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1Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Empty Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:45 am




Sandy Dunes:

A contest, a game? No this was a battle, a fight, a duel between the best to truly see who was the best. The Chunin exams had rejected the young Kiri Genin the chance to prove his skills in the first round of the 'games', but Doji hadn't been discouraged yet. A boy who has gone through the pain in life Doji has would repudiate the thought of giving up on any challenge such as the Chunin exams. A level-headed Shinobi wouldn't let anything stand in his or her way of achieving what they wanted in life. A boy so young as Doji still had the dreams and aspiration, and Doji's overall goal in life was to prove himself. To whom exactly? Why anyone of course, anyone who dared ask what he had to show for his rank, what he had to show for the role of being a shinobi, but above all else what he had to show for being the run-away orphan he knew himself to have been and still is in a way. 'I won't leave this village without something to show for the effort of even attending the exams,' Doji thought to himself, as he glared across the Sandy Dunes that were soon going to be Doji and his challenger's battle ground.

A small gust of wind blew past, picking up the much lighter grains of sand that once lay flat across the sandy terrain and blowing them in a natural, rhythmic pattern. Looking around the area, Doji could see half sunken ruins of long forgotten civilizations, scattered patches of thickly packed cacti and massive stones of wind faded limestone. All these 3D figurines, when hit by the light coming from the sun above created numerous shadows across the 2D plane of the terrain. Doji would surely make use of these pre-existing shadows when needed, to gain an advantage of some point against his opponent. Although before-hand Doji had been informed about his opponent's name, he had no idea what the gender of the person was, nor their age of affinity. Doji could only guess what the shinobi had in his arsenal and as far as his or her battle technique was, Doji would try his best to be as flexible as he could when reacting to the offender's attempts. Standing 'inside' the shadow of a small, nearby broken down wall, Doji awaited for the arrival of his opponent, providing a body for his hidden pet snake Gido to wrap itself around in its 2D form until needed by its human companion.


Last edited by Doji on Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:48 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding in Spoilered Items)

2Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Empty Re: Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:41 am



Nara... now that was a familiar name, though Hanbei's study was namely in astrology, and though he had a solid grounding of history, his knowledge of ancient history 300 years ago was not good enough to recall the Nara clan off the top of his head without stimuli. He thought about it long and hard but his mind was foreshadowed by doubt as he came into this next fight, there was some chatter about how he had not fought an opponent in the prior round, meaning there was literally no information about him to be found about him at all. Which was disconcerting, though Hanbei had won his prior match, he was stressed out... He had ben by the side of the other ninja until she had made a full recovery, and in the end, it was only just in time for the commencement of this match.

But what if he hurt someone like that again...

But unlike the soft looking sweet girl he had fought last time, as he happily stood out into the sun, with his long baggy clothing surrounding his body, his sleeves falling down almost a foot past his hands in light breathable ceremonial silks which were perfect in this kind of weather, from the touch of the sun, almost none of his skin was even kissed by the direct sunlight, so hanbei's demeanour was overall pleasant, for now, considering he had been in the sun for little more than an hour getting here, and it took multiple more to truly be effected by the sun and the heat. Or a few minutes of high octane movement. Beneath his silks hanbei let loose his many senbon, slipping four per hand into the gaps between each of his fingers. poised and ready to throw, though hidden perfectly from any array of natural sight.

It's nice to meet you Doji Nara. I'm Hanbei, I'm really really sorry if i hurt you in this match., maybe after we can be friends?

The boy said in such a manner it would almost definitely shine him out as female. The lack of a defined adams apple, his baggy clothing, longer hair, and even the light amount of make-up on his face with slightly chubbier features and no defined chin or cheekbones. He was almost anatomically female, but such were also the characteristics of a child, and hanbei's condition caused that image. Whether his opponent replied in the next few seconds or not, hanbei, took to the fleet, moving to a point of vantage, the top of a tall dune, From here, he had the high ground, and from here he had the advantage, just like the last fight. Easily 30 meters between him and his opponent.

He kinda hoped his opponent would stand down, but unlike the fight he had before, he would take the offensive to begin with this time, raising a hand and bringing it sharp down he threw his first four senbon as artfully as a painter, one aimed for the head, the next the neck, upper chest and pelvis. Spinning rapidly before they had even landed he threw his second handful horizontally, aimed for the wall to his right, the right side of his waist, the left side of his waist, and the wall to his left. Creating a + sign of Senbon moving rapidly enough to fracture his bones and in such spacing as to make formal avoidance of ducking jumping or moving to a side difficult.

Hanbei just hoped he had enough needles.

32/40 needles left:

3Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Empty Re: Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:12 pm




Alas, his opponent for the day had shown his presence to the boy, but looked more like a she than a he. Nevertheless, when it came to one on one combat and any other form of combat at that, Doji didn't let such a futile thing like Gender get the better of him, nor did it change the way in which he reacted to his opponent's attack. It's nice to meet you Doji Nara. I'm Hanbei, I'm really really sorry if i hurt you in this match., maybe after we can be friends? Was the guy or girl seriously apologising for an event that hadn't yet happened? Doji knew a lot of shinobis liked to brag about their strength in battle and hyperbolize their skills as an overall shinobi, but never had Doji met a guy so stead fast as he/she. Although Doji felt like putting the guy or girl down by telling her that she had imagined up a reverie that was never going happen, but quite frankly, he didn't know of the boy or girl's skills so he couldn't pass a judgement of his/her skills as of yet. "I will be sure to forgive you," Doji began, ...when it happens." Although Doji was more than aware of the slight possibility that he could be the one to walk out of this match a loser, he still believed in using actions instead of words when trying to show the opposing person that you are truly as strong as you are, or think you are. "Name's Doji," proclaimed the Kirigakure Genin, knowing truly that he had skipped a part of the guy/girl's offer when he/she asked Doji if they could be friends after the fight. It wasn't that Doji didn't want to say yes, but more so didn't see the need to. True friendship didn't spontaneously start after two people, who had just met for the first time battle each other for victory, it took time to develop. After all the introductions had been said, Hanbei decided to make the first move by attacking Doji straight up with a projectile attack.

'One, two, three...four, five, six, seven eight,' Doji quickly counted in his head, as he saw his opponent rapidly fire 8 identical needle-like weapons towards his direction. Doji's first idea on how he was going to avoid or counter the attack, was by striking away each of the 8 needles, or at least those that were aimed directly towards his body, as few of them were aimed either slightly to the right, slightly to the left or slightly above the genin's body. 'No, that won't work...' Doji thought to himself. After deciding that the attack had been launched too quickly for him to come up with few more than one functional solution for how he was going to avoid the attempt, Doji decided to just use his Shadow Transformation technique, in order to avoid most if not all of the needles' trajectories. Without forming any particular hand signs, Doji Nara immediately sunk into his own shadow, just before any of the needles came within a meter distance away from him, before shaping the shadow into a thin, 2cm long (and 5mm thick) snake, across the sandy platform he had once been standing on. Doji then began to run (wriggle) after his offender, who had apparently chosen the top of a sand dune to be his starting position. Due to his exceptional speed, Doji was able to cover the distance between he and the Sand dune, but rather than returning to his solid, full upright standing self, he instead shaped the approximate perimeter of the circular hill his opponent had been standing on, before rapidly changing his state back to his usual self, but making sure he had done this in a way that left him standing directly behind his opponent. The boy then protracted out his retractable katar, sure that this would make a small but noticeable noise that would surely give away his position, should the guy/girl had failed to locate the boy before. 'Now, let's see if he/she likes fighting up close and personal,' Doji thought to himself, as he felt his companion Gido worm around his body in his 2D form, before slithering out of the boy's right leg pant and quickly wriggling around the sand dune Hanbei had been standing on, making its way towards the front of the boy/girl's position.

Techniques Used:

4Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Empty Re: Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:27 am



Hanbei watched in impoundments as his opponent decided to take the time to count his needles once they had left his sleeves in mid flight. Though each of them were heading straight for him he decided to move low, Hanbei's high angle aiming down on his opponent combined with the height of which his lowest needle was aiming was sure to strike a position of Doji as he literally slipped low directly into the path of it, his forming into shadow being far from instant. Though connected or no, Hanbei set to thinking about his next ability and what it could be, he was lost for words at the first act of him, literally becoming a shadow, but as he circled around hanbei, hanbei turned to face him, not for a moment turning his back on his opponent, who, though viper quick along the ground, against the bright golden sand in the midst of the day sky blaring down upon hanbei's solitary dune directly, he was like the crow in a flock of seagulls even with his massively diminished size, and a realisation.

"NARA! They're the shadow clan!"

Hanbei beamed with his realisation as he finally had what he needed to develop a strategy, as his opponent circled around him, hanbei began to back peddle as he moulded his chakra beneath his clothes, not letting that minuscule shadow appear where it wanted. Though he did wonder how he was able to see when he was that small, his perception of the world would shrink immeasurably, which gave hanbei an idea. Flowing Raiton chakra into the threading of his clothing, his opponent had to rise some time, and with hanbei's deadliest surprise attack he was going to ensure that his opponent would not escape like last time.

Hanbei had a couple of moments to prepare, but as his opponent finally dedicated a couple of seconds later into raising from a position which was not too far from where hanbei once was, the second the shadow stopped and began to re-expand into the 'very' beginning of what seemed like human form, hanbei found his chance to attack! His opponent would have to dedicate into the ending of his ability after reaching a point of no return. His focus concentrated on transforming back, and hanbei's ever-so-keen eyes looked for the one moment he was at his most vulnerable. Thirty six raiton alligned needles would strike out in a wide single blast aiming for not only his target, but much like his fight with aya, it would aim for a meter in a half in either direction.

Though, this was only the first section of hanbei's attack, the small time he had to prepare gave him ample opportunity for his second. Although he realised that he would be burning through his chakra at this point. But for once seemingly astoundingly, his hands could be seen. As his opponent would be distracted by the oncoming flurry hanbei formed a single fuuton alligned chakra needle, and flew it at greatly accelerated speeds, in an attempt to intercept whichever movement He seemed to take, aiming for the limb of Doji's which bore his weapon. On impact the attack would do nothing, it would not even hurt, but it would sink in, camouflaged by the others and the brightness of the sun.

Hanbei begged that this would not hurt him too bad... but he knew the implications if it hit. Should his first attack somehow miss, and his second land. Turning to shadow would almost instantly amputate his arm, as his arm would not turn to shadow with the rest of his body thanks to the needle. But as his opponent was rising, he almost hope the first volley would be the ones to end this. His escape options were limited, and at this point he had not even close to had time to fully reform or let his snake out.

Chakra 100/150:

(1257 words, trained 1 C rank jutsu)

Last edited by Hanbei~ on Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total

5Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Empty Re: Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:41 am




Just as Doji had predicted: the boy/girl hadn't seen the snake he had planted behind him/her. Gido, Doji's serpent companion was now well out of the shinobi's sight, as Hanbei had his/her back facing the snake. Whether the boy had sensed the snake's presence or not was still unclear to the Nara, but Hanbei not giving the snake any attention left Doji thinking that he/she hadn't seen the snake at all. 'Perfect,' Doji thought to himself, as he saw the snake edge in towards the genin. Not wasting a single moment to act, Gido launched himself towards the genin, aiming to sink his razor sharp teeth into the shinobi's left leg calves. The snake had trained its overall speed to match with that of its companion, Doji's. Should the serpent's initial attempt at attacking the genin miss, the snake would make yet another attempt at it until told otherwise by its master. Just as Doji was about to pounce at his opponent, Hanbei threw yet again another round of fast travelling needles, though these ones seemed faster than the ones he had thrown before. 'Shit, I definitely can't outrun them all, looks like i'll have to continue that same technique,' Doji thought to himself, as he moved his body back into his shadow. Not wasting another second to think up of a way to dodge the attack and throw back another attack towards his opponent at the same time, Doji thinned out his shadow. making its width no thicker than 50mm and it's length no longer than 2cm. Based on the fact that his antagonist, at the time he had thrown the needles, was at a larger height than Doji the shinobi would've had to throw the needles aimed slightly downwards towards Doji in order to have any hopes of hitting the guy at all, and a projectile that was aimed at an angle pointing downwards at the ground was proven to travel at shorter distances than a projectile pointed horizontally parallel with the ground before colliding with the ground. This meant that if Doji was to somehow move forwards towards the attack by a somewhat great distance, the needles should've missed him completely and instead have landed where he was positioned before the attack.  After having made his mind up as to where he was going to move next, Doji quickly moved (whilst in his shadow state) 5m forwards towards the attack, but then also moved 90 degrees East to the direction Hanbei had been facing before the attack.

Still with his blade protracted outwards, Doji then made a quick dash towards his opponent, making sure he was moving inwards in the opposite direction to where his snake Gido was in an attempt to divert his opponent away from one of them whilst the other one attacked. Should Gido's earlier attempt at latching onto the Genin's leg had gone on unprevented, the serpent would've quickly wrapped a part of its tail around Hanbei's leg, before releasing its bite on the ninja's leg and then the snake's head would've shot up towards the boy/girl's arm next before sinking its fangs into the boy's left hand wrist. It would've used its tail muscles to 'real' the guy/girl's arm closer towards his/her leg in an attempt to 'tie' the two limbs together using its body as the rope. Breaking out of the snake's hold would've been an impossible task to do at first attempt, as the snake had the strength of a Chunin ranked shinobi, but any shinobi who had the strength of a chunin or more would've had no problems in ripping the snake off of their body with the first 2 attempts or would've been able to release themselves from the serpent's grip the moment they had been locked in its deadly squeeze. Should the snake's first attempt at latching onto the genin's body had failed, Gido would've quickly buried itself in the loose sand below the shinobi's feet before moving about 6 meters away from the boy/girl.

Whilst the snake was pre-occupied with its own attack toward the genin shinobi, Doji himself finished his bolt towards the boy/girl, but had only stopped about a meter and more away from the genin, before rapidly forcing himself into a backwards fall onto the ground and sliding forwards across the sandy terrain. The moment Doji had landed right below the genin's feet, he would've made an attempt at pushing himself off of the ground with his left hand and in doing so kicking his opponent upwards to the sky and off of the ground, before finishing off his get-up with a fast but swift backwards flip onto his feet.

Chakra 135/150:

6Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Empty Re: Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:20 am


I'm hereby unapproving shadow transformation for being an instantaneous ridiculously powerful technique. This thread is hereby rolled back to Hanbei's post before this technique was activated, posted on this date:

Re: Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin on Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:11 pm

The thread will continue as normal, with shibirin next to post without using that move. if shibirin hsa not posted within 24 hours of this post, Hanbei may auto hit as per regulations.

7Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Empty Re: Doji Nara vs Hanbei Guanyin Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:17 am



- Doji forfeits the fight to Hanbei -

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