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Name: Seal Style::Water Gun
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: Suiton
Range: Mid.(5 – 10 meters)
Specialty: Fuuinjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 4 post
The seal can be placed on the ground, or any non-organic surface, it being activated by the chakra of the fuuinjutsu practitioner. Once activate water is drawn from the atmosphere and fills up the seal, this happens instantaneous, before firing a concussive force of water at the opponent, that can cause mild bruising, and potential crack/break smaller bones(ei. fingers, toes.)). Roughly 2ft in diameter, the beam is capable of overwhelming jutsus of the same rank(excluding earth) or higher(katon only), projectiles of the same rank or lower, are also knock away/overwhelmed by the blast. While under the effects of
Seal Style: Enchantment, Water Gun can now crack smaller bones, and possible break them if hit directly.
677 out of 1000

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And that my friends is the quickest way to part a crowd while walking – as shown by Konoha's resident gambler, having sneezed for the umpteenth time in the span of ten minutes. He didn't know how what happen, yesterday he was perfectly fine, but when he woke up this morning, he was gifted with a snuffy nose and a slight fear. What the hell!? His routine didn't change anything. And(as far as he knows) he didn't have a run in with any sickly people. So why in blue heavens was he sick? Rubbing his noise in frustration Kichirou continue navigating through the Konohagakure market square swiftly, trying to avoid bumping into anyone. A small bag full of herbs and spices that promised to get rid of whatever he had in his right hand, and a small brown backpack was slung over his shoulders – as the crowd parted for the man. Green orbs caught the fleeting looks of friends who disappeared after being spotted, though not before lingering a little bit as if they were having an internal debate if they should approach him. Wisely they chose not to, maybe because of the frown marring his facial features, that hinted at him not wanting to be bother with?

Those same orbs as before thoroughly scanned Kichirou's final destination, his feet having stopped once reaching there. Lush green trees dance in a hypnotic fashion, no doubt from the slightly and present breeze sweeping through the area, different species of birds chirped happily them being the singers in this performance. The crystal blue skies shined down like a spot light on the performers, as if trying to bring the attention to them. Yes, this training ground would do nicely for what Kichirou had in mind. Moving towards a tree stump, Kichirou began the process of unpacking the brown backpack full of Fuuinjutsu supplies such as, blank sheets of paper; various ink vials and brushes all was laid out a front of him. Grabbing a piece of paper that, to an average person, looks like some childish doodling, Kichirou looked at the sealing array drawn on the paper. The sealing array in question was something of his own design that he thought of on the whim, and instead of trying it out with ink and brushes, he decided to draw out the array making small note bubbles with estimates the thickness of the brush needed and consistency of lines. Pressing down to hard or light could result in a nasty effect. The same cane be said about the thickness of the lines as well. For to thick, and well you might just end up with a giant explosive tag – something you wouldn't want . . . well unless you plan for such.

Once he was sure that the sealing array on the paper was alright and safe to use(presumably), he grabbed a clean sheet of paper, a vital of ink and brush. Taking a deep breath, calming his nerves and clearing his mind, the gambler began the tenacious procedure of drawing out the sealing array, making sure each stroke was perfect. For the slightest mis –


Kichirou's hands flew up quickly catching the soccer ball that was heading towards him, green eyes looking at the small kids who were running up to him and apologize to him before asking for the ball back – something he agreed to give back, just with a warning to be careful for now on. Watching the kids run off, Kichirou turned back to the seal he were working on and he couldn't help to mentally groan at the mess. Even though he knew it, the fact that some of the lines weren't consistence in size and the ink was running, totally destroying the seal, was a souring sight. Well there wasn't any point in crying over spilled milk . . . or ink in this case. So with that, Kichirou balled up the ruin piece of paper and started anew. Hopefully there wouldn't be any interruptions this time.

Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

Suiton: Kamikiri:

587 out of 1000

Kaito walked out of the store with drink in hand, enjoying the fair weather. 'It's a damn good day to be alive, glad it came today. Should be able to get some training in, maybe learn a jutsu or two. Well, I'd better make my way somewhere. Maybe the river, or the hills. They have some good spots for water.' Sipping the soda, Kaito continued his way through the masses of villagers going about their day. Slipping in between old women and merchants, Kaito hurried his way home to grab his gear and put on more comfortable clothing. Trading his sandals for boots, his t-shirt for a jacket, and throwing on gloves and his headband, Kaito bid farewell to the empty apartment and set off once again. Still walking relaxed rather than running across the rooftops, Kaito smiled. "Those exams are in the bag! When they see my summons and jutsu, they won't know what to expect." Giving hellos to former classmates he passed by and browsing the flowers and vegetables of a merchant, Kaito was in no hurry at all. Taking a scroll out he borrowed from the library, Kaito gave it a once-over.

"Suiton: Kamikiri, huh? Let's see...C-rank, offensive, 20m. Yeah, this one will work much better. Couple this with some water clones and those guys can turn into weapons themselves." Looking forward to make sure he didn't bump into someone, Kaito continued reading. "Can create a fast jet of water running through the ground that is powerful enough to slice through solid rock and C-rank Doton. While the user can have this jet chase down the target at speeds rivaling their own, it can be somewhat easily avoided if the target can jump high enough to clear over it. The jet can cut up to 4in into targets even with a glancing blow. Man, this sounds pretty dangerous for a C-Rank. Better be careful today." Rolling the scroll back up and slipping it back into his coat, Kaito reached the gate. With little talk or banter, Kaito was allowed access out of the village in order to train. Kaito grumbled. "I bet civilians don't have to check out...that blows big time." Walking under the shade of the monstrous trees that gave the village it's name, Kaito hummed a tune. Starting to see the are he was looking for, Kaito noticed a group of boys apparently arguing. When they noticed Kaito, their arguement stopped entirely.

One boy smirked, and said to Kaito. "Hey guy, want to be our goalie? None of the other kids can handle how hard I kick the ball." Seeing the other boys rub bruises on their chest and arms, Kaito smiled. "Ya know, I can kick a ball hard too. Why don't you be goalie?" The boy frowned and gave Kaito an angry look. No one can kick harder than me! Watch!" Setting the ball down, the boy gave the ball a hard kick to it's bottom, sending it flying over into the training ground. Seeing his distance, the boy's ran into the grounds to retrieve it. Following shortly, Kaito emerged from the treeline to spot his squadmate giving the ball back to the children over a mess of spilled ink. When the kids were leaving, Kichirou crumpled up a piece of paper and set to drawing lines on a new one. Kaito jogged to the stump he sat on and called. "Hey Kichi!"



40 out of 1000

Drawing sealing arrays is kind of like sex . . . or rather masturbation, for you need to have a perfect stroke in order to have success. While you might get lucky without such a stroke, it still won't bring the best results and might leave you unsatisfied in the end. Those were the words of Kichirou's mother when she was teaching the teenager the more finer points of the art. The gambler clearly remember all the days and nights spent trying to perfect his calligraphy skills for without them one couldn't become a fuuinjutsu user, well technically they could but not an extremely adept one. Yeah, Kichirou remember those memory fondly, and it was some of his most cherished moments for many reasons. . .

Before Kichirou could make another stroke on the anew piece of paper, a voice called out to him causing the man to look in the given direction. Green eyes locked onto his fellow team mate Kaito, a force mile spreading across his face as the boy in question jogged up and stoppered a few feet from the gambler. While it's true the gambler didn't want to be bother, the fact that Kaito were his team mate made Kichirou tolerate the genin. Turning back to the piece of paper, Kichirou made a few more strokes, finishing up the sealing array design. No sooner was it finish did he place the cap back onto the ink vial and rinsing out the brush in a small dish of solution that were made for dissolving ink. Once all of that were done, Kichirou turned his attention to Kaito, though it were obvious by him constantly looking, checking over the sealing array, that his mind was elsewhere.

How is it going Kaito? Haven't seen you in awhile.”The last time Kichirou had seen his comrade was doing their team meeting. Afterward Kichirou had been a little bit reclusive, though that could have been due to his run in with the Hyuugas, him suffering bruised ribs in the process. He doubted his team mate knew about this, though if they did, they haven't said anything yet. Though he could be wrong. . .

Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

Suiton: Kamikiri::

Sorry Kichi, things came up and I'll be leaving Thursday. Won't be back until Saturday, so I needed to finish this so you can get on with it.

1034/1000: Suiton:Kamikiri Trained

Stopping a few feet from Kichirou, Kaito saw him pull out a clearly fake smile. Turning his attenteon back to the paper he was drawing on, Kaito watched Kichirou stroke the brush across the paper to make designs Kaito didn't have a clue on how to decipher. Putting the cap on the vial of ink, Kichirou divided some of his attention to Kaito. “How is it going Kaito? Haven't seen you in awhile”, Said Kichi while double checking the paper. By the color of his skin, Kaito had a feeling Kichirou probably was sick.

"Man Kich, you don't look so good. Why are you out here when you should be at home?" Now closer, Kaito could tell what Kichirou was working on. From some of the swirls, Kaito could see some similarities between this and some exploding tags. Remembering what Kichirou said about his Sealing skills, Kaito frowned. "New seal Kich? Don't think I've seen one like this." Still unsure of the boundaries with his teammate, Kaito fought the urge to grab the still drying seal. "Look, I'm sure you're excited about this seal, but take it easy on yourself, alright? We're not Kage here Kichi." Watching the older boy for a second, Kaito walked a bit into the middle of the clearing. Taking a bowl out of his pack and a gallon of water, Kaito filled it up and set it on the ground.

I hope you don't mind if I practice a new jutsu while I'm here. I'll keep the water away from your doodles." Taking the scroll out of his pocket, Kaito read it and nodded. Placing it in his bag, Kaito poured the bowl of water on the ground. Discarding the bowl, Kaito slowly practiced a pattern of hand signs without using chakra just yet. Happy that he could form them quick enough without mistakes, Kaito channeled chakra to his hands. Forming the set, water slowly began to seep uo from the ground. Gaining speed, Kaito channeled the water to slowly strafe the ground. As this picked up speed, the water began cutting the ground before him. Now cutting deep into the earth, Kaito channeled the water to begin snapping quickly through the air. Finishing this, Kaito allowed the water to fall back to the ground and soak in. Wiping his brow, Kaito patted himself on the back for being able to learn the jutsu. 'With the exams coming up, this will put me ahead a bit. Let's see them hide from that.'

Picking up his gear, Kaito gave a wave to Kichirou and set back to the village for lunch.

Techniques used:


Seal Style:: Bombardment:

80 out of 1000 = ???

A chuckle couldn't help but to escape the man's lips, at the look of confusion on his team mates face at he tried his best to understand the sealing array on the paper. The array probably look like a bunch of squiggly lines, to Kaito. The same can be said in regards to all shinobi who ain't a fuuinjutsu user. Yeah, they might be able to tell the difference between an explosive and sealing, that being prominent shinobi tool, but they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a smokescreen and explosive tag, they having similar designs with just a few tweaks. The sealing arts were just something not taught within the academy. Most kids not wanting or having the patience to learn the intricate art. Besides why would they want to learn sealing when they could learn ninjutsu to blow up stuff? This was the truth behind the majority of shinobi academies, and it didn't bother the gambler at all. Why should it? The less people who know about sealing, the more dangerous a fuuinjutsu practitioner is. For how many will understand the intricate designs of seals? How many understand that just with a few tweaks can turn a explosive sealing into something more dangerous? No many. And that's why Kichirou finds himself appreciating the academy lack of teachings.

"Man Kich, you don't look so good. Why are you out here when you should be at home?"

The words of Kaito caused Kichirou to cringe lightly. Not surprising that his team mate would noticed his sick like appearance. Not only was the gambler running a light fever, his skin was a sickly pale coloration, thus making it clear to everyone that he was sick. Though he wasn't trying to hide it.

Yeah I am sick. Don't know what happen though, yesterday I was completely fine but this morning, ugh, felt like crap. And you know why I'm out here. The chuunin exams are coming up soon so I'm trying to prepare for them. “ Kichirou stated, given Kaito a more clearer view of the sealing array on the paper. Everyone and their mother knew that the exams were coming up. Jounins with squads were running their genins through the gauntlet and back, preparing them for the upcoming exams that surely would be interesting. Sousetsu, Kichirou's own sensei, did the same thing with them, and it truly was hell. Even now the explosions and loud thuds of chuunin hopefuls could be heard in the distance.

"New seal Kich? Don't think I've seen one like this."

Answered his teammate's question with a nod before deciding to explain the seal, shredding some light to the confused male “I doubt anyone knows about this seal, seeing how I created it. The seal is based off a water cannon jutsu I saw performed by another shinobi. The ninjutsu was cool to say the least and I find myself intrique by it. With that in mind, I decided to recreate the technique using seals.” Taking a deep breath, Kichirou began to point towards various lines and such on the paper “Theses nodes right here at like conductors, drawing in the water from the atmosphere. Once the water is drawn in, these nodes will sealing it up in a spacial pocket – acting like a sealing scroll. Finally the nodes right here compresses the water. And with a small burst of chakra, the water should be release in a cannon like fashion.” Of course some of the array mechanics was left out, in order not to bore the man to death. “Well that's the concept of it anyway. I haven't tried it out yet, and that's why I'm out here now to do. For all I know it could blow up in my face.” A nervous chuckle escaped his lips. Now that he thought about it, he really didn't know if the array would work properly. For all he knew, he could have made something entirely different than he wanted.

"Look, I'm sure you're excited about this seal, but take it easy on yourself, alright? We're not Kage here Kichi."

Alright I'll. After I test this one out, I will head home for rest.” Kichirou stated, his words obviously being prevaricated. The man didn't have any plans of going home, he still got seals to practice. And besides there isn't any rest for those like him. Before he even had the chance to try out the seal, Kichirou watched as his teammate removed a bowl and a gallon of water from his backpack, filling up the former with the later.

I hope you don't mind if I practice a new jutsu while I'm here. I'll keep the water away from your doodles."

Kichirou just nodded at the man's answer, as he decided, more out of curiosity, to watch this new jutsu Kaito was practicing. Maybe he could make a seal version of it? The gambler couldn't help but to be impress with the Kaito using Suiton: Kamikiri, the fast jet of water carving up the unforgiven land with relatively ease. Not surprising, seeing how the water was condensed. For it's a known fact that if condensed enough, water could cut through diamond.

'With the exams coming up, this will put me ahead a bit. Let's see them hide from that.'

He couldn't help but to chuckle at the man's words. “Well, at least I know what to look out for, if I ever have to fight you.” Kichirou stated, before waving goodbye to the man as he disappear from the area.

Now, lets see if you work, shall we?”With those words, Kichirou slapped the piece of paper on the ground, far away from where he was, like an explosive tag, he channel chakra into the array and waited. . . The results didn't disappoint. The torment of water blasted out of the seal, the earth begin carved up once against, a small sapling getting destroyed by the concussive water force. All in all the seal worked perfectly. And Kichirou was please. . .

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