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1Naruto- Rise of the Shinobi Empty Naruto- Rise of the Shinobi Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:54 pm



Naruto- Rise of the Shinobi 21010

Naruto Rise of the Shinobi, is an Naruto  based RPG forum
It's currently Just has Re-Opened, and is in search of anyone who would like to join
If you are interested in joining just click this ---->
*Le link

2Naruto- Rise of the Shinobi Empty Re: Naruto- Rise of the Shinobi Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:46 am



I'm not gonna pitch the site to you. I'm just gonna ask you to come join the community. It's haning on by a thread, but its a fun place to be IF there were more member. It's a wonderful place to rp.


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