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1Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Empty Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:25 pm



Name: Wataru
Rank: A
Species: Common Vampire Bat
Wataru is much larger than a regular vampire bat, being about a foot tall and having a wingspan of two feet; possessing light-weight bones and thin wing membranes, the bat weighs just under half a pound, though its weight increases just after a large meal. The intelligent bat shares the coloring and features of its smaller counterparts. Wataru has short, silvery-gray fur on its belly that darkens to black on its back. He has a flat, upturned, sensitive nose centered between two black eyes which, contrary to a misconception about bats, are capable of sight. Large and slightly rounded ears assist Wataru in using the echolocation that it uses as a primary method of orienting itself and finding food. He has a small claw on each wing above three small pads; he uses the claws to hook onto prey for feeding and cling to surfaces, and he is able to use the pads to travel along the ground with a peculiar, bounding gate, when flight is inconvenient or impossible. Wataru is very attached to Tsuneko and often travels with her, either napping in a backpack or using his claws to cling to her clothes. Tsuneko providing him with food and company during the day has altered his internal clock, and it is not uncommon to see him awake during the sunlit hours.
Personality: Wataru has bonded with Tsuneko and is very protective of her. He is afraid of losing her and will get jealous if he feels that anyone, particularly a man, begins taking up too much of her attention. An animal who is used to living in a colony, he relies upon her for his social interactions and will often chatter in her ear, commenting on situations or people that they encounter; he occasionally communicates by using a claw to gently scratch on her neck or shoulder to direct her towards where an enemy is if she is unable to hear him or if silence is necessary. Wataru is not against speaking to other humans, but only does so if he feels that it is necessary, preferring to talk to his Tsuneko.
Wataru prefers to keep his distance during combat, but if he gets close enough to bite, he is capable of making a one inch wide and one inch deep cut. Due to the anticoagulants in his saliva, any wounds caused in this manner will require medical attention or leaving the thread to stop bleeding.

Name: Echolocation
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: -
Range: 0-50m
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: Constant [No chakra drain]
Cooldown: -
Description: Wataru uses constant echolocation, at a pitch too high for humans detect, to orient himself and coupled with his highly sensitive nose, the bat is able to identify objects and people regardless of the light. Due to his natural diet, his nose is designed to smell out blood, and as such, he is able to tell the difference between even physical clones and their user. This technique is most effective in a field on a clear day, but should one of his senses be thwarted, he is often able to still provide a rough guess on the location of an enemy through the other sense.

Name: Screech
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: -
Range: 0-30m
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: 1
Cooldown: 3
Description: Wataru utters a loud screech at 140dB. This technique affects everyone within the area who does not have hearing protection via earplugs or a jutsu. The sound is incredibly painful to hear, will disorient a target for approximately thirty seconds, and will deafen the target for a single post. This technique stacks with each use and will increase the disorientation time by 30 seconds and the deafness by an additional post.

Name: Fūton: Shinkūgyoku (Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Element: Fuuton
Range: 0-30m
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1
Cooldown: 5
Description: The user concentrates Fuuton within its stomach and propels it out of its mouth in many short blasts(up to 20). This technique travels with the approximate speed and force of a handgun and the concentrated Fuuton chakra is capable of ripping through a victim in the same way that a bullet would.

Name: Kaze no Daburuburēdo (Double Blades of Wind)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Element: Fuuton
Range: 0-15m
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: 1
Cooldown: 6
Description: A variation on the Kaze no Yaiba (Blade of Wind), Wataru channels Fuuton chakra into the claws on the tips of his wings. With a series of flaps of those wings, he can launch blade-like gusts of wind in pairs at a target(maximum of two sets). These powerful gusts of wind can easily slice through flesh and bone and are capable of severing limbs or even cutting a target's body in half.

Many of the details such as the anticoagulants in his saliva, the dB level in the Screech jutsu, and his sleep schedule changing due to the availability of food are all, from my research, scientifically accurate, even if they aren't frequent in real bats.

Last edited by Tsuneko on Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:43 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Empty Re: Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:23 am


Once you app the forth technique, poke me and I will judge this app

3Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Empty Re: Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:45 pm



Updated :)

4Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Empty Re: Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:41 pm




5Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Empty Re: Wataru [Free PTS Pet] Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:21 pm


Have Fun

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