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Kaede Sarutobi

Kaede Sarutobi

Konoha rested in her nest; she preened herself as she tended to the needs of her offspring, providing for all their needs without hesitation. Today, one of the plethora of her offspring had pushed himself too far, he burned a localized portion of Konoha, a burn that quickly began to spread. Konoha shrieked for aid from her children, if left unattended this burn could engulf a single part of the Village’s prestigious home, something that cannot be allowed to occur.

Fires danced before the eyes of Kaede, their passionate yet destructive embrace had leapt from his maw in the form of a Katon Jutsu, and they licked the wooden structure of a building within the Sarutobi Compound causing it to erupt in the flame’s natural fury. Kaede stood frozen, in awe of the beauty of his favored element as they kissed building after building with their devastating, burning lips. Slowly his eyes were pulled from the burning beacon, the homes turned to torches, and to his fellow Sarutobi that scurried about pulling water from the nearby lake to splash on the flames in a vain attempt to sate their destructive thirst.

As Kaede watched as his brethren splashed small buckets filled to the brim with churning, cool, clear water onto his raging creation. The realization of what had occurred slowly set in, Kaede remembered forming the Tiger hand seal and the drawing a deep breath in, then unleashing a raging inferno from his lungs, an inferno which had licked a vase filled with oil and caught it aflame. Kaede’s blue eyes watched as another bucket was tossed onto his creation, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of anger towards his fellow clan mates who pro-actively combatted his “child”.

Kaede half-way made to form another Tiger seal but stopped short as he noticed the crackling flames rapidly approaching his own home. “OH SHIT!” Kaede cried out as he ran towards the rest of his clan. The Compound was one thing, his home was completely different.


Last edited by Kaede Sarutobi on Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:09 pm; edited 1 time in total



Kyo was slightly shaken and nervous. She had been contracted by the Hokage himself and sent on a mission, which usually wouldn't be so bad. Kyo was the type of shinobi that did what she was told and hardly ever asked questions or doubted her village's motives. But in this particular case, there was fire involved. Kyo, who's expression hardly ever changed in the slightest, shuddered at the thought. If there was something in this world that she hated, it was fire. But she could see why the Hokage would send her of all people. It was that very paranoia against the fire element that made her prowess with water grow to such a level. She sighed as she made her way towards the site. Apparently, some idiot had decided to set the Sarutobi compound on fire. From the report she got, she knew that the fire was spreading rather quickly and that it was still concentrated in a small zone of the compound. She had been given very specific directions. Well, not only that, but the smoke wasn't at all difficult to spot from where she was. It was, of course, a dead giveaway. Hardly any of the Sarutobi had water as their chakra nature, considering how the clan often specialized in fire. Hence, several shinobi were simply standign around the fire and staring at it as if it would be put out by their sheer willpower. That, or they were just waiting for Kyo to get there and save/reconstruct what was left of their homes. 

That was probably another reason why she was there. Kyo was a Senju, capable of reconstructing the burned houses. As she approached, she could see some of the younger members of the Sarutobi Clan running around in circles and yelling. Kyo sighed once again. She tried to make her deadly fear of fire unapparent. The only difference in her expression was the slight paranoid look on her face - mainly the widened eyes - and the change in breathing rate. She was set in a stance. Her hands moved rapidly forming several signs. The people around her cleared the area, letting her work. An enormous quantity of water slowly appeared. It rose several meters high, covering the flames and smothering them instantly. The water fell, creating a massive and powerful wave. Kyo toned it down so that it wouldn't destroy this section of the compound. It was enough, however, to simply put out the flames. The water would take a while to disappear, but there were no currents. It sat perfectly still, as if it were a giant puddle. The people around the area were, of course, completely soaked in water. Kyo relaxed, her tense shoulders slumping slightly to indicate that her overwhelming fear of fire was gone. There, she was done. Now all the had to do was help with the aftermath. 

[Word Count: 484/1000]

Kaede Sarutobi

Kaede Sarutobi

Kaede had lugged the single massive jar of water to his small, burning home and splashed its contents on a single burning wooden pillar. The wood sizzled as the fires extinguished on its surface, Kaede paused for a moment to wonder what kind of Katon based clan uses wood of all things to construct their homes, what kind of death trap was this? Slowly he lifted the jar to refill its contents and return to his vain attempt to save his home built of pure kindle. That is when he noticed it, silence, the sounds of panic had dissipated into the most pristine unbreakable silence he had ever heard in the compound, and it was unnerving. Slowly Kaede turned with the jar still inside his ever tightening grip, what he saw made his face match his whitened knuckles. A single massive wave of deep blue waters, bearing down on him as if it had come straight from his nightmares, a new form of panic set in Kaede’s soul a pure primal fear slipped into his heart.

Suddenly, the pristine silence was broken by the crashing fury of the wave, it ripped Kaede from his feet slinging him into his burning home all while extinguishing the flames the licked the structure. Kaede’s eyes widened in pure fear as his body was violently tossed in his home by the wave, he was completely submerged for the briefest of moments. In the moment before the water was pulled back into the pond near the compound Kaede couldn’t help but wonder if this was the end for him, was he going to die in Suiton’s unbridled fury, was this his doomsday?

Suddenly the unstoppable wrath of Suiton withdrew back into the confines of the pond, leaving only a few scattered puddles as evidence of the encroachment. Kaede’s body fell from the room of his humble abode; he gagged before sputtering up water from his lungs another token of evidence left for him to remember Suiton’s unwanted trespass and his foolish inhale as it swept him away. He laid there on his soaked floor, in almost a trance like state of unbelief, had what he witness really occurred or was this some cruel nightmare developed in the confines of his mind? His question was answered by simply glancing out of his door, a woman stood there, a woman he had never seen before, he watched as her shoulders suddenly slumped into a relaxed posture and a sigh of relief escaped her lips.

Kaede slowly brought himself to his feet; they were still wobbly from the adrenaline that coursed through his body only moments before. Whoever this…this bitch was almost killed him! Kaede’s mind immediately went from recovering from facing a nightmare brought to life to pure unadulterated anger as he slowly stumbled from his home. He pointed a single hand at the woman as he called out to her, his arm swayed slightly as if he had been drinking but his voice would speak otherwise.

“Just who the fuck do you think you are, huh?” Kaede questioned, his voice exemplifying the intense anger and shock that coursed through his veins.




The puddle around Kyo slowly sank back into the earth. Perfect, it was a job well done. It made her feel slightly better abut herself that she could handle a mission involving fire effectively, despite her near paralyzing fear. Usually, the presence of fire meant being instantly reminded of her traumatic childhood, but lately, she had been able to suppress such thoughts enough to be able to do her job. She fixed the stray strands of hair that had come loose while she was performing her technique and got ready to assess the damage and go over to provide help and rebuild as she saw fit. That was the second part of her mission, one that usually didn't come with such a job, but an additional service that she had been asked to provide. Of course, she would follow orders willingly. She wasn't one to question the Hokage's logic. It seemed that this as a typical occurrence in the Sarutobi compound, but this one had gotten particularly.... out of hand.

Well, no wonder the rest of the clan members sat calmly as their homes burned down. Kyo shrugged, knowing that because of that same reason, she would never be able to live anywhere near that place. She shuddered at the thought. As he young Special Jounin approached the house, or rather, what was left of it, she was stopped by a young boy with silver hair. Kyo cocked her head to the side and looked t him with a mild hint of curiosity. He was yelling at her. It wasn't something unusual, in her experience. People yelled at her often. She looked at the boy - man, rather, seeing as he seemed to be about her age. His clothes were singed, though he didn't seem to be injured. He was shaken and mildly nervous, though Kyo couldn't quite pinpoint why until it clicked. "Ah," She said, ignoring his question almost entirely. "So your the idiot who set this place on fire," She uttered, straight to the point as always. She kept her eyes locked on him, waiting for the Sarutobi to get out of the way. She stood perfectly still, waiting for some form of response.

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