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1Catching the prankster Empty Catching the prankster Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:01 am



Ha they wanted him to find a prankster, a prankster after he took
down a killer boar they wants him to find a kid but it makes money
and it pays bills and buys meat so might as well finish it as quickly.
so he went to the one of the buildings that got hit by the paint
he arrived and Felt the paint and laughed non heartinly it was a big face of the Tsuchikage
with a runny nose painted on and messed up features
"How Dare Someone do this to the kages image how dare they i am going find that
brat" he then jumped up onto the roof and thought about it
"hmmm ill have to catch him red handed"
he stood vigil all night with his ears peaked then he heard something a spraycan and giggling
he pounced on the sound and snuck up to the sound and when he was within 15fthe felt a person
a smaller person and jumped towards the kid jumped up to the roof quickly followed by Cazan
to not lose him because if he got to far away he would have some real trouble because he could
not see which really hindered searching for a person but he stayed right behind the kid chasing him
very closly but the kid jumped down the building and bolted off and he lost him he cursed
"how could i lose a kid Dammit"
he then returned home and slept it through the night and thought about what to do
and when he woke up he knew what to do so that night he stood vigil again waiting for the kid
to return and the moment he heard the faint sound of spraying of a spray can he quietly went down
to the wall very quietly and jumpeed up higher then the kid and yelled
"Stop Perpertrater you will pay for your crimes Crushing Earth Kick "
he aimed a foor to the right and crushed the ground beside the ground and stood
up and stared the kid in the eyes and said quietly
"you think you can break the law you are such a bad crimal a blind man caught you"
"No No please dont hurt me mister i was just have fun i did not know they would send someone after
"you better come with me HAHAHA"
:No No"
the kid bolted and ran down the road fear made him forget his ninja skills and he just ran down the
road he proceded to chase him down the road and quickly caught up and grabbed the kid by the back of
the collar of his shirt and held him firm
"i may not be able to see you but you step heavy enough me to hear ya bud"
"im a ninja im silet and im better then you blind man"
"yeah i can see"
"ok kid you want to leave i got a deal for you if you can beat me in a fight
i wll let you go i beat you i take you to the kage"
"HA okay lets do it blindy"
he let go of the kid and the kid jumped at him and spun a kick at him
Cazan easily blocked the blow and pushed the kid upwards and he fell
on his back
"ready to give up"
he then did some badly done handsigns and blew out some dopplergangers thinking it affected him at all
the kid attacked again and he blocked his foot and grabbed it and lifted the boy
by his leg Laughing
"off to the kage with you"
he arrived to the Kages office with the kid in tow and said
"Misson completed"

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