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1Nuime[W.I.P] Empty Nuime[W.I.P] Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:54 am


(Put your clan symbol here. Small images only.)
Clan: Nuime

Kekkei Genkai:  Fabric Manipulation

Elements: Any except Katon

Specialization: Ninjutsu or Fuuinjutsu as main

Location: Scattered

Clan History:
Historians have debated for decades about the origins of the Nuime clan. While there have been many theories about when and where they first showed up, the common consensus is that they predate the first shinobi era, where they were nothing more than tailors for the various clans and daimyos of that period. Because of their status as a simple tailors they were allowed to freely transverse the vastness of the elemental nations as they pleased – without repercussion. It was through their excellent clothing quality(and the fact that clothes made by them last 1 – 3 times longer than others) that they grabbed the attention of various fractions of the time, and where hired to make their clothing, payments for the clothing varied from money, favors or even protection.

It's unknown who was the individual who introduced the idea of infusing chakra through the fabric before being woven. But it was this simple idea that made a huge impact on these tailors. For now instead of simply making clothing that lasted 1 – 3 times longer, they were able to produce clothing that lasted 4 to 8 time longer and incredibly more durable then before. Because of the increase quality of clothing more sought their serves out. And sometimes it didn't end well for the tailors who refused, usually being force to comply with the assailants wishes, and during so too the end of their lives. In short those who didn't comply became slaves too others. It would be one of these slaves that would awaken a genetic quirk, that would bring even bigger changes to these tailors and the Nuime surname will quickly become a common but yet kept secret of the nations.

Through reading of old scrolls and murals, it was a female named Kashini who first showed signs of being able to convert her chakra into various forms of fabric, manipulating it too her whims – along with already existing fabrics. While the scrolls ain't exactly clear, it's assumed that she were once a slave for a clan and somehow managed too escaped her captures. It's known that after escaping she fled to a snowy region, that latter on would be called Tetsu no Kuni.

Days turned to months. Months turned to years. And years turned into decades. Throughout all this time the woman known as Kashini had married, and gave birth to children who gave birth to their own children. Throughout them all they all shared the innate ability of converting their chakra into any type of fabric and being able to manipulate already existing ones. But because of their mother/grandmother teachings of peace and being pacifist, only fighting when absolutely necessary; many didn't join military academy – preferring to live their lives out as tailor. And like their forefathers and mothers before them, they travel throughout the Elemental Nations, bringing their clothing making talent to everyone. Many asked how they were able to make such fine clothing, practice and patience being the answer given. Leaving all in the dark that it was they Kekkei Genkei that helped them making such fine attire.

Interesting enough the teachings of Kashini didn't die out after her death, being a ripe 95years old. If anything it were practice more vigorously, especially when some where allowed to glimpses at the scrolls that contain information about their ability, and how powerful it truly was. All people wore clothing. And being able to manipulate clothing. Yeah, one can easily see how such a harmless ability can be become not so in the hands of evil.

However it seem like the call of the shinobi were strong in some of the later generations, with them joining the academies and 'getting' lost amongst the ranks. Lost being used in the since that they usually retire after a certain amount of time as a solider of the village. It were these individuals who created a set of techniques that made up the bases of their Kekkei Genkei, shinobi or tailor these techniques were used by all and are considered the building blocks for Fabric Manipulation. Why were these techniques introduced so late? Because until then no Nuimei member ever became a shinobi, so such things weren't needed.

Unlike many other clans, the Fourth Shinobi War didn't effect them heavily, seeing how many didn't participate within the affair. Preferring to make clothing and the likes for shinobi/civilians who needed it. It also might help that the Nuimei isn't seen as a shinobi clan but rather a civilian one – who specialized in tailoring. Even now many didn't join the academy with the few who did using their ability sparsely.

It were this reasons why they continue to strive till this day.

Kekkei Genkai Description:
Nuime members are able too manipulate and strengthen all forms of fabric/textiles/clothing by infusing their chakra. There clothing being one such example(permanent -20 to their chakra pool.) They can even change the color and overall texture of the fabrics/clothing in order too suit their needs at the time. When no existing fabric is readily available they can convert their chakra into fabrics, using them, as well as existing fabric for numerous of techniques. However excluding tailoring, the clan mainly used their abilities for capturing(sometimes sealing) individuals and rare cases use them for interrogation. Because of they receive certain benefits.

– Because of their extensive knowledge of all things clothing, Nuime members are able to wear armor +1 rank higher than they are.

– Their usage of using chakra in all their works has cause them to be in-tuned with fabric based abilities granting them either a +1 in power boost or allowing them to use a jutsu +1 rank higher than their rank.

–Because of them using their Kekkei Genkei mainly for capturing/binding an individual in place, all fabric based binding/capture effects last for 5% longer(rounded to the lowest number.)

– The worse thing that can happen for any Nuime member is having their fabrics catch on fire, because of this all Katon related techniques gain a +2 against them.

– Because of their fear of their fabrics catching on fire, Nuime members can't learn or train in the Katon element.

– Nuime members must take Ninjutsu or Fuuinjutsu as their primary specialty.


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Last edited by Nanashi on Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Nuime[W.I.P] Empty Re: Nuime[W.I.P] Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:48 pm



You requested a review of this before it was finish, so here you go. I find this clan unique, but not very useful aside from the whole 25% damage reduction. Although, I do think that is a lot; you're basically saying that you can bring down an SS-Rank attack down to A-Rank using your clothes. I'm not too sure what to think of it, but the history is, I'd have to consider it more before giving it a half-approval. Expand on the clan as a whole more and have more people review it.

3Nuime[W.I.P] Empty Re: Nuime[W.I.P] Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:24 pm


Revisions are being made. . .

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