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1A Bad Combination [Private] Empty A Bad Combination [Private] Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:51 pm

Ovan Myugan

Ovan Myugan

How he ended up in this location, he truly didn't know. He was still just a genin, something that clearly did not belong in such a place by themselves, but since he was older than most, he could clearly pass off as more intimidating than others to his own advantage. Though, if something were to occur to him, the repercussions would be clearly decided before anything began. Not bothering to look at each individual, Ovan supposed he'd be able to find clues about the mercenaries in such a location, something that was clearly overlooked since the past incident; the incident that would continue to haunt him throughout his entire lifetime.

Adjusting the glove on his left hand, Ovan looked through the corner of his eyes, looking for something in particular that would stand out; something that would at least solve a part of the mystery, or even relieve him of it. Though, in all honesty, he didn't trust people anymore, and in his current locations, the Sand Dune Slums, there was no one here that he could rely on for any reliable leads. In fact, he shouldn't even be here, due to this not being a regulated task that he was seeking to accomplish. Also, some individuals here would be weaker than himself, having no previous experience as shinobi, but there would also be some hidden within their ranks, finding whatever they found useful.

2A Bad Combination [Private] Empty Re: A Bad Combination [Private] Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:00 pm


As he once again was spending the day in the Dunes that he frequented so, Daraku was bored with the lack of overall activity. With Shinyo and Makurai dead, the rest of their little followers seemed to have left Sunagakure altogether, and the Dunes were, though still dangerous, not as infamous as before. With a sunken heart and a lack of good loot to steal, he sat, leaning against a building, sharpening his sword, when suddenly, he noticed a man with long blue hair walk by. A newbie, by the looks of it, he'd never seen anyone so casual-looking in the Slums. He considered sitting in his position and just continuing his work, sharpening his sword, but he figured that the blue-haired guy could have some good stuff on him, maybe, if he was from the good parts of Suna, so he stood up and sheathed his sword with his usual, ominous grin. The sand sifted beneath his feet as he walked...

Enter: Daraku

"Hey, you. You're not from around these parts...neither am I, but I have a reason to be here, and by the looks of it, you don't. So, why are you here...?" he called to the man, maintaining his half-smile. The blue glimmer in his eyes hinted at intent to kill, but he wasn't sure that he would do so, just yet. He did love the thrill of it, but there was still a chance this guy could be valuable to him in the long run, he would wait before trying anything lethal. He kept his sword hand wrapped around his blade's hilt, tightly, as he watched the man turn in response, his mouth parting as he spoke....

3A Bad Combination [Private] Empty Re: A Bad Combination [Private] Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:18 pm

Ovan Myugan

Ovan Myugan

Being approached wasn't too uncommon, as individuals wanted to give a sense of security before doing anything to oppose their initial actions. So when he was approached by the blonde-haired man, Ovan remained a bit weary as he spoke. Hearing words, that seemed to easily fly by the short-tempered individual, Ovan stared down at the blonde-haired man, not displaying any signs of hostility. As he finished speaking, Ovan clearly did not like him off first impressions, though it was also possible that he would try and trigger his temper, if the man was able to come to the conclusion, something he could clearly take to his advantage and kill Ovan in mere seconds if there was a large gap between them. "You know, sometimes it's not the best idea to assume by looks. As for my business here, it is my business, something you clearly have no links to." Loosening his fists, Ovan tried to remain calm, knowing that if someone were to agitate him, there may be a problem that would arise and in these parts, there would be someone who would simply enjoy taking his life if they could.

4A Bad Combination [Private] Empty Re: A Bad Combination [Private] Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:56 pm


The man loosened his fists, obviously angered by Daraku's comment. "You know, sometimes it's not the best idea to assume by looks. As for my business here, it is my business, something you clearly have no links to." Daraku held back a laugh. This guy wasn't very smart, he must have had some sort of deal with the bandits here; something that Daraku frequently did himself, but he could kill the bandits whenever he wanted to break off a deal. It's how he worked, no strings attached, lethality and secrecy as important as life itself. But this blue-haired ninja, he had the attitude to face such threats, but most likely not the skill. Or maybe he did, Daraku honestly could care less...he let go of his blade, and pushed his hair back.

Daraku's mouth cracked open as said, "Fine, I won't make assumptions on appearance, but rather on mannerisms. My comment really fired you up, based on the tension you have throughout your body. Easily angered, I see. Now, allow me to introduce myself, Mr. Aggravated-Blue-Haired-Guy. My name is Ishido, Daraku." He said his name with pride, as he held the very same pride in his clan; the Ishido name was a badge of honor. He could only embrace his honor in the form of pride that was embedded in his tone. He got over himself, and focused on the man in front of him. "Now, who would you be?"

5A Bad Combination [Private] Empty Re: A Bad Combination [Private] Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:40 pm

Ovan Myugan

Ovan Myugan

He stared at the blonde-haired man, one who was currently speaking, yet he could care less about at this particular moment. Upon hearing the words "Mr. Aggravated-Blue-Haired-Guy. My name is Ishido, Daraku." There was a slight quirk of his brow, but nothing further. "Now, who would you be?" He really didn't care one way or another what would come. There was the eventual end, that this guy may kill him on the spot, something he had always been wary of, though something he would welcome openly if it came to be. "Is who I am really of concern? If you have business with me, which you certainly do due to approaching me, tell me what it is." He really did not want to deal with any useless banter right now, and instead, get this whole ordeal over with and be on his way, wherever that would take him.

6A Bad Combination [Private] Empty Re: A Bad Combination [Private] Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:23 pm


"Is who I am really of concern? If you have business with me, which you certainly do due to approaching me, tell me what it is." Daraku sighed. Mr. Aggravated-Blue-Haired-Guy wasn't being very nice, and he had a hint of annoyance and hate in his voice. Daraku wondered what the problem was; he was the one who was standing in the middle of the Dunes like an idiot, practically waiting to get jumped or worse. Daraku, on the other hand, came here to steal like the kleptomaniac he was, and his curiosity was merely piqued by the man.

"I'm just wondering why you're out here, is all. The Dunes are dangerous. Replying with hostility like that isn't going to help anything. Can I at least get your name? It's only common courtesy." By the looks of it, Blue Hair wasn't carrying any goodies or cold, hard cash on him. Unless it was hidden away, of course, but Daraku wasn't going to try and investigate. His targets were primarily those he held a grudge against or those who had extremely valuable loot, which meant Blue Hair was fine.

7A Bad Combination [Private] Empty Re: A Bad Combination [Private] Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:18 pm

Ovan Myugan

Ovan Myugan

Relaxing a tad, outwardly mainly, Ovan turned to fully look at the person standing next to him. Honestly, his life was meaningless at this point, and any threats made towards him; which were ever present, were something he wouldn't need to concern himself with. They'd either aid him one way or another, though he never cared in which fashion they did so. The character that was in his presence did not really bother him; but rather what his purpose actually was. Since he doubted the person before him would disappear before he got something out of him, Ovan simply gave him what he asked for. "Ovan. Now, is there anything else besides my name you want?" His hostility faded, though it could be momentarily, but he really just wanted to continue on, and not have to deal with this right now.

8A Bad Combination [Private] Empty Re: A Bad Combination [Private] Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:47 am


Ovan. At least Daraku got a name. He took mental note of this guy, and how odd he was acting, before turning to face the rest of Sunagakure. "I'm going to head back home, I'm sufficiently bored..." Truly enough, there was no action here. But that might not have been a real problem. Daraku had found himself growing less fond of Sunagakure, ready to venture out and move on...and kill a few select people. He knew he couldn't just leave, though. He'd need to be careful, but that wouldn't be too hard to manage with his kekkei genkai. Was that the life he would soon lead? That of a rogue ninja, on the run or something? He liked the thought, it was the life of a refugee, but also that of a free man, if that made any sense. He wouldn't be under the dominion of a Kage, but instead attempting to escape from one. Meh, could life be any more complicated?

Giving one last nod to Ovan, Daraku turned and left, first heading back to Ishido Castle before he tried anything.

(Exit Thread)

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