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It felt as if a weight had been lifted off of Bokuden’s chest as Misoka relaxed and agreed to his proposal. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure how she’d take the offer even after he dispelled the notion of him trying to sleep with her, but he was glad that she came with him regardless. Well, for however brief that was before she ran off back to the guest room anyway. She said she’d be back though, so he would take this opportunity to change out of his own clothes as well.

"Bokuden.. are you finished? Can I come in?"

“Oh! Yeah, come in!” Bokuden called out from his master bathroom attached as he wiped the water off of his face with a towel and stepped out to meet Misoka. His sleepwear was very simple: Bokuden tended to not wear a shirt to sleep unless it was during the winter, so his torso was exposed, and for pants he wore solid black silk pajama pants. Entering the bedroom once again, Bokuden’s eyes went straight to the door to his room where he saw Misoka in her nightgown and stockings. His face would immediately begin to blush at the sight, much to his dismay. What was wrong with him? He had been much closer to women wearing far more revealing clothing before, why did the idea of Misoka in particular coming to his bed make him blush? Pushing through the tinge of embarrassment he was feeling Bokuden would walk over to Misoka with a smile and give her another kiss on the cheek before speaking, “Is there anything you could possibly wear that you wouldn’t make my heart skip a beat in?”



Oh no. Why had he told her to come in? He was obviously not finished. Or did he really sleep without a shirt? Her cheeks flushed bright pink as she quickly turned her head away, embarrassed by her childish reaction. But what could she do - truth be told, she had never seen a man shirtless before, well, except for her father sometimes (to her regret).
Shyly, she raised her gaze again, only to see Bokuden walk over and kiss her on the cheek. "Is there anything you could possibly wear that you wouldn't make my heart skip a beat in?"
Misoka let out a nervous chuckle, hoping her cheeks had cooled down by now, but if he continued complimenting her, this could become difficult.
"Oh, don't be silly.." she murmured with a smile, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. For a moment, she longed to close the remaining distance between them and rest her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. The next second, she felt embarrassed for thinking about something like this, especially now that he didn't even have a shirt on. All these emotions were so new to her.

Slowly, Misoka walked past him and let her eyes wander across the room. It was rather simply furnished, a bathroom attached to it, a small cupboard, a king-size bed. Why king-size? she found herself wondering, but then it occurred to her that he'd had girlfriends before so of course he would want them to feel comfortable at his place. Or whatever other reason there might be, it didn't matter after all.
Misoka tilted her head back at Bokuden, giving him another playful smile.
"Don't worry, you can put on your shirt in peace, I won't look." A soft giggle escaped her lips as she turned around again, completely oblivious to the fact that most boys tended to sleep in nothing but pants on warm nights.



Misoka’s shy and embarrassed reaction caused the initial embarrassment Bokuden felt to subside, his blush fading as he realized that she was feeling the same way as he was. However, if both of them were going to be shy and hesitant then they would end up standing there in silence all night, no one having the nerve to make the first move. Before he had the chance to speak up however, Misoka walked by him and began scanning the room herself. He raised an eyebrow at the act as he wasn’t sure what she was doing, other than maybe just inspecting the room. For what he had no idea. His curiosity subsided as she turned her head back to him and spoke playfully, "Don't worry, you can put on your shirt in peace, I won't look."

“Why would I need to do that? This is how I sleep,” Bokuden replied teasingly as he walked next to Misoka and took her hand in his and smiled at her, “What’s wrong? Don’t like what you see? If me being shirtless bothers you then I’d be happy to go put something on. I don’t want you to ever feel uncomfortable with me again.” Releasing her hand, Bokuden proceeded forward and took a seat at the edge of his bed, patting his hand down beside him to prompt Misoka to come as well.



Okay. Someone. Kill. Me. Now. Why did she speak without, why hadn't she thought of this before - It was a warm summer night so of course it was Bokuden's full right to say,'Hey, tonight I wanna sleep shirtless, yeah!'. Um. Yes. Better stop thinking and get back to present time.
"No, no! You got it all wrong!" She blurted out, raising her hands appeasingly. "It's fine, it's perfect this way! Come on, why shouldn't I like your well toned six pack body?" She laughed and reached out for his hand again, giving it a gentle squeeze. Somehow she felt less embarrassed than before despite the charming words she'd just said to him. Maybe it was the fear of disappointing him in any way - she only wanted to make him smile and feel happy, nothing less. The little time they had left she planned to cherish. There was no need to be shy or embarrassed, there were no more secrets between them. She wanted both of them to feel comfortable.
Pushing these thoughts aside for now, she saw Bokuden sit down on his bed and invite her to join him.
"Coming!" With a smile, she sat down next to him, their hands still intertwined. For a second she hesitated yet again, but then gave herself a mental jolt and leaned her head on Bokuden's shoulder. Blonde strands of hair fell over his bare chest. She only hoped they wouldn't tickle him.
"I thought I'd stay a vagrant forever." Misoka chuckled slightly. "Catch fish, make a fire, sleep outside. Oh right, get almost killed by a ninja wolf." Her smile widened at the memory of her horrible stay in Iwa. Thinking back, it wasn't so bad anymore, well, since she'd come out of this alive.



"Coming!" Misoka said with a smile as she followed Bokuden to his bed and took a seat beside him, their hands still joined together. There was a brief moment of awkwardness between them before Misoka leaned her head down into his shoulder, strands of her golden hair falling upon his bare chest. "I thought I'd stay a vagrant forever," Misoka said with a soft chuckle, "Catch fish, make a fire, sleep outside. Oh right, get almost killed by a ninja wolf." Bokuden let out an amused huff as she recanted vaguely some of the hardships of her journey up to this point.

Bokuden slowly brought her hand that he was holding up and pressed it against his chest, right above his heart so that she could feel it beating. He then turned his head over to the shoulder she was resting her head upon and kissed her atop the head and whispered, “You were never a vagrant.” With his free hand Bokuden reached over and with his fingers gently directed her chin in order to force her up to face him. “Listen to me Misoka,” he spoke in a confident, yet gentle tone, staring into her eyes with a look of passion and longing, “Everyone goes through hardships in their life, but your hardships don’t define you. I don’t want to ever hear you describe yourself like that again. I won’t let anyone devalue the woman that I… care about… not even herself. What you are doesn’t matter. Who you are… the girl that sitting right in front of me that makes my heart race whether she’s wearing fine robes or tattered clothes, the girl who can push me away a dozen times and still only make me want to hold her closer, the girl who can know what kind of monstrous things I’ve done in my past and still face me with a smile that makes all of my problems seem so… insignificant. This is who you are.  As far as what you are… at least for the night, you’re mine. And that is the only label I care about ever giving you.”

As soon as he was done speaking he would slowly the what little of a gap there was between Misoka’s lips and his own, kissing her with a passion that he was afraid to offer her up until that point. All the fear and hesitation he had felt before melted away as he kissed Misoka, not with a simple lock of the lips, but the kind of kiss reserved for lovers in the throes of passion.  As long as she did not pull her face away from his Bokuden would hold the kiss for a few moments, before pulling back his head. “I’m sorry,” he said as he stared into her eyes once more, “I’m so selfish. I keep doing that… if you want me to stop, just tell me. If you don't… I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to keep my lips off of you.”



She looked up at him bewildered, hanging on to every word he whispered to her and wondering once more how he could make her feel so warm and fuzzy inside by just spilling his heart to her. Was it possible that someone could be so understanding? It was hard to believe that he really feared to be a bad person.
After he had finished speaking, he slowly got closer, bit by bit, until his mouth found hers. Though she felt a little startled by his sudden passion, she began to return the kiss while warmth flooded her body, a growing tingling feeling in her heart. She realized this kiss was different than the ones before, more desperate and yearning. Her lips moved against his like they were made for each other.
When Bokuden pulled back and breathed an apology, she only rested her head on his chest, sighing softly.
"It's alright. I'm not scared yet," she murmured with a smile and closed her eyes. It was true: Despite her overwhelming fear of physical contact with men, all she could think about was how wonderful it felt to be close to Bokuden this way. For the first time, she wasn't anxious, only a bit light-headed.
Misoka focused on Bokuden's steady heartbeat, her eyelids growing heavier as she let herself completely relax in his arms.
"Still, we should try and get some sleep. It's past midnight," she then said in a soft voice, her hand stroking Bokuden's cheek lightly.
It was a long way from Kumo to Suna and she knew that she couldn't afford too many breaks if she wanted to reach her destination as soon as possible. She had to be rested. With Bokuden by her side, she hoped to have a dreamless and pleasant night after all this time she'd spent worrying about what the future would behold.



After their kiss Misoka proceeded to rest her head on Bokuden’s chest, allowing herself to fall into his arms as he cradled her into his body. He gently brushed her golden hair with his hand as she reassured him that she was no longer afraid of him. A feeling of joy mixed with relief flooded through him as he heard those words, a warm smile forming on his lips as he looked down upon Misoka. The joy he felt was curbed a bit by the realization that it, at least for now, could only be temporary, but he wasn’t willing to let that warmth he felt when he was with Misoka go before he absolutely had to.

As she suggested that they get some sleep Bokuden wrapped his arms around Misoka and held her more tightly then before, holding her there for a few moments as if to hope that by some miracle that moment could be frozen in time and he would never have to let her go. He knew however, that this was just a dream and as he released her from his embrace he stood up from the bed and, from a standing position, turned down his plush comforter and motioned for Misoka to come and lay beneath the blanket. Once she hopped under the covers Bokuden would follow suit and join her, the position he would take depending on how she chose to lay on the bed. If she laid on her side, facing away from the side of the bed Bokuden was on he would cuddle up behind her and wrap his arms around her, interlocking his fingers with hers. If she laid on her side, facing towards the side of the bed Bokuden was on he would lay directly next to her, face to face and take her hands in his. If she laid on her back Bokuden would do the same and pull her into him, allowing her to rest her head on his chest, just as she had done before.



She crawled under the sheets and flipped over onto her stomach, using Bokuden as a pillow. With her eyes still shut, Misoka breathed in blissfully. Bokuden smelled like cold night air. And love. And home. A place to return to.
Her mind became fuzzy as she slowly drifted off to sleep. I am safe. It was such a simple thought that filled her heart with a joy she didn't know how to put in words. After all the nights spent in the wilderness, always having to stay alert and jerk out of her light sleep if necessary, it felt more than comforting to have a shoulder to lean on. Someone who promised to protect her from any harm.

The next morning

Misoka stirred slightly in her sleep, snuggling her head against her soft pillow. Wait, soft? It took her a few more moments to open up her eyes. She was in Bokuden's bed, she reminded herself, but after letting her gaze wander across the room, she found out he wasn't with her. Where had he gone? And how long had she been sleeping? The dawning truth embraced her again with its cold damp fingers. This was the day of goodbye. Temporary goodbye. Yes, only temporary.
Slowly, Misoka got out of bed, pushing aside the thoughts revolving around her father and her clan, and went into the kitchen.
She'd been right: There he was; Bokuden who was apparently preparing breakfast for both of them.
She couldn't help but smile at the sight. "Good morning!" she greeted him happily.



As the couple crawled under the covers Misoka proceeded to turn over and rest her head on Bokuden’s chest once again. He gently brushed aside a few strands of hair that had fallen over her face before leaning his head down and delivering one more kiss just above her forehead as he watched her drift off to sleep in his arms. Despite the peace and joy he felt while embracing Misoka so, Bokuden would not be getting any restful sleep that evening. The longer he laid there with Misoka’s body pressed against his own the less wanted to join her in her slumber, knowing that the moment he closed his eyes to rest he would lose precious hours of the time they had left together. And so he laid awake most of the night, with the occasional drifting in and out of consciousness, contemplating everything that had happened to him these last few days. Despite it being such a short time, that morning at the gate of the village where they met seemed like a lifetime ago. Everything had changed.


Bokuden leaned against the kitchen counter, his arms folded and coffee mug in hand, as the sounds and smells of breakfast cooking on the stove flooded the room, whisps of the aroma drifting slowly throughout the house. He took a sip of coffee from his mug as he awaited the meal to finish cooking in silence. Bokuden had gotten out of bed before Misoka and although the sight of her would usually bring him joy like nothing else, but he was in no rush to see her walk into the room. They both knew what today was and every moment that passed was a moment lost to them. Nonetheless, the moment came where she would come wandering into the room, greeting him and forcing a smile onto his face. “Good morning, Misoka,” he would answer, reaching his arm out to her as if asking for an embrace, “Did you sleep well?”



"Uh, yes, thank you." She wrapped her arms around him and breathed in his scent once more, before letting go and sitting down opposite him. All the while she tried her hardest to keep smiling and talking so the mood wouldn't drop and remind them of what was going to happen today. She didn't want to ruin this perfect moment, this perfect breakfast they had - This, she wanted to keep in her heart for the lonely hours ahead of her. The time with Bokuden was a treasure, something which had made an impact on her life, something worth fighting for. As short as it might seem, she wanted to make herself believe that they would meet again. In a few months. A year perhaps.
And so Misoka talked about other, more pleasant things, she laughed, she tried to joke, she took a sip of her coffee and just smiled.

Once they had both finished eating, however, her throat tightened in agony of what was now to come. The silence she had been afraid of from the start loomed over them like a dark cloud bringing the rain. She didn't know how to say that she needed to go get her backpack. Leave the room. Leave him. She wasn't good with goodbyes, she never had been.
So... With empty eyes, she glanced down at her hands, at a complete loss of words. What was there to say anyway? And then again, her heart flooded with emotions she wanted to express somehow. There was hope and love and sadness and so much more. If only they could have more time together, she would surely become better at this girlfriend thing. She would leave her fears behind once and for all and stop being hesitant about taking some initiative in their relationship. All of this would have to be put on a hold.
In any case, the nice talk was over for now. The man they had kidnapped a few days ago had only confirmed Misoka's fears. Her father was held captive in the Karisuma estate, thrown into a small prison cell with hardly anything to eat and drink. The Karisuma leader was impatient and cruel, a poisonous combination for his victims.

"I... uh.." She swallowed and looked up painfully. The words wouldn't slip her mouth. But the hurt in her eyes and her quivering lips would let him hear them nonetheless. She knew it. He had always been too good at reading her mind. It's time.

[OT: let's just say the man they kidnapped has already been set free by them again xD he'd ruin their goodbye scene I think XD]



"I... uh.."

“You don’t have to say the words,” Bokuden said solemnly as his eyes turned down, staring into his coffee mug, “I’d prefer that you didn’t say that… goodbye. This isn’t a sad day Misoka. You are selflessly returning to Sunagakure to rescue someone you care about. This is a day that should be celebrated. You’re a hero.” Bokuden’s normally unshakeable voice began to crack ever so slightly as he struggled to push the painful words out. “While I’d love to have you stay, we both know that there is nothing I can say that would change your mind,” he continued, tightly gripping the handle of his mug, “I promise you that this separation will only be temporary. I’ll find you again, no matter how long it takes.”

Bokuden stood up from his seat at the table and walked over to Misoka’s side, taking her by the hand and raising her from her chair. Bokuden wrapped his free hand around her waist and took her hand that he was holding and brought it up to his face, placing it onto his cheek. He brushed his cheek against the soft skin of her dainty hands before slowly leaning his head in and pressing his forehead against hers. “But I need you to promise me one thing,” Bokuden authoritatively despite the gentle tone in his voice, “You know I can’t just leave this place, but if anything happens you need to get to me. Send me a letter if you can, anything. If it is an emergency I will find a way to be there… I’ll find a way to be with you. If you can’t write to me then you need to run. I know that you are tired of running, but now you have a place to come home to. If things ever get… serious… I need you to get out of there. You save your father and whoever else you can, but you get out of there. I’ve spent so long trying to pick up the pieces and get back those who I couldn’t protect the first time around… and now I can’t protect you either. You have every reason to believe I’ll be a failure again, just like I have been with everything in my life up to this point, but I won’t lose you. I can’t lose you.”



"Yes, you're right," she said and "I promise". Though she didn't feel much different from the young Chunin she was. And she certainly didn't feel like a hero. At least her promise was sincere: If anything went terribly wrong, she wouldn't hesitate taking all the chances she had. Run. Send Bokuden a message. Fight.
A sad smile formed on her lips. "Yes, this isn't goodbye so I'm not going to say it."


Cold air hit her face when they stepped outside. Summer was reaching its end as indicated by the dark clouds gathering in the sky. The air smelled of rain though none had fallen yet. How could the weather reflect her mood so well?
Misoka stared up in wonder for a moment before giving Bokuden’s hand a gentle squeeze and walking on. Her backpack was heavier than on the day she had first arrived in Kumo, now filled with enough supplies for a week. Not that she intended to take this long; in three to four days at most she wanted to reach the sand village.
They walked in silence for a while, hands intertwined, until they came to the gates of Kumo. This would be the border separating them, the line she would cross and the place where he would stay behind.

Misoka stopped in her tracks, her hands trembling ever so slightly. Fear overcame her of an intensity she hadn’t expected. Fear of their goodbye. Fear of what awaited her in Suna.
She tensed up, reminding herself to draw a breath. ‘Stop it!’ Annoyed at herself, she tried to replace the fear with a more pleasant feeling: hope. Yes, hope would calm her down. She couldn’t afford having something like a mental break down now. She was a ninja, a Chunin at that, too. Nothing was supposed to have her freak out.
And so she exhaled softly and managed to plant a smile on her lips.

“Let’s not make this any harder than it is,” Misoka said in a seemingly cheerful tone. “I’ll just go kick some asses now and return with my dad! Oh, but you might want to reconsider your offer – my dad can be very annoying at times.”
Then she laughed and went on about how her father ate so much and liked to exaggerate things and was overprotective and if Bokuden really wanted to put up with someone like him.
At some point, her laughter turned into tears. They flowed with ease, like water, caressing her face.
Embarrassed about her sudden emotional reaction, she quickly started wiping her eyes, but soon realized she couldn’t stop the tears from coming. With a repressed sob, she turned her back on Bokuden and apologized.
“I know we said this isn’t goodbye, but it... it still hurts. I’m sorry, please just give me a second.”
‘Stop crying,’ she thought to herself angrily. ‘This is pathetic. What kind of ninja are you?'



“I know we said this isn’t goodbye, but it... it still hurts. I’m sorry, please just give me a second.” Misoka apologized as the turned her back to Bokuden in an attempt to hide the tears that were cascading down her cheeks.

Bokuden paused for a brief moment to contemplate what words he could say to console Misoka, but came up with nothing. Instead he just let his instincts take over and immediately wrapped his arms around Misoka, hugging her from the back. He would squeeze her tightly before leaning his head down and pressing his forehead against the back of her head. He would holder her like this for as long as she would allow, taking in the fragrance of her hair with each breath as he forced the words from his mouth, “Stop that. Stop apologizing. You don’t even have to ask me, I have all the time in the world for you. Take as long as you need… preferably forever.”

Bokuden would then pull his head back and lean it to one side before taking his hand and manually turning Misoka’s face as far in his direction as he could without causing discomfort and using a silk handkerchief from his coat pocket to wipe the tears as they fell. Pulling her body back into his Bokuden would  rest her head on his shoulder and kiss her once more on the forehead, cleaning up any residual tears in the process. “Listen to me Misoka,” Bokuden said calmly as he looked into her eyes, “I don’t want to have to keep telling you that you don’t need to try and act tough around me. There is nothing wrong with you hurting, my heart hurts the same way, but I don’t need to try and suppress it or hide it from you. If you feel the need to cry then you should cry, while my shoulder is right here to catch your tears and my heart is here to share in your feelings. You aren’t alone anymore.” With his free hand Bokuden reached down to Misoka’s chest and picked up the length of the blue beaded necklace he had given her the night before, turning the medallion to the side that bore his name in a way that was deliberately displaying it for Misoka, “I’m right here.”



She hated crying in front of others. Tears denoted weakness and provoked compassion. She usually preferred to cry in private where she didn't have to hold back.
With Bokuden, however, Misoka realized that he would be the last person to judge her, may it be openly or not, and that there was nothing to be embarrassed about in his presence. And so she stopped struggling and let him bring comfort to her. Misoka closed her eyes, waiting for her tears to run dry.
How could one person affect you so much that it changes you... for the better? What a strange life this was. Strange and.. so very beautiful as well.
Thank you.

She knew that she couldn't stay, but for the moment she felt a tiny bit better. A tiny bit more hopeful. She wanted to convince herself that things would be fine, that she would soon come back to this place, to Bokuden. Still, she couldn't ignore the nagging question in the back of her mind: What if not?
With a heavy sigh, Misoka turned around, finally looking up at him again. A thin smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she tried her hardest to picture a bright future where she was reunioned with Bokuden and her father. She wanted to believe so strongly in it that it would wash away all of her doubts.

"I..." Her eyes followed his movement when he picked up the necklace he had given to her and reassured her that he would stay in her heart. "Yes."
It was such an insignificant thing to say at the moment when so soon she would have to go.
She swallowed, close to panicking again because the words wouldn’t come to her now that she needed them most. In order to calm down, Misoka reached out and took Bokuden’s hands in her own. It helped. Slowly, the thoughts returned, making her remember all the things she had to tell Bokuden, everything he had to know before she left. Before she might never get the chance to say it again.

“I will go now.” She drew a deep breath, holding his gaze. “But I won’t falter anymore. You showed me what true strength is, what believing in yourself means. You made me happier than I’ve ever been in my whole life.” Her smile widened. “I’m so thankful for the time I got to spend with you and... and I hate to leave now. But we’ll be fine. They can’t keep me from coming back, I won’t let them.” A soft chuckle escaped her mouth, but it didn’t reach her eyes. For a second, she thought that she should also consider the possibility of failure. She should tell him to move on, to forget about her in that case, but Misoka couldn’t bring herself to talk about it. “Just... promise me to take care of yourself in the meantime, okay?” It sounded ridiculous for her to say this to him, but she knew how Bokuden suffered under his father’s actions. Not that she could help him... but maybe someday they would find a way – together. First, however, she needed to solve her own little problem.



As Misoka took his hands of her own accord Bokuden could feel the pace of his heartbeat pick up in his chest, thumping louder and louder as their eyes met. A bittersweet smile formed on Bokuden’s lips as Misoka spoke. Her words brought him immeasurable joy and the fact that she had finally decided to stop trying to mask her feeling around him made him grin, but… when she said she was leaving it was deflating to say the least. It shouldn’t have been, both of them knew this was coming and Bokuden thought that he of all people could have prepared himself to deal with this moment, but even he was beginning to be affected. His heart ached as the moments dwindled down until their separation, each second ticking down in his mind, loud and disruptive like the sound of a gunshot.

“Don’t worry about me, Misoka,” he said bringing his hand up to her chin and gently brushing her bottom lip with his thumb, “If there’s one thing I know how to do it’s take care of myself. You worry about what you need to do. I’ll be right here in one piece when you get back, I promise.” He then leaned his head down towards hers as if going in for a kiss, but didn’t go all the way. Instead he remained there, gazing into Misoka’s eyes, with nothing but an inch or two between their lips. This time however, Bokuden wouldn’t be the one to initiate the kiss. If Misoka wanted it as well, she would have to close the rest of the gap herself.



She knew that she wasn't good at showing affection. Part of her had always hoped she would never get romantically attached to anyone.
And there she was now, changing vows with a person she intended to come back to and stay with. He was someone who had managed to break through her shell almost effortlessly as though her fearful heart had been holding out for him this whole time.
So as he leaned in, keeping the small gap between their lips, she was no longer afraid to show him what he meant to her.
With a smile, she slowly brought her hands up to cup his face and closed the distance between them. She kissed him softly at first before she let herself drown into the kiss, deepening it ever so slowly. One hand entwined in his smooth silver hair as their tongues danced in unison. Now she realized she was kissing him fiercely, exactly like someone who wasn't going to see her love for a very long time. She relished the warmth swelling in her heart, the passion.
Pulling away to catch her breath, Misoka wrapped her hands around his back, hugging him tightly. She wanted to remember everything about this moment, how he felt, how he smelled, how they were holding each other. Absent-mindly she wondered whether she'd done it right for it was her first time taking the initiative. But then she reminded herself that this was hardly the point now.
With a last sigh, she pulled away and gave Bokuden an encouraging smile. It'll be alright.
"Until we meet again." She was thankful for her steady voice now that she felt the back of her eyes sting once more.

Then she let go of his hands and walked away. But once she was past the gates and about to descend the hill Kumogakure was built on, she turned around to look at Bokuden one last time. He was far away now, but she could still see him as if he was right in front of her. She lifted her arm, waving at him with a sad smile.
The next moment, she continued walking down the hill, trying to turn her thoughts to the question how she was going to rescue her father.
"Oh, Kami help me," she mumbled, but what she imagined in her mind was her mother guiding her from somewhere up above. The thought brought comfort to her. It fought off the feeling of solitude which wanted to fill her heart the second she could see neither Bokuden nor anyone else anymore.

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