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Tsumi Sand Grounds, quite literally a living hell inside of Suna, it was here that Genin and Chuunin trained and were forged into superior Shinobi through the hardships they suffered together. In between the searing heat, the consistent winds, and the constantly shifting sands made remaining stationary nearly impossible. This taught these young Shinobi what combat in the field would be like, this was the reason Suna produced quality Shinobi as opposed to Shinobi in masses.

Today Uchiha Akiko had come to practice a jutsu she had read about in several historical texts, a Genjutsu used by a Ninja from an old village that was constantly locked in war, the Village Hidden in the Rain. The technique itself was considered a D ranked Genjutsu but had powerful repercussions, as with many of Oboro’s techniques manipulated the targets and forced them to life. Akiko noted the value of such a technique and decided to apply it to her plethora of Genjutsu techniques. The young Uchiha stood motionless on the wastes as she waited for her counterpart to arrive, a Chuunin by the name of Yoisha Defisk who was rumored to have acquired a set of Sharingan eyes through unknown means.

The prospect of going up against a Sharingan excited the young Uchiha, she would be able to see her clan’s Kekkei Genkai at work first hand, that in and of itself was more than enough motivation to push Akiko into the ring with this stranger. Akiko stood in the middle of the wastes, she was prepared and ready for anything this Chuunin could offer her and would hopefully find little difficulty in mastering the Narakumi no Jutsu.

[Narakumi no Jutsu Word Count: 276/750]

Defisk Yoisha

Defisk Yoisha

Again Defisk wandered these sandy training grounds, but this time not for a personal agenda, or even for his squad. No this time he had actually agreed to help another ninja he had met recently, an Uchiha. It would be awkward if she were to find out that he had a sharingan eye. Even if his means of acquiring it were in no ways at odds with her personally, some people could get touchy about their clan's body parts. He had no means of showing his eye off in the first place, lest someone think the eye would serve them better than it's current owner, but this person in particular would be best not to have know. To that end he wore his normal eye patch today, with his left eye covered like he had often times done in the past, leaving his normal eye revealed.

He was able to spot the girl concentrating with his one open eye. He had grown used to wearing the eyepatch years ago, and it was really paying off for more than it's original purpose. Approaching her to get things started he wondered what a clan member could do. Addressing her a little abruptly " I am here and ready to help when you are ready to begin" She did seem intent on her goal, and who was he to delay that?


Akiko eyed the man before her, scanning his choice of clothing, his facial features, his eye patch, even his hair color. To Akiko every detail of an opponent could give away some part of their history, despite him being a sparring partner Defisk would be treated just the same. After Akiko was satisfied with her visual oversight of the opponent she would react to his request with a simple nod.

"I see no reason in biding time." Akiko replied before taking a basic Battōjutsu ready stance.

However, her ready stance was simply a ruse, she quickly form two handsigns to initiate the ability she had come to practice, Rat to Snake. The jutsu would begin nearly instantly as the sand that surrounded the pair tore up in a spiral formation around Defisk. The Genjutsu would begin looking into his mind to find out his deepest of fears before manifesting it and forcing him to face his nightmares. It was for this reason Akiko had chosen the Narakumi no Jutsu, it crippled a foe and could change an entire battle.

Akiko couldn’t wait to see the results of her Genjutsu on this opponent; soon she would know how much success her first attempt at the technique reaped. Silently, she prayed for screams to signify success, she had sowed so much of her time into studying this Jutsu a failure would prove to be a waste of her time. Although, only time would tell how much fruit her labor bore, but Akiko would not leave these sands until she had accomplished her goal, she would master Narakumi no Jutsu before the day ended.

[Narakumi no Jutsu Word Count: 547/750]

Chakra 150/160:

Last edited by Akiko Uchiha on Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:02 am; edited 1 time in total

Defisk Yoisha

Defisk Yoisha

Seeing his opponent ready her fighting stand, Defisk ready his own plans. He wasn't one for up front fighting at close range, but rather using his mind and logic to find the best solution. noting the sand that flew around them. He knew that Uchiha had an affinity to fire chakra down to the person.

This one's second nature appeared to be wind most likely to control the air blowing the sand up, or perhaps it was earth and directly controlling the sand. The latter option didn't seem likely due to the large amount of sand that was moving around. It would be more favorable to him with his lightning release if she had an affinity to earth. It was of course possible that the sand wasn't a ninjutsu, but without possibly wasting chakra on the Kai jutsu, or more training with his left eye, he wouldn't be able to know until more happened.

Forming the hand seals for his clan's attack jutsu, he clapped his hands together as the whirling sands around them began to cause the area to darken. With the ability to control that much sand she was defiantly not someone to hold back on.

Taking the initiative, lest it be taken from him, Defisk did something that his limited options left him little choice but to do: charged. With hands looking to make a clean connection somewhere on her body before it became to dark to use his eyes at all.

Last edited by Defisk Yoisha on Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:56 am; edited 1 time in total


In Akiko’s eyes the sand sat perfectly still underneath their feet, however she could tell the Genjutsu was taking hold on her opponent. The one visible eye had greyed a bit, a signal of any Genjutsu affecting the mind, this combined with his reckless charge Akiko had gained the upper hand. Akiko stood unmoving as Defisk charged his hands aglow with Raiton energy; she would stand unmoving until he was merely seven feet away. Her reasoning for this wait was simple, in full charge altering your course on the drop of a hat was nearly impossible, Akiko would roll out of the way and by the time Defisk reached where she once stood he would enveloped in the midst of the Genjutsu.

As the Genjutsu took hold of Defisk’s mind his eyes would fade into blackness, the Genjutsu would force him to feel as if the sockets themselves were empty, void of his most prized possession. The Genjutsu wouldn’t end there; several whispering voices would call out to him, trying to draw him towards different directions. After a few moments the Genjutsu would show a final image to Defisk, it was the image of Akiko with her left hand extended and his Sharingan eye sitting in the center of her palm, his corpse lying at her feet.

While this occurred to Defisk, Akiko was regaining her footing and brushing what particles of sand clung to her clothing. She watched Defisk intently as her Genjutsu went through its stages, her being unable to see what he was experiencing would patiently wait until he had broken free and then address him.

“Did it work?” She asked excitement surging from every pore on her body.

[Narakumi no Jutsu Word Count: 829/750]

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