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1Dog Walking [D Rank, Konoha/Closed] Empty Dog Walking [D Rank, Konoha/Closed] Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:20 pm



The sun was near the point of break-dawn, the trees were flourishing as the zephyrs of the scorching winds had engulfed his torso. Yet a fifth mission was still up his sleeve, they all promptly accessed his hands and quickly were thrown upon his shoulders. This time he had to deal with pets, dogs to be exact. The morning was still young and it wasn't very lofty before the sun offered it's illumination on the world for a new working day.

The Inuzuka were a peculiar clan, awkward folk, but seemed charming enough. His benefactor was some young individual, of the clan itself which was the only remaining of their tribe. Somebody needed to take care of the dogs, the majority left Konoha doing missions, while the kid was left behind to do so.

Idari was sent to aid him, and it wasn't very nice to become related to a dog society. Idari liked the animals, but he wasn't a big fan; he would only let them run around while his eyes would be locked on them. And if a dog escapes, he would have to deal with the consequences, which were searching all night for the missing canines. How much were they? three, two? Ten even? Only time will tell..

Idari tread his feet forward, a short male boy stood in the distance, he leaned on some low wooden fence, overlooking what maybe the pack of the dogs. He was the Inuzuka kid, no doubt, Idari paused his motion, awaiting him to grasp Idari's presence; instead of approaching the kid and putting him in the hospital due to a heart attack. "Hey, are you Inuzuka, Kota?"
He inquired in a calmer tone, but it was serious as well.

"Yeah, and you are...?"

The boy turned, his black eyes glimpsing the Uzumaki's, it seemed like a challenge, his eyes said it all. Idari placed a phrased frown on his guise, there was a moment of silence as the 20 year old furrowed his brows in the dead air. "My name? Many.. some call me Uzumaki, some call me friend.. and some call me enemy.... He said the last world coldly, his lips were even too mere to be noticeable. They barely moved, the kid didn't fit, he would only fit when he took a punch in his face, and twist it until it becomes by Idari's pleasure.

"But.. I'm usually called Idari.. Idari Uzumaki."


Last edited by Idari on Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:02 am; edited 2 times in total

2Dog Walking [D Rank, Konoha/Closed] Empty Re: Dog Walking [D Rank, Konoha/Closed] Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:00 am



"Uzumaki... Idari.. eh?"

The Inuzuka compressed his eyes in confusion, he just shook his head silently and approached with a smirk.
He was vastly shorter than Idari, in any sense, he always felt short and was easily spooked by the fact in his earlier years.

"I want you to keep your eyes on these fella's."

His arm reached for the nothingness upwards, his middle finger and the thumb along clapped together, only a few moments afterwards there was a dog stampede landing from the sky. There were all dozens and almost up to fifty dogs. They were all smashing forward, it was purely too stupid, the kid was too retarded to become insulted. How in the world could even Hercules manage fifty dogs and keep all of them at bay? The beguile tossed him a ball, it was wrapped up by a hare's pelt and had a bell attached to it by a wide, plastic ring.

"Toss it, and you'll find the entire pack in a stampede, just make sure you come back with the all of them! My mom's gonna kill me if I she find one's missing!"

Idari had a smirk cross his face, as he twirled his torso around and proffered his branch at his aimed point, the hundred eyes would attend his grasp accurately, their thighs itching for freedom. "GO!" He roared, with all his might, he launched the ball at the main street, as the canines raced after it. In haste, he used his chakra to enhance his running abilities, capable of keeping up with their speed. They all brawled over each other like a bowling set crushed by a giant moon, they seemed incredibly stressed and tired, it wasn't that much easy to run down a hill, but he knew that throwing the ball again would recharge their batteries.

Idari cracked at the view, in all his life, he never used to play with a pet. But he came by the point of having to play with fifty of them dogs. He snatched the ball quickly, it was time to get them back inside their broad, open, empty castle; instantly he sprung back at the Inuzuka lot, bouncing from a hill to hill until he hopped into the clan's property. Before he could be eaten, he dropped the nasty ball and immediately took out of the now crowded field like a bat from hell.

He panted heavily, his arms shrugging as he inhaled.

"Well.. that escalated quickly."


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