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1 The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:18 pm



It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was a deep blue water-like color, giving the impression that the giant fluffy Homuncluluses were swimming across the big divine sea. Owydelu got up from his bed, with the purpose to go get a bite of something. The sun's rays were laying on Owydelu's face now. It was a little annoying, so he had a hard time to stay in bed and to support them at the same time. In the end, Owydelu surrendered and he got up, then going to the bathroom. As always, he took a nice, long and warm shower that would open up his mind for this day. He was thinking about the good fight he had with Sousetsu. He won, after all he's his sensei and a Special Jounin. After some time, Owydelu got out of the shower and he got in the kitchen to prepare something for him to eat. He made Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. They were perfect to fill Owydelu's stomach this early morning. After he finished eating, Owydelu dressed-up, without forgetting to put his mask on. He locket the door, like this protecting his house from burglars, thieves and any other threats. The kids were going to the Ninja Academy to learn the basics they needed and the men were going to do their duty for the village. Owydelu walked slowly to the Konoha's Kage Building, conserving his energy. When he got there, Owydelu had taken his information and he got out of the room, and out of the building. As always, Owydelu sat down under a tree, protecting himself from the sun's rays. He opened up the data he had and he started to read it slowly in his mind:

There have been multiple complaints from citizens from around the village about the Litter Bug Gang, a genin squad of Konoha. Your job Is to find, and stop three troublemaking shinobi In Konoha from causing property damage. Their crimes range from massive littering to complete vandalism for no exact reason. Be cautioned, however, these aren't children, but young men In their twenties. The genin are armed with the basic shinobi equipment. Three Kunai each, three explosive pouches, and one of them has a stolen rusty katana.

"This seems to be an easy mission! Let's see what else we've got here!" Owydelu continued reading in his mind:

Haizen Tenzo is a 26-years old Genin that has the next characteristics Poor Looking, muscular, has a scar on the right side of his face. He is Arrogant,unintelligent, god complex
To be an all around nuisance, and do anything that he wants. Basically....YOLO
He is afraid of the next things : Fighting alone, fighting someone stronger than him, being embarrassed In front of his gang, and being arrested.
These information can be used as well: He lives on the streets, sleeps In the back alleys, and can be seen around town flirting with women. He Is mildly trained In kenjutsu with his katana.

Tadao Fugumi is a 23-years old . He is Rough,lazy,and skinny, a follower,stupid, Impulsive, coward
He is motivated by these things : Being accepted by his gang, trying to become cool, and intimidating. Being feared.
Tadao is scared of being alone, being kicked out of the gang because he's weak looking, getting beaten.
These information can be used as well:He lives wherever he can, steals food from restaurants, and can be found begging for money on the streets when he Isn't with his gang. He Is trained mildly In ninjutsu with his katon element

Jako Dakkinju is a 22-years old Genin that is tough looking, overly muscular, intimidating. He is also is a Knuckle head, he  relies on his strength, thinks he's the leader of the gang, gets angry when he doesn't get what he wants.
Jako DakkinjuLosing his gang, being arrested.
These information can be used as well: Does any, and everything he wants. He carries the regular equipment, but Is surprisingly good with taijutsu that Is a conjunction for his unusual strength.

"So these are the threats? This must be a joke! I'll finish this one in no time!"

Owydelu started patrolling around the village, with the purpose of finding them in a conflict or something simillar. After about a half an hour, Owydelu saw three men ,that were fitting into the description, trying to get something from some 10-years old Academy Students. Owydelu got there in a moment saying : "Why don't you attack someone of your power?" The one that was looking like Haizen Tenzo came with force, directioning his katana at Owydelu, saying : "You , for sure, aren't powerful enough to finish me!" As Tenzo was getting closer and closer, Owydelu was prepared for his attack. Suddenly, Owydelu jumped on Tenzo's back and he delivered a powerful kick on his head. He fell down. The one looking like Tadao Fugumi launched a Fire Release Ninjutsu at him screaming : "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" Owydelu was aware of that jutsu's power. Suddenly, Owydelu, with an enormous speed, launched a direct attack in the target's stomach, using his punch. He fell down too. The last one was lookin like Jako Dakkinju. He launched numerously taijutsu attacks at Owydelu. Then Jako took the First Lotus position, then launching Owydelu in the air. After that, Jako had finished his Lotus technique, giving Owydelu a head-slam. After the place was more seenable, he realised that Owydelu used the Replacement Technique. Owydelu appeared in the back of him saying : "This is the last of them!" Owydelu delivered a hit after Jako's back.

After some time, Owydelu got back to the Administration Building, letting all the information he got there, with the three of them. He got home and then he ate something, he was starving. The he took a big and long sleep where he could meditate about everything. The weather was still good so, as Owydelu woke up, he got outside to train a little the jutsus he already had in his arsenal, to perfect them.

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