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Trying something REALLY different. Masayo will actually be talking to the writer and break the 4th wall. Everything not between ", Italic and has no color, is Masayo speaking to the writer. [E.g.: Masayo fell over a stick. Why did you make me fall over a stick! I want a new story writer! Damn it! ]

Masayo woke up with a headache and some bruises. Her motivation to do a mission wasn't quite as usual, not that her usual motivation was good, but you get me. What about your motivation? Who was the one too lazy to even make this thread, hmm? On with the story, so as Masayo opened her eyes just enough to let them meet a bit of sunlight, she crumbled like a sponge laying under the sun. As lazy as she was, the girl could still find some strength to close the curtain and curl up in her bed. Talking about me being lazy again?! I had a rough night, let me at least have some sleep! The 18 year old girl tried to fall back asleep but unfortunatly, Renji came barging in the room to wake her up. The green haired man walked with a fast face toward the curtain. Don't you dare make him do that... The slender arms of Renji were raised and his hands grabbed the curtain. He opened it with a fast pull and heard Masayo growl under her bed sheets. Yup, she did it... Just as Renji saw Masayo hiding from the light he stepped just next to her bed and quickly pulled the sheets back. Masayo her pupils became so small as she looked into the light. "Damn it, Renji... Can't i just sleep all day today...?" The girl growled and hid her head under her soft pillow, but then the grown man would pull the pillow out of her grib and tossed it to the other side of the room. "C'mon Masayo, It's a beautiful day and the sun is shining. You know that doesn't happen often here. And it is your own fault that you drank so much and got into a fight with three buff men." Renji snickered a bit when he reminded Masayo of what she had done. Even though it is funny now, on the moment it self Renji was very worried what would haooen do his dear girl. The man got no answer and silently walked toward the door. "Also, you have to do your last D ranked mission before you get Chuunin." A small grin played on the good shaped lips of Renji. It was like he knew the word Chuunin would cheer her up, immediatly. Masayo had been looking forward to being a rank higher. She would get to learn and do more stuff, but then her normal chords would become bigger and more dangerous missions as well. Those mission do have their adventages, like more money and Renji even told her not do to household ant longer if she became Chuunin, so those were already good things that came with them.

Why didn't you tell me that today was going to be my last mission as a Genin?! It would've made things way easier for me! Where was that new writer i ordered?! Maybe he or she will understand me better!

Masayo jumped out of her bed as soon as she heard the words Chuunin fall. "This is amazing! My last few days of being a Genin! Whohoo!!" Masayo shouted through the whole house, the neighbours had probably heard her as well. The girl got her usual clothing on and jumped down stairs for a quick breakfast or no breakfast at all. Before Renji could even say a thing Masayo had finished her cereals and ran outside.

"Up to the Administration Building for my last misssion as a Genin!" Masayo yelled again this time through the streets. It didn't take her long before she ran into the huge building. "Hello ma'am, i'm here to do my last D ranked mission before i get Chuunin!" With a large smile on her face she asked for a d ranked mission. "Lets see, Yamamoto Masayo... Ah, here, this will be your D rank mission. Clean the blade of a swordsman because he is too busy with other stuff. Here is the adres and good luck." The woman informed her and welcomed the next person.

"So just cleaning a sword, huh? Seems easy enough." Masayo told herself while loking at the scroll she got from the old and scary lady behind the desk. The mansion of this so called famous swordsman was at the top of a small mountain, not far from her own house. Masayo was so exited that her arrival at the house was auite fast. Her right hand knocked on the door and a man opened up. "Well hello there, you must be the Genin taking care of my long sword." The man said in a seductive way and Masayo could not do anything else that grin shen he heard him say 'My long sword'. Would he be referring to his sword made of flesh or to his real sword... It really could be both so Masayo just stepped in the house with a nod. "So where is the sword of yours?" The girl asked and then the man began to lead her to a room. Apperantly, his sword was in his bedroom. Masayo found that rather strange but everyone his own thing she thought. "So the only thing for me to do is clean this thing very carefully and place it back in that glass cabin?" The man just nodded and then went away, out of his house. He did not say where to, but he did say that he would be back in an hour and then the sword must be like new and shiny. He also said that he was throwing a party and it really had to look perfect.

As the 18 year old girl heard the door slam shut, she rushed back into the bedroom and took his sword in her soft hands. This sword felt so good, it had such a good grib. "This must have been a good sword..." With a smile Masayo took the sword with her to the kitchen to clean it. The cleaning was done in an half hour. She didn't want to have any dust on this beautiful sword of his.

As Masayo heard a knock on the front door she went to take a look. It was the wealthy owner of the sword. "Wow, you really did a good job, girly. Now come sit while we admire the beauty of this magnificent sword. Masayo sat at the other site of the bench and the man began to tell all kinds of stories. Some were obviously made up. Masayo began to get bored with his long stories that didn't make any sense and it loked like he was about to tell another one, but just when he opened his mouth the door bell rang. Saved by the bell! The man stood up and took Masayo with him. Apperantly, she had to leave before the party started. All the guest stood at the door and letMasayo though to get back going."So this was my last d ranked mission as a Genin? Seems legit." Masayo told herself while walking back home. A smile played on her lips as she realised this really was her last Genin mission.


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