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1Hige (C Rank Inuzuka Combat Pet) Empty Hige (C Rank Inuzuka Combat Pet) Sat Jun 15, 2013 5:15 pm


Name: Hige
Rank: C
Species: Brown Wolf 
Appearance: Hige is a juvenile wolf,His eyes are a golden brown almost matching his fur.In height he reaches to keitaro's hip,he has large paws for a wolf of his age and has yet to grow into them.His muzzle is long with the teeth to match,His ears are quite droopy but they suit his head.His tail is quite bushy but it gives him some aero dynamics in battle. His hind legs are long and lean giving him both speed and power in a fight.

Personality: Hige is a very loyal wolf,he never strays from keitaro's side.he is as aggressive as keitaro in most situations and always fights by his owners side,Hige is also a very indevidual wolf and likes to walk out in the forests with keitaro or on his own. Hige also loves to hunt wild animals and has a good time doing it,he loves training with keitaro and helping him work on his tracking skills so that they can work better togther.

Techniques :
Collaboration Jutsu :

Last edited by Keitaro on Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:04 am; edited 1 time in total

2Hige (C Rank Inuzuka Combat Pet) Empty Re: Hige (C Rank Inuzuka Combat Pet) Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:03 am



no techniques section?

3Hige (C Rank Inuzuka Combat Pet) Empty Re: Hige (C Rank Inuzuka Combat Pet) Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:05 am


Tecniques added =)

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