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Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

THE HUNT: Part 1

The day was swirling out of control as the ever increasing in composure shinobi was still suffering from the residual effects of his meeting with Latika... He pushed the thoughts of their encounter aside; soon after, a letter was slid under his door. Kenji's home was one of comfort; when he first moved in it was obviously a humble abode, but since, he has furnished the place fully. Bookcases full with doctrines and novels decorated his walls; a crescent shaped couch the color of his hair stamped its claim on the center of the living room. A sheep skin rug caressed his bare feet as he made his way to the door to pick up the letter left. "Looks like my assumption was right, a mission." Kenji opened the letter; it was from the Raikage, and the mission was listed as a B-rank mission; and to make matters more interesting he was being asked to complete the task solo. Once again the confidence the Kage had in him never fell short of, "What the..."

The contents conveyed to the reader that a prisoner had escaped from the Kumogakure prison. "This can't be real... they let someone escape!" Kenji let out a sigh, he read on to learn that the prisoner's strength was formidable but not too great. "Okay, that is helpful." Kenji thought sarcastically as there was no mention of his specific abilities nor a description of the prisoner's appearance. The only thing that Kenji could be certain of was that his presence was most likely noticed by the villagers as he was likely still in the prisoner outfit for at least a short period of time. It was the shinobi's hope that someone saw the fugitive and got a good look, subsequently being able to narrow the location along with the appearance down. If no one saw anyone in a prison outfit exactly he was sure that some type of ruckus or an unusual disturbance must have gotten the attention of someone further enabling Kenji to hunt down the criminal.

Kenji was being asked to address the issue immediately as it was of the utmost urgency that the criminal be apprehended as soon as possible; so as to avoid any possible damage or casualties. A fugitive was an unpredictable creature yet at the same time predictable. You could count on them acting one or two ways. One, they would run as far away or; two, try to blend in.

His first stop was to meet with the guards of the village gates to inquire on any traces of a traveler beyond the borders of Kumogakure. They had also been notified of the escape and were under tight security; so Kenji was confident that the culprit was still in the village. Kenji didn't receive too much assistance, and only a few people knew of the incident. The Raikage was counting on Kenji to keep the issue quiet as a panic was not welcomed; a panic would certainly encourage the prisoner to act irrationally and that was not something the Kage was willing to risk. It was pertinent that Kenji capture the fugitive as quietly as possible. Once he engaged the prisoner it was his intention to detain him or her quickly.

After he questioned the guards he walked towards the center of the village. The tall stone structures of Kumogakure were always something to admire. There was a grandiose aura to Kumo due to its altitude and tall buildings along with towering majestic mountains. He perused his environment being conscious to not draw any attention to himself; not wanting to hint to his pursuit just in case he was already being watched by the assailant. Covertly, Kenji activated his Kekkai Genkai. Not wanting to be taken off guard by a Genjutsu practitioner, like himself.

Kenji was in one of the more quiet districts of the village and an area optimum for hiding giving the many alleys and large building complexes that allowed "people" to scurry through as they avoided others. It was indeed a remote area with few citizens occupying the area. The Chuunin was able to spot one person and began to approach said person... "Looks like you've found me" Kenji was quite disappointed in himself as the prisoner's scheme became clear. An area so remote would make spotting a shinobi easy. As Kenji slowly turned around he witnessed a young woman in the grasp of a scruffy older male with wild blond hair. The man had a knife to her neck; tears were gushing from the woman's eyes as the metal pressed against her jugular. "Killing her will only make things worst for..." "I'm not going to kill her because you're going to let me go. I already know that they only sent one person; I get past you, I'm free." Kenji flicked his ninja pouch on the back of his hip open dropping all his shuriken and kunai. He then unhooked his sheath from his side; letting it fall to the ground. He was virtually naked, only thing he had left that was of any use to him in battle was his gloves and his chakra.


Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

THE HUNT: Part 2

The two males stared at each other; the prisoner still held the girl hostage. Silence continued as the two waited for someone to do anything that would move them from their current stagnant stare-down. Finally, the prisoner spoke, "You must think I'm stupid; as a shinobi you can still use chakra, making you just as dangerous without a weapon. You could possess elemental ninjutsu for all I know!" Kenji let out a sigh as he could tell this was going to be more difficult than he expected; he was keen to say the least. That characteristic alone would make him a difficult opponent if they had to fight. The Chuunin wouldn't have to worry about causing a ruckus in this isolated area. "Turn around, walk forward and leave your wallet! NOW!" Kenji raised his hands and reached in his back pocket; pretending to go for his wallet, "All right, I'll do whatever; just remain calm. This is..." "SHUT UP AND DO GOD DAMN IT!!" Lowering his head he reached behind him; and formed three hand seals in secret, he then grabbed his wallet and held it up. He positioned his hand so that he would see the back of his Glove of Reflection; and once he looked he would be caught in his Genjutsu. "Got him" Kenji threw his wallet to his side. The prisoner looked right at him the whole time; which made his Genjutsu even more effective. As the prisoner saw Kenji turn around and walk away; the real Kenji was walking toward the prisoner.

The blonde haired criminal threw the girl to the side and ran forward, but little did he know he was running right into Kenji. A straight right hand extended waiting for the prisoner's face; his head was rocked back. Upon contact the illusion was broken and he looked up to see Kenji running back to his katana. A familiar crackling sound alerted Kenji of a lightning jutsu; a wave of electricity was coming for Kenji. It didn't appear to be too powerful so he extended his hands; planning to use his gloves to protect him from the lightning jutsu. He could tell that the gloves absorbed quite a lot of the technique but it still did damage. Still on his feet Kenji move to pick up his katana but the prisoner advanced with impressive speed; he was almost instantly within striking range. "Change of plans" Kenji weaved two hand seals; and once he made contact with the prisoner by any means he would catch him in him in yet another Genjutsu. Kenji leaned back to avoid a strong kick; he tapped the side of his leg projecting himself further away decreasing the foe's reflexes. Kenji then threw a weak quick punch that appeared to be slightly out of range; connecting with the criminal's nose once again. "What the hell is going? Must be Genjutsu... but when, he's already caught me twice." He heard him say to himself; Kenji retrieved his katana and two shuriken; he proceeded tho launch the two shuriken at him and sheathed his katana. The prisoner easily avoided the shuriken by leaping into the air in a somersault. Once he released the shuriken he took off towards the prisoner and jumped up with the prisoner and was right in front of his.

Kenji spewed a plume of wind chakra from his mouth encasing the prisoner as he lied vulnerable in the air. They both landed, only a few feet separated them. Kenji began to smile... "Stings doesn't it." The prisoner's eyes began to widen as the fear of seeing his flesh burn was getting the best of of him. Then, like a fog horn the prisoner let out a scream but not because of the Genjutsu. The prisoner had broke his own finger and quickly molded chakra in his hand and clubbed Kenji across the face knocking him to the ground with katana still in hand. "Damn it, I was too confident in my Genjutsu" he thought as he lied on the ground after getting hit by what felt like a mountain. Looking up he saw the prisoner fleeing at high speed; but if there was anyone who could keep up in a foot race it was Kenji and he took off after him in an all out chase after picking up four kunai. "Damn he's fast, I should just be able to catch him." Kenji closed the gap to about ten meters; he then made five hand seals and released a gust of wind at the target's back. The prisoner collapsed as his balance and perception was stolen. Kenji soared through the sky and landed on the prisoner's back with his knee driving through the center of his back. "That should slow you down."

Within the next hour the prisoner was back in Atho's Keep.




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