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There was a hush over the village as a few of the villagers skittered back and forth, going about their own errands. There were a few clouds in the sky, but other than that it was sunny and baby blue. It was definitely a beautiful day to do anything and everything, for anyone who would be around to enjoy such things. And speaking of the devil, sitting upon the roof of a hut was Aneki Ryuzoji. The male was clad in his normal clothing, no shoes, and his sword attached in the loops in the back of his shirt. The sheath shone in the sunlight, black letting the rays bounce off in peaceful radiance. The male had his hand upon his lap, staring out towards the village, his left hand being bandaged up as per normal. His grey eyes surveyed the village slowly, his head tilting from side to side every once in a while. He was waiting for something or perhaps he was just bored and lazy, wanting to relax. Whatever the reason, he sure didn't seem like he would be moving from this spot any time soon.

But, that was made to be untrue as with a sudden change of wind the male stood quietly, stretching his arm above his head. After he was finished with his stretching, he hopped to the ground from the top of the hut. The man put his hands into his shinobi pants' pockets, beginning a leisurely stroll around the village of Kumogakure. IT was a lovely place at times, when there weren't storm clouds above, pouring rain and having lightning strike down. Underneath the sash covering his mouth and nose area Aneki had a smile to his lips. He was in a jovial mood today and as such felt completely happy to all things. He did like this alone time though, it gave him time to reflect and think on life. He bumped into a few people, and politely apologized, stopping at his favorite spot in the village: a large tree that had low hanging branches, offering a lot of shade underneath it. Aneki quietly moved to it, laying underneath it, his head resting against the trunk. Aneki silently closed his eyes, placing his hands on his chest as he relaxed.

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