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1Friendly Meeting [Aneki Only / No kill] Empty Friendly Meeting [Aneki Only / No kill] Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:31 pm



The afternoon air had a sweet scent in the air as Juyo strolled through the marketplace. His tummy growled loudly, demanding to be fed Juyo's favorite bean jam cakes. He reached around in his jacket pockets but found them empty. Saddened, he looked around to find some. His eyes met a sweet old lady that was standing outside a bakery. He walked in and asked for bean jam cakes, the old lady hurrying along to get him some. She announced a fresh dozen that had come out of the oven. Ordering the fresh dozen, Juyo took them in a brown bag and slowly made his way back out to the street, munching on the delicious bean jam cakes.



Aneki was strolling along the market place, looking at his left hand. He quietly began to undo the bandage as he walked, wrapping it back around in a tight roll as he undid it from around his hand. After he was done he looked at the tattoo of the Ryuzoji clan symbol on his palm. His face was slightly moody, if not concentrating on the tattoo itself. He had to keep being stronger and keep trying harder. His father was counting on him and no matter what he would become the best ninja to ever walk the land. Even if he had to kill the Kage. But that was something for another time, instead he walked quietly towards a few shops, shifting past a bakery where some guy was coming out with a basket of Bean Jam Cakes. It smelled quite delicious and Aneki hadn't eaten as of yet, but he wasn't about to ask a random stranger for his food.

Aneki had just about shut off his emotions for the day, trying to focus on not caring too much, lest he lose control. He smiled under his sash as he passed the boy, waving with his left hand, forgetting the bandage wasn't put back on as of yet. He shrugged a bitter feeling from himself and moved to a bench in the middle of the marketplace, taking a seat on the far right side.



On his way back to the streets, Juyo noticed an odd looking man walk by. He had white hair that hung over his left eye and a marking over his right. The man's left hand had bandages wrapped all around it and he was messing with it, slowly unfolding it. He wore a red sash or scarf around his neck that covered up his mouth, but Juyo noticed the man's eyes were all over the bean jam cakes. Their sweet aroma most likely sending the man's stomach to an uproar. Juyo watched the man sit down on a bench by himself. As the man sat down, Juyo noticed the hitai-ate and realized the man was a shinobi of the village. Looking at his bean jam cakes, Juyo decided to sit by the man, and let him suffer from the delicious aroma while he ate. Juyo smiled wide as he took a big bite from one of the cakes.



Aneki quietly looked over as the other male came over and sat beside him. He stared straight forward, while the male ate, rolling his eyes after a bit. It was a minute or two later before he realized what this guy was doing. 'He's teasing me! Why the little..' He turned his head slowly to look to that of his shinobi peer. It was clear what he was doing now, and Aneki did not appreciate it one bit. "You know, it's not nice to tease others, especially those who are less fortunate than you, or those that could get bad easily." His words were spoken in a low, calm tone. They had some anger behind them, but not too much to show that he was angry enough yet to do something about it it. Depending on how the other reacted, a fight could ensue, or two men would laugh over this for no apparent reason. All on this kid's reaction.



The taste of the bean jam cakes were very sweet, refreshing Juyo's palette as he ate.  The aroma of the cakes were so strong, his Iron smell wasn't even noticeable, although it did help that he recently had bathed.  Juyo smiled widely, eating his third bean jam cake, as the man next to him suffered from the aroma.  "You know, it's not nice to tease others, especially those who are less fortunate than you, or those that could get bad easily" the man finally spoke.  This made Juyo laugh a bit before looking back at the man.  "Well, if you're so hungry," he said.  "You should've asked for some, but maybe I should leave.  You might be one of those that 'could get bad easily'." He looked at the man sitting next to him, his eyes focused on the man's left hand, where the bandages had been taken off. The hand seemed to have a tattoo on its palm, but it was mostly covered up from Juyo's angle.



[Totally meant mad XD I was tired]

Aneki sighed softly, shaking his head."I apologize, I don't know what came over me but I did not mean to lose my temper so easily." He held out his left hand for the other man to shake, the tattoo being completely revealed now. "I am Aneki, it's nice to meet you." His pale grey hues moved over the other male's form, shifting a bit as he took in everything about the other. He was silently sizing up the other, finding him nothing too bad, should this become violent. But you should never judge a book by its cover. And with all these thoughts in his mind, Aneki had forgotten to re-cover his tattoo of the Ryuzoji clan symbol. He shrugged it off, couldn't be that this man knew who his clansmen were.



The man stretched out his hand to shake, clearly revealing the tattoo to Juyo.  He had seen that symbol once before.  "I apologize, I don't know what came over me but I did not mean to lose my temper so easily.  I am Aneki, it's nice to meet you." He seemed to have calmed down, no doubt it was a bit harsh for Juyo to have smothered him with the sweet aroma.   Yet Juyo was still amused at how it had affected the man, Aneki.  Juyo smiled and took the man's hand.  "Pleasure to meet you, Aneki.  I'm Juyo."  Then taking the man's hand and showing the tattoo, Juyo continued.  "Interesting tattoo, I just recently fought someone who wore this same symbol.  I'm guessing you're a Ryuzoji, huh?"

Last edited by Juyo on Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total



"Aye, I am. Quite the talented one at that. I train everyday so I may prove my father proud." Aneki seemed slightly sad at mentioning his father. His mood became happier once more though as he began to wrap the bandages up once more. His hand was re-covered and his fingers were showing up to the second knuckle, this was the most comfortable. He then looked back the man named Juyo. "Who did you fight then? I may know them, and I'd like to know how you survived an encounter with them" This moment in the conversation was crucial as it would define whether or not the two men would be compatible friends. He hoped that they could be as this man seemed interesting, to say the least. While he patiently waited, his grey hues sized up the man once more.



Juyo watched the man wrap his bandages back up, covering the tattoo over again. Looking at Aneki, he could tell that the man was very interested in his tale. He thought back to his battle with Ikki, going over it all in his head just like he had the night after the fight. Another bean jam cake went into Juyo's mouth as he considered what all he should tell Aneki. Swallowing the last bit of the sweet cake, he answered. "I survived because I knew what I was doing. I fought Ikki, apparently he's a part of the head family. Anyways, it showed me what makes you Ryuzoji so special." He didn't need to say he only knew a bit, but would rather have Aneki overestimate him than underestimate. Besides, he did know something about the Ryuzoji, and it was worth keeping to himself.



After quietly listening to the other man's story, aneki smiled underneath the sash cover his mouth. So, that was his game. Ikki was a member of the head of the family, but he wasn't that powerful if you asked Aneki. Still, this Juyo charcter left a bit to be desired in the details department Aneki would have to keep an eye on him. He moved to stand, walking forward a bit, turning back to his new acquaintance. "You know, you leave a lot to be desired when it comes to details there. I mean, it is part of my clan you had a fight with, would be nice to know how you managed to defeat him and what you know of us." He turned to look Juyo in the eyes, his grey hues dimming slightly as they were covered in shadow.



Aneki seemed to take in Juyo's words with deep thought. He couldn't see Aneki's face very well because of his sash, and what little of his face did show was slightly covered by his white hair. Yet Juyo saw a change in Aneki's eyes that made him wonder what he was thinking. Aneki stood up and took a few steps, but before leaving he turned back to Juyo. "You know, you leave a lot to be desired when it comes to details there. I mean, it is part of my clan you had a fight with, would be nice to know how you managed to defeat him and what you know of us."

That made Juyo smile, he had successfully made Aneki curious about him. The man's tone seemed to imply an itch to fight. That's something Juyo had in common with Aneki, he would always love a good fight. Plus, getting more information on the Ryuzoji's Current Perception would definitely be worth it. Though Juyo's stomach, now full on eight of his freshly bought bean jam cakes said differently. He looked at Aneki with eagerness. "One doesn't give away for free what he has earned by the sweat of his own brow." A good little proverb would be sufficient. Juyo had no intentions of giving anything away to Aneki. True, he seemed to be a decent individual, but something about him made Juyo be overly cautious.

12Friendly Meeting [Aneki Only / No kill] Empty Re: Friendly Meeting [Aneki Only / No kill] Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:44 pm



Aneki thought quietly on those words. It was a good proverb. The man was interesting to say the least and he had to be strong. Having this man as an ally could be..good for the both of them. He smiled behind his sash and nodded silently. "Truer words have never been spoken by one of the Kumogakure no sato. I accept this..for now. But as it were I believe we could become good friends. Normally I fight people who don't give up what I need and or kill them. Yet..You seem a bit too interesting for that. I look forward to learning more about you my friend. And who knows, I may see you in my squad at a later date." There wasn't much else to say but maybe this man could come up with something that they could do right now regardless of the conversation dying out so suddenly.



Juyo got up from the bench as well, looking into Aneki's eyes.  This whole time he'd been hungry, yet he never asked for food.  Juyo could understand this guy, not wanting to rely on others except himself.  Plus, Aneki said he'd kill to get what he needed, and that was definitely something the two had in common.  Looking at his basket of bean jam cakes, his stomach betrayed him, and he knew he wouldn't be able to finish the last four.

"Here, you can have the rest.  Consider it a start of an interesting friendship," he said, shoving the basket into Aneki's stomach so he had to grab it.  Juyo turned to leave, looking back at Aneki.  The Ryuzoji clan were strong from what he'd already seen, and Aneki would prove to be a good friend, but  seeing another Ryuzoji so soon had reminded him of his match with Ikki.  Aneki wasn't one to give out information and seemed stronger than Juyo so fighting to learn more about their clan would be pointless.  Aneki would end the fight before Juyo could learn anything more.  Still, meeting him reminded Juyo that he needed to train and grow stronger.  "Next time we meet, I'll gladly take you up on learning about each other."



Aneki held the basket as Juyo began to depart, smirking once more under his sash. "Next time we meet, I'll gladly take you up on learning about each other" It was official then. The two would become good friends and the next time they met they would learn more about each other, hopefully how Juyo had defeated Ikki. He chuckled softly, turning to leave as well, taking a few steps before speaking. "Perhaps. I'll see you another time, perhaps in the near future." With that, he walked down the road, leaving the area with the cakes in tow, chuckling to himself.


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