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1Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Tenmei vs Daimon Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:37 pm



Arena 2:

"Miss Sotsuji? Sorry to wake you. You're match for the second event has been drafted. Please make your preparations and report to the arena as soon as possible"

A long, drawn out moment of silence slipped away to the soft sighs of the waking Shinobi, as she parted her hazy silver eyes and glanced about the room, searching for the face that pulled her from her dream.
It must have been hours ago when she had stumbled through the gates of the village of Sunagakure, a look of accomplishment painted over her exhausted expression. Never in her day dreams did she imagine being able to survive in such a lonesome, dried up place on her own for that long and still remain...well....mostly intact.
And yet here was, still standing, still walking with her head held high and looking for one less hateful gaze amongst the forest of people around her. One less person leering at her from the shadow of another.

In all the madness around her, in all the chaos and panic about the still missing shinobi, the finished deadline; Tenmei could have sworn, she saw someone look away.

"Thank you. I will be there shortly"

There was probably no need but Tenmei made sure to wait until the softly voiced medical shinobi had left the room, before casting the sheet aside and swinging her slightly aching legs over the edge of the mattress. As soon as she found her balance on the smooth, cool tiles, she heaved herself up and shuffled her way over to the neatly folded pile of clothes. Thankfully, everything was there and as it should be.
  So, while the female Genin maneuvered herself in to the clean garments, her mind drifted to the name she had been paired up with. Daimon Karisuma. It sounded unfamiliar to her ears though most clans here were. Sure, he father may have mentioned the name in one of his stories but there was so many that he had told her over the years, that, only her favorites remained firmly planted in her anxious mind.
It didn't matter so much. She would find out the true nature of his origins soon enough. It was just a matter of time.


One lingering glance to the mirrors flawed surface was more than enough to reassure the female; she looked much better than before.
Her coal black hair, brushed and clean of the sand and grit had been pulled up in to a neat pony tail with a few loose strands, framing her passive features. The white linen bindings had been repositioned, the sleeveless vest that clung comfortably tight. Tenmei brushed her steady fingers across the tattoo that stood flush against her tanned thigh, only slightly visible through the slits in her loose trousers. This was how she was to go in to battle. Simply like this.
So, making sure that the still sleeping lizard was made comfortable amongst the used cups and empty thermos, Tenmei took one sweeping glance back over the room she had endured treatment in, and headed out towards the arena. Wandering over to see what fate had in store for her next.


"A garden? I'm supposed to a garden?"

It took Tenmei a bare minute to realize that it was her words, voicing the question. In front of her was not the flat stone area with high walls and a rowdy audience that she had been envisioning in her doubts. It was a garden with the fine gravel coated floor and perfectly tended Sakura trees, only just starting to lose their precious pink silk petals. In her naive mind, this was a place of peace and learning, not for what she and some stranger were about to do. It was a shame.
  But despite those thoughts, Tenmei left her bag inside the entrance and stepped on to the near sand like substance, making her way to the proctor at the centre and her opponent who would either be waiting or arriving just as she did. With every purposeful step, her focus narrowed, first, blocking out the cheers of the gathering audience, their calls and taunts. And then, down past the confined limits so her surroundings were all she was thinking about. The arena and him. This mysterious stranger Daimon Karisuma.

"You know the rules. No projectile weapons allowed.
This match ends when one of your surrenders or....."
he paused, looking from one contestant to the other " defeated. Ready. Go!"

The very second, those words were heard, Tenmei pushed off with her powerful, muscular legs, flipping her feet back over her head in a straight flip, to land, perfectly balanced on a thick branch with a small shower of cherry blossom petals, dancing around her feet. From here, she could see everything. The towering pillars, the soft trickling of the waterfall as it ran in to the pond at a peaceful constant. Neither of these had her attention though.
Tenmei needed no hand sign, her body reacted to her will naturally. As she gripped the narrow top of the tree trunk, the silver eyed Genin slowly opened up the gates inside her, allowing the rush of heat to fill her like the waterfall filled the pond. She let it build and grow until her skin radiated enough heat to cause the wood to blacken under her touch. It took barely a second for her Ember skin jutsu to come in to full effect. And only then did she raise her eyes to the competition.

From the audiences point of view, all they would see was the shower of petals as she leaped off the tree and fell in to the same falling pattern as before, but this time she intended to land a few feet behind him, with her tensed body at the ready. No sooner had her feet hit the ground she prepared one arm to defend, while the other balled in to a fist and swung at his back with a an excessive 150 degree Celsius, brutal and calculated attack.
She knew her father was watching today, from his vantage point away from the others. Her mission today was clear. Make him proud to call her his heir. His beloved daughter.

Chakra 135/150:

2Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:33 am



"Going to die....please don't leave any permanent stains on my nice new Coliseum." The words echoed in his brain, as he prepared for his match. He had closed his eyes to rest himself for a bit, however he had no time to sleep. He was too excited, but also too focused to sleep. The words of the Kazekage wouldn't stop floating around in his head. "I will prove to not just her but to everyone. I will surpass her my father everyone."

Daimon had always had a liking for the Kazekage. However today, she was going to just be another person who was going to witness his greatness. He wasn't going to die. He wouldn't let death remove him from this world, and away from his mother. "I have to get stronger to protect her." He whispered under his breath as he clinched his fists. He stood up on his feet and walked up to the door and slammed his foot onto the door kicking it open. As he exited his room someone had arrived to inform him that he was being summoned.

"Whose my victim." He said, as he left the room and the man began to inform him about the stipulations of the match. As soon as he was told he couldn't use ranged weaponry he snickered. "You guys going to give me more of a challenge? Tell that Kazekage next time you see her I can't afford those expensive ass kunais anyway with the amount she is paying me for missions."

Daimon shook his head and patted his cheeks to pump himself up as his black spiked hair shook and the blonde dyed streaks flew with them as well. He removed his jacket to reveal his sleeveless white shirt. The shirt was quite transparent showing off his large tattoo covering his entire back. It appeared to be a lion with it's mouth open, symbolizing it's dominance, and Daimon's desire to dominant as well.

As the hired help transported him to the place of battle, he opened the doors and shot himself into the garden. "The hell is this?" He shouted out loud as he viewed the scenery. He looked around and saw the circular patterns of raked sand, stone pillars, waterfalls, and sakura trees. He recorded the scenery all into his brain and looked at his opponent. He was told that her name was Tenemi Sotsuji.

"Tenmei Sotsuji?" He repeated as he smiled and saluted to her as he pounded his fists together. "You know the rules. No projectile weapons allowed. This match ends when one of you surrenders or..." Daimon would interrupt and groaned. "Just start this crap you are killing my vibe." He groans as he finishes the procedure which Daimon completely ignores.

As soon as he saw his opponent jump into action he would follow her. He saw as she jumped onto a branch his eyes focused simply on her now, already recording each of the surroundings around him keeping them in mind just in case. Daimon was no stranger into using his environment to his advantage. As he looked at her, he saw as the wood began to blacken, and smoke rose from it. "Katon." He mumbled under his breath as a smirk formed on his face.

He watched as she jumped from the branch he could tell the jump was going to get her over him. She must be attempting an attack from the back. He quickly would run to his right, getting out of reach from the incoming jump. As she attempted a punch, he would be out of reach because of him running out of the way of her jump. He looked at her body, and could see she had some type of ability to heat her skin by how she touched the branch, and the heat radiating from her body that he could feel from being some feet away. Taijutsu isn't a option right now. He thought in his head as he simply took a defensive position sitting in a stance looking straight at her with focused eyes.

3Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:12 am



Look carefully Tenmei, what do you see?

The moment her hand brushed past the deceptively delicate fabric of his slightly see through shirt, Tenmei knew she had missed him, but she had been oh, so very close. A fraction of a second before he turned back to face her, the young Genin caught a glimpse of the singed bottom hem.
It wasn't much, but that one attack, that one swing showed her more than he may have liked. Because now, Tenmei knew that he was just as fast as her, and nearly as perceptive. This member of the Karisuma clan was driven and confident and had enough guts for the both of them. But he was also arrogant and a little cocky. This would be his down fall with the ever thoughtful s}Shinobi. She would use this to her advantage.

'He is very focused. He is looking for something. Why is he staring at me like that? What is he focusing on'

Knowing the problem was one thing, finding the solution, was something else entirely. This guy was just as fast and probably just as strong which meant that she needed an edge over edge she saw when first walking in to this magically out of place, area.
  Without giving him a chance to figure out what she was doing, Tenmei stepped back further, sprinting to the waterfall at the edge of the garden, stepping her foot in without so much as flinching.
And the result....well it was instantaneous. The moment her boiling hot foot touched the water, steamed started to erupt from the ground like a chemical reaction gone wrong. With the second foot added, it just doubled the effect, and when Tenmei crouched down....
In a matter of seconds the whole half of that garden was shrouded in a thick steam that sat in the air, the same way the mist settled over her home village of Kirigakure.

No sooner was this done, Tenmei stepped silently on to the gravel and felt her way to one of the pillars close by, placing her hand against the cool surface while she regained her focus. The water had already dried off her legs thanks to her natural Jutsu as that too had evaporated off her and joined the rapidly cooling shroud.   
  There was however, one other thing she needed to do to add to this so called edge, she had created around this garden.....
Forming her right hand in to the half tiger sign, Tenmei pressed the tip against her third eye to help her channel her chakra from her under her touch to the steel coloured lenses of her eyes. It took all of a single breath for the liquid warmth to wind and mingle with the sensetive nerves, before she snapped her lids open to reveal the coloured world that laid beyond her.

And what beautiful colours she saw.

The air itself was painted in a pale tangerine that filled her lungs with every shuddering breath, obscuring what she had hoped would be perfect vision. It swirled and twisted with the soft breeze, getting darker and more transparent towards the top but darker towards the bottom with being the brightest around her feet and water. But with this colouring, it didn't mean that she couldn't see anything.
The cool pillars were clearly visible as dark blue monoliths, peering through the mists. She was bright yellow as usual, and he...he would be the familiar mix of reds and dark oranges, with a hint of yellow.
To him it would just be a thick white mass. To her it was survival.
And so while the mist was about, she slowly stepped silently through the garden, her eyes searching for him. He couldn't hide from her forever.

All she had to do.....was wait.

Chakra count 120/150:

4Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:52 am



Daimon smiled as he watched her begin to run toward the waterfall.  As she turned her back toward him, he would take time to try and plan some tactics for the fight. He had already recorded the environment but he needed more then that.  It was clear this girl was proficient in combining her taijutsu and her ninjutsu.  This was something he would have to keep in mind for the entire fight.

As she began to run toward the waterfall, he looked at her as she stepped into the water and caused steam to raise around the entire arena.  This made him smile even more, this was just like the test they had just passed earlier to make it to this stage.  One of your senses is being disabled, so you are going to have to increase your other senses.

The steam around them also increased the temperature of the entire room, causing Daimon to literary break a sweat.  He would have began to laugh, however he didn't want to make a sound to reveal his location to the girl.  He wondered, why exactly would she also limit her own sight by surrounding the entire room with steam.

If she is willing to flood the entire arena with steam, she must have some type of way to navigate through it. He would have to use his wits through this in order to win. He would run to the edge of the arena and use his surface walking technique to climb the wall to get out the way of the thick steam. He would continue to sit to wait for a n opening.

Last edited by Daimon on Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:57 am; edited 2 times in total

5Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:53 pm


Daimon; you have no jutsu in your jutsu list, as I posted in it previously. The above post is invalid, post again without using jutsu.

6Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:28 am



I was told I could use that jutsuall the jutsu weren't approved on the app so I only used the one that was and I was gonna add it all when they were all approved.

7Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:41 am


(OOC: Please note: Trilby is Curator of the Site and ex head admin. Anything you were told has been overruled by him per his rank and status on the Staff Team. Please stop arguing and abide by the rules put into place by the Staff for the betterment of the community or you will be issued a warning. This rule has been enforced on others and to make you the exception to this rule would be unfair to others. Thank you kindly.)

8Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:40 am



Alright I shall edit it now

9Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:46 pm




The moment he stepped in within her sight. His fate was sealed.

A soft, knowing smile pulled at the girls lips as she tilted her head back, watching the male Genin climb the garden wall and in to the softer blue of the rising mist like steam. If he were to stay low, get within the warmer parts of the haze where her eyes couldn't perceive, then maybe he had a chance. But it was too late to realize now.....
far too late.
The stunning orange and yellow of his heated form glowed brightly through the myriad of colours that filled her vision, showing her precisely where he was waiting. Trying to hide.
He on the other hand, would still only see the flowing white substance that blanketed the garden in mystery, shielding and obscuring whatever lay beneath and within. With her slightly paler skin and silver eyes, she was a ghost waiting in the mist. Waiting for just the right....

There was no sound.
Her footsteps were completely silent as the trod carefully over the patterned ground, her breath barely making it past her lips. She could hear the quiet whispers of the disappointed spectators, the soft trickle of the water fall as it endlessly filled the pond with the crystaline liquid. With her heat pulled back to only be lingering on her skin, Tenmei made it all the way to stand by the wall, just under where he had been waiting all this time....and then it was her turn.
  The dark haired female waited patiently, still, until the thickest part of her steam cloud, the very haze she had been hiding in, started to lift and rise towards the clouds where it would disippitate in to the breeze and be like it was never there. But during these precious few seconds, Tenmei would prepare. Building up the chakra in her legs, her arms, her body. Tensing all her well built muscles ntil her flash step jutsu was just waiting for her to.....let go.

And then Tenmei attacked.

Rising with the steam, he wouldn't see her there until she was right in front of him. There was no escape this time. With her speed nearly twice of what it had been before, the only escape for him was to side step away but even then it may not work. The very moment Tenmei saw him try, she would lash out her arm with a viper like quickness and wrench him back if she got hold. And if there was one thing that Tenmei was good at, it was holding on to things. Despite what her father tried to tell her every night when she closed her eyes.

The very split second Daimon was within reach, Tenmei reached forward to grab on, her strong arms moving to wrap around him like a boa constrictor, pinning his biceps to his sides and locking her fingers together in a way that would be increasingly difficult to pull directly apart. If she got hold, then it would all be over.
Once she had her prey, then nothing would make her let go.
   Providing he made no miraculous getaway, the young Genin would make him feel every inch of her brutally burning skin. Showing him that even through her clothes he would be made to feel all one hundred and fifty degree Celsius, imprinting deep in to his flesh, causing the first degree burns that would appear after touching something akin to boiling water. The longer she held on the worse the burns would get.

The question was, how much damage would it take for him to finally surrender and admit that this fight was lost from the start.


10Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:57 pm



Daimon figured it would be easier to be seen the higher he had raised as well. He was only acting to be bait in order to examine her abilities more so he could create more steps to his already evolving strategy. His best attributes were somewhat blocked by the girls impressive techniques, but he had much more up his sleeve he simply had to be patient and wait to utilize them.

Daimon would activate his clan's stunning eyes, as somewhat of a defensive safety net just in case something in his plan went wrong.

Suddenly his opponent had appeared, and this triggered his quick reflexes and instincts. As he looked into the direction of his opponent. There eyes would have to meet, seeing the small amount of space they had with each other. If they did meet, then this would cause a stunning effect as she gazed into his sparkling cyan eyes. The satisfying sensation of the sight of his eyes would cause a delay in her reactions and distract her.

If they made eye contact or not, he would perform the technique taught to him in the academy known as the substitution technique. His body would be transported back into the arena behind some sakura trees and his body would be replaced by a branch.

He could feel the heat from her body and noticed the quickness she had when she ascended and continued to added that to his mental database for later.


11Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:22 pm




It was a nice try....but it was not good enough.

Tenmei felt the change, the moment it happened, though it was hardly enough to stop the momentum she had built up when leaping up at him from the thickness of her cover.
She had been holding on with vice like grip, her muscles flexing and tensing, pulling him down with the force of a snake's esophagus, as she dragged him slowly from the wall to the grainy surface of the garden surface.....but it seemed this was not enough to squelch this worm. No, using brute strength alone was not how one would win a fight like this. If her father taught her anything, it would have been just that. She needed to be faster, stronger and more resourceful in this fight if she wanted to win. And Tenmei would win. This much was certain the moment she stepped in to this place. He had no chance. No chance. 

The change that proved her point, happened a second after her powerful arms had wrapped around his well built torso. One glance at his oddly coloured eyes and she felt the slightest bit of light headedness wash over, breifly clouding her mind in a mist that was not so different from the steam she had created. It didn't effect her vision, she was already seeing bright spots from her Heat Vision but the slight adjustment made her lose focus for just a second. Long enough for him to perform the Academy Grade substitution jutsu. 
It was a smart move, but sakura branches were thin, wiry and didn't hold the heat that a squirming human body did. It didn't fool her. Well....not completely anyway. 
  The Genin dropped the poor substitute and chased him down to the Sakura trees that he had hid behind, stopping short of the swaying trunks. He got lucky this time but his luck had run out. 

The Sakura trees, that she had noticed when walking in, were at the other end of the garden, opposite the waterfall, that still flowed despite the destruction that ensued around it. Nothing but more trees laid beside them, nothing behind them but a solid stone wall, a cool steady surface which they curled over to scratch eerily against in attempt to be free. Unknowingly he had escaped right in to a corner and she was the cat staring down her prey. 
  So, with one searingly hot hand, and a touch that scorched at an insane hundred degrees hotter, Tenmei grabbed hold of the narrow branches of the closest tree and focused her chakra in to her fingers, making them as hot as she could. The very second she had reached that point, the leaves erupted in flames as did the branches that followed and the branches of the connecting tree as well. In a complete circle around the area, each of the once beautiful Sakura trees, were a mess of chaotic fire that burned as hot as she did.

Tenmei could handle the heat. He, on the other hand....

On top of her cage of fire, the Shinobi could sense through her clouded thoughts, that his chances of escape were slim. She had held on to him for a few seconds back there, which meant that he would be coated in first degree burns and possibly developed some second degree while performing the Jutsu without the aid of hand signs to speed up the process. Burns made you stiff and sore, which would slow him down, and with the trees and the wall he had run to....well if he were to try and break free of his corner, get out of the way, Tenmei would again attempt to lash out and tackle him to the ground like a hungry tiger and pin him there with her burning hands at his chest, if she had got a grip on him....
   But for the mean time, she stepped in to the circle, barely feeling the flames as they licked up against her skin, wrapping their heat around to join with her own. Then, with her burning fists, she attacked, aiming a solid right hook to his left temple, followed by a forearm to his throat whether she hit or not.  If she got the male where he wanted, she would hold him there. 

Tenmei would make him burn one way or the other.


12Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:45 pm



It was brutal.

There was no where for him to run, no where for him to hide. She had him cornered like a little mouse and she was the hungry cat that was just about to pounce on her helpless prey. This was over before it had begun, it just took him a while to accept it. He will learn now.
He 250 degree hit slammed in to his fist with enough force to cause him to stumble back, or make him lose balance at least. No amount of make up as going to cover the second degree burns that would now mar half his face. Either way it left enough room for her to get her forearm under his throat and hold him against the wall.

“I am so sorry” she said, her voice devoid of emotion as she continued to apply more pressure to the sensitive airways, cutting them off, hoping that he would just pass out before the heat got too bad. Beer she burned right through to the delicate arteries.
“I can't lose this time, I can't disappoint them. I am sorry that you had to be the one to be partnered with me. You will be okay....just....let go”

With her fathers words running through her mind, Tenemei’s temperature spiked to the point of cutting through flesh, nearly burning to his aesophagus. If someone didn't step in soon, if he didn't surrender. Then he would die and there would be nothing she could do to save them.

13Tenmei vs Daimon Empty Re: Tenmei vs Daimon Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:51 pm


Daimon vanished from Tenmei's grip in a puff of smoke. A few feet in-front of her, The referee stood, the young boy hanging off his shoulder, apparently unconscious. "Sotsuji, Tenmei wins!" he called to the assembled masses, who gave Tenmei a thunderous round of applause as the referee carried off the young man to the medics.

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