectly and their execution was flawless. He watched as Hao stumbled and then saw Takeshi out of the corner of his eye preparing to finish things. The attack was a blur, and all Mitsuo could do as it happened was begin to speak the final words Uchiha, Hao would ever hear.

“Uchiha, Hao. You have committed heinous crimes against the entire shinobi world.  You have murdered countless people, including five Kage. You have destroyed four villages and the entire Iron Country. You are a murderer and you are scum, and your final mistake was coming back to Konohagakure no Kato. This will be your end, it will not be glorious and it will not bring you fame. Nobody will mourn your loss and the shinobi world will be made better today by your death…” He watched as Takeshi tore Hao apart with his torrent of powerful attacks, bringing him right to the brink of death. Mitsuo could hear raindrops falling in the distance, closing the gap quickly and he then felt them hitting his head as me made his way over to the Hokage, who was clutching a nearly lifeless Hao. He knelt before his master, watching a puff of smoke rise up in the rain, and spoke. “Hokage-dono, please, this is my job, let me end this monster once and for all.” The hokage turned and told him to rise, which he obediently did, not daring to disobey Takeshi in his current state.

“Take care of Hao’s body, make sure he’s dead and destroy it completely.” Mitsuo bowed and smiled beneath his mask, thinking gladly to himself. He drew his sword and walked towards the bloody body of Uchiha, Hao, seeing the blood streaming from where his precious eyes had been in his face. A pity Mitsuo wouldn’t be able to take the eyes of Hao as a trophy but he would have something to remember the fight by. He took the legendary weapon off of Hao’s body and put it in his bag before taking his own sword and placing it on Hao’s neck.

“Requiescat in pace, Uchiha, Hao.” The words had become iconic to him, having used them before killing each of his victims, something more for himself than anything else. He lifted the blade and in one swift cop brought it down upon the Uchiha’s neck. He watched as the head rolled, the amazingly sharp blade easily cleaving through the neck and spine of the now dead missing-nin. There was a crash of lightning in the sky and the rain seemed to be picking up above them as he dragged the lifeless body of Hao under a nearby tree, where he was protected from the rain, and made a horse hand sign. He then allowed a steady stream of fire chakra to escape from his mouth in the form of a thick gunpowder, which surrounded the body before Mitsuo lifted his mask slightly and bit down on the flint in his teeth, igniting the powder and searing the body of Uchiha Hao to the bone, leaving nothing behind. He bagged the bones to be safe and took them back to the village with him as he left, walking back to the village which would never truly know how close they had come to eradication once again. They had protected the village from the most villainous scum to ever make his way out of Konohagakure no Kato in the past hundred years, and now the world was a little safer for it.

Mitsuo felt the rain falling on his head and he ran his fingers through his slick wet hair, smiling under his mask as he went. Sousetsu, Ukiyo, Takeshi and himself had just accomplished a task which so many had failed at in the past, and he couldn’t help but feel a stab of pride at the feat. He realised that killing Hao would put a massive target on his back from other missing-nin, but he didn’t care.

Let them come, eh nii-san? We will take all comers. Let them test their might against the Chita Sennin, the Sword Saint of Konoha, and let them fall to my blade. We would have made father so proud today..

With that he made his way back to his compound, where he could finish burning the bones of Uchiha Hao, and file a report on what had just happened to the village to the Hokage, sitting down at his desk and sighing as he removed his mask and poured himself a glass of rye. He took a sip of the potent alcohol and dipped his pen in the ink, scribbling the beginning of his report and listening to the pitter patter of the raindrops hitting the roof, briefly glancing towards the bed where Hyuuga Kimaru slept peacefully in his bed. That was why Mitsuo fought, that was why he did what he did, and he was so proud of that.


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