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1Murasaki hoshi  Empty Murasaki hoshi Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:42 pm



Murasaki hoshi  Sin_ta10
Clan: Murasaki hoshi

Kekkei Genkai: Kyodai Sensu

Elements: Wind (must be primary specialty)

Specialization: Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu (Tessenjutsu)

Location: Sunagakure

Clan History:

Kyodai Sensu, literally 'Giant Folding Fan' is skill taught exclusively to Shinobi of the Hidden Sand Village and that anyone with the right elemental affinity can learn. What this means is that, rather than a bloodline limit, Kyodai Sensu is a secret art which enables the ninja to fight using iron fans at all ranges.

The discipline dates back to the foundation of the village and has since then been the pride of the Wind Country. Murasaki Hoshi refers to the purple circles painted on the open surface of the fan, which are called stars. It is said that the strength of the gust that the fan can generate depends on how many stars are being shown at the moment of execution. When closed, the fan can be used as a club to hit at close range. Its metal body makes it quite resistant and, contrary to one's expectations, it can block weapons like kunai with its open surface and be lodged on the ground

Originally taught to a select few, the style had a boom during the Forth Shinobi War. Like certain other disciplines, their members are not forced to adopt the name of the clan and can keep their original family without any kind of issue. Many Tessenjutsu users do this and some even removed their surnames entirely, being called only by their first name.  

Kekkei Genkai Description:

1. Members of the clan get a free C-rank Iron Fan upon creation. Despite having little direct combat power, it is capable of creating gusts of wind on its own, although its not enough to directly harm objects or individuals, but they'll be pushed back if close enough to the Tessenjutsu user. Small, non-enhanced projectiles of equal rank to the fan will be knocked aside and fall close to their intended target, while those of lower rank will be blown away completely.

If the user has a Strength of equal rank to the fan or tier-3 of 1 rank lower, a Kyodai-Sensu is able to blow back those in its gust 2 meters per rank up. (A C-rank fan will blow back enemies 6 meters.) Shinobi with Endurance at least equal to the fan's rank or of tier-3 of one rank below will be pushed back on their feet, while those of lower Endurance will most likely lose balance and fall down. If caught in the air, the target will be pushed back farther, but no more than two meters.

2. When using the fan to attack, all Wind Jutsus require no hand seals, being able to be activated near-instantly by swinging the fan, and have a cool-down of one turn less. As a specific benefit, the drawback of 'Wind Release: Great Breakthrough' is lost (It's generated from the fan instead).


1. Members cannot have a fourth specialization.

2. Members cannot learn styles of Bukijutsu other than Tessenjutsu, or form contracts with animals other than Weasels.

3. When wielding an open fan, the members of the clan move a tier slower than their actual Speed stat. By leaving the fan behind or folding it, this weakness can be counteracted. A fan can only be folded when one is not under attack. In other words, if the Tessenjutsu user gets attacked and his fan is open, his speed will be considered one rank lower. He won't be able to fold the fan until the attack is either taken, blocked or dodged, meaning the player can't get rid of the speed penalty by folding the fan before the opponent's jutsu lands.  

4. Members of this clan cannot normally use Wind Jutsus without their fan. They must train them writing 25% more words if they want to be able to do it.  

Members: None, at the moment.

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: Wind Release: Great Breakthrough from the Wind Release Library.

Last edited by hero on Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Murasaki hoshi  Empty Re: Murasaki hoshi Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:01 pm


You Specialization says Bojutsu. I believe you meant to put Tessenjutsu there.

KKG: This is all fine, though I'd prefer if you made the deduction -1 instead of -2. Some Fuuton jutsu might then be able to be used without a cooldown.

Drawbacks: Requiring specializations isn't really a drawback if the entire point of the clan is based around those specs anyhow; the no fourth spec is good though.

Where you said only Bojutsu, again you probably meant only Tessenjutsu. The contract limit is good, and an unorthodox drawback; me gusta.

The rest are good drawbacks....though specify for the -1 in speed what 'under attack' constitutes. People might have varying opinions on that.

3Murasaki hoshi  Empty Re: Murasaki hoshi Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:19 pm



I put Bojutsu on purpose, because the wiki said it could be used as a club when folded, and club is listed under Bojutsu. I don't really mind either way, so I've changed it to Tessenjutsu like you asked.

Reduced cooldown to one turn from two.

Removed needless spec drawbacks.

Explained 'under attack'. Hopefully undestandable.

4Murasaki hoshi  Empty Re: Murasaki hoshi Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:37 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

hero wrote: Asides from serving as an enhancer for all Wind Jutsu, its capable of creating small gusts of wind on its own, although its not enough to directly harm objects or individuals, but they'll be pushed back if close enough to the Tessenjutsu user.

I details on how far back it will push the opponent or object.

Other then that, it looks good.

5Murasaki hoshi  Empty Re: Murasaki hoshi Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:22 pm




6Murasaki hoshi  Empty Re: Murasaki hoshi Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:33 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Unless someone says otherwise, Approved

7Murasaki hoshi  Empty Re: Murasaki hoshi Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:29 pm



Everything here looks fine to me.
The only change that needs to be made, is the reduced rank of speed needs to be translanted to either -1 or -2 stats of speed.

8Murasaki hoshi  Empty Re: Murasaki hoshi Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:15 pm



Changes made, and the blowing-back has also been explicated.

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