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Sarutobi Mitsuo looked at the defaced hills with disgust. Someone had purposely painted over and vandalized the faces of all of the Hokage, a true piece of Konoha history and something that the village was extremely proud of. This action could not be tolerated and he knew that there would be a mission up on the board, one he would take instantly. He made his way determinedly towards the board and wasn't surprised when he found the job posting to take care of the young vandal who had ruined the Hokage Mountain.

I'll teach that kid a lesson he won't soon forget, that's for sure!

Mitsuo made his way back to the cliff side and sat atop one of the heads that hadn't yet been vandalized, waiting for the vandal to reappear and finish his distasteful work. Mitsuo would catch him, he was determined to as this kid was really pissing him off. He hadn't been so angry in a while, keeping his temper under control for the most part but he couldn't allow such a slight to go unanswered.

He stayed perched in his spot all night, waiting for his charge to approach. When the sun had completely set and lights were going out all across the village Mitsuo saw a shadow making its way towards him. It was cackling to itself as it made its way to finish off its work, not expecting a Genin to be waiting on the statue for him. Mitsuo silently leaped and landed directly beside the child, reaching out and taking it's arm before feeling a sharp pain in his own arm.

Ouch! What the hell was that? Mitsuo looked down at his bleeding wrist which had been scratched with a kunai as the child leaped off into the distance, laughing as he went. Matsuo was angry and decided he had had enough with this annoying little vandal. He took off after him, moving as fast as his slim body would allow him to, going quite quickly for a man of his rank. As he jumped ahead to where he thought the child was he quickly noticed a second one moving to the left and deduced the still one was a clone. He hand signed quickly and then said Futon: Nagare! spitting a stream of wind from his mouth and quickly changing his direction in mid air. He continued after the vandal, finally catching up to him once again and quickly pulling out his Tanto, cutting the child's equipment belt and expertly disarming him.

Look kid, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to hurt anyone in this village. I Just want to help people, and what you're doing is making the village look bad He grabbed the child's wrist once again, keeping an iron grip on him this time and also keeping an eye out for another hidden Kunai. You may want to express yourself, but doing it through vandalism is wrong. You are hurting the pride of our village by doing such a thing. Many don't appreciate it, I personally will not stand for it!

The child looked up at Mitsuo shocked, tears welling in his eyes as he thought the man holding a Tanto would punish him for his transgressions. Please Mister, I'm just trying to make some friends at the Academy. Nobody there ever even talks to me, I figured if I can get them to notice me maybe I can make some friends, you know?

There are better ways to get peoples attention kid, Mitsuo smiled, now understanding what the kid was going through. Train hard, become stronger, people will begin to talk to you, and eventually may even look up to you. Don't break the law, be the best that you can be. Sounds better than prison, eh? Now I have to take you back to the authorities but I'll try to get them to take it easy on you, just stay out of trouble.

The boy looked down and smiled softly, thinking on what he had been told. Together they made their way back to the authorities and to another completed mission.

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