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((OOC: Word Count won't start till the 3rd  & 4th  post respectively.))

“Here for a mission?” The dark haired chuunin asked, Nanashi who were standing in front of his comrade simply nodded at the question. Like all the times before the former Geisha had left home roughly 4am in the morning, heading towards the mission hall to pick out a decent mission for himself. Unlike all the other times though, he wouldn't be doing this mission alone. Having promise a fellow chuunin a day ago to do a certain mission with him.

“If it isn't to much trouble, can the mission pertaining to Bastion Adamantine?”

“You mean the Defend the Fortress, one?” Nanashi nodded at the question before catching the scroll, his eyes looking over the contents, memorizing them for his own self, before pocketing it in his back pocket.

“That's the one. Thanks.”

“You ain't planning on doing it solo are you?”

“Naw, promised a fellow chuunin that I would do this mission with him. Suppose to meet me somewhere along the way.”

“Ah, alright. Well have fun and be careful.” Nanashi waved off the other chuunin's concern, lazing waving back at the man as he made his way out of the building.

Once outside, Nanashi dressed in the stereotypical Iwa get up, began making his way towards the rendezvous point where Migoto apparently was meeting him. Instead of leisurely walking through the streets of Iwagakure, like he normally would the man took to the roof tops, not wanting to be the late one in this 'group' mission. Making it to the area in a rather impressive time, Nanashi lean against the tree, noticing that Migoto was there already.

“Yo, you ready for this?” He asked, tossing the mission scroll at the other chuunin for him to read it and memorize the contents of it. While the dark haired chuunin was doing that, Nanashi munched on an apple that he swiped from a local vendor – he will pay for it later.

Maybe. . .

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto had gotten up rather early to partake in a mission with Nanashi, his newest comrade. Together with his hyena partner, Wa-ryo, Migoto waited at the rendezvous point that Nanashi has specified before he went to obtain said mission. Nanashi was a seemingly normal boy of his age, although Migoto didn't know much about his past to begin with. Being nosy as he was, Migoto would most likely ask him some simple questions once he met up with him.

Dressed in his typical mission gear along with his kanabo resting safely secured on his back, he sat against a tree scratching Wa-ryo's ear. "So mate", Wa-ryo began. "Whats this mission about anyhow?"
Migoto stopped scratching for a moment, "You remember the bandits that were attacking a fortress a few weeks ago that me and Takumi cleared out? Well it looks like more of em' came along to fill in the ranks."

"Ahh, so we killin' some bandit scum? Fine by me mate."

As if speaking of the devil, Nanashi came;arriving by rooftop and handed him the mission scroll. Unraveling the parchment, it seemed everything he had just told Wa-ryo was pin point accurate.

“Yo, you ready for this?”

"I was born ready. By the way, this is Wa-ryo my pet hyena. He'll be accompanying us to the fortress. So, shall we get this show on the road?", Migoto said as he held up his hand to Nanashi in an attempt to be helped up from his sitting position.


"I was born ready. By the way, this is Wa-ryo my pet hyena. He'll be accompanying us to the fortress. So, shall we get this show on the road?"

Maybe it was because Nanashi wasn't exactly looking for anyone or anything else to accompany them on this mission, so it wasn't a surprise that he totally overlooked the hyena lounging near Migoto, till said individual introduced the pair.

That's good. Nice meeting you Wa-ryo.” Nanashi stated looking and nodding at the hyene, before turning his attention back to the chuunin helping him up from his sitting position. So the hyena was more than a simple pet – from what he can deducted from the few words exchanged the animal was a combat type. Which was interesting to say the least.

Fine by me. The more the merrier.” Nanashi said, while mentally going over the list of everything on him, which wasn't exactly much, seeing how he had yet to purchase any weapons or the likes from the shops, preferring to relie on his jutsu arsenal and innovation skills to complete missions.

Well lets go.” After the words escaped his lips the former Geisha took off in a moderate pace, making sure not to expend too much energy on the way there but also not to leave the chuunin behind.

So tell me. Have you did this mission before? If so anything I should know about, like the general layout of the place? Or potential ambush spots?” Nanashi asked, having decided to see what the other knew about this particular mission and to create small talk. For how can one work with another without proper communication?

[225 out of 1500]

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

Nanashi exchanged pleasantries with the now recently acquainted hyena. "Same here mate",was Wa-ryo's reply' short and sweet, exactly what he was known for. Being helped up from his sitting position and slightly disturbing Wa-ryo's position by his side, Migoto was up on his feet and ready to start the mission. It was simple enough the first time around, bandits are harassing a fortress, they clean them out forcibly; easy as that. It was really quite odd how accustomed to killing one can get when it was your job. Any normal teenage boy his age would be learning a trade by now or working. But not shinobi, Migoto had committed his first "engagement" only a few years ago. That ended with his self neutralizing the assailant and a hefty pay from the mission office. But what it really was was basically a hit. Migoto was payed to kill someone, because they were committing misdeeds. The mission could have easily called for the mans arrest, but it didn't. The words were there in plain black ink. 'The target is to be neutralized'. Neutralized, that was a funny word. As if people said it to cover up the fact that one human being is murdering another. But, such was life. Migoto was broken out of his trace like internal philosophical debate with himself by Nanashi's question.

So tell me. Have you did this mission before? If so anything I should know about, like the general layout of the place? Or potential ambush spots?”

"Yeah, i've done this mission before with Takumi Senju, a friend. As for the general lay out there is a clearing where the fort is located, the fortress can see any attack coming in advance. When we arrived the first time the bandits were already laying seige to the fortress. We caught them with their pants down, metaphorically of course. Ambushes would likely happen in the forest on our way there. But the bandits are pretty weak, nothing to fret about." Migoto finished speaking while trying to match Nanashi's speed,Wa-ryo was on his heels like a shadow. What a good boy.



Assimilating the knowledge that were given to him, Nanashi's facial features couldn't help but to show annoyance at the mentions of bandits.  Before he were even a shinobi the former geisha done had his fair share of run-ins with those who called themselves bandits. Having witness them also and successfully raped a fellow Geisha member, before their lives were forfeit.  At the tender age of seven bandits was the first thing that his mother had him to kill, at the time she covered it up as training, but later told him the truth. He had a thirst to quench, and only death could quenched said thirst. But that's a story for another time. Getting back on topic. Nanashi saw bandits as nothing but scums of the earth, having no place amongst other: killers, rapist, drug/slave traffickers, etc. they were nothing more than ants compared to others. They were like a bad joke that shouldn't have been told. While some might have skills, the most of them didn't. Only allowing on their vast numbers to overwhelm their victims – in a sense they were comparable to piranhas. Alas toothless ones.  Toothless or not they needed to be put down, and that's exactly what Nanashi were going to do with the help of Migoto, of course.

“Am I the only one who find it weird that despite being led by Zenchi Kyouga, the guards of Bastion Adamantine lack the necessary skills to defend against bandits? And if theses bandits are as lowly as you make them seem. Then it wouldn't take much to deal with the threat. Simple traps and the like could easily take them out, but yet none of the guards have thought of it. Even more so, that the leader of the guards is Zenchi. You would think that they were trained better.” Nanashi stated, jumping through the trees, before coming to a complete halt, crouching on a branch. The reason for halting suddenly?

“ehy! Boss, them' traps have ben sat lyke yuh asked!” exclaimed a voice rather loudly, before the bandit in question stumbled through the forest – obviously drunk and not paying attention to their surrounds.

“I bet you ten ryo that he'll lead us to the rest of them?” Nanashi stated, before tree hopping once again, following the drunken bandit.

[617 of 1500]

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto took in all that Nanashi said. Zenchi was his sensei when he was a lowly genin but a short time ago. Migoto along with the squad he was in sparred Zenchi at a training ground, there was no doubt that he was strong. It was rather odd indeed that their would be a shortage of able hands that could take on the bandit threat, a few men trained by Zenchi would be more than enough to defend the fortress against a small army, let along a group of them."Well..", Migoto began as he increased his speed to come side by side with Nanashi."Zenchi was my sensei, a very strong and intelligent one at that. But he is ill with some kind of disease that has weakened him considerably. When my squad sparred with him at a training ground, he held us off and nearly overpowered us all but he spat up blood at the last second and cancelled the session after that. So i doubt he is even at the bastion after how he looked at the sparring session, let alone training the forces there." It was terrible to see a great man like Zenchi wraith in pain during that match, actually made him wince back then. But the reality of it was that a disease as serious as that would most likely kill Zenchi in the coming years, that is if the shinobi life style dosen't do that before hand.

His internal dialogue was interrupted by a loud voice that was rather close.“ehy! Boss, them' traps have ben sat lyke yuh asked!”It was a bandit that seemed something beyond drunk before stumbling through the forest, this was almost too perfect. Wa-ryo nudged his leg as he came up to the same tree branch Migoto was stationed at. "Looks like we found our first bandit, huh mate?", the hyena whispered to his owner. Migoto flashed a smile and nodded. Migoto turned to Nanashi, ready to pitch a plan to him. “I bet you ten ryo that he'll lead us to the rest of them?” Nanashi said before hopping to another tree and following the drunk. Damn, beat me to it.

353+341= 694/1500


So the great Kyouga Zenchi was once the man's sensei? Well isn't that a pretty piece of information. Unknowingly too his partner, Nanashi's opinion of him had just went up a couple of notches. Not like the former geisha didn't respect Migoto, for he respected everyone – his rank and higher. For few managed to make the rank of chuunin and above, thus those who do, automatically have his respect. No, the reason why his respect for the man grew is because, if Nanashi understood it right, was once in a genin squad underneath the man who later became a Sannin. This spoke volumes about the man's potential, for if Zenchi decided too teach you than one must have some latent skills. Yeah, Nanashi knew who Zenchi was, having read about the man in a few scrolls that told about his legacy – Nanashi respected the man a lot – pity the Sannin would likely die from his disease. Made him idly think about a certain decease Uchiha who had limitless potential but was cut short because of a disease and an idiotic brother.

His musing was cut short, as his limbs continue to propel him through the trees, clothing making the slightest of disturbance as he followed the drunken bandit. Periodically those citrine orbs of his would look towards Migoto and his companion, making sure both of them were keeping up with him – which they were. Good. Turning back towards the bandit who was still stumbling through the dense forest, talking incoherently about god knows what, Nanashi couldn't help but to shake his head what could be either disgust or disappointment. Though it were more of the latter than anything. For if this drunktard was indeed apart of the group who have been lurking around the Bastion Adamantine, than he was surely nothing more then a grunt of the pack. Those who knew Nanashi wouldn't be surprised that the chuunin had his suspicion about the bandit, the squad of three(including the hyena) was following, he was always cautious when it came to certain things.

“ehy boss! Them' traps ben sat lyke yuh asked. No nijna will able to gte pas them'” The bandit stated, having coming out to a medium size clearing a few meters away from the Bastion Adamantine, within the circle were four other men. The area in question was well hidden behind some brush and other type of foliage along with trees, that provided decent coverage. Kneeling down on the branch, Nanashi's took in the four other men who were all sitting around a smothered camp fire. All of them were armed with a sword, and some mediocore armor. Three of the men who had an air of superiority around them were carrying claymore type weapons, each one decorated with some types of jewels and another. While the drunk one and the other had simple katanas. Nanashi easily deducted from the torn, and dirty scabbard that were unraveling at certain parts, the particular two didn't take care of their weapons and most likely the grunts of the group. For while their weapon's sheath were unclean and such, the other three scabbards were in perfect condition. All bearing a small symbol that Nanashi couldn't make out.

“Was you drinking?” One of the bandits with the claymore asked, looking up from what Nanashi presumed was a map of sorts.

“Eh? No sir, Me wsn't dinking. No awy, me sobered lyke a sknky” The bandit said, obviously drunk. If the way he spoke didn't tell the others that he had been drinking, than the bottle in hand along with him swaying slightly surely did.

“Your drunk. . .” The other bandit said, in a deadpanned expression. Not even buying the other lame excuse.

“No sir. Me not drunk, I tellin yhu deh truth!” Stated the bandit who was trying to deny the accusation.

“Then what is this!?” The leader, Nanashi deducted, asked snatching the bottle and smashing it on the ground. “You know what, don't answer that. For disobeying orders, you and your buddy is now in charge of patrolling the perimeters. Xi, follow them and make sure they do their job right.” The leader said pointing to another member with a claymore, who simply nodded and herded the other two towards the assigned roles.

“I say we should take them out first. There is a lot of coverage that we can use to our advantage. So it should be too hard. Though we might have to worry about the one with the claymore. Seems like they are stronger than the other two. What do you think?” Nanashi whispered, to Migoto. The chuunin would only react if his companions were comfortable with the plan.

[Word Count: 1412|1500]

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

After telling Nanashi this information, he kept quiet for a time,processing the information perhaps. Migoto did not expect the information to change anything between them, he didn't tell Nanashi it to boast or anything of that nature. But only to help him get a little back story on himself, after all they were shinobi from the same village. Migoto always was friendly towards residents of his own village, no matter if they were ninja or not. It was just who he was. Even with his friend Takumi, who he had sparred with prior to becoming friends, he had been friendly despite their grim mission specifications. Speaking of which, there were some interesting revelations happening with their drunken bandit friend.

The bandit, who was still is mumbling, stumbling self had met up with a few of his friends. Three of the men looked like they were a few notches higher on the bandit hierarchy than the bandit who they had been following. The three superior bandits were dressed in better armor than the two lackeys and carried jewel encrusted hand-and-half claymore style swords. They were quite full of themselves, aren't they Migoto thought.The two lackeys where dressed in a shamble of half rusted metallic plates, that only vaguely resembled armor. Their armaments were simple katana that were ill cared for. Their scabbards were grimy, the hilts and handles replaced with wrappings because of improper use.

Migoto's group perched on a tree branch on the edge of the foliage, away from any wandering eyes that,by chance, might happen by their location. The three of them listened in on the conversation that started. The superiors were angry at the drunkard who bullfaced lied to his superior, a bad move. As punishment, the two lackeys were tasked with patrolling the perimeters and to be escorted by one off the superiors. The one who delt the punishment was no doubt the leader of the group.

Migoto turned to Nanashi, seeing if he had a plan in mind. As luck would have it, he did.“I say we should take them out first. There is a lot of coverage that we can use to our advantage. So it should be too hard. Though we might have to worry about the one with the claymore. Seems like they are stronger than the other two. What do you think?” So that was his plan, it was pretty sound, divide and conquer the group. Sounded good. " Sounds good, ill take on the one with the claymore since i have a larger weapon of my own", Migoto stated as he patted the handel of his Kanabo. "You and Wa-ryo take on the two lackeys. If i haven't already dispatech my opponent, Wa-ryo will help me while you keeo tabs on the rest of the group, make sure they don't sneak up on us." With that Migoto looked at Nanashi and held up three fingers, with each moment it counted down.
Three fingers....
Two fingers....
one finger..
Migoto dropped down from his hiding place and to the group of bandits.

Unsheathing his Kanabo, the four foot war hammer adorned with metal spikes shown in Migoto's hands. Silently running up to the superior bandit, who was at the back of the three man group;escorting the two lackeys at the front. Migoto cocked his weapon back like a batter would a baseball bat, sending the full brunt of the weapon into the back of the bandits spike. Even with his armor, the spikes would penetrate it and break any bone along the cervical section of his spine, killing him. Wa-ryo, who had stuck to Migoto like a shadow, would take the second closer bandit and come at him from an angle. Before the bandit knew what hit him, Wa-ryo seized him by his throat and took him to the ground. Due to the hyenas massive bite force, the bandits neck and trachea would be crushed and ripped out, leaving no time for even a whisper to escape the mans lips. The third bandit would be left for Nanashi.

353+341+627= 1321/1500


A Kanabo; a rather large club like weapon with spikes. Normally associated with brutes and berserker like individuals. Nanashi never heard of any shinobi using such a weapon, nor has he seen one in action before. So it was quite a surprise for the chuunin, though he didn't allow such emotions to show on his features, when Migoto commented and than pointed towards his very own Kanabo, Briefly eying the club like weapon, he took stock of it's appearance before turning his attention back to the problems at hand. That being the bandits.

Seeing how Migoto was more suited for dealing with the claymore wielding individual, Nanashi nodded off with the plan – before disappearing amongst the foliage, after the countdown, just as his partner attacked the claymore wielding man. Hidden within the coverage that the plants provided, chakra began to build in his hands, before five senbons materialized. With a flick of the wrist, all five senbons went flying, all hitting a vital point of the bandit – the killing blow being the one that pierced the skull. Like a sack of potaotes the man crumble – dead.

Looking over to his partners, Nanashi silently nodded at their handy work before meeting up with them – just out of view from the now slain bodies. “Three down, two to go.” Nanashi stated, referring to the other two men that were at the campsite. “Same thing like before? You take out one. With Wa-ryo helping out whoever needs help?” He asked, wanting to see if his partner agreed with the idea before it commenced.

Though it seemed like waiting for an answer wouldn't be the most viable choice. The sounds of twigs and leaves snapping underneath something heavy, alerted Nanashi that they weren't alone anymore. The fact that the two bandits, from the campsite, were now standing a couple of meters away from the pair of chuunins, weapons drawn and charging, at them, solidified his opinion of them not being alone.

Seems like the commotions cause them to come check it out. That or they suspected that they were being followed.” Nanashi ducked, before having to dodge a wipe from the bandit on the left. The one on the right having broke off to attack Migoto.

Barely dodging the claymore wielding strikes, Nanashi dually noted that the bandit was generating chakra into his swings. One particular dodge that cause the bandit's claymore to cut through the trunk of a tree, like butter, only proved his theory that theses bandits weren't actually bandits, but former shinobi of sorts – for only shinobi could use chakra. Well that just made things harder. Materializing and throwing ten lightning senbons at the man, who blocked them with the claymore's blade, Nanashi began to think in how he was going to handle this. After a few seconds, in which he received a rather nasty gash on his shoulder, crimson liquid flowing freely from it, Nanashi had found a way to defeat this nuisance.

Raiton chakra built within his fingers, as Nanashi dashed towards the bandit, ducking under a wild swing at the same time gliding his fingers across the man's arm and shoulder. The effects were instant. The man looked like he was having a epileptic attack, as his body began to shake violent, as the raiton chakra raced through his system, highly damaging the nerves – causing temporary paralyzed. Using the window given, Nanashi took out a kunai and stabbed it into the back of the man's skull – killing him instantly. Once dead, Nanashi looked towards his partner in crime too see how he fair with his opponent. For the chuunin was surely tired and wanted nothing more to go home, after this mission.

((You can wrap it up. . .))

[2036 of 1500]

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto and Wa-ryo had taken out the bandits quite easily, sneak attacks were always safer than up close confrontation. Giving his neck a stretch, Migoto turned to see Nanashi's finished prey riddled with senbon; one particularly prominent stuck out of his head. No doubt that was the killing blow. Nanashi turned and spoke to him.“Three down, two to go.” “Same thing like before? You take out one. With Wa-ryo helping out whoever needs help?” Migoto nodded in agreement before he heard the rumbling of snapping twigs and heavy strides, the calvalry had arrived.

This time the roles were reversed, the more brutish claymore wielding bandit attacked Nanashi while his minion attacked Migoto with his rusty sword. The bandit let lose a flurry of wild strikes, all blocked by Migoto's larger weapon. The bandit lifted the sword over his head, letting down a hard vertical strike. Migoto blocked the blade horizontally and twisted so his weapon would be stuck by the kanabo's spikes, Wa-ryo took the opportunity the deadlock presented to rip into the outside of the bandits thigh, weakening his composure. With a flick of his wrist, the man's katana was broken in half and batted away by Migoto, followed up by a strike to the rib cage which made the bandit crumple in on himself. Migoto delivered a forceful blow to his unprotected temple, sending his now lifeless body into the brush.

Their mission was complete, it was time for them to head back.

353+341+627+ 246= 1568/1500

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