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1Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:20 am


Aisu, Masanori versus Sarutobi, Mitsuo. Hah. He couldn't help but grin at this treat fate had handed him; the punk he'd beaten the shit out of in a street brawl was his first opponent. Hell, the gash he gave him on his leg probably still hadn't healed yet. Still ...No pets. "Sorry, Genbu. If they realize i've got you, i'll be disqualified. You're going to have to stay with Solstice for this round." Masanori reached into his chest, struggling to pull out a turtle who clearly did not want to leave. He hooked his flippers on any still solid part he could find and kicked like mad, clearly determined to stay and help his master fight. Finally, with a powerful tug he broke Genbu's grasp and held the flailing turtle aloft. "Genbu, calm down. I'll go kick this kids ass again and then you and I will move on to the real tournament, together." Defeated, Genbu retracted into his shell in frustration.

Three Hours Later...

Masanori stepped into the arena completely decked out in his new suit of armour. It sparkled brightly in the moonlight, which was bright and radiant on a night like this. To help matters, artifical lighting was aimed at the arena, ensuring the patrons could see both men even at night. Masanori's left hand rested gently on his hilt, his right at his side. He dared not speak, lest he reveal his first scheme ahead of time; A small Metsubishi hidden between his teeth for him to spit in his enemy's face, should the chance present itself. In a small case of luck, Masanori found that to his right sat a large pond being fed by a waterfall. The garden he was fighting in had a pool of fresh water! Exactly what he needed to kick things off with a bang. Looking to the Sakura Trees at the opposite end of the Arena, Masanori saw where his enemy would enter, now, he just had to wait...


2Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:55 pm



Something was certainly wrong. It wasn't something that everyone would notice, in fact, perhaps nobody would notice at all. It was such a trivial thing to most but it really meant the world to one person, and it was that one person who it was bothering right now. Mitsuo Sarutobi was not smiling. He couldn't remember a time when he didn't wear his trademark smile, which was something that he had often used to comfort himself. He shook his head and looked down at his trusty Tanto, which had been through so much with him.

Mitsuo had heard who his opponent was going to be, perhaps that's why he wasn't smiling. Perhaps it was because of his hatred of Masanori, he couldn't say for sure. He had seen him making his way to the battle, decked out in shiny new armour which would render Mitsuo's weapons useless. He had been there when he was told that he would not be able to take Chisoku into the battle with him, his lifetime companion and closest friend. This had been a hard blow to him. He had gotten a glimpse of the arena in which they would be fighting and, knowing that Masanori was from Kirigakure, couldn't help but feel that he would be yet again at a dissadvantage. He would normally be happy to use the heat to boost his Katon but in this case the pond would probably prove to be a deciding factor in this battle. Mitsuo couldn't smile for a number of reasons, but that didn't stop his determination.

He took a drag of his smoke and put it out on his shoe as he walked into the Zen Garden, which was really a beautiful place. Somewhere that he was happy that he would be able to say he visited, though a place that he felt would be sad to disturb for a battle. He slid his tanto back into it's resting position up the left sleeve of his coat and walked into a position where he was far enough away from Masanori that he should be able to use his speed to a small advantage, remembering from their last fight that he was definitely the faster combatant. He bowed to his opponent as a sign of respect and took a defensive stance, his right leg instinctively leading in front of his left and his hands close together in front of his chest so that he would be prepared to make seals when needed.

He eyed up Masanori, seeing the full extent of his armouring, and noticing, as expected, that nothing was left for him to slash with his sword. The weapons would be nothing more than a novelty in this battle and he wouldn't be able to rely on them. He still wasn't worried though. Mitsuo's position by the Sakura Trees would be a good defensive position while he prepared to move his plan into action.

"Today I will have my reconning, Masanori. You will not advance past the first round. You did not fight me at my full strength, and I will not hold back." Mitsuo kept his eyes on his opponent, awaiting the proctor to begin the battle.


3Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:42 pm


A tall, slender Jounin, dressed in a Sunagakure flak jacket over a beige shirt with matching pants walked into the arena. He looked excited, like he knew this was going to be an entertaining battle. "Aisu, Masanori. Ready?" Masanori nodded silently in response to the Jounin's inquiry. "Sarutobi, Mitsuo. Ready?" Mitsuo, too, nodded towards the proctor. "Let the fight begin!" Masanori walked forward silently ten feet, drawing both Killing edge and it's sheath from his belt as he did so. He held his blade in his right hand, the joint connecting his thumb and index finger braced directly underneath the Tsuba. His left hand held the sheath in a similar fashion, with the underside of his left hand running parallel to the edge of the sheath where the blade would normally enter. He held the sword horizontally, aiming the tip straight towards his enemy with the edge pointing to the sky. He held the sheath horizontally as well, but with the "tip" pointing to his right, the back of the sheath resting underneath the katana about halfway down, bracing the blade. He stood in the sand, a large rock pillar to his right, the pool of water 10 metres behind him, and there he waited. Like last time, he would not attack first, that was his enemy's job.

4Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:49 pm



Mitsuo shakes his head once again. Of course Masanori wouldn't make the first move, why would he? Mitsuo was not one to go on the offensive if he could avoid it. He jumped into the tree behind him, putting a little bit more distance between the two of them and formed a bird hand sign, creating six wind pockets in his mouth. As he looked to his opponent he shot the six of the small bullets in his direction, one of them directly at his chest, one at his head, two just below his left shoulder and the other two around the same area on his right shoulder. He wasn't a fool and didn't want to unnecessarily charge into battle if he could sit at a further range and snipe his opponent.

Jutsu Used:


5Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:01 pm


As soon as Mitsuo leapt into the tree, Masanori expected some form of long ranged attack. Why else would he, a man who has proven he uses a blade, create more distance than already existed? Sure enough, he formed the bird hand seal. Masanori stepped once to his right, getting himself closer to the rock before waiting. He was ready to drop his blades and create a water defense at a moments notice if it was a fire technique, yet he did not have to. Sure enough, Mitsuo began firing small spheres of air at him. As soon as he saw the first attack leave his enemy's mouth and that it was not fire based, he crouched down, throwing his weight to his right as he rolled behind the large rock he had placed himself beside earlier. It wasn't simply luck that chose his position; he had intentionally placed himself behind the tall obelisk as a defensive measure. Sure enough, he heard sphere after sphere smash into the stone, six in total. Each impacted with a loud grinding noise, but none managed to pierce the thick stone barrier. Masanori waited a moment to see if another attack followed up before stepping back from the stone. As he did so, it crumbled, the earth's integrity clearly overwhelmed by the barrage.

Masanori walked quickly to his left, holding his previous stance as his eyes remained locked on Mitsuo. He was approaching another obelisk, and would stop a few feet away from it. He wasn't going to remain in the open if he didn't have to, not against someone like Mitsuo. He was from Konoha, he could probably use fire release. The last thing Masanori needed was to be surrounded by fire.

6Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:11 pm



Mitsuo sighed. He had expected Masanori to dodge his attack, this didn't surprise him at all, and was impressed that his bullets had so much power behind them, never having truly tested them to their full potential. He really had no intention of getting any closer to Masanori than he had to but if the battle called for it he would. He quickly drew three kunai from his pouch and threw each of them towards Masanori's position, one at his chest once again and the other two on his left hand side. Mitsuo's tanto was then drawn into his left hand and held backwards, blade facing outward from his arm. As he threw the kunai he jumped from the tree and, using his superior speed, made his way to Masanori's left hand side, breathing deeply when he was sure that he was in a proper position (within ten meters) with the wind blowing towards Masanori and expelling a wave of gas which Masanori wouldn't be able to see, though it emitted an odd odor. Mitsuo's tanto weilding arm was held in front of his body defensively so that he would be prepared in the event of a counter strike before he was able to set off his jutsu.

Jutsu Used:


7Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:19 pm


Masanori ignored the Kunai that were thrown at him, holding his position he allowed them to bounce harmlessly off his armour, falling to the floor with a clang. He expected Mitsuo to aim for the unarmoured head, but apparently that did not occur to him. Mitsuo charged towards Masanori's left side, causing Masanori to turn on the spot, avoiding any atempt to get behind him or to any side but his front. Once he got close, however, he saw Mitsuo inhale deeply. That's odd... another wind jutsu? Yet when he exhaled, nothing happened. He was clearly up to something. Masanori stepped back a few feet wearily, when he caught a sudden smell of noxious gas. Explosive fuel?! Masanori instantly threw his weight backwards, swinging his arms over his head as he began to flip backwards, cartwheeling away from his current position. As his hands reached the ground, Masanori would open his grip briefly, spreading his fingers to brace himself, before grasping his gear again as his arms began to rise again. He flipped backwards three times until he could no longer smell the gas, and began to walk backwards in a hurry, until the heel of his left foot hit the rim of the pond. He allowed himself to smile briefly, satisfied with his current position. He considered saying something to Mitsuo, but he did not forget about his original trap, the Metsubishi. He would not reveal it, not yet.

8Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:32 pm



Mitsuo had the man moving, which was good. He knew that when it came down to it he could use his speed to get into an ideal position. As he watched the Kiri-nin move backwards he followed in the same direction, though making an arc to the right, his left hand still clutching the tanto and his right moving to draw another kunai, which he hurled at where his opponent's head would be tracing his current movement. He faced in the way that Masa was running though did not run directly at him, instead beside where his trajectory was taking him. When he noticed that he was once again within 10 meters he inhaled deeply once more and turned his head towards Masanori and down on a diagonal from top to bottom going from Masa's back to his front. As he moved his head with his turn he was expelling a razor sharp wind blade which, at this close of a range had been known to sever limbs and would then expand to a much greater width and size, easily lacerating anything that got into it's path for up to 25 meters within it's 15 meter radius.

Once he had finished releasing his jutsu he made his way back towards the trees, keeping an eye on the blade to see what would come of it.



9Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:04 pm


Masanori's eyes snapped to Mitsuo, who was beginning to exhale again. He did not know what the attack incoming was, but he knew he had to avoid it at all costs. If it was a fire attack, the entire arena would be consumed, and even if it wasn't, he was out of space to dodge to. He would have to move away from the water, he would have to get into the tree cover, away from the attack.

The razor wind hit Masanori, tearing off his left arm and leg, which flew back into the pond with a splash. Masanori fell backwards into the water, and a moment later a large plume of smoke shot out of the water. There floated a tree branch, revealing the substitution. Masanori himself was in the tree cover, looking for a chance to attack his opponent. He was waking back towards the trees, his eyes locked on the events of the substitute unfolding before him. The perfect opportunity to strike. His guard was lowered, his back was turned and Masanori had the perfect Jutsu. Masanori dropped silently out of the tree cover, placing his sheath back into his belt before forming the half ram hand seal. Through gritted teeth, Masanori barked at Mitsuo "HEY FUCKER" As he did this, he readied himself. The sound would make his enemy, who stood a mere 3 metres away, turn around. As he turned, Masanori would do two things: One, he would spit the Metsubishi, ensuring his enemy was turning into a face full of blinding powder. Two, he would fire the water needles he had been forming from the pond, which would hit his unprepared enemy in the back. Without seeing them he wouldn't be able to dodge the incredibly fast, arrow like projectiles. If either of these two hit, Masanori would use the Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field on Mitsuo, coating him in a thick gooey resen.

Chakra: Up to Mitsuo. If either of those hit, my chakra will be 120/150 as i'll use the starch field. If not, my chakra will be 135/150


10Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:19 pm



Mitsuo thought his opponent was smarter than that. The substitution jutsu was a good move on Masanori's part, as the attack surely would have finished the fight and probably Masanori himself. What Mitsuo didn't understand in the split second it took him to turn his head towards the wall and exhale a powerful stream of wind to take him as far from the barrier and Masanori as possible, was why he yelled. Surely he had realized that this would alert Mitsuo to what he was doing, and that he would get away. As he cast his jutsu he felt a stinging pain rip across his rib as he was cut by a water needle.

Damnit, he was trying to stab me in the back!

Mitsuo landed in the middle of the sand and made his way to cover behind the tree that wasn't housing a Kiri-nin, taking a second to compose himself while also awaiting his opponent to react. He quickly hid his tanto back up his sleeve and brought his hands close together once again, preparing for another jutsu as his eyes scanned the trees, not letting his opponent out of his sight again.

Jutsu Used:


11Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:13 pm


Masanori swore loudly in his head. His opponent was twitchier than he expected, and the Metsubishi ploy was wasted. Still, he couldn't fight long distance forever, they were both genin, and although he clearly knew some strong jutsu, there was no way he could keep this up forever. Strong moves had high costs, and Masanori had been conservative, unlike his opponent. Quickly, Masanori sheathed his killing edge, reaching into his left pocket and withdrawing a large sack of Makibishi. Stepping stars, these would violently inhibit his opponents movement. He poured 12 out of the sack into his right hand, and as Mitsuo took position behind the tree, he tossed them, scattering them around his area. He then ran towards the pond, withdrawing another handful of 12 and tossing it towards the sand. He repeated this process, tossing stars left and right about the arena until in every major section, Makibishi were spread. Dropping the now empty sack into the pond, Masanori withdrew eight senbon. Wrapped around one of the senbon sat an exploding tag, it's profile too small for his enemy to see at this distance. He slid these senbon in pairs of two between the knuckles on his left hand, before reaching over his back and withdrawing a fuma shuriken. Spinning it around casually in his right hand, it uncoiled, opening into it's full glory. Masanori tossed this massive shuriken towards Mitsuo. The Makibishi covered the ground to his right, so he would be forced to duck underneath the tree to his left. That was where Masanori aimed his senbon, using the other 7 to conceal the one with the tag on it, which would explode, taking the tree down with it.

12Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:27 pm



Mitsuo knew that this was going to be a problem. He could see the giant shuriken coming towards him and could also see that he really had nowhere to hide, save for the tree to his left. He wasn't keen on going to that spot though due to the fact that he was sure that Masanori had noticed this as well. He weighed his options in his head quickly, not wishing to sacrifice one of the only advantages he really had in this fight: his speed. His eyes darted quickly around before he realized that he had waited too long, the shuriken carving into him as he stood unable to act.

It didn't take long before the illusion had faded and a log popped into view where Mitsuo had been standing, his true self standing behind Masanori on the pond where the earlier log had fallen into the pond. Mitsuo's hands were formed in a horse sign and he began to spew forth a thick ash into Masa's direction.



13Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:49 pm


As soon as the Shuriken hit Mitsuo, Masanori began checking the area around him. He had just used a substitution tactic, and he knew his opponent wouldn't take such a blow. Anyone would've tried to dodge, or have run into the spikes rather than be slaughtered. He had to have moved. He wasn't anywhere within Masanori's visual range though, unless... behind?! Masanori spun on the balls of his feet, drawing Killing Edge out of pure instinct. Sure enough, he was 3 metres away from Mitsuo, who had formed the horse seal. Was he going to use a close quarters wind technique?! Or, god forbid, a fire move?! Mitsuo began expelling a sudden stream of smokey ash towards Masanori, who dragged his free left hand up to shield his eyes out of instinct. It stunk of gunpowder. Another fucking fuel technique?! Still, logically, he wouldn't catch himself in any potential explosion, and the two men were close. Masanori had to get onto the pond, remove any form of distance. Mitsuo was standing on water, He could use that to his advantage. As Masanori stepped onto the pool, walking into the gunpowder stream out of desperation, the water at his feet rose suddenly as he thrust his sword wielding hand towards Mitsuo. THe water rose up, forming a sudden wave which he thrust towards his enemy.

Mitsuo smashed into the concrete wall behind him, the force of the wave breaking his stream of gunpowder and throwing him back. Masanori ran behind the wave, dropping down his left arm once the barrage stopped. He thrust his left hand towards Mitsuo's waist, seeking to grab the hilt of his Katana and stop him drawing it, while he thrust the edge of Killing Edge towards his throat, hoping that by pressing the horizontal blade's edge against his enemy's throat, the fight would end.

Chakra: 120/150


14Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:11 pm



The pressure of the wave was impressive, driving Mitsuo's hands into his chest. Mitsuo thought that the Kiri-nin would have something like this up his sleeve. He had been counting on it. He had brought him as close to him as he had ever wanted him to be, knowing that in this next move he would win the match. Mitsuo felt the wave pushing him back to the wall now, his hands changing from the horse sign to the very similar bird sign, his smile returning to his face for just a second as he felt eight pockets of wind building in his mouth. When he slammed the wall he bit through the pain, waiting for Masanori to get as close as he possibly could before releasing his jutsu.

The wave was the perfect cover, there was no way Masanori could have seen his hand sign change. Mitsuo waited until Masanori was on top of him before shooting eight wind bullets, four into Masa's face and four into Masa's chest, all at point blank range. Nothing and nobody could block this technique, the buildup was simply flawless. Mitsuo's eyes looked ahead and the smile never left his face, until the realization set in...

Out of Character:



15Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:19 pm


The sphere of wind smashed into Masanori's face, carving at the flesh on his nose for a moment before Masanori's instincts kicked in, turning most of his head to water. From the forehead down was completely liquified, and the first three spheres shot straight through him harmlessly. Masanori pulled his head back sharply, smashing his forehead into his enemy's nose. His left hand tore Mitsuo's Katana out of it's sheath as Killing Edge rested against his throat, the sharp headbutt stopping him from firing any more spheres. The watery skull of Masanori formed an evil grin, and for a moment he considered dragging the katana across Mitsuo's throat. It'd be so easy. The little fucker attacked him in the street after all, he could tear him apart right now, end his pitifu- "That's enough son." the hand of the proctor rested on Masanori's sword hand, pulling it off Mitsuo's throat. Masanori stepped back, solidifying again as he sheathed his sword, Mitsuo's stolen blade still in his left hand. His bloodlust faded once the proctor stepped in, and he found he no longer had his homicidal desire. He lifted the enemy's blade up, holding it by it's blunt face with his left hand as he extended the hilt towards Mitsuo, offering him back his weapon. "The winner is Aisu Masanori!!" the proctor shouted to the crowd, resulting in a deafening roar as the crowd burst into applause. After stopping the fight, the proctor set to work clearing the arena of the gunpowder with some strange wind jutsu he had never seen before, while both Mitsuo and Masanori stood on the surface of the water, Masanori waiting patiently for him to retrieve his sword from his hands.

16Masanori vs Mitsuo Empty Re: Masanori vs Mitsuo Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:26 pm



Mitsuo thought it was all a bit surreal. He could feel the blood flowing from his nose from the headbutt that shouldn't have had a chance to connect after his attack. Mitsuo had heard of the Hozuki clan before, but never imagined that Masanori was a member of their ranks. His smile never faded as the proctor declared Masa the victor of the match, Mitsuo standing to his feet as he wiped the blood off of his face, noticing the impact where his attack had hit Masa. He was smiling still, and that made him happy. This fight had gone as well as he could have wanted it too, though he'd have loved to have won.

Mitsuo stood up and accepted the blade from Masa's hands, placing it with the blunt side to his nose and bowing in a swordsman's salute before clasping Masa's forearm. He smirked and said to Masa; "You were a most worthy opponent. I wish you the best in the Chuunin exams, Hozuki, Masanori. Thank you for the fantastic fight. Next time I will be ready for you."

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