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1Senninken Clan Empty Senninken Clan Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:25 am



Symbol:Senninken Clan Sanskrit_cursed_seal_2_by_splashley10
   Clan:Senninken Clan

   Kekkei Genkai:Cursed Seal




   Clan History:Once upon a time, there was a ninja who fought against a puppeter who was reknown for his poisons in the First Shinobi World War. That man‘s name was Senninken Jikodou. After a deadly fight, Jikodou was the winner, but he was poisoned without knowing. Soon he had a son named Haolen. He was born with a seal on his neck. After Senninken Jikoudou died in afight, Haolen didn‘t know what to do.

In a night, he woke up in the middle of nowhere, full of blood on his hands. He knew that somerhing wasn‘t right so he decided to find out. After more nights like these, Haolen came to a conclusion : he had a power that he couldn‘t control. He studied the seal he had on his neck and he named it "The Cursed Seal". After a couple of years he managed to control it. There was no problem with it for some time.

Soon he became a ninja, rapidly gaining up in rank, becoming a jounin and one of the best Shinobi in Konohagure. Haolen became to wonder if there's still more power in that seal. He started to train for some time and he had become a succesful shinobi. One night, he woke up again in the same problem : he was again full of blood. The people started wondering about who would he able to do this. Haolen started to train on his cursed seal again, sleeping while he was in a seal that would stop him from moving. That way he could save more people from his bloody desire.Within some months, he was able to get the full transformation of the cursed seal control.

Soon, the villagers found out that he was the one behind the masacre that happened some months ago. Haolen was pointed as a missing-nin for what he had done. He ran away from the Village, promising that one day, he will come to take his revenge on the Konohagure.

   Kekkei Genkai Description:The user is born with a cursed seal on his body (he needs to say where in his jutsu application). This Cursed Seal has more Stages:
First Stage
In this stage, the user is covered with some little parts of that cursed Seal. The user gets a +1 in his secondary specialisation, allowing him to use more powerful moves.
Second Stage
In this stage, the user is completly covered by his cursed seal. Besides his +1 in the secondary specialisation he also gets a + 1 in his secondary element. Also, he gets the special traits (The way he looks after the transformation. They can add special mutations for them. They will be posted in the description of the "Cursed Seal Activation") and the special jutsus for his transformation.

How to Achieve it?

Well, this technique can only be achieved in two ways. The First one is only for the Clan's members :  They need to create a jutsu that is name like this : "Cursed Seal : 'Name of Your Cursed Seal'." At the description you will describe the appereance of that jutsu and how does it change YOUR appereance when you're at the Second Stange. You will then need to train using 1000 Words and then post it back for approval.
The second one is only for the ones who recieved the Cursed Seal (Look Below for more information of how to recieve it): You need to be sealed with the technique named "Cursed Sealing". You will need to create a jutsu with a name like this:"Cursed Seal : 'Name of Your Cursed Seal'."At the description you will describe the appereance of that jutsu and how does it change YOUR appereance when you're at the Second Stange. You will then need an approval, and your Cursed Seal is ready to use.

The Ranking-up Cost of these Techniques is the same as the Rank requiered for leveling up a specialisation.[The Ranks are in the jutsu description];  

Giving the Cursed Seal to Someone

To give the power of the cursed seal so someone you need to have the Cursed Seal to S-Rank. You can give it to a person by using the "Cursed Sealing" technique. The person who was given the Cursed Seal, already starts with D-Rank, without having to train it.
They can't reach the B-Rank by training. They can only get to the B-Rank after the one who made their Cursed Seal needs to use a Fuuinjutsu called "The Reborning". Also, that player can't reach the S-Rank until they kill the one who made their seal.

   Drawbacks:The Cursed Seal is already considered a Senjutsu-like transformation. That means the users who have the cursed seal can't learn Senjutsu and the same for oposite.

   Members:None For Now

   Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Cursed Seal Activation:

Cursed Sealing:

The Reborn:

Last edited by Owydelu on Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Senninken Clan Empty Re: Senninken Clan Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:37 pm



Completion Bump!

3Senninken Clan Empty Re: Senninken Clan Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:21 am


Special Traits? o.O

That's pretty much my main problem with this, as it was with the past attempt at a Cursed Seal clan. Very well done on this. I can't approve bodily seals, mind.

4Senninken Clan Empty Re: Senninken Clan Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:46 pm



You need more drawbacks to balance this, other than not being able to learn Senjutsu. Also, does this give the jutsu from the specialty/element a +1 or does it let you use jutsu one rank higher than you usually would? Please specify this. 

You cannot give your KKG to another person, regardless of what the Canon version of this jutsu is. If you gave this to someone with an already OP KKG... yeah.... just no. 

You mention 1000 words required to training the first stage, what about the second one? This should be at least 2000 words. 

The Ranking-up Cost of these Techniques is the same as the Rank requiered for leveling up a specialisation.[The Ranks are in the jutsu description] 

You'll need to rephrase that. It's confusing. 

The jutsu for both the second and first stage should have a different name when apped to keep the people reviewing it from getting confused, not to mention the people looking at your app/fighting against you. 


D Rank: What does 'having no control' mean? Does it apply to stregth? Personality? Anger issues? 

B Rank: How long can you keep the first stage?

Get rid of the other two jutsu, seeing as you can't give your KKG to someone else.

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