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Sunagakure basked in the warmth of her sandy abode; the warmth of the sun kissed her scales and rejuvenated her body bringing new life to her people in turn. Because of this the people of Sunagakure were far more active than usual, the streets were flooded with people shopping or working or attending to their daily routines the lack of space forced most Shinobi of Sunagakure to train beyond the protective walls of their home. A small group of three stood training in the desert, they were little more than a speck in the eyes of the wall guards, but within their eye sight nonetheless. The trio comprised of a Special Jounin of the Nara clan, a Genin from the Inuzuka Clan, and the young Chuunin from Clan Uchiha, Akiko toiled endlessly in the summer heat.

Akiko had been asked to aid a young Nara Genin in training his canine for unison in combat, a chance to better Sunagakure in a manner that didn’t require bloodshed. His Sensei, the Special Jounin had requested Akiko to accompany them because of his lack of close range fighting abilities, something required for this particular training. The pair had been exchanging blows back and forth colliding in short bouts of Taijutsu v Kenjutsu techniques, the training had proved challenging for Akiko as well, having to keep eyes not only on her opponent but his wolf as well proved more than difficult and kept her on the defensive at all times.

Steel gauntlets collided with the steel of the Katana with an explosion of sparks and faces twisted by concentration and gritted teeth. Akiko’s eyes were defined by the crimson hue of her Sharingan which burned through her training partner and allowed her to react quickly enough to defend against both him and his canine partner. As the pair stood locked in combat as the Special Jounin looked onwards, watching his charge for flaws in his combat form or mistakes that could have proven fatal in actual combat.

“Alright, take a break you two!” He called out, signifying their second break of the day.

Akiko’s eyes faded back to their dark brown hue as they ended their struggle and Akiko slid her Katana back inside it’s sheathe, her sparring partner suddenly allowed a childish grin to creep across his face. It was obvious the young boy had a small crush on Akiko, the way he didn’t take advantage of sword locks to strike her or command his canine to attack from the rear during those moments; it was a weakness she would address. Akiko walked over to the Special Jounin as he handed them two canteens filled with cool water, she took a sip to quench her parched throat before addressing the young Genin.

“You hesitate to strike me when I am in a moment of weakness or incapable of defending myself, why?” Akiko asked the young boy in a calm voice.

The boy seemed taken aback by her rather forward question, his eyes blinked wildly as glanced over to his Sensei. The Special Jounin returned with a gaze that demanded his reasoning behind this motivation as well. A small sigh escaped the Genin’s lips as he ruffled the backside of his short brown hair.

“Well Lady Uchiha, I think you are beautiful and I would hate to mar that beautiful face of yours.” He muttered as his face turned red from embarrassment.

His Sensei dropped his head slightly and rubbed his forehead, his young student had issues with controlling his carnal urges, something not uncommon for a kid his age. Slowly he raised his head to look at his student and address this issue before Akiko could reply to his rather foolish statement.

“You might face beautiful enemies as a Shinobi, enemies that would seek to destroy Sunagakure and her people…will you allow them to escape simply because you are attracted to them? Or will you defend your home with everything you have within you?” He asked his student.

“Well that is obvious isn’t it? I wou-“

“Hold that thought, who is that?” Akiko interrupted the Genin’s response, as she pointed out to a silhouette approaching them in the distance.

The Special Jounin turned his head towards where Akiko was pointing and saw the same image, a lone figure approaching them at a slow deliberate pace. He squinted his eyes in an attempt to make out the features of whoever this was. Slowly his eyes widened in pure fear and panic as the figure came into his field of vision to the point he could make out the finer details of the person in question. had returned. The Special Jounin’s head quickly turned back to his student as he barked a single urgent order.

“Run boy! Run and inform the Kazekage of this intruder!” He shouted.

“But wh-“

“Don’t question me, just obey!” He shouted.

The Genin darted off but not without giving a questioning and quizzical look to his Sensei. What could be so bad that the Kazekage would be needed? While the Genin didn’t know the answer to that question he couldn’t help but feel a shiver crawl up his spine at the urgency his Sensei showed, something bad was about to happen.

The Special Jounin watched as his Student darted towards the safety of Sunagakure before he turned to Akiko. The expression in his eyes was one of pure fear, this would be his final battle, he sensed it but he wouldn’t fail Sunagakure, he wouldn’t fail his Kazekage.

“Be ready Uchiha, this fight won’t be easy, we will have to work together to stall him.” He stated with a slight quiver in his voice.

“Who is it?” Akiko asked.

“Shibirin.” Was the only response he gave.

972/2000 words



'Sand, sand and more sand,' were the only thoughts going through Shibirin's mind at the time, as he made his way towards Sunagakure, the village hidden in the sand, unheared and unspotted as of yet.

Not long ago, Shibirin had been forced to go one on one with the hidden's leaf's own Hokage, Takao, only to end the fight with an early retreat, taking away with him from the fight, first degree burns all over his skin. It had been the Kage's powerful katon jutsu, that had given Shibirin those burns, but luckily enough, they had healed. He looked as if no such damage had been delt on his skin, though remembered the incident well enough to reassure him that such a thing had happened. Such a traumatizing experience as the fight at the summit, would be kept in his memory for life. He had seen people die that day, had seen bodies laying on the ground, half alive yet surrounded by a pit of blood. He had whitnessed another man's hell, he had seen the fall of a great nation. Whether he regreted his actions or not was needless to say, for he couldn't undo what he had done, nor could he take backt he serious decision he had made that day. He knew his future, from that day on, was forever at the dark side, the evil side, the side most people ran away from in fear of. He didn't feel much different from when he was back in Iwagakure, though he did look different indeed.

Before pledging alligance to the Shichiouza, he had been wearing the forehead protecter of the hidden rock village, and had over his everyday outfit, a white cloak with his clan symbol stiched on the back of it. Today, he dressed himself differently. He wore a long, black cloak, with a hoodie attached to the back. Underneath this, his entire body up to his chin, including his neck, was covered in bandages. Before, they were there to help speed up the healing process of the burns he had receaved from fighting the Hokage, but after his wounds had healed, he still chose to wear them. They provided no extra protection of some sort to the young rebel, which would leave otehr clueless as to why he wore them. Shibirin chose to wear them becuase they concealed his skin, well, most of it. With the cloak on and the hood's shadow covering the young ninja's face, all people could see of him was his mouth and chin, though today he had chosen to wear the cloak without covering his head with the attached hood. Ine thing people missed about his appearance, was the stolen Byakugan that was implanted in his left eye, though the left nag of his hair covered up this eye, hiding the doujutsu entirely. Shibirin had slowly made his way towards the village, though had only passed through the border, before spotting a couple travelling away from the village. The couple stopped in their tracks and held their frightened gaze towards Shibirin. Shibirin's only reaction towards them, was a mere smirk, which he displayed just under the hood of his cloak. Not wanting any whitnesses to give away his location as of yet, he swiftly dashed towards the two and put one kunai through each's heart, though wasn't foolish enough to leave their dead bodies where they were, for others to find. Quickly ditching their bodies high up in the trees, he made his way back down to the ground and continued walking towards the hidden sand village, casually walking as if nothing had happened.

“Hold that thought, who is that?” was the first thing Shibirin heard when he arrived at his destination. The voice sounded young and very well frightened in some way. The second thing he heard, was, “Run boy! Run and inform the Kazekage of this intruder!” which sounded more alert and fully aware of the situation than the first. “Be ready Uchiha, this fight won’t be easy, we will have to work together to stall him,” was the next thing Shibirin heard, and at this point, he started seeing at least three bodily figures, one just leaving the area and the other two starring towards Shibirin, as if they'd seen a ghost. The last thing Shibirin heard, was, “Who is it?” “Shibirin.” At that moment, Shibirin knew they had spotted him, not that he had been trying to hide his appearance. He casually walked up to the two, but soon stopped at a distance not too far from the pair, yet close enough to see both of their faces in detail. "Greetings," Shibirin spoke, with a deeper voice than he had five years ago. On his head, were two headbands, one tied above the other. One had the Sunagakure village symbol on it, with a thick line carved across it, and the other had the Iwagakure village symbol, witht he same scratch across it. It symbolises how Shibirin, had betrayed not one, but two nations. Shibirin waited for the two shinobi's response, before acting acordingly.


"Greetings," A deceptively soothing voice called out to the pair.

The voice belonged to Genko Shibirin, a man who knew no loyalties, a man who had betrayed everyone he ever knew in the pursuit of power. He had betrayed Sunagakure and joined their hated rivals Iwagakure, then turned on Iwagakure for some unknown reason. The spineless coward stood before Akiko now, wearing both the Sunagakure and Iwagakure headbands both were marred by a single slash mark that showed his status as a traitor to both Villages. Akiko was disgusted by his open display of these headbands, wearing them almost as a badge of honor on his forehead instead of a mark of shame that had sullied his honor, he was despicable and disgusting. Akiko’s eyes swirled into the crimson hue of pure unadulterated hatred as a single tomoe came to life in her Sharingan; she was determined to wipe this blemish of a man from the face of the world.

Akiko’s feet moved on their own accord towards her target, however she would only accomplish a step and a half before the strong arm of her superior collided sharply with her chest, stopping her in her tracks. Her red eyes glanced over towards him, enraged that he would interfere with her attempt to serve justice to this foolish man for betraying the Village of Sunagakure. But her harsh gaze wasn’t returned; instead she stared into the calm pools of a man who knew this was his end.

“We cannot rush into this and have a hope of stalling him; you and I will have to play it smart. Don’t be foolish young Uchiha; let me make the sacrifice here if it comes to that.” The man whispered his voice carried an angelic tone almost crystal clear and perfectly calm.

Akiko was stunned at the peace that almost flowed from his body as he turned to face their opponent once more. The shock that had set into Akiko’s very bones almost drowned out the words that the Special Jounin said next.

“No need for introductions, I know your face, Genko Shibirin. I won’t bother asking what your business in Sunagakure is; you have stated that clearly by the presentation of your headbands…” The Special Jounin stated before pausing momentarily, his eyes scanned down on Shibirin. He noticed the slight touches of wet crimson on the gaze that covered Shibrin’s hands and the dark stains on sleeves of his cloak. “…and the blood that stains your hands.” The Special Jounin continued, acknowledging the innocent blood that tainted Shibirin’s hands. “Normally, now would be the time I ask you to leave before we force you to…but we both know that isn’t happening is it?” He asked sarcastically as he rapidly formed two hand signs.

The Rat and Bird hand signs were formed in rapid succession, Shadows from around Shibirin would suddenly lurch forward and attempt to impale the unwelcome intruder. Should they land they shadowy tendrils would rip through his calves, Achilles tendons, biceps, triceps, and the center of his torso effectively immobilizing him and mortally wounding him in the process. The Nara Special Jounin’s eyes would then flicker to Akiko as he struggled to keep his jutsu active.

“What are you waiting for Uchiha?! Finish this before he breaks free I can’t hold him for long!” He shouted.

Akiko reacted instantly, she dashed forward her hand naturally placed itself on the hilt of her Katana. As she approached her target she drew the blade from its sheathe effortlessly and sent it on a deadly arch towards her enemy. The katana cut through the air whistling it’s lethal tune as Akiko made to severe her enemy in a single stroke that would come up from his hip and melt through his body to his shoulder, justice would be served.

NPC Special Jounin 225/250:

Uchiha Akiko 205/210:

Word Count: 1621/2000



“No need for introductions, I know your face, Genko Shibirin. I won’t bother asking what your business in Sunagakure is; you have stated that clearly by the presentation of your headbands…” Apparently, the young rebel's name had already become well known and famous, even in a place such as Sunagakure. Shibirin couldn't say he was surprised to see that the stranger knew of his name already, after just seeing his face for the first time. In a way, Shibirin was proud that his name was well known around the world, but he knew it was only famous because of all the negative things he had done. People didn't use his name in honor, but in shame and disgust. Some people in the world would feel no more than fear, when his name was spoken around them, but Shibirin could tell that these two Sunagakure ninjas were different: he suspected that rather than showing fear for the rebel, they should anger and disgust. He could see it in their eyes: their thoughts almost crystal clear to the shinobi. For a moment, he thought as though the two would try and escape from the man, but instead they decided to throw an attack towards the criminal. Within seconds, the male shinobi of two began to thread a few familiar hand signs, and before Shibirin knew it, shadows from around him would suddenly lurch forward and attempt to impale the guy. True enough, the attempt was successful, and Shibirin's body was then restricted from moving in any way possible, by the shinobi's shadow-made attack. Little did the man know, that he had caught a decoy, rather than the real thing.

Shibirin had earlier planted a clone, before approaching the outside terrains near Sunagakure, in fear of being caught inside a trap set up for intruders such as he, by the village's ninja. To his surprise, he had so far not come across a single trap, though thanks to his pre-cautions, he could now successfully use the clone he had set up in order to avoid this shinobi's attack. After Shibirin's clone was caught in the man's shadow-like jutsu, the real Shibirin emerged himself from underneath the ground just behind the shinobi, where he had been hiding at for the past few minutes. Using the element of surprise, he quickly drew out a single kunai from the inside of his cloak, and in one fluid motion, swung the miniature blade behind him and successfully managed to slit the throat of the man from behind him. After bringing the kunai swing to an imidiate halt, the man's body simply dropped on its knees and then fell face-first, onto the ground just in front of it. The man's blood had now stained the edge of the kunai in Shibirin's hand, making his earlier observation of Shibirin's bloody hands more true than before. Shibirin didn't bother to turn around to see whether or not his attempt had been successful, for he was more than sure that the loud thump sound he had heard from behind him, was the sound of the man's body dropping lifelessly onto the ground. Instead, he now let go of the bloody kunai in his hands, only turning to his side to meet eye to eye with the girl that remained after hearing the kunai's drop. His face was emotionless. "He didn't live long..." were the only words that came out of Shibirin's mouth, in the most monotonous voice possible.


Akiko brought her Katana down on the trapped threat, she fully expected the sickening sounds of parting flesh you spill forth as easily as the crimson that would follow from the wound but only silence was heard. Instead of warm sticky blood running down her blade and onto her hands, or the cries of an agonizing death only emptiness beckoned forth. Akiko’s red eyes watched on in a mixture of confusion and horror as her target slowly faded into nothingness, it had been a clever ruse, one that in her haste she had overlooked. The shadows that bound emptiness slowly receded with the sound of a stifled gurgle paired with the sound of flesh parting, Akiko’s red eyes flashed over her shoulder.

What Akiko’s eyes found caused her stomach to twist and the bitter, acidic taste of vomit to climb her throat. Her companion stood mere yards behind her, his eyes that once held such strong purpose were filled with shock as the light of life rapidly faded from his dilated pupils. The speed at which the kunai crossed his throat and severed his jugular cause a fine mist of crimson to explode from his neck before a fount of thick blood poured from the wounds. The man spent his last few moments gurgling and coughing as he attempted to not only inhale but expel the blood that now poured into his lungs. His hands grasped at the wound as he sank to his knees before merely a few seconds after the blow was delivered he collapsed into a lifeless heap.

"He didn't live long..." A hardened emotionless voice rang out from Akiko’s companion’s slayer.

A mixture of fear and disgust continued to build in Akiko’s core as she stared at her comrade’s corpse as the rapidly expanding pool of deep red sand the stemmed from the wound on his throat. Time seemed to slow down as Akiko saw the Kunai used to murder the man fall into view from her peripheral vision, tiny drops of blood chased the blade as it descended and despite its small size when the weapon collided with the ground, to Akiko, it struck like a hammer to an anvil. Immediately her eyes flickered back up to the monster of a “man” that stood before her, she hated him in the most pure of manners.

“I swear to you, Genko Shibirin, I will end your life, you will die for this!” Akiko growled through her now bared teeth.

There was a sudden shift in Akiko’s swirling red eyes, a change, a mutation. The single yang symbol suddenly split as a twin descended to the bottom of her eye, her inability to protect an asset to Suna mixed with the urgency of the situation she had found herself in had caused a change inside her. Akiko’s Sharingan mutated once more as adrenaline rushed through her veins, but would this be enough to stop such a terrible force? Or would she perish beneath the merciless blade of Shibirin regardless of her newfound power? Either way Akiko braced herself, gripping her blade even tighter then previously, now it was do or die and this was a defining moment for the young Uchiha.

Chakra 195/210:

Word Count: 2165/2000



“I swear to you, Genko Shibirin, I will end your life, you will die for this!” growled the girl, though her words most likely intended to strike fear into Shibirin's heart, only suggested to him how young and weak she still was, how he could easily take out her life and show it in front of her with ease. 'So sad, those words are going to die with her once i'm through toying with her,' Shibirin thought to himself, as he showed little to no expression towards the girl's proclamation. This had been not the first time that Shibirin had received such a threat from someone, though it was this girl had been the first, young Sunagakure kunoichi to ever threaten the man so openly. Suddenly, there was a change in the girl's crimson red eyes. The single yang symbol suddenly split as a twin descended to the bottom of her eye. It was then that Shibirin made the assumption that the girl was either born into the Uchiha clan, or she had stolen those Sharingan eyes Shibirin could now see on her. Luckily, the man knew about the Uchiha clan and most of their abilities and had a dislike on the clan and its members overall. He didn't hate them for any one reason, but simply hated them for who they were. He hated them in the presents, he would've hated them in the past and he plans o hate them in the future, many would think of it an unnecessary hatred on the clan.

The girl suddenly gript her blade and at that moment, Shibirin knew that either fear or hate, had taken over the girl and had caused her body to switch into attack mode, or was it self defence mode? Even though Shibirin was unsure of the girl's true power, he was more than confident in his own. He had fought the Hokage head on, alone at that, though he didn't manage to land the finishing blow on the kage, he had managed to survive the fight with as little damage as a bad tan. Normal men would pull away from a fight that involved a girl, but Shibirin didn't care of which gender his opponent was, nor their age. He knew that many foes would come in different shapes and sizes and he knew that he'd have to be comfortable with whatever opponent came his way. Slowly turning himself around to meet the eyes of his new foe, Shibirin glared at the girl with a chilling expression on his face. He slowly opened his mouth to speak, before saying, "Hatred, will enslave us all, just as yours will enslave you." Right after saying that sentence out towards the young shinobi, Shibirin would quickly thrust himself forwards, towards the girl, with great speed to match a Kage's. He'd bring his right fist up and aim it towards the girl's face, though he was more than sure that the girl would find a way to avoid his initial attack. Even if unskilled and lowly ranked, he knew that members of the Uchiha clan were quite capable of dealing with strong shinobi such as himself, without the assistance of others, though he knew better than to overestimate every Uchiha he met. He knew there were exceptions, and he hoped that this young girl was one of those few Uchiha that were unable to harness the true potential of their gifted abilities, for that was the only way Shibirin was going to defeat her with little to no effort.


"Hatred, will enslave us all, just as yours will enslave you." Were the words that poured from the maw of this murderous man, this outlaw, this Shibirin.

Akiko felt sickened; however she couldn’t tell if it was because of the man who birthed them or the fact that his own words held an air of clarity and truth behind them. Her stomach turned at the thought of wisdom coming from a man who was as cold and cruel as Shibirin, could a sociopath such as him actually be correct about her? Was she truly wrapping herself in the chains of hatred as her ancestors before her did? These thoughts haunted Akiko, so much so that time seemed to stand still for the briefest of seconds, but in the blink of an eye she was snapped back to reality.

Akiko became acutely aware of her opponents movements, her mind analyzed the situation with speed and efficiency as if it were a super computer, and at its core sat the swirling red orbs of her Sharingan. The twin crimson pools rapidly fed her information, allowing her to trace movements at a heightened pace and react instantaneously, almost as if it were instinctual. Akiko watched as Shiribin’s blow arched towards her left most temple, it didn’t occur to her how over exaggerated this move was, how deliberate Shibirin was being, as if her was baiting her into a trap. The pair of Sharingan computed this data into her mind, allowing her to rapidly form the best form of defense, a defense she flawlessly carried out.

Akiko relaxed her knees, allowing her to sink slightly; as she did this she tucked her chin to her chest, dipped her left shoulder downwards, and leaned towards the blow. This maneuver allowed the young Kunoichi to evade the initial blow, however it wasn’t until mid-dodge did she recognize the more immediate threat. Akiko was stunned as she stared down at Shibirin’s second fist lurching upwards towards her face, her Sharingan analyzed the situation but could come up with no viable solution to avoid the attack, only ways to minimize the damage it would cause.

Akiko raised her arms in a small “X” in front of her face, and turned her head to the right to minimize facial damage. Akiko braced herself for the blow to strike, releasing a single short breath in an attempt to calm her nerves; she tightened her biceps and flexed her chest muscles just before the blow struck out of instinct and in an attempt to help dampen the damage it would cause. There was a sickening crack as the hardened fist crashed with Akiko’s topmost arm, her right arm. The fist landed in the center of the arm, at the strongest point of the block, while she suffered little to no head damage the bones in her arm, which were at the epicenter of the collision were instantaneously shattered.

Due to the force of the blow and Akiko’s relaxed knees she was thrown upwards and back from Shibirin, in an arch. The agony from the shattered arm made Akiko enter a daze as she soared through the air; she hardly felt her back smash into the boulder behind her. The force of the collision made her mind fade to black as unconsciousness overtook her mind, but even as light retreated from her mind she felt fear creeping in, she felt the fear of death entering her very soul.

“Could this be the end?” Was the last thought that crossed her mind before her mind forced her into an unwilling slumber.



By the looks of things, the girl's time was up. The moment after Shibirin had released the first attack towards the Uchiha, she avoided it by ducking under the hit, but this only left her vulnerable to the follow up attack from Shibirin that soon came after the initial punch towards the face. Luckily enough, the girl had thought one step ahead of Shibirin, but even then she had acted too late. Right before Shibirin's second punch made impact with the girl's chest, she managed to protect this part of her body by crossing and locking her arms in front of her and lowering her head down slightly, but this only helped a little to defend the girl from the incoming attack. A loud crackling sound would've been heard primarily before the follow up sound of the girl's bones being shattered by the powerful punch. Not long after, another raucous sound of bone shattering against rock would've filled the empty air just as the girl few backwards and smashed her back against a nearby boulder that had been stationed behind the girl the entire time. The pain the girl must've experienced on impact was unimaginable, but strangely it was easier to watch the girl suffer so much pain without showing any sympathy for her, than to feel but guilty for the damage dealt on her. It was this new selfish Shibirin, that had deluged the old, care-free Shibirin into non-existance. What was once a hard scene to watch, let alone experience was now just another glimpse to neglect. A dead-pan Shibirin would trace the pitiful body of the young Uchiha as it ricocheted off of the boulder and rolled over across the rough surface of the earth, before coming to a complete stop with the girl's face looking downwards on the ground with no life in her eyes. Had the girl reached her limit? Had her body given up on her so early in the fight, or had her mind taken over and realized the mistake in trying to fight back against a ninja so heartless and cold-minded as Shibirin? Shibirin couldn't have guessed why the girl hadn't tried to get up the moment she had stopped rolling, but he also couldn't care less. As far as he was concerned, if the girl had truly died from the one attack he landed on her, she wouldn't have made it that far in the shinobi world if he had allowed her to live.

With that thought made up in his mind, Shibirin slowly began to walk towards the Uchiha's body, carelessly moving as to be not anticipate any more movements from the girl. He walked in a manner that showed a degree in dominance over the lifeless body that laid on the ground before him. Unaware of his surroundings, Shibirin had left himself quite vulnerable to any incoming attacks that didn't present them-self in his range of field. For the few seconds he made his way towards the young girl's body, he focused on nothing else but the girl's minor movements and slow breathing pattern, carefully watching out for any signs from her body that would give him any warning signs that the girl was about to suddenly retaliate. Before reaching the girl, Shibirin managed to slip out a single kunai from the insides of his cloak. Although the small tool wasn't enough to be considered a useful weapon to a ninja so powerful as Shibirin, it did at times come in handy for quick and easy assassinations on targets that were already immobilized. Rather than risking the thought of wasting time by attempting to force the small blade through the girl's heart, Shibirin decided to end the girl's life in faster way that required less force behind the attack. The tall Genko clan outcast, was going to attempt to slit the girl's throat. Once Shibirin had reached the girl's body, he stopped for a moment, to check if she was truly dead or just unconscious, though thought nothing of it when he saw the girl still breathing yet head still facing downwards on the ground. "Pity how those that say the most words at the start, say the least at the end," Shibirin spoke in his usual dead monotone, that suggested of him as a careless man who hadn't a care for what words came out of his mouth.

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