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1How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:12 pm


Isamu was walking down the streets of Kirigakure with his hands in his pockets, yawning tiredly. He had done a crapload of training earlier, and now he was just exhausted. Still, he felt like going on a quiet walk to get his thoughts in order. Rain was pouring down heavily, which was common. Not as common as just mist, but common enough to not be considered unusual. He sighed.

Jeez, there's never anything to do...I really need to get back into contact with Yuudai, at least when I was in his squad I was never this bored. And Boruda... he stopped as he saw someone coming. A relatively new face, someone he hadn't seen around before. Maybe it would be a new friend! A huge smile spread across his face as he walked towards the guy.

2How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:45 pm



Tetsuya walked done the street bored out of his mind. Today there was a light rain together with the mist made Tetsuya extremely depressed, since today he could not play basketball. Tetsuya pulled his hood over his head and shooved is hands in his pocket. Tetsuya looked up at the sky as the rain begin to touch his face. Tetsuya looked forward now noticing a someone with white hair approaching him, Tetsuya never had seen the guy before but still had a feeling that he knew him from somewhere. Tetsuya still decided to speak to him.

Tetsuya watched as the boy stood in front of him. Before he spoke Tetsuya was able to cut him off, "Hi there I'm Tetsuya Hozuki."

3How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:28 pm


Isamu and the boy met, and just as Isamu was about to say something, he jumped in first. "Hi there I'm Tetsuya Hozuki." An introduction, good start. Isamu smiled at him, while the rain soaked his hair, and it fell over his eyes. He pushed it out of the way and said, "Hey, I'm Isamu Maeda." A moment of awkward silence after that, and he got an idea of something fun that they could do. "I was just on my way to visit an old friend, and I'm bored out of my mind..." The exact friend he had in mind was his old sensei, Yuudai. It would be good to go see him, and doing it with Tetsuya just made it more fun. Isamu loved making new friends, and he definitely missed his old ones.

"So, do you wanna come with?" He wondered how Yuudai would react when the two of them showed up. Huh, he'd have to wait and see.

4How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:13 pm



There was always an issue that seemed to come up on a daily basis everyday, ever since officially being named the new clan head; 5 years ago, something which he never anticipated, more officially duties seemed to rise up out of the blue. Today, was calmed than usually, as he had just had finished a meeting with a couple of the elders in the clan, though it was completely meaningless due to the discussions. Suichi, had seemed to disappear whenever a meeting began, thus it allowed Yuudai to relax for now, even though he had a lot more paperwork to deal with. Suichi, at the moment, was eating a chocolate bar in the living room, honestly, he had no idea where it found the food, but he also couldn't stop him from eating it as well.

Letting out a low volumed groan, Yuudai brushed off his clothing as he took to his feet. He was wearing his old out, the one that consisted of wearing a kimono. It was well suited for the meetings that occurred, along with still being able to freely move about in them, though he knew it wasn't practical to wear on a mission compared to other clothing, but that was not the issue for now. Maybe a few hours of shut eye would do for the moment, for being of 22 years of age, the official dealings with the clan seemed to put on more weight than he originally anticipated. Once he got to his room, he laid down in the bed, closing his eyes and then allowing sleep to take over.

5How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:21 pm



It didn't take the boy long to reply to Tetsuya after he introduced himself.  "Hey, I'm Isamu Maeda."  Isamu was a fitting name for the guy and he seemed pretty nice.  Tetsuya then thought to himself, So now what should I say...  After awhile their was an awkward silence.

To kill the awkward mood in between Tetsuya and Isamu, Isamu spoke, "I was just on my way to visit an old friend, and I'm bored out of my mind..."  Isamu paused and left Tetsuya wondering why but the thought soon left him.   "So, do you wanna come with?"  Tetsuya thought that it was nice that Isamu invited him to his friends place, but he worried how Isamu's friend would react.  

Tetsuya replied even so with no hesitation,  ""Sure, not like i got anything better to do.  Tetsuya smiled as he through his hands behind his head then told Isamu, Lead the way buddy!

6How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:28 am


"Great! Let's go," he said aloud as he took the lead and continued up the path. He remembered where Yuudai lived, oddly enough, but his memory did tend to stick that way. He passed the various large buildings and towers that were the usual of Kirigakure's scenery, turning every once in a while to make sure that Tetsuya was still following, until they reached the residential area of town. He turned another street, made his way into a complicated mess of intersecting paths, until finally he found a house of dark colors that he recognized as Yuudai's. Maybe the guy wouldn't care if Isamu just happened to show up, but if he did, it would've been a huge waste of time walking all the way there, so he hoped for the best as he approached the doorstep.

Isamu raised his hand, ready to knock on the door, when he stopped himself and turned to Tetsuya. "oh, and Yuudai's not always the nicest, but that's just how he is, you'll get used to him." and with that said, he knocked on the door, once, twice, three times, and patiently waited for his former sensei to answer. He wondered what Yuudai would look like after so much time; he was somewhere around 21 or 22, as far as Isamu could remember, since he was two years older than Isamu was. So much had changed in their time apart, and the anticipation was killing him. C'mon c'mon c'mon...answer the freaking door!!! he thought to himself.

7How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:10 am



It had been, maybe an hour? Maybe less. He couldn't tell, since he never knew what time he went to sleep, but also he really didn't care at the moment. He just wanted a few more moments of shut eye, of being able to relax before having to deal with paperwork. He felt he had a case of something coming along, but he knew it'd be out of his system before he truly realized what it was. Before he could fall back in to his slumber, he heard a noise coming from the front door. He just hoped it wasn't another meeting; and due to his tiredness at the moment, he forgot to check if he could recognize the presence from just chakra alone. More knocking. Groaning, he got to his feet, grabbing his fight kimono and roughly throwing it on, as he had discarded his fighting kimono prior to getting some rest, so he was clad in only his pants just prior. He knew they wouldn't care about his appearance; and he doubted it would be another meeting. That, and it would be faster to open the door. Besides, it'd probably be someone he knew outside of his clan, or possibly someone he was well acquainted within it.

Talking slow steps, rubbing the drowsiness off his eyes, Yuudai approached the door, still hearing the incessant noise coming from the door. Suichi, for all he knew, was still in the living room, doing something. Not bothering to tie his fighting kimono, he opened the door, blinked a few times before he realized who stood on the opposite end, though outwardly no one would be aware of it. "Isamu. How have you been? He then noticed another person, standing nearby Isamu, which he came to the conclusion was a friend of his former student, since it had been a long time since he had been a teacher in any sort. "And your friend is? His voice was toneless, expressing nothing towards the complete stranger, which may have come off more cold than he wanted, but it was normal of him to do so by now.

He'd wait for a name to come before he spoke, to invite them inside if they wanted to do so. "Come inside, make yourself comfortable in the living room. I'll go make myself presentable and get you something to eat." His voice gave away how he was feeling to those who were familiar with him, though it would give nothing to the stranger. He'd also have to readjust his kimono, or get something else, so that the scar that was now on his back wouldn't be visible; as it was just two or three years ago since he received it. Turning around swiftly, he made his way back to his room, knowing it wouldn't be difficult for them to find the living room, and Suichi.

8How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:38 am



Well its established...this guy hates me! Tetsuya thought to himself after the cold and souless acquisition made by the one he assumed was Isamu's friend Yuudai. Tetsuya sighed and stated his name, attempting not to show a sign of disappoinment, My name is Tetsuya, Tetsuya Hozuki... Before Tetsuya continued the man had already invited him in apparently not caring who Tetsuya might be. Yuudai invited the two in while still giving Tetsuya the cold shoulder Tetsuya removed his hood and proceeded inside behind Isamu.

The man lived in a seemingly nice house nothing fancy but the layout of furniture was exquisite, Yuudai seemed to be a man of great taste. Tetsuya continued behind Isamu towards what appeared to be the living room, another well decorated area of the house. Isamu plopped down onto a couch, while Tetsuya stood near him nervous like any person would be when entering a strangers house. Tetsuya leaned over so that Isamu could understand him while he spoke in a hushed tone, Hey Isamu, I think your friend doesn't like me that much...

9How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:22 am


"Isamu. How have you been? And your friend is?...Come inside, make yourself comfortable in the living room. I'll go make myself presentable and get you something to eat." Isamu smiled to see his sensei's face. It had grown with age; it's solid features were masculine, and his deep purple hair fell below his shoulders in a ponytail. His chest and part of his stomach was visible beneath the kimono that he had slung over himself, and his eyes were their usual blue, with a new glimmer of experience within them. He turned and entered the house, and the Isamu followed. Tetsuya's footsteps could be heard behind Isamu's, before he said to Yuudai, "I've been good, just focusing a lot on helping people...I only recently became a Ninja again." the house was spacious, and Isamu sat down in the living room as Yuudai left toward his own room.

Tetsuya, almost as soon as Yuudai left to his bedroom, whispered to Isamu in a hushed tone, Hey Isamu, I think your friend doesn't like me that much... Isamu simply smiled and replied, "Like I said, he doesn't seem so nice at first, but it grows on you. It's nothing personal, he's just kind of detached." A figure within the room caught Isamu's eye, and he immediately let out a squeal. He ran to the figure, picking it up and holding it while maintaining eye contact. It was the epitome of adorable, the paragon of cute, the ultimate charm, it was...A FREAKING PENGUIN! Isamu set the little creature back down and stared at it with excited eyes.

"YUUUDAIIIII! THERE'S AN ADORABLE LITTLE PENGUIN IN HERE!!!!!" Isamu yelled it just stared back. He wondered if it could talk! He also wondered what made Yuudai want such a thing, a penguin was the last thing he expected Yuudai to have as a pet. He honestly didn't care though, it was so cute he was just glad it was there. "Yuudai-sensei! Get back out here and explain this cutie!"

10How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:05 am



It was natural for him to act coldly towards people he didn't know, but his greeting today wasn't like his usual ones, as he had been getting more irritable with all the work that continued to pile on; causing his training to be taken back a bit. And Suichi never seemed to help him ever since he found the creature. He couldn't really recollect the entirety of the events that occurred, but he would always remember that day as well. Now in his room, Yuudai proceeded to fix up his kimono, before throwing a a light blue haori over top of it. Really, he had no reason to enter his room, except to grab the haori, but other than that there was nothing of interest. He recalled what Isamu said, about becoming a ninja once again, it seemed that he had decided to get serious about doing so, or so he hoped.

Hearing a squeal, then proceeded by yelling from Isamu, he did not need to guess what he had found. It seemed that the penguin also seemed to cause his headache to worsen by not even doing anything; even if it was not Suichi's fault. Walking out of the room and towards the living room, knowing that Isamu would want an explanation about Suichi's presence. There wasn't really much to explain,, Suichi was here, and that was that. But, knowing Isamu, it wouldn't sit well with him. Re-entering the living room, Yuudai caught the presence of the boy known as Tetsuya, then brought his eyes to Isamu and Suichi. Suichi, currently staring back at Isamu, as if in a staring contest, stood perfectly still. "This here, is Suichi." Who immediately proceeded to salute, still not blinking, and then returned to his rigid posture with both fins by his side. "The memory is a bit foggy to me, but Suichi needed a home and I took him with me. That, and he has proven to be useful... and troublesome." The annoyance when stating Suichi's trouble making was clear in Yuudai's voice was clear, though he would probably keep the creature with him for a long time.

Walking in further to the living room, still a bit tired from have a long couple of days, Yuudai thought it was best to get down to the true reason behind the visit. "Isamu, tell me why your really here. It couldn't have been just the reason of 'dropping in to say hello'." Knowing that it was rude to keep the third person out of a conversation, Yuudai slightly turned his head to him, "Tetsuya..." Testing out the name, "Isamu, do you want anything to eat or drink?" It was common courtesy to offer, thus he offered, there was no other particular reason to it. He just hoped Suichi hadn't gotten to eating more than he expected - the penguin somehow still hadn't finished his chocolate bar; though it was healthy one - one made by his mother, particularly for Suichi.

11How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:31 pm



Tetsuya fell over on his rear as Isamu squealed at the sight of the small little penguin entering the room, apparently Isamu was a penguin lover.  Tetsuya got to his feet as Yuudai entered the room from Isamu's squealing and demands to explain how he got a penguin.  After the short explaination of Yuudai's pet penguin Suichi, he asked him, "Isamu, tell me why your really here. It couldn't have been just the reason of 'dropping in to say hello'."  Tetsuya really thought that Isamu came here just for a simple visit but he decided to just watch than listen untill Yuudai called out his name.  "Tetsuya..."  Tetsuya's eyes snapped focusing in the direction of Yuudai who called his name, apparently testing it.

As Yuudai offered refreshments to the both of them the penguin Suichi had apparently made its way behind Tetsuya without anyone noticing.  The penguin hopped onto Tetsuya's back, as he gave out a slight chuckle, "Well hi there Suichi nice to...Aaaarrggh!!!"  The penguin now had its beak clamped on to Tetsuya's ear and wouldn't let go.  Tetsuya ran back and forth shaking his head repeatedly but only causing more pain to himself.  Animals usually take a liking to Tetsuya apparently this one particular penguin didn't.

12How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:25 pm


"Isamu, tell me why you're really here. It couldn't have been just the reason of 'dropping in to say hello'." Isamu was genuinely suprised that Yuudai doubted his intentions. He had literally just thought "hey, I should go see Yuudai!" It wasn't like there was something he wanted out of the man. "Oh, so a student can't go see his sensei every once in a while? I haven't seen you in years! Why wouldn't I want to come and say hello?" Yuudai said Tetsuya's name quietly, in a bit of a creepy tone, and Tetsuya snapped his eyes to Yuudai's direction, with a scared look. Jeez, Yuudai really was being odd today, but it was wonderful to see him. The haori he now wore waved around lightly as he walked gracefully through the house. He turned again to face Isamu and asked, "Isamu, do you want anything to eat or drink?"

Isamu put on a big smile and said, "I'll take coffee, or green tea, whichever is easier for you." Tetsuya, now trying to distract himself from Yuudai's ominous mannerisms, turned to face the penguin, whom Yuudai had revealed to be "Suichi". "Well, hi there, Suichi. Nice to...Aaaarrggh!!!" he exclaimed, with a pained look. Suichi had clamped his cute little beak onto Tetsuya's ear. Isamu considered doing something about it, but it was harmless, and he didn't wanna yank Suichi off. He stayed in his position sitting on the couch as he turned back to face Yuudai.

"So, how have you been? 5 years have passed, I'm sure a lot has changed."

13How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:03 pm



ooc||bad post is bad

"Oh, so a student can't go see his sensei every once in a while? I haven't seen you in years! Why wouldn't I want to come and say hello?" He'd have to correct Isamu, seeing as he hadn't even been a teacher in the past five or so years? Letting his eyes wonder, he focused back on Isamu before stating the obvious.  "You do know, I haven't been your sensei for the past five years, so you may want to correct yourself there." It was entirely true, since Isamu had seemed to return to being a ninja, Yuudai being caught up in his clans affairs and training, there wasn't much time for him too seek out Isamu. There was just too much going on that he needed more rest than he expected, somethings had to get pushed back for other priorities, thus resulting in today's supposed visit by Isamu and his friend.

"I'll take coffee, or green tea, whichever is easier for you." Nodding slightly, he was about to turn around and go the kitchen to prepare some tea, but stopped when he heard the strangers pain exclamation. Still standing there, he noticed Suichi's reaction towards Tetsuya, but said nothing of it. Suichi was relatively harmless - for now at least. As he walked toward the kitchen to prepare the green tea, he heard Isamu's voice, asking him how he has been over the years. The answer was simple. "Busy. Dealing with an entire clan.... and Suichi can be a hassle. Adding in other things, like training, can pile on to the workload."

14How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:14 am



Suichi still clamped to Tetsuya's ear finally let go when his unopened granola bar fell out of his pocket. Suichi began knawing at the bars wrapping until Tetsuya quickly opened it for the little black and white animal. The penguin and Tetsuya made eye contact as Tetsuya squatted down to eye level of the penguin. The two blinked at each other two times, then three times. The penguin turned and exited the room. Tetsuya rubbing his ear began thinking to himself, That is one weird penguin...

Tetsuya stood up to enter the conversation Yuudai and Isamu were having. "Yuudai this is a very nice home you have." Tetsuya thought that would break the ice between the two, it was obvious it would be much harder to start a conversation with him unlike with Isamu. Tetsuya took a seat next to Isamu and waited for Yuudai's response.

15How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:39 am


Isamu's Theme

"You do know, I haven't been your sensei for the past five years, so you may want to correct yourself there." Isamu stayed in his place while Yuudai started making the tea. His footsteps through the kitchen resounded and Tetsuya seemed to still be struggling with Suichi. Huh. "Busy. Dealing with an entire clan.... and Suichi can be a hassle. Adding in other things, like training, can pile on to the workload." Isamu thought about it for a second. That's right! Ayakashi, the woman he'd heard of many times, was Mizukage. She was previously the head of the Aisu clan, from which Yuudai was born as branded by his Hyouton release. With Ayakashi now working as the Kage of Kirigakure, Yuudai had been given the title as head of the clan. Must have been a lot of work, as there were so many Aisu there. Isamu opened his mouth to ask about it, but then he heard the sound of something hitting the ground. He turned to see a granola bar, sitting there.

Suichi, who was so preoccupied with the task of nomming on Tetsuya's ear, was alerted by the sound, and immediately began to chomp on it tirelessly. Tetsuya went to open it, and they held eye contact, and Suichi suddenly left. This was a peculiar situation. "I suppose I'm not your student anymore...I'm a Special Jounin myself, anyways. But I'll always think of you as my sensei. You've taught me a lot." He yearned to hug the purple-haired ninja, but restrained himself from doing so, as it would make things awkward. Oh, but he loooovveeedd hugging, he couldn't. Yuudai didn't like physical contact. Ugh.

Tetsuya finally came and sat down on the couch next to Isamu, clearly wondering what was wrong with Suichi, before he looked over to Yuudai. "Yuudai this is a very nice home you have." Ah, it looked like it was time for small talk. Isamu sat back to watch, while he waited for his tea. He kind of liked how awkward Tetsuya was acting, it was funny.

16How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:40 am



It'd take a bit for the tea to heat up, a couple of minutes or so, before he'd have to go back and reattend to the the brewing liquid. He didn't particularly drink tea, but rather drank a lot more coffee than anything and felt that today would be a good day to try out something he hadn't tasted in quiet a while. Coffee is what usually kept him running on days where he dealt with meetings, paperwork, and whatever else he had time to accomplish during daylight hours. Missions, for him, weren't as frequent as he expected, though he was fine being close to home, though it wasn't entirely needed. He stood between the entrance to the kitchen and living room, both directly next to each other, only to return to a missing Suichi and Isamu and Tetsuya sitting upon the couch.

He heard Isamu's statement, though he believed against it, he allowed it to slide. He wasn't particularly awake at the moment, the tea would have to do, and getting in to a meaningless argument was not at the top of his list. Keeping an eye on the kettle, Yuudai was able to respond to both of them, having a feeling they'd be wondering about Suichi's behavior. "Suichi.. is always like that. His behavior is eccentric if you want to call it that. He'll be back here in a few minutes if I know him. I really didn't do much teaching, more so telling you how you could improve, in a round about way." He turned his attention to Tetsuya, who complimented his home, his own place ever since he moved out. "There's nothing really fancy here, I just prefer to keep the bare essentials. Other things seem to get in the way. But, thank you." On that note, he knew it was best to grab the kettle and glasses for the three of them. Walking back a step back in to the kitchen, he pulled out three plain white cups, poured the tea in them, set them all on a tray, and proceeded to carry them back to the other two. "So Tetsuya, how'd you become friends with Isamu?" There had to be a reason why Isamu had brought a friend along with him, since he could have easily said his greetings by himself.

17How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:22 pm



Tetsuya felt awkward with the question he was asked, the real way they met would have made him question Tetsuya.  Tetsuya thought about lying to but then opted against it because he needed to the man to trust him. "Well its actually a pretty funny story, we kinda just met today.  I saw him, he saw me, and we just went from there."  Tetsuya knew that Yuudai would be puzzled in such an answer.

18How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:10 pm


"So Tetsuya, how'd you become friends with Isamu?" Isamu recalled the event like it was yesterday---no wait, it was today. It had just happened less than half an hour ago. Tetsuya went into thought for a moment before replying,
"Well its actually a pretty funny story, we kinda just met today.  I saw him, he saw me, and we just went from there." Yeah, that was about what had happened. Isamu could sometimes be too nice, which led to people taking advantage of him on occasion, but still, it was his personality. He couldn't help it. So, that's how they ended up where they were. He wondered if Tetsuya had something else to do for the day, and if this little visit was interrupting his plans, but realized that Tetsuya wouldn't have agreed to come if that was the case. He stopped himself, as he was having another one of those episodes of his where he trailed off into thought.

"Yeah, that's it. I wasn't originally gonna come here, I honestly had nothing planned today and I was bored out of my mind, but then I saw Tetsuya and thought, 'I can make new friends and reconnect with old ones!'" Isamu looked down after saying that. He knew that he relied too much on having friends and socialization for approval, but it wasn't just that. He genuinely liked people, a lot. He sighed and sat back in the couch, still facing Yuudai. Now with a lack of consistent conversation, he felt he should spark a new conversation with the question that he previously didn't want to ask, but now felt was almost necessary. "So, any new girls you're interested in?" Seriously. The man needed to have some sort of love life. Isamu craved an answer desperately, being the nosy person he was. He didn't really think about the fact that something like that might be too personal to talk about...

19How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:23 pm



The first thing that came to mind once he heard Tetsuya's reply was what Isamu was thinking about bringing along a complete stranger to his home, though he doubted he'd get a proper answer out of Isamu of the course of action he took, so he ignored asking anything. His mind did wonder to why he was here though, not Isamu, but rather Tetsuya, considering he had no idea who the boy was, nor did he really care at this moment. Though his presence did make him wonder what he was thinking if he just decided to go to a complete strangers home. Then, his attention turned to Isamu. "Yeah, that's it. I wasn't originally gonna come here, I honestly had nothing planned today and I was bored out of my mind, but then I saw Tetsuya and thought, 'I can make new friends and reconnect with old ones!'" Really, Isamu was someone he could never really understand, nor would he be able to.

The next thing, however, threw him completely off. It wasn't something he expected to be asked, but then again, it was Isamu, who would ask almost anything. "So, any new girls you're interested in?" He was twenty-two years of age, though it was kind of expected of people his age to be in some sort of relationship due to the career of a shinobi endangering their lives at every turn. A short sigh escaped him, his cup of tea in the grasp of his right hand, "It's not something I'm really concerning myself with. I've been far too caught up in different matters to even worry about such things." His answer was bluntly honest, and he wasn't actively searching, nor would he. It just didn't fall under his personal beliefs, things would fall in to place for him one day.

20How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:00 pm



Tetsuya thought to himself that indeed that he was into dating but the fact the question was not directed to him was irrelevant at the time. Tetsuya decided to pull out a granola bar from his pocket, and as he brought it to his lips. Suichi waddled back into the room eyeing the granola bar and leaped onto the couch and snatched the granola bar from him. "Hey!!!" The penguin turned away from Tetsuya while he reached for the granola bar, the penguin eyed Tetsuya and smacked his hand away. Suichi walked out of the room but before he was out of sight, Suichi gave Tetsuya a menacing glare.

Tetsuya sighed as his stomach began to make a slightly awkward noise. Tetsuya entered the conversation with an interesting immediate question. "Yuudai, if I may, would you one day be interested in taking on a student?" Tetsuya believed this would be the best way for him and Yuudai to become well acquainted, if his answer would be yes.

21How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:50 pm


"It's not something I'm really concerning myself with. I've been far too caught up in different matters to even worry about such things." And the conversation died again, simple as that. Yuudai had shot it down immediately. Well, silence now hung in the air again, and Tetsuya pulled out his granola bar. Suichi came in and took it. Isamu smiled at the penguin, obviously he did what he pleased and expected those around him to deal with it. Finally, Tetsuya spoke up, breaking the silence both with his voice and the growling from his stomach.

"Yuudai, if I may, would you one day be interested in taking on a student?" Isamu thought about it. He wondered how that would end; most likely with Tetsuya being a frozen puddle on the floor. Yuudai was a powerful ninja and a good teacher, but based on the tension between the two of them now, he may have not been the right choice to be Tetsuya's sensei. Isamu could've been wrong, of course, so he turned to Yuudai for the definite answer.

22How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:38 am



"Yuudai, if I may, would you one day be interested in taking on a student?" A bit irked, but deciding to ignore it, Yuudai contemplated the question brought before him. If asked honestly, Yuudai would state that wasn't one of his primary concerns as of now, and that there were easily better shinobis out there that were more well suited for the sensei role than he was. It was something he learned about himself, he wasn't the best with people; still remaining closed off to those who wanted to get closer. Something that easily held true to today. Even with being older, gaining a better understanding of himself, Yuudai felt there was clearly certain aspects he was lacking that a real shinobi, one better suited towards guiding a genin squad.

He took a good long look at the boy who asked him to be a teacher, something he didn't do the greatest job with with his first bout with the squad Isamu took part of. The look Yuudai gave was impassive, as normal, and calculating. He wondered how the boy would reciprocate from his actions, but he also knew he had to give an answer. After a pregnant pause, Yuudai lifted his cup of tea to his lips, allowing the hot liquid to enter his mouth and hit his taste buds. With the cup making its descent back to the table he situated himself by, sitting on the floor, he allowed for the liquid to make its inevitable travel down towards his stomach. Another moments pause. "I haven't given much thought about taking another squad. I'm probably not the most suited, and my current situation does not allot me much time to fit a squad in. Though, it could easily change in the future." The blunt truth was all that he could supply, as there was no reason for him to provide pointless lies to the stranger.

23How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:19 pm



"Well thats ok, and if im not mistaken isn't the current Mizukage and Aisu?" Tetsuya kept mny tabs on the Aisu clan and there incredible Kekkei Genkai, the Aisu clans Ice Release was a mark of beauty and power. Tetsuya believed a little training of his own Kekkei Genkai couldn't hurt. Tetsuya took a look around the room, and saw a picture of Yuudai and a younger Isamu along with two other boys. Yuudai seemed nice but his distant and cold exterior was very discouraging, but Tetsuya was starting to understand why.

Tetsuya stood up, addressing Isamu and Yuudai, "Im going to get a bit of fresh air." Tetsuya walked out of the house, to find that it was still raining, he leaned against Yuudai front door with a sigh. Until he heard voices a few loud voices, not to far. Tetsuya focused on the voices, apparently 3 men, maybe in there late twenties or early thirties. Tetsuya's eyes snapped open when he heard one of the men speak. "You two are going to set paper bombs on the roof and side of the house. When i give the signal, activate the fuses."

Tetsuya took immediate action as he began to slowly peek around the corner to find one of the men tip toeing up the side of Yuudai's house. Tetsuya did the same but this time from where he stood and the man spotted him immediately. The man did a few quick handsigns and a barragge of roughly 50 shuriken were now being sent Tetsuya's way.

24How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: How to Not Be Bored [Open/No Kill] Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:36 pm


"I haven't given much thought about taking another squad. I'm probably not the most suited, and my current situation does not allot me much time to fit a squad in. Though, it could easily change in the future." Isamu supposed that was a good enough excuse. He turned to Tetsuya as the boy said, "Well that's OK. And if I'm not mistaken, isn't the current Mizukage an Aisu?" Isamu nodded at that comment, and Tetsuya stood up, saying he was going to get fresh air. Isamu didn't argue, but now was stuck in a silence with Yuudai, so he turned to Suichi to watch the little penguin as entertainment. Within a few minutes, a noise alerted him.

It was a noise he'd heard before; it sounded like a ton of shuriken hitting a surface, and the fact that it sounded so close was a bad sign. He ran outside to find Tetsuya dodging a barrage of ninja weapons. Of course. He looked over to the assailant, who was scaling the side of the house with a sinister frown. Isamu wondered who would be stupid enough to try and attack the head of the Aisu clan, but sighed and figured he may as well just fight. He stood next to Tetsu and waited for the enemy to do something. "Damn, I should've brought my flak jacket..." he said to himself, quietly.

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