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1Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:20 pm



Hira walked into the administrative building and walked slowly towards the mizukage's door. As he got there, he stood motionless for a second thinking of what he should say when he met the man. He raised his fist and was about to knock but was stopped by another man who he did not know, a guard perhaps. "The mizukage is not here, and i cannot tell you where he is" the man said sternly. Dissapointed hira said "Well, i just wanted to talk to him about assigning me a squad will you be sure to tell him to call me back soon so we can talk about?" The man looked at him saying nothing for a few moments, then he said "ill be sure the mizukage knows you stopped by." Hira began to walk off then turned back and said "hey thanks." The guard just watched him walk off and said "sure kid, whatever you say."

2Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:43 pm



I stretched as I walked out of the third floor,high class, training room. It was time for me to get back to my paper work,I still had an entire stack to finish up,luckily I already had done two of my three stacks. As I reached my floor I began to walk to my room. I saw a kid,maybe in his high teens, standing by my office door,talking to one of my guards. "Hey there." I called out to the two. "Hope your not gossiping about me over there." I said with a little chuckle,putting my hands behind my head.

3Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:49 pm



He turned around hearing the man behind him, at first he was suprised at who it was. He smiled when he noticed it was the mizukage, then he bean he waving to him as he walked towards him. As he was waving he called out "Mizukage sir I was hoping if you had a moment so i could speak with you?" He stopped waving an crossed his ams still looking at the mizukage who was now almost right in front of him so he talked more quietly "I wanted to talk to you about assigning me a squad if thats ok?" as he finished his sentance he moved his hands to his sides.

4Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:56 pm



I looked at the two of them as I stopped in front of my door. I heard the kids statement. "Sure why not. Come on in and we'll have a looky. More than likely I already signed off on what squad you've been assigned too." I spoke as I opened my door and walked to my desk,sitting down with a flop almost as I hit my comfortable chair. "All righty so what's your name? I never did pick up on it." I asked the boy,with a kind smile.

5Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:02 pm



Hira stood there looking around the office for a moment, he turned back to the mizukage and noticed his smile. "Oh... my name is Hiragana Kisame, but people mostly just call Hira for short." He said returning the smile. "Pleasure to meet you, lord mizukage." He added continuing to smile. "uhmmmm... anyway do you already have a squad assigned to me?" he asked scratching his head.

6Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:45 pm



"Hiragana Kisame." I repeated as I flipped through papers,searching for the name. After about a minute I smiled and pulled out a paper. "Ah yes here you are." I said as I took a quick second, literally a second, glance at the paper. "You have been assigned to Squad 1 of Kirigakure,which in fact is lead by me." I held out my right hand to shake Hira's hand. "So welcome to the Squad Hira. I am Hikou Misora,Leader of the Misora clan and obviously,your Mizukage." I said with a kind smile. "There is another member of the team but I really suppose you could meet him later. His name is Night."

7Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:51 pm



Hire took the paper glanced at it and then Hira shook the mizukages hand with a smile on his face. When he was done shaking the mizukages hand he stated "Night, ok ill be sure to get aquainted later." Then he took a second glance at the paper, after awhile he looked up at the mizukage "Its probably been a long day, but you wouldnt happen to have any assignments for me would u?" While waiting for a reply he plaed his hand behind his head and cracked a small smile.

8Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:56 pm



"Assignments?" I repeated once more,questioning myself as I looked up at the ceiling,re-thinking everything that I've seen. "Currently no. But that may have done like that on purpose. The village council may have finished up all the missions of the previous Mizukage and pretty much gave me a blank slate.For now relax and train. I need my squad to be plenty strong. I am the Mizukage after all,im BOUND to get assaulted every other day." I spoke the last sentence with a chuckle. I knew I was capable of protecting myself but why not pressure the kids a little.

9Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:01 pm



The looked disapointed at first but that quickly changed to a smile. "Your right on that one.' he stated. He looked at the ceiling then at the ground then back to the mizukage "Alright ill begin my training right away. Ill becoming really strong, i promise."

10Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:15 pm



"Well if anything I am fairly decent in Kenjutsu,maybe some time I could give you a hand in the training. As for Ninjutsu,im a specialist,I could defiantly teach you about ninjutsu. I doubt your a wind user but if you were,I mastered my Wind nature,that being my bird nature. Lastly,I am fairly decent in water style,could help a bit in that department." I said with a smile,beginng to sit back in my chair. "For now just do what you can solo and we'll see about missions in the future."

11Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:05 am



Hira chuckled a little bit before saying "Kenjutsu is something that i could use some training in, and no i dont know very much about the wind nature but i am a pretty good water style user." Hira then took a quick glance around the office and then turned back to the mizukage "Alright ill just do what i can and i hope you give me tons of missions in the future." Hira said with a smile.

12Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:42 am



"You can count on the missions,as soon as we start to get some flow. If its low ranking missions,I'll let you genin handle it yourself. Once it gets to a higher rank though,I'll be accompanying you. I can't allow much high ranking missions that leave the Water Country though,for the obvious reason that the Kage must almost always stay close by,in case of an attack becoming imante." I spoke to Hira kindly. "Train with Night,he's a supposed Kenjutsu user,should be a decent match for you." I said with a little chuckle,remembering how I captured Night earlier.

13Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:49 am



Hira listened to the mizukage just nodding. Then Hira crossed his arms saying "I was hoping for some decent missioons maybe some C-rank ones. Those shouldnt be too hard me and night could handle those im sure." Hira smiled. Then Hira turned towards the door and before opening it Hira said "Ill catch you later izukage, but dont be a stranger have a match with me sometime." After finishing his sentance he opened the door and dashed out and down the hall.

-exit thread-

14Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Empty Re: Hira wanting to meet the mizukage Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:53 am



I grinned as the kid said his last sentence. "A match....It would simply be a blood bath if I went all out on these kids." I said quietly to myself with a little chuckle afterwords. "Anyways time to get back to work." I stated quietly to myself as I began to sign off on papers. "Being Mizukage is proving to be fun,and a challenge." I thought to myself as I sat, signing off on papers.

[topic done]

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