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1Academy Rank {Iwa C//Invite only} Empty Academy Rank {Iwa C//Invite only} Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:41 am



After an exhausting heat stroke in the land of earth, Iwagakure would gain a breathtaking wind as hundreds of people would make their way out of their homes and into the street's as a great festival would take place throughout Iwagakure. Every street across the village would be lit up with bright lights and ornaments hanging from bamboo sticks. The villagers of Iwagakure would do anything to celebrate any moment in everyday life aspects. The latest class of academy students had just achieved genin status and was a unique anniversary to the forefathers of Iwagakure who had reach genin in Iwagakure for the first time. 

Kazu would not take the situation lightly, it was a opportune moment for other villages to take advantage and Kazu was on security, walking around the market district hoping for action, but it was the usual like most other festivals, people getting too drunk and he'd have to carry them home, or even stopping bar fights which with his high temper ended up with him in the mix. But Kazu was especially pissed off today, well this whole week to be exact, he'd been on a mission to stop the same gang of academy students who'd been causing havoc but was unable to find the group. Missing for a week was a complete worry and of course he had asked their parents where they were sad and worried like most parents would be.

Kazu would seat himself atop an arch rooftop in the market district, his crimson gaze would flicker from above searching for little clues for fights or disorderly youth. It wouldn't take long for Kazu to spot a clue, but not what he'd been directly searching for. A group of rat's would quickly crawl under tables and make their way toward a cake stand, and stealthily take 3 cakes before fleeing, unseen due to the loud music and the chatting town folks.  Why had this not tripped Kazu's sensors before, this would explain the animals acting 'weird' and why no one had found the 'kids.' They had obviously used the transformation technique to go undetected throughout the streets of Iwagakure, the only tiny factor was where is their base of operations? Where do they go and bring their stolen items, where do they go when they don't go out stealing. It was obvious he had to tail them to find the rest of them. He'd make the tiger seal with his hands before a cloud of smoke would disperse from his chest, clouding his body whilst morphing into a tiny rat. Kazu would begin to chase them down until becoming one with the pack. His look's were exactly the same with the others thus fooling the others completely. 


2Academy Rank {Iwa C//Invite only} Empty Re: Academy Rank {Iwa C//Invite only} Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:38 am



A few minutes would pass and the group of rat's had clawed their way to the tip of a building, an abandoned building that looked nicer than you think, the windows were boarded but the wood that contributed to the hard walls looked brand new. Kazu would keep in the middle of the pack before seeing to his right three academy students, obviously on look out but it had seemed their ability to locate whilst keep hidden was terrible. The group of rat's would make their way into the building before dispelling the transformation jutsu, a cloud of smoke would erupt within the house before six individuals would emerge from the smoke.

  "3 cakes, that dinner boys, tomorrow we take the burger shop." A chuckle would cry out from the group as their future plans began to take place, but soon they would realise the loner rat not speaking. "Wait who are you?" The group of students would ask before crowding around Kazu in his rat form. But the rat would smile as a cloud of smoke would emerge from it's body, only to reveal Kazu with both hands placed together in a tiger seal whilst focussing his chakra to his throat. 

"Hey boy's , it's been a while." Kazu would speak out at the group of academy students, their faces scared and shocked at the sheer fact that Kazu was able to infiltrate their base (which was ridiculously easy). "If you even think about fighting i'll destroy you all right here, there's no Tsuchikage here to protect you from my beating. But..." His stern look would get more potent, his eyes would widen whilst his mouth would deliver a sinister grin. "If you come with me now, you just follow me to the Tsuchikage's office, if you think you can run away go for it, but i will find you, and then you no longer go to the Tsuchikages office, you'll be mine to deal with." His tiger seal would hold whilst the chakra across his throat would begin to thicken, he was ready to deal with them all in one jutsu so he decided to hear their decision. "Okay, we'll follow you." Sobs would be heard from the group of children as they began to follow the black hooded shinobi. 

The kids would begin to cry as tears would slide from the eyes as they made their way outside whilst he told the three academy students on watch outside to follow Kazu. With no obligation the children would follow. Not before long their cries would stop and Kazu became curious as to why they do what they do. "So, why are you doing all of this?" Kazu asked whilst his left brow raised to his forehead. "Ahh, well Kazu-kun, all of us didn't get to genin, so we've decided to leave the shinobi way behind, and begin another life." Kazu's face would begin to gain a dark red colour, his cheeks would inflate whilst his eyes would close, not before long the black hooded shinobi would erupt in laughter. After a few minutes Kazu would calm down before stopping the group affront him. "You idiots, from now on i'm your sensei, you will all reach genin by tomorrow now come with me." Kazu's actions weren't of pity, or off just being a kind-act. Kazu wanted the village to be the greatest that had ever been, and these kids were the new generation, he had to do everything in his power to make an elite force, and that just what he began to do.


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