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Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

Fuck it, let's do this.

Scratching his head, Sousetsu grinned. "Your fellow Clan members will be able to teach you more about your own unique abilities than me, but I have other things to teach you, it's my job as your Sensei, you should be able to ask me anything. I could answer many of your questions but my main area of expertise would be Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu, as I stated before. I like to think of myself as a bit of strategist and a detaining type of ninja." Kaito watched as a butterfly landed on Sousetsu's outstretched finger. Suddenly, the butterfly was captured as wood sprouted out of his Sensei's palm. Holding the caged butterfly, Sousetsu continued. "Now, for your summons. You are now aware of each others abilities so we will spar and you will use the knowledge that you have taken in and utilize it to your advantage." Walking away from his squad, Sousetsu turned once again towards them. "Oh, by the way. Kaito, I never answered your question regarding summons. I am not particularly strong in that area but I have ninjutsu that is similar."

Here, Kaito paid especially close attention. "Finally, the stuff that gets very useful." After forming a few hand signs, Sousetsu slammed his hands on the ground in front of him. Immediately, three wolves made of a muddy substance sprouted from the ground. Eyes wide in surprise, Kaito grinned. "Cool! Is this what you are going to teach us?" The wolves were ordered closer to the students, and Kaito studied the creations. While their skin and fur was mud, Kaito was intrigued by the color of their eyes.

"This is my 'Mud Wolves' technique. It's like a summon but as I said, I specialize in ninjutsu." Petting the mud creation, Kaito laughed when the creation bared it's fangs to him. If Kaito was smarter, he would have likely noticed the hostility in the wolve's eyes. Suddenly, the sensei spoke. "Begin." Kaito widened his eyes at the new enemy in his arms, still being stroked. Hoping to get the drop on the creation, Kaito rolled onto his back and kicked the abomination in the face. Rather than solid contact, Kaito's foot merely entered the body. Kicking again, Kaito formed the only hand signs he could to get himself away.

"Kawarimi!" After a puff of smoke, Kaito was now laying down in a patch of rocks, having switched with one. Performing hand signs once more, Kaito bit his thumb and Smeared the blood on the ground. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" When the smoke cleared, a dog-sized lobster was scuttled along the rocks. Now aided by Panul, Kaito ran through handsigns and pulled water from the ground. Now with a whip in hand, Kaito charged at his Sensei. Panul breathed in deeply before spitting a ball of water the size of an apple at the Senju.

Kaito's Chakra:
Techniques used by Kaito:

Panul's Chakra:
Techniques used by Panul:

Training Kuchiyose C>A


There sensei must got it twisted, Kichirou didn't have a rough past at all. There wasn't any angst in the life he left behind. There was not family dying by the hands of the Kage. No, Kichirou's ideology stemmed from the teaching of his mother, a former shinobi, along with the words of retired veterans that he had the chance of mingling with.
They didn't sugar coat anything nor give him the false impression that the Kage looked out for your best interest. Or that the Kage didn't tell the academy teaches to sugarcoat things for the students. Couldn't have future dogs going astray, right? Kichirou decided not to reply to Sousetsu's comment, for it was obviously that the pair have different views on things. Which was good.

"Your fellow Clan members will be able to teach you more about your own unique abilities than me, but I have other things to teach you, it's my job as your Sensei, you should be able to ask me anything. I could answer many of your questions but my main area of expertise would be Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu, as I stated before. I like to think of myself as a bit of strategist and a detaining type of ninja."

Green orbs watched as their sensei capture the butterfly, that had landed on his finger in a wooden cage. So the man see himself as more of a strategist and a detaining shinobi, eh? Well that's interesting. Kichirou also sees himself as a strategist shinobi, though considering his profession as a gambler – it's not that surprising. A frown couldn't help but to mar his face, for Kichirou didn't have any clan members that could teach him about his unique abilities. His closes teacher is in Kumogakure, and he doubt he would be able to visit her anytime soon. Guess that meant he will just have to wing it by himself or find a fuuinjutsu user.

Kichirou's eyes locked onto the rising earth, as they took the shape of growling wolves with yellow eyes. The gambler cautiously back up from one of the wolves that got a little bit to close for comfort. Unlike his other comrade Kichirou picked up on the hostility that were presence within the animated animal, and thus wasn't about to pet it. His assumptions were right after their sensei said begin, Kichirou narrowly dodging the jaws of the wolf who had lunged at him, via rolling to the right of it. Standing a good three meters away from the snarling beast, Kichirou bit his thumb before going through a couple of hand seals, slamming his palm onto the ground, a sealing array appearing “Kuchiyose, Kamnu!” the words were mutter though still could be heard by others. Smoke obscured the vision of both beast and man, though only momentarily before revealing a light brown buffalo roughly 5' tall with a rather long tail standing beside Kichirou – who was petting it.

“Kamnu-chan. I need your help.” The words were soft, caring even, as Kamnu was a shy summons who dislike battle.

“Kichirou? What you need me for?” Kamnu's stutter, eyes darting around at the other humans in the area. She never been around so many humans before and it was causing her to become nervous. So she wondered why her summoner summon her here.

“Don't be afraid Kamnu. They are my team mates and sensei. But do you see the wolf a front of us?” The buffalo nodded locking eyes onto the growling beast. “Our sensei, the white haired man with the sword, had summon theses wolves to test us. And I need your help to take out this given wolf. Think you can do that for me?”

Kamnu nodded before moving a front of her summons, hooves planting firmly into the ground, raiton coursing through her 4ft long tail as the wolf charged at her. Treating her tail like a whip Kamnu snaps it towards the charging predator hitting it square on it's skull, the mud wolf returning back to where it came, having been completely destroyed..

“Good job Kamnu. Thanks for the help” Kichirou spoke while pulling out the jack of spade from the deck of cards on his person, the kanji for animate and summons appearing on the playing card as it were slammed onto the ground – merging with the earth. Almost eerie similar to Sousetsu's wolves, Kichirou watch dispassionately as a bastardize version of a knight, equipped with shield and sword, emerge from the earth.

“Jack's Knight. . .you know what to do. . .” Kichirou slapped a card onto the knight's back, this card would have the sealing array for explosive seal. Kichirou would activate such a seal either doing the moments of the knight being destroyed or as a last ditch effort to catch their sensei off guard. With that done, Kichirou and Kamnu watched the knight charge at the sensei, following behind the ball of water spitted out by Kaito's summons. Only when the knight was in range did it attempt a downward slash.

Kichirou's Chakra: 120 | 150 wrote:-10 || Kuchiyose Summoning
-5|| Maintain Summoning
-15 || Jack Knight

Jutsu Used[font=Serif] by Kichirou[/font]:


Kamnu's chakra:

Technique used by Kamnu:

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu watched as his mud infused wolves changed from a friendly to a now fearless pack. Their eyes changed from a friendly to a more aggressive expression. They lunged towards the three separately before them, giving them an unexpected attack to which the Genin had to fend for themselves. Of course, after saying to 'begin', they should have been instantly cautious. He looked at Daiki, who appeared to have problems with the wolf so he did nothing but let him be as the wolf held him at bay. It could either end bad or bode well for him but only time could tell. Turning towards Kaito, Sousetsu could see that he had skillfully rolled backwards out of its swipe and kicked it in return. The foot seemed to have been swallowed up by the middy texture as it went through. Another kick and a few hand seals, Kaito had used the substitution technique, escaping from the grasp of the enemy with a puff of smoke leaving a rock in his stead. Further hand seals were used before he bit into his thumb and drew the blood that he needed for summoning a creature to his aid. A lobster appeared a good size larger than the norm. It was around the same size of Sousetsu's wolf though it was only a rough estimate. Water soon emerged into the form of a whip in which Kaito utilized by charging at the Senju. 'So, he knows the water whip technique...' Sousetsu thought to himself as he glimpsed at his own past when he first learned that technique near their current wherabouts. He knew all to well most forms of how water release techniques worked as he liked to think that he specialized in them. He knew that with one crack of the whip, Kaito would have the possibility of capturing him the Senju. The lobster on the other hand, stood from a distance and spat a ball of water towards the sensei , about the size of a fist, also.

Meanwhile, Kichirou dodged the wolf also as he rolled to the right and was seen a good few metres away from the Senju's muddy creation. The same process of biting his thumb, just as Kaito had done, to summon a new animal to the field was in effect. His palms had reached the ground when the summon had appeared with a puff of smoke. As the smoke soon withered away, Kichirou could be seen petting his summon which was a rather odd looking buffalo that stood at around five feet tall. It was not its stance or its appearance as a whole, but its tail. It was longer than Sousetsu had seen from books and the likes. After a few short moments of them engaging in conversation, the buffalo's tail had produced electricity and the sound of a whip could be heard also as it cracked upon impact of itself. Sousetsu's wolf had charged before meeting its untimely demise as the electric whip like tail had come into contact with its head, returning it to the earth once more. Sousetsu grinned and nodded in approval. The buffalo was then exchanged for what appeared to be a knight as Kichirou had toyed with his cards. This was not a summon as the cards contained seals. Sousetsu took note of this as the blood sacrifice was not used. Did he have a full deck of cards to choose this from? It was intriguing to say the least.

Kaito had arrived within a few metres of Sousetu's personal space and the ball of water was almost at its destination before the knight arrived with a downwards slash. A three pronged attack would be crucial to any opponent. Sousetsu instantly raised his right hand before him and closed his right eye also before breathing in slightly and exhaling a mist to cover a large area. The sound he gave off was as if his thirst was quenched and a loud exertion of release was there to show that. It was of course, the 'hidden mist technique.' Before the mist surrounded him and the area, and the opponents following through with their attacks, Sousetsu embraced the weather one last time. Looking towards the sky with his free eye and watched as the birds flew by before the suns rays distrupted his vision. Sousetsu figured that if they could not see him then the water whip would render useless as well as himself being a harder target to hit. He leaped onto a tree branch within a small distance of himself the ball of water was about to make contact, but could not see where it landed, he only heard the sound of water crashing onto a surface. Sousetsu grinned as the summoners seemed to get along well with the creatures which hinted their capabilities of working with a great team.

Sousetsu then used another hand seal to summon two wood clones from his person. Wood formed from both shoulders before they detached from him, creating the perfect embodiment of the Senju. With their visual perceptions interrupted he could try to confuse the latter by sending the clones in his stead. " Prepare yourselves!" The Senju shouted for a fair warning. He sent one of the clones to attack Kichirou directly with his katana withdrawn and gripped with his right hand. He emerged from the mist and leaped towards Kichirou with the infamous grin of his, almost seeming bloodthirsty or a little crazed by the current events. It was an act of course, testing the mental capabilities of the Genin. He sent the remaining wood clone to take his place within the mist, confronting Kaito and the knight on his lonesome. With his katana in hand also he performed a slash upon the Genin in a downwards strike much like the knights. He roared to let his presence be known so that the wound would not be fatal towards the Genin. The real Sousetsu lay back upon the branch and observed as best he could. He began this by crossing his legs on the branch and meditating. He traded his visual perspective with his hearing, enhancing it to find his opponents during this time. He could hear the footsteps of the many within the area. The birds chirping further into the woodland and the insects calling to one another as nothing had truly been disturbed as of yet. He remained perfectly still he felt the nature energy surround him and merge with his own chakra. He was beginning to restore his chakra as his opponents were none the wiser as far as he knew. This was only the first step in his Senjutsu phase however, and the process would only restore his chakra with small fragments after quite some time.

Words: 6115/6000 [Senjutsu Training D>C Completed!]

Chakra: 290/320

Jutsu used:

29Squad Four Training [Daiki/Kaito/Kichirou] - Page 2 Empty Sorry for not being able to post... Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:06 pm



((Im really sorry for not posting, times have been tough lately and with school starting it is even more hectic. If it makes you feel any better (Which it won't), I got 3 girls numbers today. Within a span of several hours. I may or may not post today, sorry for the confusion and shit. I definitely WILL post today or tomorrow, so skip me if you like. If I had the chance to post I would, but algebra requires studying. Lots. I won't ask you to wait up, or anything like that, but I am really sorry. Ill talk to you guys later))

Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

It does make me feel better.

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