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1Helping the Academy [D-rank, Repeatable] Empty Helping the Academy [D-rank, Repeatable] Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:10 pm



Tsuneo got assigned to  a new mission he received instruction on what he   has to do the mission did not work one bit with Tsuneo's personality .he had to tutor some academy kids he had this mission assigned to him forcibly by his sensei . he didn't have much choice but to do it he needed money and if there is a mission he'd gladly take it . but this time it was different . Tsuneo did not know how to interact with other as a kid he was at the top of his class he didn't need any help  kid's envied him and viewed him as genius but that was not true Tsuneo knew that diligence is all it takes or a shinobi to be successful  , diligence is what makes a genius  that's the idea Tsuneo had kept in his mind .
but it is what it is  changing the subject doesn't change the fact that he has to train the academy kids.
"what a pain in the ass i have to teach some kids"said Tsuneo with a bothered tone. the motivation was absolute Zero . Tsuneo liked fighting teaching some annoying kids is definitely not one of his likes.
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Last edited by Uzumaki Tsuneō on Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:29 am; edited 1 time in total



Tsuneo cleared his thoughts and continued walking to the academy after stopping by at a Dango he reached the academy his class was quite thankfully although something had been dropped on his  head...
it was a board eraser.the pissed off Tsuneo started generating lightning in his hands  but it seems the kid who obviously was the one to do it."o sorry sensei i didn't think you're stupid enough to fall for it"said the idiot arrogantly.he  obviously never knew how Tsuneo is when pissed off. Tsuneo then makes a gun-like pose with his hands both middle and index finger extended. and aimed near the boy's head .scaring the hell out o him and the kids.Tsuneo thought it would be better if he introduced himself"I am Tsuneo Uzumaki you're loving teacher for the day" said with a sarcastic tone.he continued later on after clearing his throat "Its nice to meet all of you little fuckers .oh hand by the way if any of you wants to go home without an arm a leg or even a head.go ahead and piss me off"histone was calm his smile was a nice but his words had the student trembling at the edge of their seats.
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Last edited by Uzumaki Tsuneō on Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:30 am; edited 1 time in total



as Tsuneo sat with the children  he taught them many things they needed to know. the basics  about the will of fire as well chakra control and many great things.recently he was affected by one he considered a friend "listen you kids . life wont spare you in fact it'll torture you .the pain and suffering is yet to come .still you kids should stand strong .dont be  led astray and let revenge consume you i was like  that . and if it wasn't for the help of this friend of mine i would have  been led astray by my hatred.still even tho suffering is coming dont there is much happiness to come.but no matter what you should value you're life and live on " Said with a calm caring voice by that time it was the end of the day he thought the best lesson he could give them was sharing these words to them.who knows maybe one day these words will guide them and  lead them back to the correct road.Tsuneo went home as he finished his job after reporting .it was a nice mission unlike he had expected but a tiresome one indeed he had to run around behind  the children still doesn't mean it wasn't fun  

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