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1Entertaining the crowd D-rank Empty Entertaining the crowd D-rank Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:51 am

Akio Yanagi

Akio Yanagi

On a simple early morning laid one young woman resting in her bed. Her eyes were closed as thoughts drifted through her mind restlessly in a continuous non stop loop. Just for once she just wanted to shut it off with all her might. For at least 2 weeks now this young woman had been sleeping in her old room at her dad's. What the hell was she doing there instead of being with at her usual spot sleeping beside her boyfriend you might ask? Well that was easy to explain.

Akio wasn't in the best of moods lately after her recent fight with her boyfriend Nanashi. When she had realized just what kind of person she was in love with her whole mindframe changed. Sure she knew that he had his "problems" and she was okay with that. When he told her she accepted it with knowing that no one was perfect. Little did the young girl know she was way over her head. He had been hiding from her more than he had been willing to tell. Like for one how he handled his opponents in fights. Ruthless and cunning was something Akio hadn't been surprised by it was when he took it one step to far. During a simple sparring match he launched a deadly attack directly at her and her partner almost killing her.

In his defense Akio told him not to hold back but killing her was going past that point. Why did he feel the need to try and end her life? Surely after the many times he told her he would protect her or the sweet nothings he whispered at night weren't fake. If they were well than it was something she couldn't bare or even wrap her mind around. Her hand reached for her chest as she let out a deep breath her breathing becoming worse and worse every time he entered her mind.

"Damnit" she yelled grabbing a nearby pillow and throwing it across the room. Oh here come the tears again she thought as held her head in her hands. It was hard for a girl who had never felt distrust before to deal with it. but it was something she was going to learn the hard way.

Getting up from her bed Akio grabbed a outfit from her ever growing smaller pile of clean clothes. Only once had the girl dared to go back for anything and it was when he wasn't home. with her bad luck she saw him on the way out, but she gave him the cold shoulder. If she felt pain so was he. Grabbing a simple pair of jeans and a tank top akio headed out for her mission of the day. Making sure to kiss her sister and father goodbye she headed out and taking a simple mission to let off some anger.

Her stroll said that she would be entertaining a small crowd of people. Simple enough for her to do really? Now just how was she going to do it?

2Entertaining the crowd D-rank Empty Re: Entertaining the crowd D-rank Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:57 am



As Saiyuki woke up she didn't feel like doing anything, but she had already accepted a mission with her best friend Akio. Sai couldn't let her friend down so she would go anyway. Luckily, it was just a mere D ranked mission to entertain some people. Hopefully her father wouldn't notice anything strange about her since Akio and Sai had made a deal the they would strip for everyone. A small grin played on her lips as she remembered how she could tease people. Oh, today was going to be a hell for the audience. Not only that, Saiyuki also needed to blow off some steam. Maybe even in the perverted meaning. But what kept bugging her was why Akio would do such thing to her beloved boyfriend? Sai thought they had a good relationship going on and the only bad thing happened was when they were sparring. The only thing she was told was that Nanashi almost burned Akio, but Sai didn't see the reason why to be mad at giving full strength. When Sai and Akio met they sparred too, but the only reason Saiyuki did not want to kill her opponent was that she's afraid of dead things. If she wasn't afraid, hell the winner would be Sai already. She would use full force no matter what. Even if it's just a spar. But then also, she wouldn't try to kill her... Saiyuki just didn't know who's side to choose so she kept her mouth shut and didn't make any comments.

"Saiyuki? You should wake up now. Your mission is about to start remember?" Her father, Shin, peeped his head through the half open door. Shin began comong in the room as Sai said he could. They were very in sync, her father and Sai. To bad Shin was a Jounin and had to deal with a lot of missions, but even if he had to, he would make time for his beloved daughter and family. Sai really looked like her father, the white hair, the determinated shine in the eyes. Two different colored eyes as well. Only Sai had a green and a blue eye and Shin had a blue and a purple one.

Shin Kobayashi went to sit on the kingsized bed of Saiyuki, just next to her. His lips went to kiss Sai her cheek, but when the father came close Saiyuki pulled him on the bed and quickly snuggled up against him. "Fine, just for a few minutes then." Her father sighed and wrapped his arms around her. Shin hugged her tight and as time passed he fell asleep. But Saiyuki did not and she got dressed in a few minutes like her father said. When she went to leave to Akio, Sai quickly threw water over the man and ran downstairs. She quickly took a fruit in her mouth and sprinted oit of the door as fast as possible to avoid her dad's punishment.

While going to the Yanagi she forgot to take some more fitting clothes for the mission with her. Her legs ran into one of those kind of shops when no one was looking. Saiyuki quickly went in and grabbed three pairs to go and see if they fitted. The male shopkeeper said that she had to show them to be sure if it was the right choice. First to go was the white one. The shopkeeper said that with the white she should also pick the angel wings. Sai was now nervous for just one man. What would happen if she had to do it for a audience? When she thought about that a red glow appeared on the Kobayashi. Saiyuki just took the wings and tried them on. The man basically said it fitted her perfectly. The shape and the innocent look of the wings. Saiyuki believed his words and quickly bought the pair. Now she really had to worry to get to Akio's place in time. She sprinted and quicklyshe saw the house appearing. Saiyuki knocked on the door as she was panting, due to the running.

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