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1Zetsumei clan Empty Zetsumei clan Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:27 pm




Zetsumei clan Tsuru-2
Clan: Zetsumei

Kekkei Genkai: Igaku no gyakusatsu

Elements: -

Specialization: Medical Ninjutsu/Kenjutsu

Location: Kumogakure

Clan History: The Zetsumei clan has long since produced Medical Ninjas from their family long before the clan rose up in ability. While some were famous for their abilities most of the clan have been the medical ninjas of kumo. To increase their abilities to further aid their clan with surgeries and other medical needs the clan began studying and experimenting on the human body. Soon their regenerative skills were master class excelling in ability and better then most. Yet a odd thing happened to those medical ninjas, they could see exactly where to focus their chakra to fully heal someone better and faster. Almost shut out in a trance during this practice their patients noticed and questioned with concern the strange eye coloring that happened during healing. Confused of this occurrence, the clan got together to study this for themselves. Surprised of this new condition they have gained, their medical abilities and their treatments quality grew. Yet combat ninjas came from the clan as well with the use of this medical eye as well and two factions arose in the clan, ones who believed the Zetsumei clan could become a much stronger clan and fight to protect their village between the ones who felt this just justifies why the clan must stay medical ninja even more. While the combat faction was to most likely the faction that would win the fight, it was the medical side that won but with a price. They grew a dark name for themselves with the medical ninjutsu they had once used for healing turned into deadly jutsu. Some had seen some of these jutsus used against family and in horror aptly named their most deadliest jutsu. Bloody Nightmare. A quarter of the family was exploded like balloons of blood as the medical faction, tired of the fighting and attacks on their young medical ninja and on the clan leader himself, focused their experimental jutsu to increase blood flow on each of the rebels. The more eyes on the hearts of the rebels increased the flow to extreme levels, inflating and exploding them in a matter of seconds. For a long time after that, the clan went into hiding. They still did their duty as shinobi yet they were rarely seen around the village and people started to forget about the clan to where only rumors of the clan existed.

Three years ago. It's been about forty seven years since the event which even in the clan was referred to as Bloody Nightmare. Not many people know of the clan known as Zetsumei, only those who work with some of them or people who remember the clan's darkest hour. Finally the clan is starting to open up as the clan, after spending these years teaching the young clan members what the clan knew in jutsu, began to send out it's young ones to the academy so that they may train and become more social and make the clan known as it was before the split in the family. Careful of inbreeding, they have only barely escaped having to keep it only in the family for marriages. They knew to some extent what it would do for their clan if new blood wasn't added into it, so after the elders felt they might go extinct with this hiding if it's held longer by these self-restrictions finally caved to what the rest of the clan has wanted for a long time. The elders let opened their gates and told the clan one last thing before their time hiding was over. Get out there and bring back our clan into grace.    

Kekkei Genkai Description:  Through many years of medical study and the human anatomy, the Zetsumei clan developed a condition where using restoration jutsu on a patient started to darken their vision and brighten up parts they realized from their studies that could be disabling or fatal. They could see the arteries flowing with the blood moving away from the heart. They could see the tendons which controlled most of the limb's function tightening and relaxing. Use of the eye at times when required developed and soon the Zetsumei clan became a bloody clan renown for hunting down their mission targets and leaving a river of blood behind them or capturing deadly targets and disabling all use of their limbs. Their vision fades to a dim silhouette, and the bright spots they see are the weak/vital points. They can see through anything but solid objects, including things like Hidden Mist.

Name: Strained
Type: Unique
Description: The user gained enough strain to enter the state of being strained. In strained the users eyesight immediately becomes blurry and will remain so for the rest of the day. If this is the users fifth strained the user begins to hallucinate even out of strained. By tenth strained the user is blind forever with their eyes always red to show among the clan their own folly.

Drawbacks: The Doujutsu of the Zetsumei is a medical ninja's blessing and a curse. While it can help the user found what's wrong with their patient or help them cut down their enemy, after a few decades of frequent and long periods into strained state under Bloody eyes all the user will see is the arteries and tendons of those around him. The rest of what he could see is total darkness. Due to only seeing the insides of those around, blind clan members commit suicide or end up insane and lock themselves away from people to wither away in the darkness they welcome.


  • Zetsumei, Shiruku

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

 Chi no me - Bloody Eyes
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-S
Type: Supplementary
Element: -
Range: Anything in sight
Specialty: Doujutsu
Duration: -5 chakra per post (10th post the user starts to have intense strain on their eyes)
Cooldown: - (same number of posts as time used)
Description: Once activated, members of the clan are able to see the major arteries and the major tendons. Using the information gained from seeing the arteries, they can find out after watching their target for awhile which spot to cut on the artery. After some time the spots that are the least protected are targeted, and to the user's eyes shine bright. From watching the tendons on the arms and legs, the user has a vague guess on the enemy's next actions depending on if the tendons are tightening up or is relaxed and therefore come up with a way to evade what might happen. Seeing as medical ninja from the clan study the human body to a extreme level, by how the muscles tense shows at least what direction they'll go or if it's a slash or a stab. A big drawback to the evading part of this jutsu if the enemy can kept his muscles relaxed until the last moment the member would've had nothing to read from the enemy. The higher the rank the harder it is to fool a member by relaxing themselves until they, the enemy, strikes.

Prolonged use of the jutsu, six posts starts the strain and by ten posts is where it begins to damage the eyes, entering the user into the state of being strained. When any clan member uses this doujutsu their pupils go completely blood red and stay that way for the duration of the jutsu and will creep and slowly fill the entire eye when their eyes are strained. Blind users of the doujutsu at all times have their eyes blood red to denote they've lost their sight by overuse of the jutsu, hitting strained in ten different topics.

Bloody eyes is a jutsu that must be trained to go up as the eyes don't just get better by themselves. The user must train himself to see the muscles move and flex, where are the wounds on the stranger that came into the room asking for help, and where are the arteries least protected by armor that you can cut. Because this is pretty hard to do normally, the requirements to rank up Bloody eyes are hard as well. To rank up Bloody eyes and gain the failure reduction on transplants to C rank is 1,250 words, to B rank 1,500 words, to A rank 1,750 words, and lastly to S rank 2,000 words. Training this jutsu is odd since you need to it to occur in a certain event like being at a hospital helping out or fighting someone until you can notice their muscle movement better. Post the topic in the general training section after your done and wait for a Mod or Admin to approve the rank up.

Using Bloody eyes in surgery gives a small bonus to the percentage of decrease in failing the surgery. Here's a table to help explain the bonus.

Now normally a roll made looks like this if alone.

This is what the Zetsumei have alone if, and only if, they are using bloody eyes for the surgery.
For the sake of explaining the rank of the ninja is the rank for Bloody eyes. Also round normally meaning anything under five goes down and above plus five goes up i.e. C ranked medical ninja with a bonus of 0.4% gets nothing to the decrease.

Name: Chi-kotsu hakai - Blood Bone Destruction
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Element: -
Range: Any in Sight
Specialty: Medical ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 3 post
Description: Since most of the clan do not train themselves in fighting trying to find a more passive way, they created a technique to disable, and if not treated give the enemy loss of limb use, the enemy to keep themselves alive. A concentrated stare at the enemy's bone in a limb causes the bone marrow of the bone to make a rapid production of new blood to destroy the bone in a explosion of blood. While this destroys the bone into multiple fragments, the jutsu's side effect makes the bone regenerate faster, mending the bone by the end of the topic if they take care of it or end of the topic and a three posts of recovery in a new one, and the bone becomes stronger. The mending process speeds the more the jutsu has been used against them. Two breaks mends the bone in four posts of the disabled, three breaks two posts, four breaks one post, and etc. Essentially one can build a immunity towards this jutsu as the bone gains the hardness of a tree if the jutsu has broken the bone five times. While this side effect confuses and deters many clan members, it was made by a member who wanted help people even if they were bad people. So seeing as he wanted to be protected yet not hurt his enemies, he produced this jutsu by chance using bloody nightmare with less chakra and not staring at the heart, but the bone he was looking at burst suddenly, shocking him out of bloody eyes and stopping the attacker. It's not meant to harm the enemy as to really distract as someone could possibly regenerate the bone then and there stronger than it should be.

Name: Chimamire no akumu - Bloody Nightmare
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Element: -
Range: Anyone in sight
Specialty: Medical ninjutsu
Duration: 3 posts
Cooldown: 8 posts
Description: The Zetsumei clans pride and joy from their discovery of Bloody eyes. While they cut the places where a person will bleed the most to the point of gushing, some users of the doujutsu found while they could see where to cut they were too slow or too inaccurate. Working with other members and using animals as experiments, and later dinner, they found a way to produce the same effects as cutting an artery from a small scratch. Focusing chakra in their eyes, by looking at the chest of the target, at their heart, the user induces the heart to pump blood at a much faster rate to that of two times their normal required amount in a matter of about a minute. With the blood pressure increased, the cut would act like a drain and would drain out the blood at a extreme rate.

As the jutsu progresses blood pressure levels rise by 100% each post the enemy says the eyes are on them. At 200% the enemy is given extremely high blood pressure, usually not dangerous if controlled. By 300%, some internal organs will start to rupture from the added blood pressure. For entire person body to erupt in a balloon of blood five sets of eyes must look at the heart until it hits 1500%(three posts for all of them) the enemy will burst in giant gush of blood and guts as the bone marrow begins to increase production of blood to catch up with the heart's rate.(To explain the part from the history where the rebel faction in the clan explode). Use of this jutsu doubles the amount of strain points gained each post, normally one strain per post to two strain per post, advancing the strain amount closer to the eyes being unusable for a day. If the enemy hides themselves from the users eyes, each post in Bloody Nightmare not on the enemy still progresses toward strained. If using this jutsu makes the strain points hits ten the user is hit with immediate blindness and their eyes will be unusable for a week, blindness follows you on to the next two topics. This jutsu also cannot be stopped after strain hits five due to the small effects of strain onto the eyes.

This jutsu is normally used once the eyes are activated so the user will end with six strain and thus is safe from strained even though he feels some small symptoms like nausea or queasiness.  Due to the nature of the jutsu the effects can be split between three people, one person for each post, doing near nothing, yet stares of the clan stack onto each other making it a hard battle facing a group of three or more clan members. Also when use of this jutsu is up, the users eyes mist red and swirl in the direction of the position of where the eye is i.e. right eye is clockwise and left eye is counterclockwise.

Last edited by Shiruku on Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:48 pm; edited 45 times in total

2Zetsumei clan Empty Re: Zetsumei clan Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:32 am



Blood-Bone Destruction needs a maximum range. I would prefer that the bone-mending occur before the end of the thread to begin with; the 3-post-in-new-thread thing is hard to keep track of. It should mend in 4 posts for the first, 3 for the second, et cetera. The last few sentences of flavor text can be removed from this jutsu (and added to history if it's preferred).

Bloody Nightmare: First paragraph (as well as a few sentences in the second) consists of all flavor text. Last paragraph I don't like; it should be one target or no target.

This jutsu can be nigh-useless by the enemy simply not stating the eyes are on them. We should make a provision for that.

The 1500% thing is kind of outrageous. Zetsumei clan members are few and far between, so it's kind of pointless to keep this in there.

This jutsu also needs some effects on accelerated blood loss via blood pressure + open wounds.

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