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Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu began his morning as routine. He awakened from his slumber and lazily walked to the bathroom to wash and clean his teeth. After ruffling his hair in the mirror he remained transfixed on during the whole process of hygiene he returned to his room to fit into his armour emblazoned with the Senju symbol worn over a simple black jumpsuit, with a distinctive white fur collar. This armour was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along the wearers body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms.. Straightening himself in front of another mirror which he kept in his room he made his way downstairs to start on his morning appetite. A healthy breakfast consisting of a bowl of fruit and oats accompanied by two slices of bread that were soon toast. A half pint of apple juice was used to wash down the food and make Sousetsu feel more awake to take on the day that was about to unfold. He arrived at the front door of his home and picked up his high frequency blade, the blade stood at three feet and three inches long, black customized handle with silver linings the outer blade, before making his way out and locking the door behind him.

He made his way to the Hokage's office, nodding and keeping his infamous grin on his face to the kind people who made the effort to say hello, smile or even wave at him Sousetsu believed that he lived in a place anyone could call home. The children were running wild and frantically, as kids with too much energy do, while the wind kept calm and relaxed to counter the heat of the warm summers day to a cool. Many parents were seen chasing their children, scolding them in their efforts to try and have 'fun', disregarding the sound levels for those who still slept in these hours of the morning. As he entered the Hokage's building he walked through the reception and nodded to the secretary for acknowledgment. As he was a regular there was no need to not let him pass and continued his journey ascending the staircase to the office in question. The door was opened for him by an assistant who then bowed at Sousetsu to which he returned formally. As he entered the usual crowd of people in long white coats could be seen ruffling through the papers of mission statements.

They seemed rather flustered in their search, at first not even noticing that the door was opened or the presence of the Senju who stood before them with a look of curiosity worn on his face. It was soon enough before one of the men had glanced up and seen Sousetsu who then almost instantly stood up straight and addressed the others of his arrival. The few cleared their throats and sat down at the desk with arms firmly crossed. As everybody straightened up and was aware of the Sousetsu's arrival, the assistant closed the door behind them. The man who usually addressed the missions nodded to the Senju and ruffled through more papers and before long had found the sheet of paper he was looking for. "Senju, Sousetsu. We have an A-Rank mission for you. Do you accept?" they asked. Sousetsu looked at the mission holder and simply nodded and returned to his formal standing position with his hands behind his back and a rather proud stance. His head seemed to face the village which could be seen behind the group of people but he seemed to be looking blankly as if there was nothing to catch his eye within the distance. The mission holders and nodded back and began to read from the mission statement.

Words: 630/2500

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

After they firmly adjusted their papers, the mission holder began to speak. "Senju, Sousetsu. With assistance from two other Special Jounin, deal with a foreign Jounin-rank Nuke-nin terrorizing the Land of Fire. Dead or alive, the target must be dealt with. You will be in charge of this three man cell and they have been ordered to obey your every command." Sousetsu's eyes widened. This was the first time he had taken on a team for mission. Was this Jounin really that powerful that they needed to give him backup? Only time could tell. " You will meet with two other Special Jounin from Konohagakure near the border of Hi no Kuni. They have already done reconnaissance on the target over the past two days. They have summarized that he resides in the inn of a town called Kasai no Ejji." Sousetsu continued his soldier type stance and simply nodded in response once more. He handed the missions statement over to him in which he took with ease and scanned quickly over the details. Another two sheets of paper was given to the Senju which told him about the Special Jounin he would be teaming up with.

The first was, Chōkanzu Hyuga. A Hyuga's eyes would prove beneficial to the cell as the sensor. He looked at the picture and details provided to find that he had long, tied back, black hair; Fully white eyes, like all of the Hyuga clan; Lean physique; approximately five feet and nine inches tall. Wears a black, long sleeve shirt under his Konoha vest. Wears long pants. Dark blue sandals. Dark blue forehead protector with Konoha insignia on the metal plating. It turned out that he was also a medical ninja which would also benefit the squad in a great way. He then shuffled to the next piece of paper and found what he needed to know about the other comrade that was also partaking in this mission. From what he gathered, his name was Tōmin Gekko. He was tall, standing at five, ten, black hair; Black colored pupils.; Wears a short sleeve shirt under his Konoha vest; Wears his dark blue, Konoha headband around his upper left arm; Long, black pants; Dark blue sandals. He rolled the pieces of parchment up and placed them into his pouch which lay across the side of waist. Before bowing formally and making himself scarce.

Sousetsu scanned the street up and down to find a lot of people out doing their own personal errands with shopping while children were running, playing and laughing. The street was too crowded for the young Senju's taste and so hastily made his way to the Village gates. As he approached the gates he had noticed that the two guards were not the same the ones he was accustomed to. The fact that he an odd day to be called for a mission may have been the reason along with the others hours of work they are required to be posted here. He nodded and raised his mission statement to show the two fellow shinobi that he was needed outside of the Village hidden in the Leaves, in which they happily complied with a small smile and a nod towards him. He smiled back once he was given permission and made his way down the road towards his destination of the Hi no Kuni border which was as far as he anticipated. Before long, Sousetsu began to leap into a nearby forest as he decided to travel by the branches. The sunlight seeped through the trees and their leaves touching only a few areas of the surroundings.

Words: 1241/2500

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Hours passed during the afternoon leading to sundown before Sousetsu had arrived at the borders of Hi no Kuni. He landed from the branches and began walking along a cliff side where he could see the village known as Kasai no Ejji. He heard the rustling of the leaves behind to which the Senju reacted by placing his hand on his katana's hilt which lay across his lower back and raised his hand before him in a defensive matter. Two Leaf shinobi emerged from the woodland and instantly knelt before the Senju. "Hyuga, Chōkanzu at your service! We had word of your arrival." The Hyuga spoke in a formal matter. He may have been from the main branch of their Clan judging by this. The second then spoke almost immediately after. "Gekko, Tōmin at the ready!" he spoke with a sense of urgency. "At ease. What's the situation?" Sousetsu asked for with authority as he returned to his normal stance of crossing his arms. The two special Jounin stood from where they knelt and looked at each other briefly. They both then moved to the cliff side and overlooked the passageway to which Sousetsu had joined them. The Hyuga then used his Byakugan and scanned the area. To the other two, it just appeared as if he was staring into nothing but the Hyuga were gifted with an eyesight of all their surrounds.

"He's held up at an in inn. It seems he's preparing to leave once the sun is beneath the horizon." The Hyuga informed the two. Sousetsu then nodded, it was almost time. "Move out!" Sousetsu ordered as they leaped down the pathway down to the village. The two special Jounin followed Sousetsu's every movement before their arrival at the town. They waited by the village entrance until dusk before making their move. As the night was nigh and the lights of the village were turned off indicating the time for sleep, one light remained active. It was from the inn and a figure appeared to be leaping from the window on the top floor. Sousetsu turned to the Hyuga who then nodded to give the approval that it was indeed the target. They slowly moved after him silently, trying not to draw attention to themselves. Before long they found themselves in an open area, there was no place to hide. The figure then seemed to have noticed them as he turned to face them and shout out to grab their attention. "Do you have a death wish!?" The figure announced. The three leaf shinobi halted one after the other and looked swiftly at each other before Sousetsu walked further out to meet the target. "We have been given orders to deal with you. You can come quietly or we can use force." Sousetsu spoke towards the man with a formal manner, giving him the choices.

The figure came closer towards Sousetsu, enough so that they could see what he had looked like. He possessed dyed yellow-green hair; Black pupils; Sunagakure vest, with apparently nothing under; Black shorts; Black sandals; and wore his village headband around his neck. Brown/maroon camouflage could also be seen around his wrists and ankles. He also held a bag which contained the many treasures of the village. "No! I worked hard for this! You will not take me so easily!" The man shouted in a rage. Sousetsu looked to his left indicating for the Gekko Clan member to make his move. With a few hand seals, shadow clones emerged from nothingness and continued with the assault. The missing ninja formed a few hand seals and took a deep breath before he blew wind from his mouth. It was the vacuum wave technique. The Gekko clan member flew back along with the clones disappearing which displayed the powerful blast. The Hyuga rushed towards his aid as his medical ninjutsu seemed to be in order which left Sousetsu to fight alone.

Words: 1906/2500

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

There seemed to be pain in this young mans eyes. He was too young to be a missing ninja and so Sousetsu came to the conclusion that it was a family matter. The missing ninja had readied himself for an attack as retaliation but Sousetsu did not seem to move. Instead, he looked back at his comrades and then looked down to the soil among the ground. He had probably experienced something similar to this young boy as Sousetsu lost his parents at a young age also. "What happened to you?" Sousetsu asked the young boy. He lowered his fists and looked blankly towards the Leaf Jounin. "What...What does it matter to you?" The young boy asked him. Sousetsu let out a small sigh and looked at the boy dead in his eyes. "Because you are too young to defect from your village without a cause. It's your family, isn't it?" Sousetsu replied sympathetically. The boy nodded with disbelief. His mouth was wide open before any words escaped his lips. "They died by the hands of Iwagakure ninja! And what did my village do? Nothing! They never cared! Why should I stay in a village that doesn't even care about their own?" The boy exclaimed as tears began to fill his eyes. Sousetsu could only assume that it happened recently. The pain was still in his heart and would not subside.

He approached the missing ninja in a moderate pace of walking before the Hyuga had shouted over to him. "Sousetsu! What are you doing?" The Senju simply ignored this and kept himself at a solid pace until he arrived within a few metres of his enemy. "It is too late to turn back, isn't it?" He asked soothingly. The missing ninja began to create streams of tears down his cheeks while looking down to the ground, sulking. He only nodded in reply before looking back up with a crooked frown that trembled. Sousetsu closed his eyes and looked down once more, thinking of a solution. The boy did the same as he rubbed his eyes so that the tears would go away for the time being. His eyes widened suddenly with a sharp pain in his stomach. "Go see your family. This life is no longer one you can live in peacefully." Sousetsu whispered in his ear. The Hyuga's mouth dropped at what he had seen before him. Sousetsu's hands were upon the hilt of his blade as it was pierced through the boys abdomen. The boy choked on his blood before spitting some of it out over Sousetsu's shoulder as he leaned against him.

His eyes began to grow white as his life was draining from him. "Thank you...Sousetsu..." The boy whispered back, stumbling upon his own words giving his every effort to produce them for the Senju to hear. The young man dropped to the earth before exhaling for the final time. Sousetsu flicked the blood off of his blade and returned the two special Jounin. "I thought you were gonna bring him back with us?" The Hyuga asked questionably. Sousetsu remained in a daze looking at the soil once more beside the two. "He died long ago..." Sousetsu spoke as he thought about the boys past. The Hyuga's mouth opened once more as he looked at the dead boys corpse before looking back at Sousetsu. The Gekko Clan member had returned to his feet with a few injuries to which the Hyuga gave him his shoulder to lean on as they made their way back to Konaha. The Senju remained quiet for the remainder of the journey up until he returned to the mission holders office. He handed in the mission statement with the boy now in the morticians with a small smile still lingering on his face.

Words: 2548/2500

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