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1Peacekeeper [A Rank] Empty Peacekeeper [A Rank] Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:31 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu rushed the trees. The wind blew against his hair and the rattling of the metal plates of his blood soaked armour could be heard like a call to arms. "Get back here, Sasori!" The Senju shouted with a ferocious roar. He seemed to have become enraged by this man as the figure was running frantically upon the pathway on ground level. A rather large and open area that was the border had come into sight. The man names Sasori had reached it first before Sousetsu momentarily after. Sousetsu was now chasing him on ground level also. His feet sounded heavy as it crashed down onto the earth before he received a rather odd sensation. He looked down towards his leg which was now also blood soaked but it was his own. He fell on the opposite knee and looked up with only one eye on focus while the other remained closed as he tried to endure the pain. "Shit..." Sousetsu exclaimed to himself as close to a whisper as he could get.

Earlier that morning, Sousetsu could be seen before the mission holders. The main speaker had slammed his fists onto the desk, enraged by something that Sousetsu knew was part of a mission. The Senju could be seen with his hands together behind his back and his head facing forwards with little expression. "Sousetsu! We have a mission for you. It's urgent which is why we have made it an A rank." Sousetsu nodded in reply. "I accept." He said, following orders and not wanting to put anyone down. He needed these people to stay calm before anything got out of hand. The mission holders who sat behind the desk ruffled through papers as usual until they found what they were looking for. They talked among themselves about how this would work out. Was Sousetsu capable? His success rate was higher than most of course.

The speaker took the sheets from their hands and announced it before the Jounin. "The political figure, Masaru, Sasori, has created false accusations against Konohagakure to start a conflict between the neighbouring countries of the Fire Country. No doubt this conflict will be for his personal wants and needs,  benefiting the politician with the spoils of a needless war, gaining weapons, money and power. The politician will be seen making his way for the border to attend a summit to reveal his 'findings' and has hired one Jounin and two chuunin ranked missing-nin for his safe arrival at the summit. Go now!" Sousetsu flinched at the bite that this dog had before him. Sousetsu did not appreciate being snapped at.

The man had handed the sheet to Sousetsu, it was the details of the man in question. He had long, white and straight hair as his main feature. He wore a bright kimono with fair skin and defined cheekbones. Looking further into the details, it was said that Sasori believes he is the righteous man regardless of the situation. He criticizes others for failing their jobs or sloppiness overall. With a short fuse and in the face of danger this is where he will show his true colours of being nothing more than a coward filled with greed. He fears bankruptcy and his own life at risk. He does not wish to leave this world without coming very powerful and well known. Without even a goodbye, the Senju left the building and rushed for the main gate of the Village hidden in the Leaves.

Words: 583/2500

2Peacekeeper [A Rank] Empty Re: Peacekeeper [A Rank] Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:31 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The Jounin leaped along the rooftops with his eyes shifting back and fourth from in front of him to the crowds below. The streets were beginning to pack as the day was beginning for all. There was shopping to be done for the many families, the adults needed to make their way to work and the children were out playing with one another, laughing and cheering as they chased one another. The weather was calm, slightly cloudy with sunlight seeping through the open cracks in the sky. As Sousetsu leaped the wind collided with his hair, flailing it aimlessly. He could be found wearing his usual attire of armour emblazoned with the Senju symbol worn over a simple black jumpsuit, with a distinctive white fur collar. This armour was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along the wearers body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms. A katana could be seen laying across his lower back. The high frequency blade stood at three feet and three inches long, black customized handle with silver linings the outer blade. Soon he arrived at the village gates where he had met the usual two ninja.

He reached into his pouch and retrieved the mission statement and held it up before the two. They looked with slight shock and nodded for Sousetsu to be on his way, almost rushing him through the gates. He continued his journey by kneeling towards the ground and picking up pieces of earth which was disturbed recently. With the track in hand he knew which way the target had went. He leaped into the trees and began to make his way by there, passing through the leaves of the trees and pushing his feet against the branches to launch to the next. Before long, Sousetsu had noticed the sun was at its fullest as it was after midday. He needed to pick up the pace before they crossed the border and made it to their destination. Judging by the tracks, Sasori was around two hours ahead of Sousetsu. With little option even with his great speed, Sousetsu needed to be faster. He leaped to the path that the trail still lingered upon and continued running. Water began to form in small radius around his feet and soon Sousetsu seemed to be surfing among the earth as the water carried him and increasing his speed.

With Sousetsu catching up on the target it was only a matter of time before he would come into contact and he was right. A few hundred metres ahead he could see figures running towards to the horizon. Two of the figures seemed to be getting closer. It seemed that the Chuunin for hire were ordered to attack Sousetsu. At his highest speed, Sousetsu rushed to the closest one and charged for a head on collision. Upon contact with one of the Chuunin he jumped from his speed which launched him towards the new opponent. He spun in a diagonal fashion with his right leg outstretched. In an instant his foot came into contact with his neck causing him to fumble behind the Senju and slid to a halt with his face into the earth. It was undeniable that the shear force of the kick had knocked the Chuunin unconscious. He had one more to deal with. He withdrew his katana and charged at the Chuunin with the will of putting him to death.


3Peacekeeper [A Rank] Empty Re: Peacekeeper [A Rank] Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:02 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Looking past the Chuunin, Sousetsu had noticed that the Jounin and his target were getting further and further from him. He had to end this quickly. With a few swift swings of his blade to confuse his opponent before lunging it towards his gut. The boys eyes widened. He gasped for each breath of air that seemed to be hard to grasp. The boy placed his hand upon Sousetsu's shoulder and leaned in to help stand as his knees began to weaken. The blade could be seen through the boy's back, peeking back up to Sousetsu to greet him from the other side. Sousetsu stood back and ripped the blade back with him only to find spurts of blood arriving on his chest and face which began trickling down his legs to his feet. The boy dropped down before him, grabbing his the Senju's leg and wincing as his death had begun its journey. Sousetsu wiped his face with a fluent motion and rubbed the blood along his side. Sousetsu became lost in thought. The boy had came across an unfair match up and it cost his life. The Jounin obviously did not care much to send two Chuunin against a Jounin of his stature. This began to make his blood boil. The very thought of any of any of Sousetsu's comrades doing this would lead to their own deaths by his own hand.

He was a terrible role model and teacher. Sousetsu began to think that he might have done this to keep the money for himself. Maybe he had a deal with extra costs for their lives. He would be set for a while if this was the case. The Senju began rushing after the target and the Jounin. At this current moment in time, the Jounin was more of an issue to Sousetsu than the man giving up Konoha. Treating his subordinates like they were disposable was unforgivable to Sousetsu. The sounds of a rushing stream could be heard around his feet as he surfed towards the direction which he had last seen them. Approaching great speed they were in his sights once more. One of the figures had turned to face Sousetsu and prepared for an assault. The figure withdrew a weapon from what he could see and began charging at the Senju. Before long, Sousetsu withdrew his own blade once again and met his opponent once more. The blades clashed and came to a deadlock between the two Jounin. "You should turn back now if you wish to live." The man howled. Sousetsu remained transfixed upon the man. Anger was a common expression on his face towards the man. The intent to kill was rising once more within him. "You let your comrades die so you could gain more wealth! You are scum! I won't lose to the likes of you..." Sousetsu confronted him, the blades stil scraping slightly off one another. "They were weak and only holding me back." He grinned in response. Sousetsu's eyes were now filled with rage as the man was seemingly laughing in his face.

Words: 1679/2500

4Peacekeeper [A Rank] Empty Re: Peacekeeper [A Rank] Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:19 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The two clashing Jounin's bounced off of one another and landed at a fair distance between them. They both reverted to their battle stances as they faced off. The grin was still wide from the selfish missing ninja while the anger was still upon the Senju's face. A grin soon emerged from Sousetsu's face. The opposing Jounin's katana had split into two as the top half began to fall. "What...What happened?! What did you do?!" He said in a panic. He waved his sword frantically and searched for the other half at his feet. A small steam emerged from the blade when Sousetsu began to speak. "My blade is unlike any other. It is the 'High Frequency Blade'. A sword that resonates at high frequencies, raising its temperature, thereby increasing its cutting ability. You never stood a chance. I would politely ask you to leave but you left me no choice with your previous actions." Sousetsu said as he was beginning to look down on him furthermore. Sweat could be seen from the missing ninja as he now figured that blades were useless. He threw the hilt to the side and began to form hand seals.

Sousetsu quickly deposited his blade back in its sheath and readied himself for the onslaught ahead. Before long, a great fireball had made its way towards Sousetsu. With his quick reflexes Sousetsu spiraled out of the fireballs way and formed a series of hand seals. "Suiton: Suiryū Kōbaku!" exclaimed Sousetsu. This was among his most powerful techniques and had shown that he was not to be toyed with. He was going all out so early in the battle. A large pool of water formed around the opposing Jounin at a fifteen metre radius. Water bullets had shot up from beneath him from various areas but as the final bullet emerged it had caught him and forced him into the air with such might. A large exertion of air escaped the Jounin's lips before finding the finisher to this technique. The water bullets had formed a cloud and above them before a large roar emerged followed by a water dragon that traveled at high speed to engage the Jounin and pin him into the earth before them.

With cracked bones and the dragon having vanished after crashing into the earth leaving a pool of water once more, the Jounin seemed to be such a bad shape that he seemed to be paralyzed. "How...did you...beat me?" The man struggled to get out of his system. "You lost because you did not have your comrades by your side. You've never fought without them but with the right cost you deserted them. In the end, it cost you your life also." Sousetsu explained giving him him a final lesson before his death. He made his way towards the Jounin to finish the job. He pulled out the blade once more and raised it above his head before swinging down. A sharp pain had revealed itself from Sousetsu's thigh. The missing ninja had reached for his broken blade and had hastily stabbed him. With pain in his eyes Sousetsu continued the job and killed the missing ninja with a fatal swing. He used the high frequency blade's ability of heating up and cauterized the wound so that it would close over so that he could continue his task at hand.

Words: 2252/2500

5Peacekeeper [A Rank] Empty Re: Peacekeeper [A Rank] Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:12 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu rushed the trees. The wind blew against his hair and the rattling of the metal plates of his blood soaked armour could be heard like a call to arms. He had regretted taking the Chuunin's lives but could thought he had done them justice by killing the Jounin. Sasori was within his grasp as he had seen the figure frantically run for his life. "Get back here, Sasori!" The Senju shouted with a ferocious roar. He leaped to the ground so Sousetsu was now chasing him on even level. His feet sounded heavy as it crashed down onto the earth before he received a rather odd sensation. He looked down towards his leg which was now also blood soaked , the wound had reopened. He fell on the opposite knee and looked up with only one eye on focus while the other remained closed as he tried to endure the pain. "Shit..." Sousetsu exclaimed to himself as close to a whisper as he could get. Suddenly, the Senju threw his water whip technique towards the man and had succeeded in catching his foot before he was out of reach.

He began to drag the man back as best he could, he was moving slowly yet surely. "Stop! I beg you! I can.. I can give you double for what I'm worth if you keep me alive! Please!" Sasori pleaded but they fell on deaf ears. "You made me kill..." Sousetsu announced as he pulled him further. "You are trying to cause another war..." The blood was pouring heavily down his leg by this stage but he remained transfixed on this man. "You deserve nothing but death!" He shouted as the man was within his grasp. He swiftly drew his blade and before Sasori could respond his throat was slit. He gasped for air but died of drowning. Sousetsu's breath was heavy before he cauterized the wound once more. His mission was complete, but brought more heart heavy burdens upon Sousetsu. The afternoon was finished and the village gates were in his sights. Before long, he placed the body which was now wrapped in cloth to the morticians to confirm it was Sasori before returning to the Hokage's office to confirm his success.

Words: 2630/2500

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