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1Mail Call [C-rank Mission] Empty Mail Call [C-rank Mission] Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:03 pm



Ukio was walking through the village, just minding his business as he always did, moving to the entrance of the village, he always laid on the rocks and simply stared at the clouds. He had a specific spot right next to the gates, he knew the Jonin significantly and was never told he couldn't.

It was in this time that he was looking at the birds in the sky that he noticed that they were not regular free flying birds, but actually pigeon messengers. Ukio pondered why they were being sent out in mass and he would soon have his answer. He saw one of the pigeons dive towards him, his eyebrows raised in thought, shifting his body to sit up as he held out a hand for the pigeon to sit on. He looked at it, its head moving back and forth. Ukio stared at it momentarily before taking the message from the pouch attached to its leg, allowing it to fly away. He watched it fly out of his sight before he unrolled the message.

"We are in dire need of mailmen, this is your summons, please attend to the mail office", he scoffed reading it over and over in his head, a day off ruined by a bird, wonderful. He got up off the rock, the Jonin seemed to already know the situation, sneering at Ukio mockingly he smiled and shrugged them off. He was going to go on his first mission, not something he fancied but none the less would provide him some form of fun, and money to bat with it.

He made his way into the mail office, people running everywhere, a man yelling at others to where letters needed to go, others running out through the back to deliver mail. They seemed severely understaffed, people normally behind the desk doing some form of paperwork were even delivering mail. The man noted Ukio entering and without any politeness ordered he come to the stand he sat at. Gritting his teeth at the man he reluctatnly walked up to simply be handed a piece of paper and five letters. "You are to deliver these within the next five hours or you will fail and not be paid" said the mail operator, Ukio simply looked at him before smiling and turning to walk out of the building.

He looked at the piece of paper before his eyes widened for a moments glance and falling into a sigh that followed behind it. "These locations are at least an hour apart from each other!!" he thought to himself, looking at the letters and wasting no time to reach the gate. Five hours for five letters, nothing could get in his way or he would be late. He pocketed the mail and darted through the village, out of the gates and into the wilderness. His first letter was to be delivered to a man in the rice paddies. Ukio jumped from the mountains and onto the branches of the forest, taking a left that would lead him to the paddies. 45 minutes passed when Ukio finally made it to the rice field, entering a small village in the attempt to find the letters owner. Ukio exclaimed"I'm looking for someone who's expecting some mail!" but received no answer, scoffing as he walked further into the village, looking to the letter for a sign of who it belonged to.

He heard a faint yelling in the distance, he walked to the noise, gathering that it was couple arguing about receiving a letter from the village if they would be paid for the rice or not. He motioned over to them, he was already five minutes late. Ukio simply handed over the letter and rand off, waving an arm at their thank you, darting away.

The next letter would be in a small village in the border. He ran through the rice fields, finding a path that would lead him there. It seemed like it would take forever, the path stretched forward for a while before he made it over the surface that blocked his view, seeing the small village. Three letters were to be delivered here, it was nice that he would be able to save a lot of time during his mission. Upon arrival to the village he shouted out the names of the letters, only to be told that they traveled to Kumogakure for some personal business. An angered Ukio ran out of the village, making his way back to the village.
He pondered why this was happening to him, "why couldn't these people just get their own damn mail?" he wailed as he passed the gates of the village, screaming the names of the people that were on the letter. He delivered two but was unsure where to find the third person. A waitress from a restaurant that was dusting off the cloths in the doorway said a man expecting an important letter had recently left, if he made it to the gates he might be able to catch him.

Ukio darted down the path to the gates, screaming the mans name in hopes he might get a reply. He soon arrived to find a man walking down the path into the trees, he screamed for him, only to find that it was the grandfather of the man he was looking for, the name had been written incorrectly and his grandson was on a boat fishing. Ukio pleaded he give the letter to his grandson and darted off, looking at the location of the fifth letter. He looked at the location only to be angered by it. "The rice paddies again?!?!?!?!" he yelled, the birds in the trees taking flight at the noise that startled them.

He ran through the trees, onto the plains that left the treeline and met an old couple on the path to the village he went to. He was stopped by them and asked if he had a letter. To his surprise the couple were in the field tending to the rice and didn't hear Ukio when he came the first time. The couple asked if the mailman came and decided to leave to receive the important message.

Ukio had to be back to the office in time to tell them he delivered the messages, only problem being was he had only fifteen minutes to get back to the village. Ukio ran for his life, darting past the gates that left a trail of dust in his wake. Busting down the doors he slid into the post office in a slide that ended with a face plant into the desk. He lifted a hand with a weary and tired voice "Mission Completed" before he dropped his hand laughing.

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