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1End Wars [Linking Back] Empty End Wars [Linking Back] Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:30 pm

End Wars

"One year ago, they came from the stars."

November 8th, 201X was a date that we truly realized that we were not alone. As world leaders scrambled and chaos ensued in the streets, their enormous spaceship hovered over the skies of the Holy Land. The Justice League and the Great Alliance (Japan's equivalent of the Justice League) assembled their forces and from different corners of the world, they came to see whether these beings were friendly or hostile. As the world watched anxiously, a smaller vessel descended upon the land.

Prompting action from the Earth's inhabitants gathered, a small group of humans advanced toward the transport's position. The group of humans, led by a vigilante known as The Foreigner, came into contact with the extra-terrestrials. The alien military forces accompanying quickly surrounded the group and the human race held its collective breath. After tense moments lapsed, the group came back out and announced that this alien species had arrived for our help.

"We are kindred spirits."

The Tartalian race, as we were able to interpret their collective name, came to Earth warning of a race that had nearly wiped them from the face of the galaxy. A race known to them as The Imperium, the "dark brothers" of the NADIS, who had given them the ability to travel through the stars. With their arrival, they select an island in South Pacific now known as New Masada Island. With formal agreements quickly made between the upstart Great Alliance, the Justice League, and the Tartalians; it was decided that to fight this dark threat, the island headquarters would serve as a training facility for raw recruits. With the construction beginning for the University of New Masada, the Zion Corps Academy, and Alliance and Tartalian headquarters on Earth, gifted students started to filter in.

"The calm before the storm has set in."

As the Great Alliance has started to train and teach their respective students to defend our planet, things have felt back to a subtle normal. The respective members of Justice League go back to their standard method of business: dealing with their foils and solving planetary crises. Yet has everything gone back to normal? Doubts rise about these alien newcomers while others hatch plans of their own to take down both supranational organizations of justice. The winds are shifting, the shadows are moving, and the darkness is rising.

As forces appear on a collision course to conflict, the countdown to oblivion is evident. All eyes are watching, hands clutched onto their weapons, waiting for this tyrannical race to invade our heavens in dastardly warfare. Train with the best, Fight on with the finest, and clash with your foes. This countdown is clear. This is...

End Wars [Linking Back] 14avjsx

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