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Daimon had just finished registering for his spot in the upcoming Chunin Exams. Despite the fact he was just promoted to Genin not too long ago, he felt that possibly he was ready for the next level. How could he prove himself if he was too scared to sign up.

He knew he would have to get some training done to keep up with the others, but for the day he wanted to do some walking around to relax for once.

"Hmph." He said as he saw some tourists coming to see the events. He was going to put on a show for all of them. He was going to show just how strong he is.



Mitsuo wandered around the crowded and sandy streets of Sunagakure. He had never been to the sand village before, though their villages were typically rather close to one another, and was excited to see what kind of interesting people and places he would see here. He had traveled here with Kichirou, and had briefly parted ways with his Konoha friend to take in the sights, telling him where they could meet up later.

Mitsuo pulled his traveling cloak off and put it in his bag, his black mesh shirt showing off the glistening muscles of his well toned body in the sunlight. He ran his fingers through his slick black hair, putting it back in place after the long hot journey before sliding his glasses back into place up his sweaty nose and reaching into his sash for his package of cigarettes. He took out a smoke and lit it as he was walking down the streets of Suna, inhaling deeply before letting the smoke pass through his nose.

I think you would have loved it here, eh nii-san? Such a beautiful village, the buildings are so different from back home. I think I could do without all this heat, though it might be good for training up my Katon some more before the exams.

He spotted a rather tall nin with spiky dark hair with blonde streaks and couldn't help but notice him, the colouration of his hair being rather unusual, and his height and impressive build setting him apart from the crowd. The nin was staring at him and he wasn't sure if he had just never seen a Konohan shinobi before or if he was getting ready to fight him. Mitsuo decided it would be best to approach this man with caution.

Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

Pulling a leg off of the grilled lizard, Kaito smiled. "Why can't we have more events like this!? All these people making food and stuff for the exams, it's like my birthday." Laughing at the children waving around their Suna flags, Kaito gave them a grin. "And all these people are showing their support for their genin. Of course, Konoha has it in the bag, but I can't blame them for trying." Having arrived earlier in the week, Kaito had been walking the streets to take in the sights and smells. "Shouldn't have come alone though, it was really boring on the way here." Adjusting the scarf cowl he had bought to keep off the hot sun, Kaito noticed a tall man with a Suna headband staring at passing Konoha nin. 'This guy needs to mind his own business.' Throwing away his food, Kaito approached the gawking man, as did another man from Konoha he noticed.



Daimon looked as two people appeared to be approaching him. He smirked as he rose his hands up into the air in a "come at me bro" type of fashion.

"Excuse me gentlemen, do we have a problem?" He said with a hint of sarcasm as he started to stretch his arms. "Can I just say welcome to Sunagakure, I take it you two will be joining the chunin exams?" He said noticing their foreign attire



Sarutobi Mitsuo had no intention of fighting on this day, or really until the exams had begun. He didn't want to show off his talents before needed and have a more difficult time during the exams because his opponents had scouted him. He wasn't entirely sure why his hand was instinctively moving to rest on the handle of his Katana though, this guy seemed to know how to push his buttons and he noticed that he wasn't alone on that one. He turned to see another Konoha genin, Ebi Kaito, also advancing towards the Suna-nin. He knew Kaito from the academy, them being the same age and all, and he knew of Kaito's sensei, one of the legendary Senju Clan, Senju Sousetsu, and a close friend of his own sensei. Kaito was a friendly person and Mitsuo wasn't sure what to think of the fact that he was advancing on the nin as well, though he did look forward to having a chance to fight along side the Ebi Clansman.

"Excuse me gentlemen, do we have a problem?" The Suna nin said in a voice that just made Mitsuo want to punch him more. Something about this guy was just grating on the nerves, as though he was trying to provoke the two Konoha-nin. Mitsuo's grip tightened on his Katana as the enemy nin took a fighting stance. "Can I just say welcome to Sunagakure, I take it you two will be joining the chunin exams?"

"Is this how you greet all new-comers to your village? With such obvious animosity. I have no intention of fighting until the exams begin, I wish to enjoy my time in Sunagakure, but if I need to teach a whelp a lesson, I will do so..." Mitsuo drew his blade just a little bit, not necessarily wanting to pull it until it was necessary, noting that he probably wanted to avoid close combat with this man.

This guy has some serious issues, eh nii-san? Why does this always have to happen to me? Why do I have to get dragged into this all the time...

Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

Walking up to the man, Kaito only really wanted to scare the Suna-nin. Still a bit anxious about waiting for the exams, Kaito wasn't throwing the notion of a friendly, or otherwise, spar in preparation. Noticing Mitsuo, a former classmate also approaching the ninja, Kaito smiled. Kaito remembered Mitsuo being a hard worker, and their senseis were friendly. Feeling a bit of camaraderie with his fellow Leaf-nin, Kaito turned his attention back to the gawking Sand shinobi.

"Excuse me gentlemen, do we have a problem?" The Sand ninja said in an obvious attempt to provoke the two Leaf ninja further. "Can I just say welcome to Sunagakure, I take it you two will be joining the chunin exams?"

"Is this how you greet all new-comers to your village? With such obvious animosity. I have no intention of fighting until the exams begin, I wish to enjoy my time in Sunagakure, but if I need to teach a whelp a lesson, I will do so..."
Mitsuo gave a thinly veiled threat while his hand rested on his formidable katana, daring the man to poke fun at him again.

"Gentlemen, please, let's keep things somewhat resembling civil." Giving a chuckle at the man's hair, Kaito spoke again. "You would be right in assuming what we are here for, but, at least, that's not what I'm talking to you for. Hadn't anyone taught you about manners, boy? It's not polite to stare at foreigners." Giving Mitsuo a slight bump, Kaito continued. "Some people don't like people who don't have manners. I think you owe my friend and I an apology."



Daimon examined the two who had approached him. It appeared both of them didn't appreciate how he was glaring at them. Daimon, who took a liking to the two actually having the balls to speak up nodded his head as they both spoke. He even looked and saw one of them had his hand on his weapon.
"I never turn down a good fight. If you want to "teach me a lesson" I welcome it good sir." He said cracking his knuckles. He again looked and saw the man was quick to draw his blade if he had to. "I see you have yourself a weapon. Done here, it doesn't matter what kind of weaponry you have. I don't know how it goes in Konoha, but here usually the man with the weapon is usually the one who everyone guns for first."
He turned and looked at the other guy. He was much more calm and collected compared to the other konoha-nin that had approached him. "I apologize if I offended you both. I am simply checking my competition for the upcoming exams. "Welcome to Sunagakure, home of this year's chunin exams." He said as he extended both his hands out in the directions of both Konoha nin.



Mitsuo smiled slightly at Kaito's comment about not liking people who don't have manners. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly, the entire situation being somewhat laughable. He wouldn't let his anger get the better of him this time, he didn't intend on fighting today and wouldn't be coaxed into a battle...Well that remained to be seen. He knew that he had had times in the past where someone could say or do something that pushed him over that very fine line between being normal and seeing red, and this Suna-nin seemed like he could be someone who would try to do just that.

"I never turn down a good fight. If you want to "teach me a lesson" I welcome it good sir. I see you have yourself a weapon. Down here, it doesn't matter what kind of weaponry you have. I don't know how it goes in Konoha, but here usually the man with the weapon is usually the one who everyone guns for first." That line really irked Mitsuo. He had spent his entire youth training in the art of Kenjutsu, the katana that he carried was a tool finer than most and his tanto was a precious heirloom gifted to him by his former Kenjutsu Master Hiroshi. Mitsuo drew his Katana and held it in both hands, right hand forward, tip pointed towards the Suna-nin's feet in a seemingly non-threatening stance. He wouldn't attack, he didn't know what his sensei would say if he heard that the first thin he did in Sunagakure was kill another genin. He would simply hold his ground and defend himself if the opponent was delusional enough to charge them.

"I apologize if I offended you both. I am simply checking my competition for the upcoming exams. "Welcome to Sunagakure, home of this year's chunin exams." Mitsuo simply shook his head, making sure not to take his eyes off of his opponent.

"Can you believe this guy Kaito? Taking on two unknown shinobi without a second thought? He must either be very strong, or very arrogant and stupid." He didn't want to speak too loudly, trying not to offend the unknown shinobi if possible at this point. He just kept his stance and showed Kaito and his unknown assailant that he was ready to fight, if that's what he truly wanted to do.


Last edited by Mitsuo on Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : description)

Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

"Can you believe this guy Kaito? Taking on two unknown shinobi without a second thought? He must either be very strong, or very arrogant and stupid." Kaito laughed heartily at that. He was having fun playing the tough guy, and he wanted to see how far he could take this. Grabbing and shaking the man's hand, Kaito grinned at the man.

"Well, I'm thinking you must be strong to stand up to us. You can call me Ebi, big man. My Sarutobi friend here is Mitsuo." Releasing the strangers hand, Kaito frowned. "Now, I may be wrong, my friend, but we still didn't get that apology I asked for." Noticing Mitsuo was tensed to defend himself, Kaito wondered if he wasn't underestimating the stranger. Shrugging the feeling aside, Kaito put his hands behind his head, relaxed. "What's it going to be, big guy?"



He heard one of them refer to him as strong, arrogant, or stupid somewhat quietly and he began to chuckle. "Maybe I'm all three? I'm no genius, I'm not humble, but I know damn well I'm not weak." He replied as he stared at him as he started to crack his neck and stretch his arms.
He heard the friendlier guy introduce himself as well as the other fellow. "Hello Kaito Ebi. Howdy Mitsuo Sarutobi. You know what; I do apologize for my rude introduction. I'm simply trying to gauge you all and scan the competition. I can tell you all are going to give me a little trouble. I can't wait."
Daimon would extend his hand yet again to Mitsuo in an attempt to get him to shake it. "I really hope you forgive my apology good sir."
He heard one of them refer to him as strong, arrogant, or stupid somewhat quietly and he began to chuckle. "Maybe I'm all three? I'm no genius, I'm not humble, but I know damn well I'm not weak." He replied as he stared at him as he started to crack his neck and stretch his arms.
He heard the friendlier guy introduce himself as well as the other fellow. "Hello Kaito Ebi. Howdy Mitsuo Sarutobi. You know what; I do apologize for my rude introduction. I'm simply trying to gauge you all and scan the competition. I can tell you all are going to give me a little trouble. I can't wait."
Daimon would extend his hand yet again to Mitsuo in an attempt to get him to shake it. "I really hope you forgive my apology good sir."



Mitsuo looked as the nin extended his hand to him once more and apologized for his behavior. He realized that his anger had probably gotten the better of him again and he rested the unsharpened top of his blade on the space between his finger and thumb and then quickly sheathed his Katana, chuckling softly at himself as he quickly closed the gap between himself and the man who hadn't yet told him his name, taking his hand and shaking it firmly, letting a small smile creep across his face.

"Good to meet you, and I'm sorry for my temper, I've put up with a lot in my life and some things really managed to change me..." Mitsuo took a few steps back after shaking the nins hand. "I warn you though, if you insist on fighting I will not use Jutsu in our fight, if you want to fight me, you will fight against my Katana. I will not kill you, but I can not promise I will not hurt you.." With those words he drew his sword again and retook his stance, smiling this time as he did.

Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

Seeing his friend unsheathe his blade and enter a stance once again, Kaito laughed and raised his hands. "As you can see, Mit isn't one for talk." Seeing the smile on Mitsuo's face, Kaito felt he hadn't had this much fun in years. "We'll forgive you this one time, guy, but be careful who you agitate next time. If I wasn't here to witness it, Mit would've colored some civilians on crimson." Feeling a bit rude, Kaito rubbed his head in embarrassment. "Well, I guess it was rude to not ask your name before throwing mine out there. What can we call you, Mr..." Trailing off, Kaito was eager to learn the name of the man who faced two foreign ninja without fear.



Daimon cracked his knuckles and smirked at he looked straight at Mitsuo. "Why don't we go ahead and have a little spar?" He said as he got into his own stance. One hand extended outward and one at his side.

"The name is Daimon, Daimon Karisuma." He said, as he looked back at the one armed with the katana. He is the one who he wanted to engage in battle with the most, he looked like an interesting opponent.

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