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1Mysteries of Hogwarts RPG Empty Mysteries of Hogwarts RPG Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:53 pm


Mysteries of Hogwarts RPG Hogwartsad

Welcome to the Mysteries of Hogwarts RPG! We are set in present day (2012), or 14 years since the fall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Since rebuilding, the school has again risen to fame as THE best magical academy in the East. Little does the Ministry know, Salazar Slytherin was not the only one with hidden secrets within the castle grounds. Since the discovery of Godric Gryffindor's chamber of secrets the Ministry is now trying to get into Hogwarts to see the how and why it was made. This will cause tension in the school, and eventually a conflict that will shake the recently rebuilt foundations of Hogwarts. Will you aid the faculty in defending and preserving the school? Or will you tear into it with the Ministry, seeking it's secrets, and destroying the school in the process?

You decide.

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