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It was mid day and Matsu had been hanging out in the Ramen shop, picking up some food to eat. The sun was high in the sky and it was a bright day. The sunny blue sky put a smile on the boys face and there seemed to be nothing that could ruin the mood of this perfect day. With his bowl in front of him, he would continue to eat his ramen, content to eat away his day right here relaxing. 

Just when he thought the day could get no better... He was absolutely right. A jounin would make his way into the Ramen shop, placing his hand on Matsu's shoulder. Looking straight up at the Jounin, Matsu's face would show a bit of disappointment, he'd just been thinking about how awesome the day had been. He said nothing to Matsu, only placing a single envelop down next to he boy's hand, then left as quickly as he had showed up.

Well whats all this then... Thought Matsu as he picked up the envelope. Huh... Another C-Ranked mission... Opening the envelope up, he'd pull out the information as he leaned back in his chair. So there's supposed to be a break-in tonight huh...?  Folding the envelop back up, he'd place it into an inside pocket on his vest before grabbing his hat and placing it on his head. It was sheer luck he'd decided to wear something a bit more classy. The last thing he needed was to allow the robber to know he was a shinobi. Placing money on the counter, he'd walk from the bar, fixing his hat as he looked at the sky.

The mission stated that the robbery wasn't supposed to be going down tonight, so he could probably take his sweet ass time getting there, but he wouldn't do that. He was supposed to be on a mission of the utmost importance to him, at least for now. So with a quickness, he reached the shop where he was supposed to meet the shop owner. It was a familiar face. In fact, just a day or two ago, Matsu had escorted this guy into the village. Oh boy... This guy again... He thought with a straight face. Just as he had suspected, the shop owner had gotten himself into some sort of trouble. 

Why if it ain't the little ninja! The shop owner said with a smirk on his face. He ran his hand along his balding head as if there was hair and Matsu couldn't help but smile. Had he not caught himself, he might have laughed aloud and that would have been rather rude, even for Matsu. 

It's nice to see you again Mister Housuki. Matsu wasn't really interested in seeing this guy again, but this was a job and when you're on the job, you have to look professional. He'd bow once before continuing. I understand that the robbery will be occurring tomorrow night. Do not worry, I have thought up a plan for everything we'll need... 


Hatake Sagara

Hatake Sagara

With the sky partially cloudy, with the sun shining past the clouds with a small ray of light, it was obviously already miday, Sagara hadn't realized the time and was walking through the Village, taking in a gaze of the scenery and feeling the cool breeze of the wind when he finally came across the Mission Outpost, he had ran out of Ryo and needed to do some more missions in order to gather some more supplies. Showing a small smirk on his face, he dug his hands into the pockets of his robe, walking inside to take a look at the missions available for him, he was only a Genin with no past experience, so he decided to take something a little easier, a C-Rank mission.

Scouting through the lists of needed work around the Village, a certain one peaked his curiousity, a break in was supposed to occur at a weapon shop, and this would probably require some use of force to fend off any intruders that were going to try and rob the place, yet Sagara had no equipment or jutsu to use against an intruder, but he did have training with Bukijutsu, and it was a weapon shop, he could simply just improvise a little if worse comes to worse, as he tore the piece of paper off the wall he was ready to head for the shop with no time to waste.

The mission said that they might need some less obvious clothing in order to not set off the intruder, thankfully Sagara wasn't wearing anything too serious, so he was pretty safe. Since there was no real rush for him to get there, he decided to walk instead of run, it wouldn't be that bad if he showed up just a little bit late would it? Perhaps a little speed walking was in order if he didn't want to fail this mission before it even began..

Once he finally neared the entrance to the weapon's shop, he took one look up to the sign above it just to make sure he was in the right spot, and slowly opened the door to greet the shop owner. As soon as he entered, he had noticed the man talking to the Shop Owner, was he perhaps a customer? Regardless, Sagara pulled out a small piece of paper showing that he had taken this mission, and showed it to the balding shopkeeper, with a quick reply to Sagara. So I take it you two are both helping me with my little problem?

Sagara glanced back at the man next to the Shopkeeper, eyeing him up and down quickly, and let off a nonchalent shrug, asking Hope you don't mind if we take this mission together, do you? He wasn't really a lone wolf, so he had no problem taking some help from another Shinobi, in fact he didn't quite think he'd be able to do this mission by himself in his current equipment, so he was glad that he had someone on his side hopefully, and from the looks of it, this Shinobi wasn't very equipped either.




It didn't take long before another shinobi would arrive on the scene. Though he arrived a tad later than Matsu, who was almost deliberately walking a bit slower than he needed to which came as a surprise. Nevertheless, the guy was there and that's what was important. 

Mister Housuki here is our client. Matsu said with a wide grin stretched across his face. He would bow once more to the newcomer, mentioning his name. Matsumura Hashikawa at your service. Then begin speaking about the mission before even asking the name of the newcomer. Apparently, tomorrow night, there's supposed to be a robbery here. So... We'll be spending the night here, patrolling all day, and watching during the night. You don't seem to have any weaponry, but that's cool, we're supposed to restrain him, not kill him. With a tip of his hat, he began to walk throughout the store, perusing the merchandise. Holding his hands behind his back, he would examine the integrity of the merchandise. Why is it that this guy is always being targetted. He just got into Konoha so why would anyone know to rob him. Why would anyone WANT to rob him. Its surprising that officials haven't looked into this case yet. Reaching his hands for one of the daggers that was set up on a rack, he'd run the tip of his finger along the blade, slicing his finger a little bit. Ack, fuck! He said softly. 

Looking at the blood which slowly beaded up on the wound, he'd put the tip of his finger in his mouth in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Continuing to walk forward, he'd place the dagger back on the rack, making his way down the aisle that held flak jackets. He never did understand the appeal of a jacket designed to soften blows. If you avoid getting hit altogether, you don't have to worry about softening blows. He thought with a smile on his face. Running his fingers along the flak jackets he'd look at the insignia on the back, denoting his own clan and its connection to the hidden leaf. 

Next he'd move to the survival aisle, making sure to grab a sleep roll. He'd sling it over his back as he walked to the back of the store, unrolling it in a closet. Yelling out to the front of the store, he'd begin walking back to the front to take a look at the time. I've picked my spot to sleep. He'd head outside through the front door, looking at the now setting sun. He spotted vantage points in his mind as he scanned the area. One was atop the roof of a building opposite the store, another was the alleyway to the side and the last could be the Ichiraku Ramen shop down the street. The Ramen shop had no doors, meaning spying as a solicitor would be quite easy. 

Looking up at the sky which was dark with the beginning of night, Matsu would lean up against a wall with his hand on his face. His hat was tilted up a slight bit and he yawned once, just rethinking his day. It had been eerily calm all day. It was a good time to be raised in. There was so little war and so little organized crime. It almost made little sense to be a shinobi in this world at the time. He wasn't complaining though, it was a job better than anything he could see himself doing. After mulling the idea around in his head a bit, he looked up at the sky once more before returning to the inside of the store.

I'm going to lay down and wait until morning, find me if you need me. He'd go to his closet, cracking the door and laying with his back on the bedroll...

It was there that he stayed until morning, not getting a wink of sleep the entire night. When the daylight came, he was wide away, watching as the entire store began to light up with the light of the sun. Opening his door, he'd prepare the store for the incoming robbery by hiding many of the more valuable weapons. From that point, it was only a waiting game. It was a simple task, wait for the robber, arrest him, keep it moving and as night fell, that's exactly how things went down. The robber attacked, managed to break a window which was an obvious clue that he was robbing the store. Matsu reacted quickly, taking the young man and restraining him using a couple of the tools found in the store.

From there, Jounin arrived on the scene to approve the completion of the mission via the stamping of the envelopes and Matsu left immediately after.

820 + 526 = 1346 Words. Mission complete.

Hatake Sagara

Hatake Sagara

Listening to what the man had to say, Sagara nodded and bowed towards the Shop Keeper, and then the man named Matsumura, while listening, Sagara began to look around the room, checking out where certain pieces of inventory were, checking for any back entrances or potential exits, and turned around once the Genin was finished and nodded. I am Sagara Hatake, a pleasure to meet you both. Matsu had described the scenario of the mission, nothing he hadn't already read over in the details, the intruder would arrive at night, force would be needed, and the two would be patrolling during day.

Sagara nodded once more, Alright, sounds simple enough. Suppose I should investigate the shop just to get a good sense of where the intruder might go. As he turned the heel of his foot, and began to search the shop of it's wares. Nothing too extreme, just some simple weapons and tools, kunai, shuriken, flak jackets, etc. But what really interested him was the several types of swords they had in stock, odachi, ninjato, uchigatana, they had it all. Quite an interesting sight for a Genin trained in Kenjutsu, while he didn't have a sword to call his own yet, once he had collected enough Ryo he'd finally be able to truly begin his training, but currently he hadn't the foggiest idea of jutsu, and had no equipment.

Hearing Matsu yelp in pain as he cut his finger on a dagger, Ack, fuck! he turned to see Matsu trying to stop the bleeding on one of his fingers, it wasn't wise to play around with sharp things, or items that the two were supposed to be protecting, so he rolled his eyes and kept searching for anything that could help him with the intruder. When he turned around to look at the next section of the store, he noticed Matsu looking at the back of a flack jacket, with a red whirlpool like shape on the back of it, it was just a regular flack jacket, why was it so interesting? Surely he had his reasons and Sagara was going to stay out of it.

I've picked my spot to sleep. Matsu exclaimed, Sagara had been looking through the store so much he had forgotten the time, it was nearly nightfall and Sagara still had a lot to plan, so he began to walk double time, grabbing a futon from the Survival Section and placed it in the storage room, behind one of the large crates carrying a shipment of some items. While he wasn't ready to sleep quite yet, he was just getting ready for the robbery, he wasn't quite sure how he and Matsu would restrain the intruder, but it wouldn't be that hard, after all the man was a civilian, not a Shinobi, a few weapons wielded by an untrained thug weren't going to stop two Shinobi, even if they were just Genin. So he stepped outside to look up at the sky, as he took in a deep breath of air, and went inside to sleep for the night. It wasn't that hard for him to sleep in new places so long as the area was somewhat quiet, so he'd be ready in the morning.

It wasn't even day when Sagara woke up, the sun was barely up and he could see all the lights in the Village turning on slowly, the gears of the Village sped up faster and faster as everyone woke up to go to their jobs, now all he could do was wait for the intruder to try and make a move and Matsu and Sagara could capture the man. The two had hidden most of the valuable items from actually being stolen, just in case they failed. And night eventually fell, hearing a window smash, Sagara and Matsu were instantly alerted to his presence and sprung into action.

The two were able to capture the man, and waited for a Jounin to arrive and waited for him to approve the mission by placing a stamp both of their letters, seeing Matsu walk off, he raised two fingers and partially saluted, it was his way of saying 'See you later.'

535 + 722 = 1257



Sagara is Approved

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