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1Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Harusei Clan [WIP] Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:07 pm



Harusei Clan [WIP] Thumb
Clan: Harusei

Kekkei Genkai: Weapon Craftsmanship

Elements: N/A

Specialization: Kugutsu (Puppet Master Path) or Bukijutsu (Weapon Path)

Location: Iwagakure and Sunagakure

Clan History: Descendants of Shinobi from Sunagakure no Sato, the Harusei clan has held the legacy of their forefathers for decades. They are powerful ninja who forge various weapons and puppets to utilize them in battle. Their leader was a descendant of Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage, named Daisuke Harusei. Daisuke learned to use both battle fans and puppets from his aunt and uncle, and became a powerful ninja. He passed his tools down with every generation, as did his brothers and sisters, and soon the entire clan was taught how to forge and use them. With their newfound knowledge, members of the main branch wanted to expand their legacy to a variety of villages, hoping to make a foundation in every country to guarantee their survival. Members of the different branches of the clan disagreed with the main branch, and soon a civil conflict broke out. The main branch, called the Visionaries, sought to keep the Harusei pure-blooded and make a great influence over the 5 countries. The rest of the Harusei clansmen, called the Traditionalists, disagreed, and wanted to maintain their foothold in Sunagakure no Sato as leaders of the village.

The Visionaries began killing off the Traditionalists in a war that lasted for three long years. Familial bonds were broken, and many people lost their lives. Finally, the Visionaries had thinned the Harusei clan's numbers significantly. With only about 30 clansmen left, they finished their conflict in order to maintain their legacy, and they decided that half of them would move to Iwagakure no Sato, but nowhere else. This was the only viable solution that would please the remaining Visionaries while fulfilling the Traditionalists' needs. Over time, their numbers flourished in the two villages, but more recently they have begun to venture from the profession of Shinobi (the life of the Shinobi only made them remember the conflict), instead becoming political leaders, merchants, common workers, and in rare cases, samurai. Due to this, the current generation of the Harusei only specialize in one of their talents, rather than learning both, considering so few of them are ninja. They only uphold this practice because of tradition.

Harusei children are nowadays taught from a young age, usually around 9 or 10, either Kugutsu or Bukijutsu, depending on which one their parents know (they may choose themselves if their father knows one and their mother knows the other). Once they master it well enough, they are given the puppet or weapon that their parent(s) used at that age, and are taught how to make their own that will be destined for their own children.

Kekkei Genkai Description:
Puppet Master Path
Members of the Puppet Master Path have specialized Puppets that were given to them by their ancestors, and are taught how to make and use them from a young age. All members of the Puppet Master Path get a 20% Total Word Count reduction when training a puppet or a weapon on their puppet (i.e. Mastering a C-Rank puppet for use in battle would only cost 640 words, and each weapon on it would only cost 120 words to train if all three were C-Rank as well)

They are required to take the Inheritance Special Characteristic and app for a C-Rank Puppet as the one that they got from their parents, but they do not have to take a negative special characteristic to balance this. This puppet, and all subsequent puppets that they create, have one more weapon than an average one. (i.e. C-Ranks have four weapons instead of three, B-Ranks have five instead of four)

Weapon Path
Members of the Weapon Path have special weapons given to them by their ancestors, and are taught how to make and use them from a young age. Members of this path may take two weapon sub-specializations when they start, and they gain a +1 in reaction time due to their honed senses and combat experience.

They are required to take the Inheritance Special Characteristic and app for a C-Rank Weapon as the one that they got from their parents, but they do not have to take a negative special characteristic to balance this.

Puppet Master Path
Members of the Puppet Master Path start with 20 less chakra than all other Shinobi, and they must specify this in their character app as a Special Characteristic, like so:
[b]Name:[/b] Low Chakra Supply
[b]Type:[/b] Clan Drawback
[b]Description:[/b] This character's chakra supply is 20 points lower than other ninja of their rank due to their focus in Kugutsu rather than jutsu.

They also cannot learn a 4th element, Kuchiyose, or Bukijutsu.

Weapon Path
Members of the Weapon Path must cannot learn Kugutsu, and they cannot learn a 4th element. All training for when they learn a third and fourth specialization must be 10% longer, Word Count wise.

Members: Harusei, Gyouki

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: N/A

Last edited by Gyouki on Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:27 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:30 am


You're going to need some heavier drawbacks, to balance out those positives my friend. :) I want someone else to comment on them taking a positive special characteristic which they do not need to counterbalance. Though, technically it is, considering they have a custom negative they have to take anyways. So, you may as well say it's balanced out by the chakra thing.


3Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:50 am



I'll add more drawbacks and clarify the special characteristic thing pronto

4Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:05 am

Kaede Sarutobi

Kaede Sarutobi

I am in agreement with Aya, before I will even read further you will not only need to add more draw backs but detail in general. Really think out this clan and give it a rich culture, if you need some help developing this clan or a reference on what I personally look for in clans look at this link:

And that is the minimal requirement for my half approval. Think everything out to the finest detail and write it up, make this clan spectacular.

5Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:10 am



i like it as it is actually, though the 50% on puppet training wordcounts is a bit much, 20% would be fine for me.

6Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:19 am



Kekkei Genkai word count puppet thing reduced to 20% percent. I also fleshed out the history a bit more....

7Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:43 pm



Bumpity bump

8Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:33 am


I would prefer that this wait for the new puppet rules....unless you're okay with revamping the clan once they're released.

9Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:23 am


I'm okay with revamping, I'd rather get started with Gyouki as soon as possible

10Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:44 am



If so, remove the puppet path and i'll approve this

11Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:35 am


I don't feel the drawbacks balance out the epic bonuses enough.

12Harusei Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Harusei Clan [WIP] Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:29 pm



Tell you what. I'm going to work on this idea, and re-publish it when the new Puppet Rules comes out. Until then, I'll just make Gyouki have a different clan.

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