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Tsuneo went on another mission .its good really hes been gaining all sorts of experience lately teaching academy kids .  kicking the arse's of some idiotic rogues on the docks.but this time it was completely different.he had to help and old lady do her stuff  and help her get around.for starters he had to go get her some stuff and help her get around.after taking the mission he went to her house luckily her house was near Tsuneo's house its only a short fifteen meters walk  from her house to his.after greeting her and asking her what she needed  for him to buy.the things she needed were a bit much . Tsuneo thought it would be better to note down what she needed him to he got out of her house he checked the piece of paper he used to write her stuff.the list was a little long but he had to do it not because its his mission he just wanted to help her .the way she spoke to him  .the feeling he felt from her was similar to  the feeling he would feel from his mother while speaking to him back when she was alive.
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reading the piece of paper he wrote on to start buying her stuff her list had the following items needed:
- four Apples
- eleven Sweet potatoes
- three Tomatoes
- two packs of instant ramen
- one pack of Sunflower seed
- one pack of Rose seed
- three boxes of Green Tea
- Perfume
- two pieces of Granny Underwear
"wait WHAT?!" said Tsuneo in a shock of what he read his mind was drifting away into thoughts while writing it seems . he never realized he wrote 2 pieces of granny underwear "when i mentioned am interested in older women.i never really meant this" it cant be helped
Tsuneo went ahead walking to the market area he started at a grocery store Tsuneo followed the  list from the top in an orderly manner to keep everything neat .he started off by buying four apples he disliked half assed work he made sure he picked nice looking and a high quality apples .after taking four apples he headed to were the sweet potato's at.just as he did the apples he made sure to pick good locking sweet potato's after taking eleven of them .he moved along and crossed them off his list with a pen he had in his pocket.he then went to where they kept the tomatoes and bought three fresh looking tomatoes after a while of grocery he had instant ramen to buy and so he moved to a store that sold so.

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after moving on to a different type of store  a store that sold instant ramen  packs he bought her two packs of ramen and crossed them off of her list.after so he went to the flower shop to buy her one pack of Sunflower seed and one pack of Rose seed . and  so he did and crossed them off of his list.he then moved to different stores where he bought three boxes of green tea and  a perfume he picked carefully choosing the best scent he sniffed.

after buying everything on her list the ultimate challenge had remained it was difficult still he did it he had to go buy her two pieces of granny underwear and so he did from the nearby inner wear shop.
after buying everything on her list and bringing it back to her  he took her dog for a  small walk around town both  the dog and Tsuneo seem to have enjoyed the walk .surprisingly as well her dog who doesn't like people seems to have taken a liking  to Tsuneo .after taking the dog for a walk he  went back to feed her cat he bought cat food just in case she didn't have .after feeding her cute cat that Tsuneo got stuck on for hours he helped her around the house by clearing the dust using a broom and by sweeping the floor and cleaning the dishes.after fulfilling her every need
right as he was leaving she stopped him and had him stay to eat a cake with her after so he thanked her and left  for his home after reporting by then it was night time

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