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Sero was finally allowed to do a low risk mission. He didn't really feel any resentment towards the idea and he foundd their reasoning to be sound. After all they had seen very little of his abilities and he could hardly be considered above the normal level. Granted he had made astounding progress for his age the higher ups still had to define which person was best suited for which mission. Sending some one fresh from the academy to do nothing more then collecting some raw materials was a sound strategy. Not only that but by gathering these resources he could more then earn his pay and by doing so he could ever so slightly increase Kiri's financials. Still he had a policy of going no where unarmed so he quietly tucked a Kunai into either side of his pants and strapping his sword to his back. The rapier looked long on him but it was light weight enough for him to still use comfortably.  And not look entirely ridiculous wielding it. Not that he couldn't wield a bigger sword but he was trying to make a better impression of himself on people. Still he pulled his grey cloak closer to himself. Zipping it up the front. The sides where open so he could reach his weapons up to the waist. The sword was on the outside of the cloak. The grey hood lifted to cover his hair. His face mostly shadowed but in the depths of the hood where two grey eyes looking out and observing everything. Quickly he made his way from the dark mansion grounds towards the side of town where the supposedly haunted mines where. He kept his senses alert as he moved. After all his home was outside of the village itself and with the rumors of an attacking force building caution was a key point to survival.

He had no illusions he could handle the rumored power houses is confronted. A lone genin had little to no hope of even escaping. Still as his feet landed on the grounds of the mining area he was rather surprised to see others there working at their jobs. A guard of shinobi watching over everything. It took only moments after his arrival for one of the guards to land in front of him. Quickly Sero handed over his mission documents. His name seemed to bring back some sort of memory to the guard as he looked Sero over twice. Before nodding and directing him to cave number three. Out of all the caves this one looked nearly abandoned. Some of the more realistic and aged men still worked it but the rumors seemed to keep the younger minds out. Still the short one known as Sero crossed the courtyard and grabbed some tools. And then pushed one of the carts in. Keeping a steady work pace so he could control his breathing. What he failed to notice was how his presence seemed to echo off the walls. How his aura of something wrong and evil seemed to be felt through out the mine. And with such a chilling feeling even the other more aged and experienced miners ditched their work and ran outside. Now alone in the mine Sero had nothing better to do then tirelessly work at collecting the minerals for a few hours before he would eventually turn around and send the cart back up ahead of him. He himself believed nothing of superstition so the haunted rumors never crossed his mind again. Once the job was finished he turned in his mined amount and then turned to head to the next objective. Having planned multiple missions for the day.

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