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1Street Rat [Kumo-C] Empty Street Rat [Kumo-C] Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:55 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji was at one of his favorite cafés. He was enjoying the company of one of the waitresses who was about to go on duty over coffee. “Yeah, I have to be in the back in 10 minutes.” “You think I can work here part time…” She began to smile as she knew where he was getting at; she looked away, “Why?” Kenji leaned over, “To spend more time with you, obviously.” Kenji, had a significant other, but at the time it was a long distance relationship and he never found any harm in flirting. The waitress turned back to Kenji and batted her eyes. Kenji was shocked; he had never seen anyone bat their eyes before. It was… nice. She got up and whispered into Kenji’s ear; he was so happy at what she said he almost blushed. “She’s a dangerous one.” Kenji thought.

The blue haired shinobi had a blue berry muffin and a cappuccino sent over to him. He sipped the steaming cup of coffee that overflowed with marshmallows. The marshmallows after a while dissolved and made a homogeneous mixture with the beverage, increasing its sweetness tenfold. The moist muffin seemed to melt in his mouth as the blue berries blasted his taste buds with flavor. Kenji savored the breakfast, eating slowly while he read the paper and enjoyed the scenery. Kenji didn’t have his katana with him, but he did have a few (3) kunai. He was dressed casually; he began to sense an eerie feeling. He shook it off. Being a shinobi, constantly facing danger could make you semi-paranoid. Kenji’s predominantly care free personality prevented him from succumbing to it. Kenji’s hand with his glove of reflection was on the paper as he enjoyed his muffin. Kenji eyes caught an image in the reflection of the glove…


Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total

2Street Rat [Kumo-C] Empty Re: Street Rat [Kumo-C] Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:13 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

His eyes squinted, he then gave up on trying to discern what was happening from his glove and turned around completely to check it out. He rushed out the café. A man, with thinning black hair was harassing a woman. He was shoving her and calling her despicable name in the middle of the street. “That’s right! I own you slut--” Kenji was a few meters away and staring at the man, “I suggest you stay out of this you shit! Or I’ll give you a greater ass whooping than I’m about to give her.” The man was slurring and unbalanced, “Gracious, this guy is intoxicated… severely.” The shinobi approached, “I think you should come with me; I know just the place that can help you with your… anger.” Kenji spoke amicably but his manner was not reciprocated, “FUCK OFF PAL! I’m not going anywhere with you.” Kenji was close enough to smell the man’s breath now, it reeked of alcohol. Kenji’s nose turned up slightly. Kenji’s eyes trailed away from the man and appeared to fixate on something, the man looked in the same direction; when he did Kenji gestured to the lady to run, using his index and middle fingers symbolizing running legs. “Wow, she’s fast,” She took off in a heartbeat, and turned the corner and in a flash was out of sight. “Just you and I now… pal.”

The heavily intoxicated man scowled at Kenji and dragged his foot back and threw an overhand right, “He has some strength, but his form is awful; being drunk wouldn’t even make his form this bad.” Kenji side stepped the telegraphed haymaker. The guy was well built and had some strength but no discipline, courtesy of his blood alcohol content. Kenji noticed a severe burn mark around the guy’s neck, “Probably got it while drunk.”

“What’s wrong, you seemed a lot more coordinated when you were fighting that woman.” The comment made the man irate. He lunged at him with his palms open, trying to grab. Kenji was amused and saddened, Kenji simply grabbed the guy’s neck; he started to cringe and writhe as Kenji was disturbing his pre-existing injury. “The fine folks at Atho’s keep will fix that up for you.” He grabbed Kenji’s wrist and broke his grip, as soon as his grip was broken he swung his hand onto his shoulder, turning him to the side allowing him to easily position himself behind him and not a second later Kenji was indeed behind the man with a kunai drawn across his neck. “Are you sure you don’t want to take me up on my earlier offer? I don’t take rejection well.” The man finally complied, for his sake.


3Street Rat [Kumo-C] Empty Re: Street Rat [Kumo-C] Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:15 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji questioned the man on their way, just general stuff; found out his name and other minor things. Zahn was apparently depressed, explaining the excess of drinking he’d been indulging in. Kenji knew not of the origins of his depression. However, despite popular belief prison could be a helpful tool in that area. In a way, it was a rehabilitation center, so he would get minimum help. Zahn was still somewhat reluctant, but a tug here and a push there fixed all of that. Kenji escorted the man to Atho’s keep, where he would stay until his trial was held. Apparently Zahn had many complaints directed at him for domestic abuse, public intoxication, and disturbing the peace. Hopefully he would use his time at Atho’s keep wisely and clean his act up. When Zahn stepped foot in Atho’s Keep he sobered up quickly, but by then it was much too late. He’ll have a lot of time to be sober now.

Kenji went home and he passed by the café; he waved at the waitress who had a worried look on her face. Kenji shrugged as if it was no big deal because it wasn’t, he mouthed, “It’s my job.” She smiled and she finishes taking the customer’s order. Kenji continued. “Darn it! I didn’t get a chance to finish my muffin or my cappuccino. I really should’ve hurt that guy.” The village was in an uproar as the Chuunin exams were rolling around; many Kumogakure Genin were making their way to Sunagakure where it was being held. He pondered whether or not he would attend the Chuunin exams…


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