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1Amara's Blessing: Your Story Empty Amara's Blessing: Your Story Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:57 pm


Amara's Blessing: Your Story Amarab10

You are a normal human being. You live on Earth, and it's the year 2013. Maybe you lead a normal, day-to-day life. Maybe you have a more intense, adventurous life. It's up to you, really, but one thing that you could never change was that you were always this normal, human being. Until now. In May 2013, Amara, your goddess, has given you a gift. A special ability, or maybe a set of abilities. They might progress, or even change. What they are is up to you. Because this is your life, and it just got more interesting.

Amara's Blessing is a brand new text-based role-playing site, based more on story telling rather than combat mechanics. You can choose any power you want for your character, with very little restrictions. This is your story, so what do you want to experience?

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