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1Baby Sitting (D rank) Empty Baby Sitting (D rank) Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:07 pm

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

The sun was leaving the sky slowly dropping over the mountains as the darkness of night crept over the city of kumogakure it was in this afternoon setting that we find yoshiro on the streets heading towards the house he would be baby sitting in for the night as he walked through the streets towards the house his pet komomi accompanied him "Man im glad im with you Komo your better with kids than i am" he says to his loyal companion returned with a loving look from his pet walking beside each other like two best mates.

By the time the boy and the fox had reached the house the sun had long disappeared from the mountain side the creeping darkness now blanketed the village like a sheet with stars like poked through like holes lighting the dark sky the moon hidden behind the clouds *Knock Knock* the young boy lightly taps loud enough to be heard on the front door his fox beside him "Who are you!" A voice comes from a tall man middle aged man after opening the front door "Hello sir my name is Kuroka Yoshiro I've come to watch Mia tonight" he says with a reassuring grin and a polite bow, shortly after a female voice can be heard "Honey who is it?"she cry's from within the house "Just the babe sitter" he yells back with a snarl shortly after the wife coming to his side a beautiful blue haied woman in her mid twenty's "Oh look at that fox honey isn't it adorable" she says before her husband barks "That fox isn't going anywhere near my baby" the man replies to his wife sparking a short heated exchange of words.

Still standing outside politely staying quite his fox still by his side as the husband and wife exchange words they stop fighting and the husband snaps "All right the fox can come in get in here yoshi was it" a aggressive welcome inside the home to say the least but the boy politely entered introducing himself as yoshiro to the wife and all the normal pleasantry's the wife introducing both of their names and offering a drink before they entered the entertaining area and went over the babes needs etc, "So this is mia" the young silver haired boy says finally being introduced to the troublesome toddler "This is are everything be sure to take great care of her , we'll be home later tonight my little munchkin" the mother Misoki says before leaving the room waiting for her husband "We'll be at the Sky Bar if anything go's wrong and be sure to watch that fox around her" he says with an evil glance towards komomi before leaving with his wife.

After escorting the couple to the door and returning he discovered that both mia and komomi had completely disappeared "Oh wow two seconds and there gone" the puzzled boy thinks frantically searching the room with no sign of the fox or baby "I can't yell for them this early the parents have just left" he thought to himself panicking at where the could have gone before searching the whole house "Komomi what happened" the boy thought to himself knowing his pet wouldn't ever harm a child, 10 minutes pass as they silver haired boy is yet to located the child he found an open door at the back of the house "Oh no" the thoughts that they had got out quickly popped into the boys mind "Komo" the boy yells shortly returned to by a bark within the house "Oh I see hide and seek" the boy thought searching the house more thoroughly to find the pair.

As the boy searched each inch of the house he called out his pets name to be returned by a bark every few minutes "Almost like Marko polo" the boy thought remembering childhood memory's of playing the game as a child, after another 10 minutes of searching the boy located a large cupboard "Komo" he yells returned by a bark from inside the cupboard yoshiro grabs the doors and quickly swings them open "Found you!" he says finding his fox with the baby curled up asleep using her as a pillow "Your so loving aren't you Komomi" he says gazing over the neutering fox picking up the pair putting them in the babys crib, they lie together quietly in a newly formed bone for the rest of the night.

Hours had passed since the game of hide and seek his fox and the baby had played on him and Mia's parents return slightly intoxicated the night to themselves showing a massive improvement to the argumentative display they put on "Who are you" Sora says obviously to drunk to remember the boy "That's yoshi honey he's here looking after mia remember" the wife answers the husbands question "Ooh yeah tha t fooox you got cause any problems" the man slurs at the boy the wife supporting his balance "Well lets go see " the boy says with a smile taking them to the sleeping pair.

As the husband and wife gazed upon the pair sleeping they hugged each other and shared a silent loving parent hood moment "Sorry foxie" the man says looking at the fox before she jumps out of the crib coming to her masters side giving a large yawn "Yeah komomi loves kids" the boy says with a big smile before they leave the baby sleeping before returning to the entry of the house "Well thank you so much for looking over are angel" the wife says before the boy leaves the house "That's quiet alright thank you for having me" the boy says before leaving with his pet into the night.


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