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1A boring day [Mission] Empty A boring day [Mission] Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:11 pm



It was perhaps strange that every single mission that Yuu had been on recently had been relatively peaceful. Even that mission where the brat had threatened to stab him with a kunai, he'd not been hit once. Sure, they'd attacked, but he'd managed to deal with them before he had to do anything more than aim an attack at him. Now he was back to doing something peaceful, but it was also incredibly dull. Still, dullness.... that was anew one for this week. This week he'd been attacked by little kids and been pranked by someone who he still believed threw a goldfish in a pond for no reason other to bother the local genin who could be doing something actively productive for the village, and now he was just working here like a normal person, cleaning the library like a common urchin. He was a ninja of the Kanetsu family, damn it! He belonged to the same blood as the kage, why was he the one being asked to clean up the library. Still, like he'd said back at the pond, a job is a job and whatever happened he was always going to have to do what a job meant, even if there was no recognition, even if he was just joining scores of people who had done the same job before him, there was one important factor in his doing this job: It paid really damn well

As the library opened for the day, the large double doors swinging open almost ominously, Yuu walked inside slowly. It wasn't so much that he didn't want to do the work as... he didn't want to do the work. There were so many better things he could be doing! He could be working on a new style of blade, or he could be researching beautiful and exotic weaponry from far off lands, or he could be fighting missing nin to try and protect the honor of the village... but, no, they wouldn't allow him on such jobs until he was a few ranks higher, and even with his team that he had not yet managed to meet he was lost. They were supposed to be helping him get to where he needed to be in life, yet they didn't even do something as simple as act like a free pass to get him onto a higher ranking mission. He was never going to get to do important jobs for the kage if he was always stuck doing monotonous stuff like stacking books in the library.

Still, he picked up the books he was supposed to stack without complaint, and moved into the sections of the library that he was supposed to stack books in. Okay, books written by Anderson went under A, and those written under the name Hiroyagi would go under H, and... this carried on for a long time, every time that he came to a new book he had to move to a bit later down the shelves. He appeared not to care for the fact that he was working wrong, if he had just checked the other books in his pile he could have organized them alphabetically and then not have to move about so much, but this wasn't engaging his brain enough to make him want to work. Instead, he was just doing it the difficult way, and although it was made longer and more monotonous by his paltry insistence on doing it his way, the job was eventually done. the pile having grown shorter with each load since he started. Finally, he could rest, and maybe get a better job.

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